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authorGravatar herbelin <herbelin@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2010-07-22 21:06:01 +0000
committerGravatar herbelin <herbelin@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2010-07-22 21:06:01 +0000
commit53b06c3069c1234368d14de64ddd9382ff705f3b (patch)
parentff8a5fe751f73de9992605ecda3845a8ce31e533 (diff)
Constrintern: Moved section about binders before section about notation
in preparation of supporting parameters for binders in notations. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@13313 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
1 files changed, 107 insertions, 110 deletions
diff --git a/interp/constrintern.ml b/interp/constrintern.ml
index 628ae9078..bc5cdf726 100644
--- a/interp/constrintern.ml
+++ b/interp/constrintern.ml
@@ -267,6 +267,113 @@ let set_var_scope loc id (_,_,scopt,scopes) varscopes =
idscopes := Some (scopt,scopes)
+(* Utilities for binders *)
+let check_capture loc ty = function
+ | Name id when occur_var_constr_expr id ty ->
+ raise (InternalizationError (loc,VariableCapture id))
+ | _ ->
+ ()
+let locate_if_isevar loc na = function
+ | RHole _ ->
+ (try match na with
+ | Name id -> Reserve.find_reserved_type id
+ | Anonymous -> raise Not_found
+ with Not_found -> RHole (loc, Evd.BinderType na))
+ | x -> x
+let check_hidden_implicit_parameters id (_,_,_,(indnames,_)) =
+ if List.mem id indnames then
+ errorlabstrm "" (strbrk "A parameter or name of an inductive type " ++
+ pr_id id ++ strbrk " is not allowed to be used as a bound variable in the type of its constructor.")
+let push_name_env ?(fail_anonymous=false) lvar (ids,unb,tmpsc,scopes as env) = function
+ | Anonymous ->
+ if fail_anonymous then errorlabstrm "" (str "Anonymous variables not allowed");
+ env
+ | Name id ->
+ check_hidden_implicit_parameters id lvar;
+ (Idset.add id ids, unb,tmpsc,scopes)
+let push_loc_name_env ?(fail_anonymous=false) lvar (ids,unb,tmpsc,scopes as env) loc = function
+ | Anonymous ->
+ if fail_anonymous then user_err_loc (loc,"", str "Anonymous variables not allowed");
+ env
+ | Name id ->
+ check_hidden_implicit_parameters id lvar;
+ Dumpglob.dump_binding loc id;
+ (Idset.add id ids,unb,tmpsc,scopes)
+let intern_generalized_binder ?(fail_anonymous=false) intern_type lvar
+ (ids,unb,tmpsc,sc as env) bl (loc, na) b b' t ty =
+ let ids = match na with Anonymous -> ids | Name na -> Idset.add na ids in
+ let ty, ids' =
+ if t then ty, ids else
+ Implicit_quantifiers.implicit_application ids
+ Implicit_quantifiers.combine_params_freevar ty
+ in
+ let ty' = intern_type (ids,true,tmpsc,sc) ty in
+ let fvs = Implicit_quantifiers.generalizable_vars_of_rawconstr ~bound:ids ~allowed:ids' ty' in
+ let env' = List.fold_left (fun env (x, l) -> push_loc_name_env ~fail_anonymous lvar env l (Name x)) env fvs in
+ let bl = List.map (fun (id, loc) -> (Name id, b, None, RHole (loc, Evd.BinderType (Name id)))) fvs in
+ let na = match na with
+ | Anonymous ->
+ if fail_anonymous then na
+ else
+ let name =
+ let id =
+ match ty with
+ | CApp (_, (_, CRef (Ident (loc,id))), _) -> id
+ | _ -> id_of_string "H"
+ in Implicit_quantifiers.make_fresh ids' (Global.env ()) id
+ in Name name
+ | _ -> na
+ in (push_loc_name_env ~fail_anonymous lvar env' loc na), (na,b',None,ty') :: List.rev bl
+let intern_local_binder_aux ?(fail_anonymous=false) intern intern_type lvar ((ids,unb,ts,sc as env),bl) = function
+ | LocalRawAssum(nal,bk,ty) ->
+ (match bk with
+ | Default k ->
+ let (loc,na) = List.hd nal in
+ (* TODO: fail if several names with different implicit types *)
+ let ty = locate_if_isevar loc na (intern_type env ty) in
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun ((ids,unb,ts,sc),bl) (_,na) ->
+ ((name_fold Idset.add na ids,unb,ts,sc), (na,k,None,ty)::bl))
+ (env,bl) nal
+ | Generalized (b,b',t) ->
+ let env, b = intern_generalized_binder ~fail_anonymous intern_type lvar env bl (List.hd nal) b b' t ty in
+ env, b @ bl)
+ | LocalRawDef((loc,na),def) ->
+ ((name_fold Idset.add na ids,unb,ts,sc),
+ (na,Explicit,Some(intern env def),RHole(loc,Evd.BinderType na))::bl)
+let intern_generalization intern (ids,unb,tmp_scope,scopes as env) lvar loc bk ak c =
+ let c = intern (ids,true,tmp_scope,scopes) c in
+ let fvs = Implicit_quantifiers.generalizable_vars_of_rawconstr ~bound:ids c in
+ let env', c' =
+ let abs =
+ let pi =
+ match ak with
+ | Some AbsPi -> true
+ | None when tmp_scope = Some Notation.type_scope
+ || List.mem Notation.type_scope scopes -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ in
+ if pi then
+ (fun (id, loc') acc ->
+ RProd (join_loc loc' loc, Name id, bk, RHole (loc', Evd.BinderType (Name id)), acc))
+ else
+ (fun (id, loc') acc ->
+ RLambda (join_loc loc' loc, Name id, bk, RHole (loc', Evd.BinderType (Name id)), acc))
+ in
+ List.fold_right (fun (id, loc as lid) (env, acc) ->
+ let env' = push_loc_name_env lvar env loc (Name id) in
+ (env', abs lid acc)) fvs (env,c)
+ in c'
(* Syntax extensions *)
let traverse_binder (subst,substlist) (renaming,(ids,unb,tmpsc,scopes as env))=
@@ -847,116 +954,6 @@ let rec intern_cases_pattern genv scopes (ids,asubst as aliases) tmp_scope pat=
(ids,List.flatten pl')
-(* Fix and CoFix *)
-(* Utilities for binders *)
-let check_capture loc ty = function
- | Name id when occur_var_constr_expr id ty ->
- raise (InternalizationError (loc,VariableCapture id))
- | _ ->
- ()
-let locate_if_isevar loc na = function
- | RHole _ ->
- (try match na with
- | Name id -> Reserve.find_reserved_type id
- | Anonymous -> raise Not_found
- with Not_found -> RHole (loc, Evd.BinderType na))
- | x -> x
-let check_hidden_implicit_parameters id (_,_,_,(indnames,_)) =
- if List.mem id indnames then
- errorlabstrm "" (strbrk "A parameter or name of an inductive type " ++
- pr_id id ++ strbrk " is not allowed to be used as a bound variable in the type of its constructor.")
-let push_name_env ?(fail_anonymous=false) lvar (ids,unb,tmpsc,scopes as env) = function
- | Anonymous ->
- if fail_anonymous then errorlabstrm "" (str "Anonymous variables not allowed");
- env
- | Name id ->
- check_hidden_implicit_parameters id lvar;
- (Idset.add id ids, unb,tmpsc,scopes)
-let push_loc_name_env ?(fail_anonymous=false) lvar (ids,unb,tmpsc,scopes as env) loc = function
- | Anonymous ->
- if fail_anonymous then user_err_loc (loc,"", str "Anonymous variables not allowed");
- env
- | Name id ->
- check_hidden_implicit_parameters id lvar;
- Dumpglob.dump_binding loc id;
- (Idset.add id ids,unb,tmpsc,scopes)
-let intern_generalized_binder ?(fail_anonymous=false) intern_type lvar
- (ids,unb,tmpsc,sc as env) bl (loc, na) b b' t ty =
- let ids = match na with Anonymous -> ids | Name na -> Idset.add na ids in
- let ty, ids' =
- if t then ty, ids else
- Implicit_quantifiers.implicit_application ids
- Implicit_quantifiers.combine_params_freevar ty
- in
- let ty' = intern_type (ids,true,tmpsc,sc) ty in
- let fvs = Implicit_quantifiers.generalizable_vars_of_rawconstr ~bound:ids ~allowed:ids' ty' in
- let env' = List.fold_left (fun env (x, l) -> push_loc_name_env ~fail_anonymous lvar env l (Name x)) env fvs in
- let bl = List.map (fun (id, loc) -> (Name id, b, None, RHole (loc, Evd.BinderType (Name id)))) fvs in
- let na = match na with
- | Anonymous ->
- if fail_anonymous then na
- else
- let name =
- let id =
- match ty with
- | CApp (_, (_, CRef (Ident (loc,id))), _) -> id
- | _ -> id_of_string "H"
- in Implicit_quantifiers.make_fresh ids' (Global.env ()) id
- in Name name
- | _ -> na
- in (push_loc_name_env ~fail_anonymous lvar env' loc na), (na,b',None,ty') :: List.rev bl
-let intern_local_binder_aux ?(fail_anonymous=false) intern intern_type lvar ((ids,unb,ts,sc as env),bl) = function
- | LocalRawAssum(nal,bk,ty) ->
- (match bk with
- | Default k ->
- let (loc,na) = List.hd nal in
- (* TODO: fail if several names with different implicit types *)
- let ty = locate_if_isevar loc na (intern_type env ty) in
- List.fold_left
- (fun ((ids,unb,ts,sc),bl) (_,na) ->
- ((name_fold Idset.add na ids,unb,ts,sc), (na,k,None,ty)::bl))
- (env,bl) nal
- | Generalized (b,b',t) ->
- let env, b = intern_generalized_binder ~fail_anonymous intern_type lvar env bl (List.hd nal) b b' t ty in
- env, b @ bl)
- | LocalRawDef((loc,na),def) ->
- ((name_fold Idset.add na ids,unb,ts,sc),
- (na,Explicit,Some(intern env def),RHole(loc,Evd.BinderType na))::bl)
-let intern_generalization intern (ids,unb,tmp_scope,scopes as env) lvar loc bk ak c =
- let c = intern (ids,true,tmp_scope,scopes) c in
- let fvs = Implicit_quantifiers.generalizable_vars_of_rawconstr ~bound:ids c in
- let env', c' =
- let abs =
- let pi =
- match ak with
- | Some AbsPi -> true
- | None when tmp_scope = Some Notation.type_scope
- || List.mem Notation.type_scope scopes -> true
- | _ -> false
- in
- if pi then
- (fun (id, loc') acc ->
- RProd (join_loc loc' loc, Name id, bk, RHole (loc', Evd.BinderType (Name id)), acc))
- else
- (fun (id, loc') acc ->
- RLambda (join_loc loc' loc, Name id, bk, RHole (loc', Evd.BinderType (Name id)), acc))
- in
- List.fold_right (fun (id, loc as lid) (env, acc) ->
- let env' = push_loc_name_env lvar env loc (Name id) in
- (env', abs lid acc)) fvs (env,c)
- in c'
(* Utilities for application *)
let merge_impargs l args =