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authorGravatar Arnaud Spiwack <arnaud@spiwack.net>2014-02-27 11:02:55 +0100
committerGravatar Arnaud Spiwack <arnaud@spiwack.net>2014-02-27 11:02:55 +0100
commit35a0c9b1f7fab940affe676f8b8c5cdd36071172 (patch)
parent26134d1c4056b70b2bdadaf881ef951e5858b606 (diff)
Tacinterp: spurious enterl.
This changes the tacinterp API, but only affects (one line of) the MapleMode contrib.
2 files changed, 2 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/tactics/tacinterp.ml b/tactics/tacinterp.ml
index ad0ec0b59..3e4394228 100644
--- a/tactics/tacinterp.ml
+++ b/tactics/tacinterp.ml
@@ -2175,12 +2175,6 @@ let interp_redexp env sigma r =
let gist = { fully_empty_glob_sign with genv = env; } in
interp_red_expr ist sigma env (intern_red_expr gist r)
-let val_interp ist (tac:glob_tactic_expr) : typed_generic_argument Proofview.glist Proofview.tactic =
- Proofview.Goal.enterl (fun gl -> val_interp ist tac gl >= Proofview.Goal.return)
-let interp_ltac_constr ist e =
- Proofview.Goal.enterl (fun gl -> interp_ltac_constr ist e gl >= Proofview.Goal.return)
(* Embed tactics in raw or glob tactic expr *)
diff --git a/tactics/tacinterp.mli b/tactics/tacinterp.mli
index 79b7f6fd5..0c89eb3a2 100644
--- a/tactics/tacinterp.mli
+++ b/tactics/tacinterp.mli
@@ -71,10 +71,10 @@ val interp_genarg : interp_sign -> Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> Term.constr ->
glob_generic_argument -> Evd.evar_map * typed_generic_argument
(** Interprets any expression *)
-val val_interp : interp_sign -> glob_tactic_expr -> value Proofview.glist Proofview.tactic
+val val_interp : interp_sign -> glob_tactic_expr -> Proofview.Goal.t -> value Proofview.tactic
(** Interprets an expression that evaluates to a constr *)
-val interp_ltac_constr : interp_sign -> glob_tactic_expr -> constr Proofview.glist Proofview.tactic
+val interp_ltac_constr : interp_sign -> glob_tactic_expr -> Proofview.Goal.t -> constr Proofview.tactic
(** Interprets redexp arguments *)
val interp_redexp : Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> raw_red_expr -> Evd.evar_map * red_expr