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authorGravatar barras <barras@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2002-03-20 14:53:21 +0000
committerGravatar barras <barras@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2002-03-20 14:53:21 +0000
commit4f8c17c83c53d7fd857eccfc7e9de4e4df627fbd (patch)
parent34ce92b048ee33d78f40b661da5e35db782bcce5 (diff)
encore quelques petites modif de l'unification
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@2553 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
2 files changed, 82 insertions, 62 deletions
diff --git a/proofs/clenv.ml b/proofs/clenv.ml
index 67de8df98..415b245ce 100644
--- a/proofs/clenv.ml
+++ b/proofs/clenv.ml
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ open Evd
open Proof_type
open Proof_trees
open Logic
+open Closure
+open Reduction
open Reductionops
open Tacmach
open Evar_refiner
@@ -47,6 +49,42 @@ let abstract_list_all env sigma typ c l =
with UserError _ ->
raise (RefinerError (CannotGeneralize typ))
+let rec has_flexible_head env c =
+ let (h,l) = whd_stack c in
+ match kind_of_term h with
+ Const sp ->
+ if evaluable_constant sp env then Some (ConstKey sp) else None
+ | Var v ->
+ if evaluable_named v env then Some (VarKey v) else None
+ | Rel n ->
+ if evaluable_rel n env then Some (FarRelKey n) else None
+ | Case(_,_,i,_) -> has_flexible_head env i
+ | Fix ((ri,i),_) ->
+ (try has_flexible_head env (List.nth l ri.(i))
+ with Invalid_argument _ | Failure _ -> None)
+ | _ -> None
+let rec reduce_flexible_head env c =
+ let (h,l) = whd_stack c in
+ match kind_of_term h with
+ Const sp -> beta_appvect (constant_value env sp) (Array.of_list l)
+ | Var var ->
+ (match lookup_named var env with
+ (_,Some v,_) -> beta_appvect v (Array.of_list l)
+ | _ -> c)
+ | Rel n ->
+ (match lookup_rel n env with
+ (_,Some v,_) -> beta_appvect v (Array.of_list l)
+ | _ -> c)
+ | Case(ci,p,i,br) ->
+ mkApp(mkCase(ci,p,reduce_flexible_head env i,br), Array.of_list l)
+ | Fix ((ri,i),_) ->
+ let l' =
+ list_assign l ri.(i)
+ (reduce_flexible_head env (List.nth l ri.(i))) in
+ mkApp(h,Array.of_list l')
+ | _ -> c
(* Generator of metavariables *)
let meta_ctr=ref 0;;
@@ -124,7 +162,7 @@ let mimick_evar hdc nargs sp wc =
Attention : pas d'unification entre les différences instances d'une
même meta ou evar, il peut rester des doublons *)
-let unify_0 cv_pb wc m n =
+let unify_0 allow_red cv_pb wc m n =
let env = w_env wc
and sigma = w_Underlying wc in
let rec unirec_rec pb ((metasubst,evarsubst) as substn) m n =
@@ -132,14 +170,15 @@ let unify_0 cv_pb wc m n =
and cN = Evarutil.whd_castappevar sigma n in
match (kind_of_term cM,kind_of_term cN) with
- | Cast (c,_), _ -> unirec_rec pb substn c cN
- | _, Cast (c,_) -> unirec_rec pb substn cM c
| Meta k1, Meta k2 ->
if k1 < k2 then (k1,cN)::metasubst,evarsubst
else if k1 = k2 then substn
else (k2,cM)::metasubst,evarsubst
| Meta k, _ -> (k,cN)::metasubst,evarsubst
| _, Meta k -> (k,cM)::metasubst,evarsubst
+ | Evar _, _ -> metasubst,((cM,cN)::evarsubst)
+ | _, Evar _ -> metasubst,((cN,cM)::evarsubst)
| Lambda (_,t1,c1), Lambda (_,t2,c2) ->
unirec_rec CONV (unirec_rec CONV substn t1 t2) c1 c2
| Prod (_,t1,c1), Prod (_,t2,c2) ->
@@ -166,51 +205,31 @@ let unify_0 cv_pb wc m n =
array_fold_left2 (unirec_rec CONV)
(unirec_rec CONV (unirec_rec CONV substn p1 p2) c1 c2) cl1 cl2
- | Construct _, Construct _ ->
- if is_conv env sigma cM cN then
- substn
- else
- error_cannot_unify (m,n)
- | Ind _, Ind _ ->
- if is_conv env sigma cM cN then
- substn
- else
- error_cannot_unify (m,n)
- | Evar _, _ ->
- metasubst,((cM,cN)::evarsubst)
- | _, Evar _ ->
- metasubst,((cN,cM)::evarsubst)
- | (Const _ | Var _ | Rel _), _ ->
- if is_conv env sigma cM cN then
- substn
- else
- error_cannot_unify (m,n)
- | _, (Const _ | Var _| Rel _) ->
- if (not (occur_meta cM)) & is_conv env sigma cM cN then
- substn
- else
- error_cannot_unify (m,n)
- | LetIn (_,b,_,c), _ -> unirec_rec pb substn (subst1 b c) cN
- | _, LetIn (_,b,_,c) -> unirec_rec pb substn cM (subst1 b c)
| _ -> error_cannot_unify (m,n)
with ex when catchable_exception ex ->
if (not(occur_meta cM)) & is_fconv pb env sigma cM cN then
- else
- raise ex
+ else if allow_red then
+ match kind_of_term cM, kind_of_term cN with
+ | LetIn (_,b,_,c), _ -> unirec_rec pb substn (subst1 b c) cN
+ | _, LetIn (_,b,_,c) -> unirec_rec pb substn cM (subst1 b c)
+ | _ ->
+ (match (has_flexible_head env cM, has_flexible_head env cN) with
+ (None, None) -> raise ex
+ | (Some _, None) ->
+ unirec_rec pb substn (reduce_flexible_head env cM) cN
+ | (None, Some _) ->
+ unirec_rec pb substn cM (reduce_flexible_head env cN)
+ | (Some k1, Some k2) ->
+ if Conv_oracle.oracle_order k1 k2
+ then unirec_rec pb substn (reduce_flexible_head env cM) cN
+ else unirec_rec pb substn cM (reduce_flexible_head env cN))
+ else raise ex
- in
- if (not(occur_meta m)) & is_fconv cv_pb env sigma m n then
- ([],[])
- else
- unirec_rec cv_pb ([],[]) m n
+ in
+ if (not(occur_meta m)) & is_fconv cv_pb env sigma m n then ([],[])
+ else unirec_rec cv_pb ([],[]) m n
(* Unification
@@ -263,7 +282,7 @@ let unify_0 cv_pb wc m n =
* since other metavars might also need to be resolved. *)
let rec w_Unify cv_pb m n wc =
- let (mc',ec') = unify_0 cv_pb wc m n in
+ let (mc',ec') = unify_0 true cv_pb wc m n in
w_resrec (List.rev mc') (List.rev ec') wc
and w_resrec metas evars wc =
@@ -608,7 +627,7 @@ let clenv_merge with_types =
| Evar (evn,_) ->
if w_defined_evar clenv.hook evn then
- let (metas',evars') = unify_0 CONV clenv.hook rhs lhs in
+ let (metas',evars') = unify_0 true CONV clenv.hook rhs lhs in
clenv_resrec (List.rev metas'@metas) (List.rev evars'@t) clenv
else begin
let rhs' =
@@ -633,7 +652,7 @@ let clenv_merge with_types =
| ([], (mv,n)::t) ->
if clenv_defined clenv mv then
let (metas',evars') =
- unify_0 CONV clenv.hook (clenv_value clenv mv).rebus n in
+ unify_0 true CONV clenv.hook (clenv_value clenv mv).rebus n in
clenv_resrec (List.rev metas'@t) (List.rev evars') clenv
let mc,ec =
@@ -642,7 +661,7 @@ let clenv_merge with_types =
let nty = clenv_type_of clenv
(clenv_instance clenv (mk_freelisted n)) in
- unify_0 CUMUL clenv.hook nty mvty
+ unify_0 true CUMUL clenv.hook nty mvty
with e when Logic.catchable_exception e -> ([],[]))
else ([],[]) in
clenv_resrec (List.rev mc@t) (List.rev ec)
@@ -660,12 +679,12 @@ let clenv_merge with_types =
[clenv_typed_unify M N clenv] expects in addition that expected
types of metavars are unifiable with the types of their instances *)
-let clenv_unify_core_0 with_types cv_pb m n clenv =
- let (mc,ec) = unify_0 cv_pb clenv.hook m n in
+let clenv_unify_core_0 allow_red with_types cv_pb m n clenv =
+ let (mc,ec) = unify_0 allow_red cv_pb clenv.hook m n in
clenv_merge with_types (List.rev mc) (List.rev ec) clenv
-let clenv_unify_0 = clenv_unify_core_0 false
-let clenv_typed_unify = clenv_unify_core_0 true
+let clenv_unify_0 allow_red = clenv_unify_core_0 allow_red false
+let clenv_typed_unify = clenv_unify_core_0 false true
(* takes a substitution s, an open term op and a closed term cl
@@ -689,7 +708,7 @@ let unify_to_subterm clause (op,cl) =
let cl = strip_outer_cast cl in
if closed0 cl
- then clenv_unify_0 CONV op cl clause,cl
+ then clenv_unify_0 false CONV op cl clause,cl
else error "Bound 1"
with ex when catchable_exception ex ->
(match kind_of_term cl with
@@ -764,9 +783,9 @@ let secondOrderAbstraction allow_K typ (p, oplist) clause =
let (clause',cllist) = unify_to_subterm_list allow_K clause oplist typ in
let typp = clenv_instance_type clause' p in
let pred = abstract_list_all env sigma typp typ cllist in
- clenv_unify_0 CONV (mkMeta p) pred clause'
+ clenv_unify_0 false CONV (mkMeta p) pred clause'
-let clenv_unify2 allow_K cv_pb ty1 ty2 clause =
+let clenv_unify_2 allow_K cv_pb ty1 ty2 clause =
let c1, oplist1 = whd_stack ty1 in
let c2, oplist2 = whd_stack ty2 in
match kind_of_term c1, kind_of_term c2 with
@@ -775,14 +794,14 @@ let clenv_unify2 allow_K cv_pb ty1 ty2 clause =
let clause' =
secondOrderAbstraction allow_K ty2 (p1,oplist1) clause in
(* Resume first order unification *)
- clenv_unify_0 cv_pb (clenv_instance_term clause' ty1) ty2 clause'
+ clenv_unify_0 false cv_pb (clenv_instance_term clause' ty1) ty2 clause'
| _, Meta p2 ->
(* Find the predicate *)
let clause' =
secondOrderAbstraction allow_K ty1 (p2, oplist2) clause in
(* Resume first order unification *)
- clenv_unify_0 cv_pb ty1 (clenv_instance_term clause' ty2) clause'
- | _ -> error "clenv_unify2"
+ clenv_unify_0 false cv_pb ty1 (clenv_instance_term clause' ty2) clause'
+ | _ -> error "clenv_unify_2"
(* The unique unification algorithm works like this: If the pattern is
@@ -814,20 +833,20 @@ let clenv_unify allow_K cv_pb ty1 ty2 clenv =
clenv_typed_unify cv_pb ty1 ty2 clenv
with ex when catchable_exception ex ->
- clenv_unify2 allow_K cv_pb ty1 ty2 clenv
+ clenv_unify_2 allow_K cv_pb ty1 ty2 clenv
with ex when catchable_exception ex ->
error "Cannot solve a second-order unification problem")
| (Meta _, true, _, _ | _, _, Meta _, true) ->
- clenv_unify2 allow_K cv_pb ty1 ty2 clenv
+ clenv_unify_2 allow_K cv_pb ty1 ty2 clenv
with ex when catchable_exception ex ->
clenv_typed_unify cv_pb ty1 ty2 clenv
with ex when catchable_exception ex ->
error "Cannot solve a second-order unification problem")
- | _ -> clenv_unify_0 cv_pb ty1 ty2 clenv
+ | _ -> clenv_unify_0 false cv_pb ty1 ty2 clenv
(* [clenv_bchain mv clenv' clenv]
diff --git a/proofs/clenv.mli b/proofs/clenv.mli
index 162698112..3f67924c7 100644
--- a/proofs/clenv.mli
+++ b/proofs/clenv.mli
@@ -56,9 +56,6 @@ type 'a clausenv = {
type wc = named_context sigma (* for a better reading of the following *)
val unify : constr -> tactic
-val unify_0 :
- Reductionops.conv_pb -> wc -> constr -> constr
- -> (int * constr) list * (constr * constr) list
val collect_metas : constr -> int list
val mk_clenv : 'a -> constr -> 'a clausenv
@@ -131,3 +128,7 @@ val pr_clenv : 'a clausenv -> Pp.std_ppcmds
val abstract_list_all :
Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> constr -> constr -> constr list -> constr
+(* For debug *)
+val unify_0 :
+ bool -> Reductionops.conv_pb -> wc -> constr -> constr
+ -> (int * constr) list * (constr * constr) list