diff options
authorGravatar delahaye <delahaye@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2001-09-21 15:46:47 +0000
committerGravatar delahaye <delahaye@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2001-09-21 15:46:47 +0000
commit469975942e7ce58127286e05adba06afe2fdd8e9 (patch)
parent41278f9af1a4db0682d619b7469ef8274f4437d4 (diff)
Correction due au changement de semantique de Match
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@2049 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
2 files changed, 15 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/field/Field_Tactic.v b/contrib/field/Field_Tactic.v
index de8efbb39..5bc4e4433 100644
--- a/contrib/field/Field_Tactic.v
+++ b/contrib/field/Field_Tactic.v
@@ -207,31 +207,35 @@ Tactic Definition ApplyInverse mul FT lvar trm :=
(**** Inverse test ****)
+Tactic Definition StrongFail tac := First [tac|Fail 2].
Tactic Definition InverseTestAux FT trm :=
Let AplusT = Eval Compute in (Aplus FT)
And AmultT = Eval Compute in (Amult FT)
And AoppT = Eval Compute in (Aopp FT)
And AinvT = Eval Compute in (Ainv FT) In
Match trm With
- | [(AinvT ?)] -> Fail
- | [(AoppT ?1)] -> (InverseTestAux FT ?1)
- | [(AplusT ?1 ?2)] -> (InverseTestAux FT ?1);(InverseTestAux FT ?2)
- | [(AmultT ?1 ?2)] -> (InverseTestAux FT ?1);(InverseTestAux FT ?2)
+ | [(AinvT ?)] -> Fail 1
+ | [(AoppT ?1)] -> StrongFail (InverseTestAux FT ?1)
+ | [(AplusT ?1 ?2)] ->
+ StrongFail ((InverseTestAux FT ?1);(InverseTestAux FT ?2))
+ | [(AmultT ?1 ?2)] ->
+ StrongFail ((InverseTestAux FT ?1);(InverseTestAux FT ?2))
| _ -> Idtac.
Tactic Definition InverseTest FT :=
Let AplusT = Eval Compute in (Aplus FT) In
Match Context With
- | [|-?1== ?2] -> (InverseTestAux FT '(AplusT ?1 ?2)).
+ | [|- ?1==?2] -> (InverseTestAux FT '(AplusT ?1 ?2)).
(**** Field itself ****)
Tactic Definition ApplySimplif sfun :=
(Match Context With
- | [ |- (interp_ExprA ?1 ?2 ?3)==(interp_ExprA ? ? ?) ] ->
+ | [|- (interp_ExprA ?1 ?2 ?3)==(interp_ExprA ? ? ?)] ->
(sfun ?1 ?2 ?3));
(Match Context With
- | [ |- (interp_ExprA ? ? ?)==(interp_ExprA ?1 ?2 ?3) ] ->
+ | [|- (interp_ExprA ? ? ?)==(interp_ExprA ?1 ?2 ?3)] ->
(sfun ?1 ?2 ?3)).
Tactic Definition Unfolds FT :=
@@ -257,4 +261,4 @@ Tactic Definition Field_Gen FT :=
(Multiply mul);[(ApplySimplif ApplyMultiply);
(ApplySimplif (ApplyInverse mul));
(Let id = GrepMult In Clear id);Compute;
- First [(InverseTest FT);Ring|(Field_Gen FT)]|Idtac]].
+ First [(InverseTest FT);Ring|Clear ft vm;(Field_Gen FT)]|Idtac]].
diff --git a/proofs/tacinterp.ml b/proofs/tacinterp.ml
index 098c2568e..cb1fb9414 100644
--- a/proofs/tacinterp.ml
+++ b/proofs/tacinterp.ml
@@ -463,7 +463,6 @@ let set_debug pos = debug := pos
(* Gives the state of debug *)
let get_debug () = !debug
(* Interprets any expression *)
let rec val_interp ist ast =
@@ -899,10 +898,9 @@ and match_interp ist ast lmr =
| _ ->
errorlabstrm "Tacinterp.apply_match" [<'sTR
"No matching clauses for Match">] in
- let csr =
- constr_of_Constr (unvarg (val_interp ist (List.hd lmr)))
- and ilr = read_match_rule
- ist.evc ist.env (constr_list ist.goalopt ist.lfun) (List.tl lmr) in
+ let csr = constr_of_Constr (unvarg (val_interp ist (List.hd lmr)))
+ and ilr = read_match_rule ist.evc ist.env (constr_list ist.goalopt ist.lfun)
+ (List.tl lmr) in
apply_match ist csr ilr
and tactic_interp ist ast g =