diff options
authorGravatar barras <barras@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2008-05-23 20:49:19 +0000
committerGravatar barras <barras@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2008-05-23 20:49:19 +0000
commit311373891569f2c44db11d481fa6663876e784fa (patch)
parentc0f73b6c232766df7a3418b4d681036c89ddf8e1 (diff)
doc of coqchk + improved module cache and computation of module sets
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@10979 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
3 files changed, 135 insertions, 168 deletions
diff --git a/checker/check.ml b/checker/check.ml
index 7169d709f..f8844975a 100644
--- a/checker/check.ml
+++ b/checker/check.ml
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ module LibraryOrdered =
(List.rev (repr_dirpath d1)) (List.rev (repr_dirpath d2))
+module LibrarySet = Set.Make(LibraryOrdered)
module LibraryMap = Map.Make(LibraryOrdered)
(* This is a map from names to loaded libraries *)
@@ -100,7 +101,7 @@ let check_one_lib admit (dir,m) =
(* Look up if the library is to be admitted correct. We could
also check if it carries a validation certificate (yet to
be implemented). *)
- if LibraryMap.mem dir admit then
+ if LibrarySet.mem dir admit then
(Flags.if_verbose msgnl
(str "Admitting library: " ++ pr_dirpath dir);
Safe_typing.unsafe_import file md dig)
@@ -200,7 +201,6 @@ let get_full_load_paths () = List.combine (fst !load_paths) (snd !load_paths)
exception LibUnmappedDir
exception LibNotFound
-type library_location = LibLoaded | LibInPath
let locate_absolute_library dir =
(* Search in loadpath *)
@@ -234,9 +234,9 @@ let locate_qualified_library qid =
extend_dirpath (find_logical_path path) (id_of_string qid.basename) in
(* Look if loaded *)
- (LibLoaded, dir, library_full_filename dir)
+ (dir, library_full_filename dir)
with Not_found ->
- (LibInPath, dir, file)
+ (dir, file)
with Not_found -> raise LibNotFound
let explain_locate_library_error qid = function
@@ -258,8 +258,7 @@ let try_locate_absolute_library dir =
let try_locate_qualified_library qid =
- let (_,dir,f) = locate_qualified_library qid in
- dir,f
+ locate_qualified_library qid
with e ->
explain_locate_library_error qid e
@@ -291,7 +290,15 @@ let mk_library md f digest = {
library_deps = md.md_deps;
library_digest = digest }
-let intern_from_file f =
+let name_clash_message dir mdir f =
+ str ("The file " ^ f ^ " contains library") ++ spc () ++
+ pr_dirpath mdir ++ spc () ++ str "and not library" ++ spc() ++
+ pr_dirpath dir
+(* Dependency graph *)
+let depgraph = ref LibraryMap.empty
+let intern_from_file (dir, f) =
Flags.if_verbose msg (str"[intern "++str f++str" ...");
let (md,digest) =
@@ -299,60 +306,67 @@ let intern_from_file f =
let (md:library_disk) = System.marshal_in ch in
let digest = System.marshal_in ch in
close_in ch;
+ if dir <> md.md_name then
+ errorlabstrm "load_physical_library"
+ (name_clash_message dir md.md_name f);
Flags.if_verbose msgnl(str" done]");
with e -> Flags.if_verbose msgnl(str" failed!]"); raise e in
+ depgraph := LibraryMap.add md.md_name md.md_deps !depgraph;
mk_library md f digest
-let name_clash_message dir mdir f =
- str ("The file " ^ f ^ " contains library") ++ spc () ++
- pr_dirpath mdir ++ spc () ++ str "and not library" ++ spc() ++
- pr_dirpath dir
-let rec library_dep dir needed =
- try let _ = find_library dir in needed
+let get_deps (dir, f) =
+ try LibraryMap.find dir !depgraph
with Not_found ->
- try let _ = LibraryMap.find dir needed in needed
- with Not_found ->
- let (_,f) = try_locate_absolute_library dir in
- let m = intern_from_file f in
- let deps = m.library_deps in
- if dir <> m.library_name then
- errorlabstrm "load_physical_library"
- (name_clash_message dir m.library_name f);
- LibraryMap.add dir f
- (List.fold_right (fun (d,_) n -> library_dep d n) deps needed)
+ let _ = intern_from_file (dir,f) in
+ LibraryMap.find dir !depgraph
+(* Read a compiled library and all dependencies, in reverse order.
+ Do not include files that are already in the context. *)
let rec intern_library (dir, f) needed =
(* Look if in the current logical environment *)
try let _ = find_library dir in needed
with Not_found ->
(* Look if already listed and consequently its dependencies too *)
- try let _ = List.assoc dir needed in needed
- with Not_found ->
- (* [dir] is an absolute name which matches [f] which must be in loadpath *)
- let m = intern_from_file f in
- if dir <> m.library_name then
- errorlabstrm "load_physical_library"
- (name_clash_message dir m.library_name f);
- (dir,m)::List.fold_right intern_mandatory_library m.library_deps needed
+ if List.mem_assoc dir needed then needed
+ else
+ (* [dir] is an absolute name which matches [f] which must be in loadpath *)
+ let m = intern_from_file (dir,f) in
+ (dir,m)::List.fold_right intern_mandatory_library m.library_deps needed
(* digest error with checked modules could be a warning *)
and intern_mandatory_library (dir,_) needed =
intern_library (try_locate_absolute_library dir) needed
+(* Compute the reflexive transitive dependency closure *)
+let rec fold_deps ff (dir,f) s =
+ if LibrarySet.mem dir s then s
+ else
+ let deps = get_deps (dir,f) in
+ let deps = List.map (fun (d,_) -> try_locate_absolute_library d) deps in
+ ff dir (List.fold_right (fold_deps ff) deps s)
+and fold_deps_list ff modl needed =
+ List.fold_right (fold_deps ff) modl needed
let recheck_library ~norec ~admit ~check =
- let nrl = List.map (fun q -> fst(try_locate_qualified_library q)) norec in
- let al = List.map (fun q -> fst(try_locate_qualified_library q)) admit in
- let admit = List.fold_right library_dep (nrl@al) LibraryMap.empty in
- let admit = List.fold_right LibraryMap.remove nrl admit in
- let modl = List.map try_locate_qualified_library (norec@check) in
- let needed = List.rev (List.fold_right intern_library modl []) in
+ let ml = List.map try_locate_qualified_library check in
+ let nrl = List.map try_locate_qualified_library norec in
+ let al = List.map try_locate_qualified_library admit in
+ let needed = List.rev (List.fold_right intern_library (ml@nrl) []) in
+ (* first compute the closure of norec, remove closure of check,
+ add closure of admit, and finally remove norec and check *)
+ let nochk = fold_deps_list LibrarySet.add nrl LibrarySet.empty in
+ let nochk = fold_deps_list LibrarySet.remove ml nochk in
+ let nochk = fold_deps_list LibrarySet.add al nochk in
+ (* explicitely required modules cannot be skipped... *)
+ let nochk =
+ List.fold_right LibrarySet.remove (List.map fst (nrl@ml)) nochk in
+ (* *)
Flags.if_verbose msgnl (fnl()++hv 2 (str "Ordered list:" ++ fnl() ++
(fun (dir,_) -> pr_dirpath dir ++ fnl()) needed));
- List.iter (check_one_lib admit) needed;
+ List.iter (check_one_lib nochk) needed;
Flags.if_verbose msgnl(str"Modules were successfully checked")
open Printf
diff --git a/checker/safe_typing.ml b/checker/safe_typing.ml
index 4bed9796a..4b156e7ec 100644
--- a/checker/safe_typing.ml
+++ b/checker/safe_typing.ml
@@ -15,125 +15,6 @@ open Declarations
open Environ
open Mod_checking
-let type_modpath env mp =
- strengthen env (lookup_module mp env).mod_type mp
-let rec check_spec_body env mp lab = function
- | SPBconst cb ->
- let kn = mp, empty_dirpath, lab in
- check_constant_declaration env kn cb
- | SPBmind mib ->
- let kn = mp, empty_dirpath, lab in
- Indtypes.check_inductive env kn mib
- | SPBmodule msb ->
- check_mod_spec env msb;
- Modops.add_module (MPdot(mp,lab)) (module_body_of_type msb.msb_modtype)
- (add_modtype_constraints env msb.msb_modtype)
- | SPBmodtype mty ->
- let kn = mp, empty_dirpath, lab in
- check_modtype env mty;
- add_modtype kn mty (add_modtype_constraints env mty)
-and check_mod_spec env msb =
- let env' = add_constraints msb.msb_constraints env in
- check_modtype env' msb.msb_modtype;
-(* Subtyping.check_equal env' msb.msb_modtype (MTBident *)
- (* TODO: check equiv *)
- env'
-(* !!!: modtype needs mp (the name it will be given) because
- submodule should be added without reference to self *)
-and check_modtype env = function
- | MTBident kn ->
- (try let _ = lookup_modtype kn env in ()
- with Not_found -> failwith ("unbound module type "(*^string_of_kn kn*)))
- | MTBfunsig (mbid,marg,mbody) ->
- check_modtype env marg;
- let env' =
- add_module (MPbound mbid) (module_body_of_type marg)
- (add_modtype_constraints env marg) in
- check_modtype env' mbody
- | MTBsig (msid,sign) ->
- let _ =
- List.fold_left (fun env (lab,mb) ->
- check_spec_body env (MPself msid) lab mb) env sign in
- ()
-let elem_spec_of_body (lab,e) =
- lab,
- match e with
- SEBconst cb -> SPBconst cb
- | SEBmind mind -> SPBmind mind
- | SEBmodule msb -> SPBmodule (module_spec_of_body msb)
- | SEBmodtype mtb -> SPBmodtype mtb
-let rec check_module env mb =
- let env' = add_module_constraints env mb in
- (* mod_type *)
- check_modtype env' mb.mod_type;
- (* mod_expr *)
- let msig =
- match mb.mod_expr with
- Some mex ->
- let msig = infer_mod_expr env' mex in
- Subtyping.check_subtypes env' msig mb.mod_type;
- msig
- | None -> mb.mod_type in
- (* mod_user_type *)
- (match mb.mod_user_type with
- Some usig -> Subtyping.check_subtypes env' msig usig
- | None -> ());
- (* mod_equiv *)
- (match mb.mod_equiv with
- Some mid ->
- if mb.mod_expr <> Some(MEBident mid) then
- failwith "incorrect module alias"
- | None -> ());
-and infer_mod_expr env = function
- MEBident mp -> type_modpath env mp
- | MEBstruct(msid,msb) ->
- let mp = MPself msid in
- let _ =
- List.fold_left (fun env (lab,mb) ->
- struct_elem_body env mp lab mb) env msb in
- MTBsig(msid,List.map elem_spec_of_body msb)
- | MEBfunctor (arg_id, arg, body) ->
- check_modtype env arg;
- let env' = add_module (MPbound arg_id) (module_body_of_type arg) env in
- let body_ty = infer_mod_expr env' body in
- MTBfunsig (arg_id, arg, body_ty)
- | MEBapply (fexpr,MEBident mp,_) ->
- let ftb = infer_mod_expr env fexpr in
- let ftb = scrape_modtype env ftb in
- let farg_id, farg_b, fbody_b = destr_functor ftb in
- let mtb = type_modpath env mp in
- Subtyping.check_subtypes env mtb farg_b;
- subst_modtype (map_mbid farg_id mp) fbody_b
- | MEBapply _ ->
- failwith "functor argument must be a module variable"
-and struct_elem_body env mp lab = function
- | SEBconst cb ->
- let kn = mp, empty_dirpath, lab in
- check_constant_declaration env kn cb
- | SEBmind mib ->
- let kn = mp, empty_dirpath, lab in
- Indtypes.check_inductive env kn mib
- | SEBmodule msb ->
- check_module env msb;
-(*msgnl(str"MODULE OK: "++prkn(make_kn mp empty_dirpath lab)++fnl());*)
- Modops.add_module (MPdot(mp,lab)) msb
- (add_module_constraints env msb)
- | SEBmodtype mty ->
- check_modtype env mty;
- add_modtype (mp, empty_dirpath, lab) mty
- (add_modtype_constraints env mty)
* Global environment
diff --git a/doc/refman/RefMan-com.tex b/doc/refman/RefMan-com.tex
index 845ef7889..f74ace29f 100644
--- a/doc/refman/RefMan-com.tex
+++ b/doc/refman/RefMan-com.tex
@@ -2,12 +2,13 @@
-There are two \Coq~commands:
+There are three \Coq~commands:
\item {\tt coqtop}: The \Coq\ toplevel (interactive mode) ;
\item {\tt coqc} : The \Coq\ compiler (batch compilation).
+\item {\tt coqchk} : The \Coq\ checker (validation of compiled libraries)
-The options are (basically) the same for the two commands, and
+The options are (basically) the same for the first two commands, and
roughly described below. You can also look at the \verb!man! pages of
\verb!coqtop! and \verb!coqc! for more details.
@@ -74,7 +75,7 @@ option \verb:-q:.
There are three environment variables used by the \Coq\ system.
\verb:$COQBIN: for the directory where the binaries are,
-\verb:$COQLIB: for the directory whrer the standard library is, and
+\verb:$COQLIB: for the directory where the standard library is, and
\verb:$COQTOP: for the directory of the sources. The latter is useful
only for developers that are writing their own tactics and are using
\texttt{coq\_makefile} (see \ref{Makefile}). If \verb:$COQBIN: or
@@ -267,13 +268,84 @@ The following command-line options are recognized by the commands {\tt
-% {\tt coqtop} has an additional option:
-% \begin{description}
-% \item[{\tt -searchisos}]\ \\
-% Launch the {\sf Coq\_SearchIsos} toplevel
-% (see Section~\ref{coqsearchisos}, page~\pageref{coqsearchisos}).
-% \end{description}
+\section{Compiled libraries checker ({\tt coqchk})}
+The {\tt coqchk} command takes a list of library paths as argument.
+The corresponding compiled libraries (.vo files) are searched in the
+path, recursively processing the libraries they depend on. The content
+of all these libraries is then type-checked. The effect of {\tt
+ coqchk} is only to return with normal exit code in case of success,
+and with positive exit code if an error has been found. Error messages
+are not deemed to help the user understand what is wrong. In the
+current version, it does not modify the compiled libraries to mark
+them as succesfully checked.
+Note that non-logical information is not checked. By logical
+information, we mean the type and optional body associated to names.
+It excludes for instance anything related to the concrete syntax of
+objects (customized syntax rules, association between short and long
+names), implicit arguments, etc.
+This tool can be used for several purposes. One is to check that a
+compiled library provided by a third-party has not been forged and
+that loading it cannot introduce inconsistencies.\footnote{Ill-formed
+ non-logical information might for instance bind {\tt
+ Coq.Init.Logic.True} to short name {\tt False}, so apprently {\tt
+ False} is inhabited, but using fully qualified names, {\tt
+ Coq.Init.Logic.False} will always refer to the absurd proposition,
+ what we guarantee is that there is no proof of this latter
+ constant.}
+Another point is to get an even higher level of security. Since {\tt
+ coqtop} can be extended with custom tactics, possibly ill-typed
+code, it cannot be guaranteed that the produced compiled libraries are
+correct. {\tt coqchk} is a standalone verifier, and thus it cannot be
+tainted by such malicious code.
+Command-line options {\tt -I}, {\tt -R}, {\tt -where} and
+{\tt -impredicative-set} are supported by {\tt coqchk} and have the
+same meaning as for {\tt coqtop}. Extra options are:
+\item[{\tt -norec} $module$]\
+ Check $module$ but do not force check of its dependencies.
+\item[{\tt -admit} $module$] \
+ Do not check $module$ and any of its dependencies, unless
+ explicitely required.
+\item[{\tt -o}]\
+ At exit, print a summary about the context. List the names of all
+ assumptions and variables (constants without body).
+\item[{\tt -silent}]\
+ Do not write progress information in standard output.
+Environment variable \verb:$COQLIB: can be set to override the
+location of the standard library.
+The algorithm for deciding which modules are checked or admitted is
+the following: assuming that {\tt coqchk} is called with argument $M$,
+option {\tt -norec} $N$, and {\tt -admit} $A$. Let us write
+$\overline{S}$ the set of reflexive transitive dependencies of set
+$S$. Then:
+\item Modules $C=\overline{M}\backslash\overline{A}\cup M\cup N$ are
+ loaded and type-checked before being added to the context.
+\item And $\overline{M}\cup\overline{N}\backslash C$ is the set of
+ modules that are loaded and added to the context without
+ type-checking. Basic integrity checks (checksums) are nonetheless
+ performed.
+As a rule of thumb, the {\tt -admit} can be used to tell that some
+libraries have already been checked. So {\tt coqchk A B} can be split
+in {\tt coqchk A \&\& coqchk B -admit A} without type-checking any
+definition twice. Of course, the latter is slightly slower since it
+makes more disk access. It is also less secure since an attacker might
+have replaced the compiled library $A$ after it has been read by the
+first command, but before it has been read by the second command.
% $Id$