diff options
authorGravatar Arnaud Spiwack <arnaud@spiwack.net>2014-10-22 18:23:21 +0200
committerGravatar Arnaud Spiwack <arnaud@spiwack.net>2014-11-01 22:43:57 +0100
commit35e5ce5a4bcf288e5a8d2d07f0c411abe9099880 (patch)
parent8d319af706e539be07445f28b9dec554e34f9ce7 (diff)
Add a interpreted level [tacexpr] to [Tacexpr] together with its printer.
Re-add, in fact, since it was there in v8.3 but was dead code in v8.4 hence was deleted. It is necessary for printing info traces, however. A lot of the code had changed since v8.3, so adapting the code was non-trivial and some thing may be printed wrong. It require re-adding a [tacexpr] argument to [gen_tactic_expr]. It had been made obsolete by the deletion of [pr_tactic] in v8.4 (even though printing [glob_tactic_expr] in a [tactic_expr] is only an approximation of the appropriate behaviour). A new kind of argument, [delayed_constr], has made an appearance between v8.4 and trunk, and it differs from [constr] in the typed level. So it required its own parameter in [gen_tactic_expr]. At this point [delayed_constr] are printed in the globalised level because they are interpreted as closures. Maybe a better approximation is warranted. Both in the printing of rewrite and induction, I changed a [pr_lconstr] (note the 'l') by a [pr_dconstr]. It is probably not quite correct, and may need fixing (adding a [pr_dlconstr] to [Pptactics] I guess?).
3 files changed, 154 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/intf/tacexpr.mli b/intf/tacexpr.mli
index c8c7e28e9..7844f74e2 100644
--- a/intf/tacexpr.mli
+++ b/intf/tacexpr.mli
@@ -42,11 +42,11 @@ type inversion_kind =
| FullInversion
| FullInversionClear
-type ('c,'id) inversion_strength =
+type ('c,'d,'id) inversion_strength =
| NonDepInversion of
- inversion_kind * 'id list * 'c or_and_intro_pattern_expr located or_var option
+ inversion_kind * 'id list * 'd or_and_intro_pattern_expr located or_var option
| DepInversion of
- inversion_kind * 'c option * 'c or_and_intro_pattern_expr located or_var option
+ inversion_kind * 'c option * 'd or_and_intro_pattern_expr located or_var option
| InversionUsing of 'c * 'id list
type ('a,'b) location = HypLocation of 'a | ConclLocation of 'b
@@ -56,14 +56,14 @@ type 'id message_token =
| MsgInt of int
| MsgIdent of 'id
-type ('constr,'id) induction_clause =
- 'constr with_bindings induction_arg *
+type ('dconstr,'id) induction_clause =
+ 'dconstr with_bindings induction_arg *
(intro_pattern_naming_expr located option (* eqn:... *)
- * 'constr or_and_intro_pattern_expr located or_var option) (* as ... *)
+ * 'dconstr or_and_intro_pattern_expr located or_var option) (* as ... *)
* 'id clause_expr option (* in ... *)
-type ('constr,'id) induction_clause_list =
- ('constr,'id) induction_clause list
+type ('constr,'dconstr,'id) induction_clause_list =
+ ('dconstr,'id) induction_clause list
* 'constr with_bindings option (* using ... *)
type 'a with_bindings_arg = clear_flag * 'a with_bindings
@@ -121,11 +121,11 @@ type intro_pattern_naming = intro_pattern_naming_expr located
type 'a gen_atomic_tactic_expr =
(* Basic tactics *)
- | TacIntroPattern of 'trm intro_pattern_expr located list
+ | TacIntroPattern of 'dtrm intro_pattern_expr located list
| TacIntroMove of Id.t option * 'nam move_location
| TacExact of 'trm
| TacApply of advanced_flag * evars_flag * 'trm with_bindings_arg list *
- (clear_flag * 'nam * 'trm intro_pattern_expr located option) option
+ (clear_flag * 'nam * 'dtrm intro_pattern_expr located option) option
| TacElim of evars_flag * 'trm with_bindings_arg * 'trm with_bindings option
| TacCase of evars_flag * 'trm with_bindings_arg
| TacFix of Id.t option * int
@@ -133,8 +133,8 @@ type 'a gen_atomic_tactic_expr =
| TacCofix of Id.t option
| TacMutualCofix of Id.t * (Id.t * 'trm) list
| TacAssert of
- bool * 'a gen_tactic_expr option *
- 'trm intro_pattern_expr located option * 'trm
+ bool * 'tacexpr option *
+ 'dtrm intro_pattern_expr located option * 'trm
| TacGeneralize of ('trm with_occurrences * Name.t) list
| TacGeneralizeDep of 'trm
| TacLetTac of Name.t * 'trm * 'nam clause_expr * letin_flag *
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ type 'a gen_atomic_tactic_expr =
(* Derived basic tactics *)
| TacInductionDestruct of
- rec_flag * evars_flag * ('trm,'nam) induction_clause_list
+ rec_flag * evars_flag * ('trm,'dtrm,'nam) induction_clause_list
| TacDoubleInduction of quantified_hypothesis * quantified_hypothesis
(* Automation tactics *)
@@ -160,23 +160,32 @@ type 'a gen_atomic_tactic_expr =
(* Conversion *)
| TacReduce of ('trm,'cst,'pat) red_expr_gen * 'nam clause_expr
- | TacChange of 'pat option * 'trm * 'nam clause_expr
+ | TacChange of 'pat option * 'dtrm * 'nam clause_expr
(* Equivalence relations *)
| TacSymmetry of 'nam clause_expr
(* Equality and inversion *)
| TacRewrite of evars_flag *
- (bool * multi * 'trm with_bindings_arg) list * 'nam clause_expr *
- 'a gen_tactic_expr option
- | TacInversion of ('trm,'nam) inversion_strength * quantified_hypothesis
+ (bool * multi * 'dtrm with_bindings_arg) list * 'nam clause_expr *
+ (* spiwack: using ['dtrm] here is a small hack, may not be
+ stable by a change in the representation of delayed
+ terms. Because, in fact, it is the whole "with_bindings"
+ which is delayed. But because the "t" level for ['dtrm] is
+ uninterpreted, it works fine here too, and avoid more
+ disruption of this file. *)
+ 'tacexpr option
+ | TacInversion of ('trm,'dtrm,'nam) inversion_strength * quantified_hypothesis
constraint 'a = <
+ utrm: 'utrm;
+ dterm: 'dtrm;
+ tacexpr:'tacexpr;
@@ -187,24 +196,24 @@ and 'a gen_tactic_arg =
| TacGeneric of 'lev generic_argument
| MetaIdArg of Loc.t * bool * string
| ConstrMayEval of ('trm,'cst,'pat) may_eval
- | UConstr of 'trm (* We can reuse ['trm] because terms and untyped terms
- only differ at interpretation time (and not at
- internalisation), and the output of interpration
- is not a variant of [tactic_expr]. *)
+ | UConstr of 'utrm
| Reference of 'ref
| TacCall of Loc.t * 'ref *
'a gen_tactic_arg list
| TacFreshId of string or_var list
- | Tacexp of 'a gen_tactic_expr
+ | Tacexp of 'tacexpr
| TacPretype of 'trm
| TacNumgoals
constraint 'a = <
+ utrm: 'utrm;
+ dterm: 'dtrm;
+ tacexpr:'tacexpr;
@@ -273,10 +282,13 @@ and 'a gen_tactic_expr =
constraint 'a = <
+ utrm: 'utrm;
+ dterm: 'dtrm;
+ tacexpr:'tacexpr;
@@ -285,16 +297,20 @@ and 'a gen_tactic_fun_ast =
constraint 'a = <
+ utrm: 'utrm;
+ dterm: 'dtrm;
+ tacexpr:'te;
(** Globalized tactics *)
type g_trm = glob_constr_and_expr
+type g_utrm = g_trm
type g_pat = glob_constr_and_expr * constr_pattern
type g_cst = evaluable_global_reference and_short_name or_var
type g_ref = ltac_constant located or_var
@@ -302,14 +318,17 @@ type g_nam = Id.t located
type g_dispatch = <
+ utrm:g_utrm;
+ dterm:g_trm;
+ tacexpr:glob_tactic_expr;
-type glob_tactic_expr =
+and glob_tactic_expr =
g_dispatch gen_tactic_expr
type glob_atomic_tactic_expr =
@@ -321,6 +340,7 @@ type glob_tactic_arg =
(** Raw tactics *)
type r_trm = constr_expr
+type r_utrm = r_trm
type r_pat = constr_pattern_expr
type r_cst = reference or_by_notation
type r_ref = reference
@@ -329,22 +349,55 @@ type r_lev = rlevel
type r_dispatch = <
+ utrm:r_utrm;
+ dterm:r_trm;
+ tacexpr:raw_tactic_expr;
+and raw_tactic_expr =
+ r_dispatch gen_tactic_expr
type raw_atomic_tactic_expr =
r_dispatch gen_atomic_tactic_expr
-type raw_tactic_expr =
- r_dispatch gen_tactic_expr
type raw_tactic_arg =
r_dispatch gen_tactic_arg
+(** Interpreted tactics *)
+type t_trm = Term.constr
+type t_utrm = Glob_term.closed_glob_constr
+type t_pat = glob_constr_and_expr * constr_pattern
+type t_cst = evaluable_global_reference and_short_name
+type t_ref = ltac_constant located
+type t_nam = Id.t
+type t_dispatch = <
+ term:t_trm;
+ utrm:t_utrm;
+ dterm:g_trm;
+ pattern:t_pat;
+ constant:t_cst;
+ reference:t_ref;
+ name:t_nam;
+ tacexpr:glob_tactic_expr;
+ level:tlevel
+type tactic_expr =
+ t_dispatch gen_tactic_expr
+type atomic_tactic_expr =
+ t_dispatch gen_atomic_tactic_expr
+type tactic_arg =
+ t_dispatch gen_tactic_arg
(** Misc *)
type raw_red_expr = (r_trm, r_cst, r_pat) red_expr_gen
diff --git a/printing/pptactic.ml b/printing/pptactic.ml
index e6fda4b59..cb64c712d 100644
--- a/printing/pptactic.ml
+++ b/printing/pptactic.ml
@@ -321,6 +321,8 @@ let pr_raw_alias prc prlc prtac prpat =
pr_alias_gen (pr_raw_generic prc prlc prtac prpat pr_reference)
let pr_glob_alias prc prlc prtac prpat =
pr_alias_gen (pr_glb_generic prc prlc prtac prpat)
+let pr_alias prc prlc prtac prpat =
+ pr_alias_gen (pr_top_generic prc prlc prtac prpat)
(* The tactic printer *)
@@ -413,21 +415,21 @@ let pr_pose prc prlc na c = match na with
| Anonymous -> spc() ++ prc c
| Name id -> spc() ++ surround (pr_id id ++ str " :=" ++ spc() ++ prlc c)
-let pr_assertion prc _prlc ipat c = match ipat with
+let pr_assertion prc prdc _prlc ipat c = match ipat with
(* Use this "optimisation" or use only the general case ?
| IntroIdentifier id ->
spc() ++ surround (pr_intro_pattern ipat ++ str " :" ++ spc() ++ prlc c)
| ipat ->
- spc() ++ prc c ++ pr_as_ipat prc ipat
+ spc() ++ prc c ++ pr_as_ipat prdc ipat
-let pr_assumption prc prlc ipat c = match ipat with
+let pr_assumption prc prdc prlc ipat c = match ipat with
(* Use this "optimisation" or use only the general case ?*)
(* it seems that this "optimisation" is somehow more natural *)
| Some (_,IntroNaming (IntroIdentifier id)) ->
spc() ++ surround (pr_id id ++ str " :" ++ spc() ++ prlc c)
| ipat ->
- spc() ++ prc c ++ pr_as_ipat prc ipat
+ spc() ++ prc c ++ pr_as_ipat prdc ipat
let pr_by_tactic prt = function
| TacId [] -> mt ()
@@ -611,9 +613,11 @@ let level_of (n,p) = match p with E -> n | L -> n-1 | Prec n -> n | Any -> lseq
"raw", "glob" and "typed" levels *)
type 'a printer = {
- pr_tactic : tolerability -> 'a gen_tactic_expr -> std_ppcmds;
+ pr_tactic : tolerability -> 'tacexpr -> std_ppcmds;
pr_constr : 'trm -> std_ppcmds;
+ pr_uconstr: 'utrm -> std_ppcmds;
pr_lconstr : 'trm -> std_ppcmds;
+ pr_dconstr: 'dtrm -> std_ppcmds;
pr_pattern : 'pat -> std_ppcmds;
pr_lpattern : 'pat -> std_ppcmds;
pr_constant : 'cst -> std_ppcmds;
@@ -626,10 +630,13 @@ type 'a printer = {
constraint 'a = <
+ utrm:'utrm;
+ dterm:'dtrm;
+ tacexpr:'tacexpr;
@@ -640,6 +647,7 @@ let make_pr_tac pr
let _pr_bindings = pr_bindings pr.pr_constr pr.pr_lconstr in
let pr_ex_bindings = pr_bindings_gen true pr.pr_constr pr.pr_lconstr in
let pr_with_bindings = pr_with_bindings pr.pr_constr pr.pr_lconstr in
+let pr_with_bindings_arg_full = pr_with_bindings_arg in
let pr_with_bindings_arg = pr_with_bindings_arg pr.pr_constr pr.pr_lconstr in
let pr_red_expr = pr_red_expr (pr.pr_constr,pr.pr_lconstr,pr.pr_constant,pr.pr_pattern) in
@@ -712,7 +720,7 @@ and pr_atom1 = function
| TacIntroPattern [] as t -> pr_atom0 t
| TacIntroPattern (_::_ as p) ->
hov 1 (str "intros" ++ spc () ++
- prlist_with_sep spc (Miscprint.pr_intro_pattern pr.pr_constr) p)
+ prlist_with_sep spc (Miscprint.pr_intro_pattern pr.pr_dconstr) p)
| TacIntroMove (None,MoveLast) as t -> pr_atom0 t
| TacIntroMove (Some id,MoveLast) -> str "intro " ++ pr_id id
| TacIntroMove (ido,hto) ->
@@ -723,7 +731,7 @@ and pr_atom1 = function
hov 1 ((if a then mt() else str "simple ") ++
str (with_evars ev "apply") ++ spc () ++
prlist_with_sep pr_comma pr_with_bindings_arg cb ++
- pr_in_hyp_as pr.pr_constr pr.pr_name inhyp)
+ pr_in_hyp_as pr.pr_dconstr pr.pr_name inhyp)
| TacElim (ev,cb,cbo) ->
hov 1 (str (with_evars ev "elim") ++ pr_arg pr_with_bindings_arg cb ++
pr_opt pr_eliminator cbo)
@@ -739,11 +747,11 @@ and pr_atom1 = function
str"with " ++ prlist_with_sep spc pr_cofix_tac l)
| TacAssert (b,Some tac,ipat,c) ->
hov 1 (str (if b then "assert" else "enough") ++
- pr_assumption pr.pr_constr pr.pr_lconstr ipat c ++
+ pr_assumption pr.pr_constr pr.pr_dconstr pr.pr_lconstr ipat c ++
pr_by_tactic (pr.pr_tactic ltop) tac)
| TacAssert (_,None,ipat,c) ->
hov 1 (str "pose proof" ++
- pr_assertion pr.pr_constr pr.pr_lconstr ipat c)
+ pr_assertion pr.pr_constr pr.pr_dconstr pr.pr_lconstr ipat c)
| TacGeneralize l ->
hov 1 (str "generalize" ++ spc () ++
prlist_with_sep pr_comma (fun (cl,na) ->
@@ -775,8 +783,8 @@ and pr_atom1 = function
hov 1 (str (with_evars ev (if isrec then "induction" else "destruct")) ++
spc () ++
prlist_with_sep pr_comma (fun ((clear_flag,h),ids,cl) ->
- pr_clear_flag clear_flag (pr_induction_arg pr.pr_constr pr.pr_lconstr) h ++
- pr_with_induction_names pr.pr_constr ids ++
+ pr_clear_flag clear_flag (pr_induction_arg pr.pr_dconstr pr.pr_dconstr) h ++
+ pr_with_induction_names pr.pr_dconstr ids ++
pr_opt_no_spc (pr_clauses None pr.pr_name) cl) l ++
pr_opt pr_eliminator el)
| TacDoubleInduction (h1,h2) ->
@@ -828,7 +836,7 @@ and pr_atom1 = function
(match op with
None -> mt()
| Some p -> pr.pr_pattern p ++ spc () ++ str "with ") ++
- pr.pr_constr c ++ pr_clauses (Some true) pr.pr_name h)
+ pr.pr_dconstr c ++ pr_clauses (Some true) pr.pr_name h)
(* Equivalence relations *)
| TacSymmetry cls -> str "symmetry" ++ pr_clauses (Some true) pr.pr_name cls
@@ -839,18 +847,19 @@ and pr_atom1 = function
(fun () -> str ","++spc())
(fun (b,m,c) ->
- pr_orient b ++ pr_multi m ++ pr_with_bindings_arg c)
+ pr_orient b ++ pr_multi m ++
+ pr_with_bindings_arg_full pr.pr_dconstr pr.pr_dconstr c)
++ pr_clauses (Some true) pr.pr_name cl
++ (match by with Some by -> pr_by_tactic (pr.pr_tactic ltop) by | None -> mt()))
| TacInversion (DepInversion (k,c,ids),hyp) ->
hov 1 (str "dependent " ++ pr_induction_kind k ++ spc () ++
pr_quantified_hypothesis hyp ++
- pr_with_inversion_names pr.pr_constr ids ++ pr_with_constr pr.pr_constr c)
+ pr_with_inversion_names pr.pr_dconstr ids ++ pr_with_constr pr.pr_constr c)
| TacInversion (NonDepInversion (k,cl,ids),hyp) ->
hov 1 (pr_induction_kind k ++ spc () ++
pr_quantified_hypothesis hyp ++
- pr_with_inversion_names pr.pr_constr ids ++ pr_simple_hyp_clause pr.pr_name cl)
+ pr_with_inversion_names pr.pr_dconstr ids ++ pr_simple_hyp_clause pr.pr_name cl)
| TacInversion (InversionUsing (c,cl),hyp) ->
hov 1 (str "inversion" ++ spc() ++ pr_quantified_hypothesis hyp ++
spc () ++ str "using" ++ spc () ++ pr.pr_constr c ++
@@ -992,7 +1001,7 @@ and pr_tacarg = function
| MetaIdArg (loc,false,s) -> pr_with_comments loc (str ("constr: $" ^ s))
| Reference r -> pr.pr_reference r
| ConstrMayEval c -> pr_may_eval pr.pr_constr pr.pr_lconstr pr.pr_constant pr.pr_pattern c
- | UConstr c -> str"uconstr:" ++ pr.pr_constr c
+ | UConstr c -> str"uconstr:" ++ pr.pr_uconstr c
| TacFreshId l -> str "fresh" ++ pr_fresh_ids l
| TacPretype c -> str "type_term" ++ pr.pr_constr c
| TacNumgoals -> str "numgoals"
@@ -1017,6 +1026,8 @@ let rec pr_raw_tactic_level n (t:raw_tactic_expr) =
let pr = {
pr_tactic = pr_raw_tactic_level;
pr_constr = pr_constr_expr;
+ pr_uconstr = pr_constr_expr;
+ pr_dconstr = pr_constr_expr;
pr_lconstr = pr_lconstr_expr;
pr_pattern = pr_constr_pattern_expr;
pr_lpattern = pr_lconstr_pattern_expr;
@@ -1035,7 +1046,7 @@ let pr_and_constr_expr pr (c,_) = pr c
let pr_pat_and_constr_expr pr ((c,_),_) = pr c
-let pr_glob_tactic_level env =
+let rec pr_glob_tactic_level env n t =
let glob_printers =
@@ -1043,6 +1054,8 @@ let pr_glob_tactic_level env =
let pr = {
pr_tactic = prtac;
pr_constr = pr_and_constr_expr (pr_glob_constr_env env);
+ pr_uconstr = pr_and_constr_expr (pr_glob_constr_env env);
+ pr_dconstr = pr_and_constr_expr (pr_glob_constr_env env);
pr_lconstr = pr_and_constr_expr (pr_lglob_constr_env env);
pr_pattern = pr_pat_and_constr_expr (pr_glob_constr_env env);
pr_lpattern = pr_pat_and_constr_expr (pr_lglob_constr_env env);
@@ -1059,10 +1072,52 @@ let pr_glob_tactic_level env =
} in
make_pr_tac pr glob_printers n t
- prtac
+ prtac n t
let pr_glob_tactic env = pr_glob_tactic_level env ltop
+let strip_prod_binders_constr n ty =
+ let rec strip_ty acc n ty =
+ if n=0 then (List.rev acc, ty) else
+ match Term.kind_of_term ty with
+ Term.Prod(na,a,b) ->
+ strip_ty (([Loc.ghost,na],a)::acc) (n-1) b
+ | _ -> error "Cannot translate fix tactic: not enough products" in
+ strip_ty [] n ty
+let pr_tactic_level env n t =
+ let typed_printers =
+ (strip_prod_binders_constr)
+ in
+ let prtac n (t:tactic_expr) =
+ let pr = {
+ pr_tactic = pr_glob_tactic_level env;
+ pr_constr = pr_constr_env env Evd.empty;
+ pr_uconstr = (fun _ -> mt ()); (* arnaud: todo *)
+ pr_dconstr = pr_and_constr_expr (pr_glob_constr_env env);
+ pr_lconstr = pr_lconstr_env env Evd.empty;
+ pr_pattern = pr_pat_and_constr_expr (pr_glob_constr_env env);
+ pr_lpattern = pr_pat_and_constr_expr (pr_lglob_constr_env env);
+ pr_constant = pr_and_short_name (pr_evaluable_reference_env env);
+ pr_reference = pr_located pr_ltac_constant;
+ pr_name = pr_id;
+ pr_generic = Genprint.generic_top_print;
+ pr_extend = pr_extend
+ (pr_constr_env env Evd.empty) (pr_lconstr_env env Evd.empty)
+ (pr_glob_tactic_level env) pr_constr_pattern;
+ pr_alias = pr_alias
+ (pr_constr_env env Evd.empty) (pr_lconstr_env env Evd.empty)
+ (pr_glob_tactic_level env) pr_constr_pattern;
+ }
+ in
+ make_pr_tac pr typed_printers n t
+ in
+ prtac n t
+let pr_tactic env = pr_tactic_level env ltop
(** Registering *)
let () =
diff --git a/printing/pptactic.mli b/printing/pptactic.mli
index 6c2f43cb6..f76e5a3f6 100644
--- a/printing/pptactic.mli
+++ b/printing/pptactic.mli
@@ -105,6 +105,8 @@ val pr_raw_tactic_level : tolerability -> raw_tactic_expr -> std_ppcmds
val pr_glob_tactic : env -> glob_tactic_expr -> std_ppcmds
+val pr_tactic : env -> tactic_expr -> std_ppcmds
val pr_hintbases : string list option -> std_ppcmds
val pr_auto_using : ('constr -> std_ppcmds) -> 'constr list -> std_ppcmds