diff options
authorGravatar coq <coq@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2005-06-15 11:12:54 +0000
committerGravatar coq <coq@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2005-06-15 11:12:54 +0000
commit2f4539c6420f072b8060a8d9e7826f9627f97d52 (patch)
parentf10fc4ea3fe574f1c5326b079930f86cdbb1283a (diff)
Dp : ajoût des existentiels
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@7144 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
4 files changed, 133 insertions, 98 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/dp/dp.ml b/contrib/dp/dp.ml
index ecc9cd6be..6b1987b9a 100644
--- a/contrib/dp/dp.ml
+++ b/contrib/dp/dp.ml
@@ -497,8 +497,17 @@ and tr_formula bv env f =
let bv = id :: bv in
Forall (string_of_id id, t, tr_formula bv env b)
- | _, [a] when c = build_coq_ex () ->
- assert false (* TODO Exists (tr_formula bv env a) *)
+ | _, [_; a] when c = build_coq_ex () ->
+ begin match kind_of_term a with
+ | Lambda(Name n, ty, t) ->
+ let id = string_of_id n in
+ (match tr_type env ty with
+ | [], ty ->
+ let t = subst1 (mkVar n) t in
+ Exists (id, ty, tr_formula (n::bv) env t)
+ | l, _ -> raise NotFO)
+ | _ -> assert false
+ (* a must be a Lambda since we are in the ex case *) end
| _ ->
begin try
let r = global_of_constr c in
@@ -538,7 +547,7 @@ type prover = Simplify | CVCLite | Harvey | Zenon
let call_prover prover q = match prover with
| Simplify -> Dp_simplify.call q
- | CVCLite -> error "CVCLite not yet interfaced"
+ | CVCLite -> Dp_cvcl.call q
| Harvey -> error "haRVey not yet interfaced"
| Zenon -> Dp_zenon.call q
@@ -558,7 +567,7 @@ let dp prover gl =
let simplify = tclTHEN intros (dp Simplify)
-let cvc_lite = dp CVCLite
+let cvc_lite = tclTHEN intros (dp CVCLite)
let harvey = dp Harvey
let zenon = tclTHEN intros (dp Zenon)
diff --git a/contrib/dp/dp_cvcl.ml b/contrib/dp/dp_cvcl.ml
index 602d12203..05d430812 100644
--- a/contrib/dp/dp_cvcl.ml
+++ b/contrib/dp/dp_cvcl.ml
@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ let rec print_term fmt = function
| Div (a, b) ->
fprintf fmt "@[(%a@ /@ %a)@]" print_term a print_term b
| App (id, []) ->
- fprintf fmt "%s" id
+ fprintf fmt "@[%s@]" id
| App (id, tl) ->
- fprintf fmt "@[(%s@(%a))@]" id print_terms tl
+ fprintf fmt "@[%s(%a)@]" id print_terms tl
and print_terms fmt tl =
print_list comma print_term fmt tl
@@ -46,8 +46,10 @@ let rec print_predicate fmt p =
fprintf fmt "@[(%a@ >= %a)@]" print_term a print_term b
| Fatom (Gt (a, b)) ->
fprintf fmt "@[(%a@ > %a)@]" print_term a print_term b
- | Fatom (Pred (id, tl)) ->
- fprintf fmt "@[(%s@(%a))@]" id print_terms tl
+ | Fatom (Pred (id, [])) ->
+ fprintf fmt "@[%s@]" id
+ | Fatom (Pred (id, tl)) ->
+ fprintf fmt "@[%s(%a)@]" id print_terms tl
| Imp (a, b) ->
fprintf fmt "@[(%a@ => %a)@]" pp a pp b
| And (a, b) ->
@@ -57,37 +59,40 @@ let rec print_predicate fmt p =
| Not a ->
fprintf fmt "@[(NOT@ %a)@]" pp a
| Forall (id, t, p) ->
- fprintf fmt "@[(FORALL (%s:%s)@ %a)@]" id t pp p
- | Exists (id,n,t,p) ->
- let id' = next_away id (predicate_vars p) in
- let p' = subst_in_predicate (subst_onev n id') p in
- fprintf fmt "@[(EXISTS (%a)@ %a)@]" Ident.print id' pp p'
- | Exists _ ->
- assert false (*TODO*)
+ fprintf fmt "@[(FORALL (%s:%s): %a)@]" id t pp p
+ | Exists (id, t, p) ->
+ fprintf fmt "@[(EXISTS (%s:%s): %a)@]" id t pp p
let rec string_of_type_list = function
- | [] -> ""
- | e :: l' -> e ^ " -> " ^ (string_of_type_list l')
+ | [] -> assert false
+ | [e] -> e
+ | e :: l' -> e ^ ", " ^ (string_of_type_list l')
let print_query fmt (decls,concl) =
let print_decl = function
| DeclVar (id, [], t) ->
- fprintf fmt "@[%s: %s@]@\n" id t
+ fprintf fmt "@[%s: %s;@]@\n" id t
+ | DeclVar (id, [e], t) ->
+ fprintf fmt "@[%s: [%s -> %s];@]@\n"
+ id e t
| DeclVar (id, l, t) ->
- fprintf fmt "@[%s: %s%s@]@\n"
+ fprintf fmt "@[%s: [[%s] -> %s];@]@\n"
id (string_of_type_list l) t
- | DeclPred (id, l) ->
- fprintf fmt "@[%s: %sBOOLEAN@]@\n"
+ | DeclPred (id, []) ->
+ fprintf fmt "@[%s: BOOLEAN;@]@\n" id
+ | DeclPred (id, [e]) ->
+ fprintf fmt "@[%s: [%s -> BOOLEAN];@]@\n"
+ id e
+ | DeclPred (id, l) ->
+ fprintf fmt "@[%s: [[%s] -> BOOLEAN];@]@\n"
id (string_of_type_list l)
| DeclType id ->
- fprintf fmt "@[%s: TYPE@]@\n" id
+ fprintf fmt "@[%s: TYPE;@]@\n" id
| Assert (id, f) ->
- fprintf fmt "@[ASSERT %s@\n %a@]@\n" id print_predicate f
+ fprintf fmt "@[ASSERT %% %s@\n %a;@]@\n" id print_predicate f
List.iter print_decl decls;
- fprintf fmt "PUSH; %a@; POP;" print_predicate concl
+ fprintf fmt "QUERY %a;" print_predicate concl
let call q =
let f = Filename.temp_file "coq_dp" ".cvc" in
@@ -97,7 +102,7 @@ let call q =
close_out c;
ignore (Sys.command (sprintf "cat %s" f));
let cmd =
- sprintf "timeout 10 cvcl-1.1.0 %s > out 2>&1 && grep -q -w Valid out" f
+ sprintf "timeout 10 cvcl < %s > out 2>&1 && grep -q -w Valid out" f
prerr_endline cmd; flush stderr;
let out = Sys.command cmd in
diff --git a/contrib/dp/dp_simplify.ml b/contrib/dp/dp_simplify.ml
index fc0724dc7..3015b03e0 100644
--- a/contrib/dp/dp_simplify.ml
+++ b/contrib/dp/dp_simplify.ml
@@ -70,14 +70,8 @@ let rec print_predicate fmt p =
fprintf fmt "@[(NOT@ %a)@]" pp a
| Forall (id, _, p) ->
fprintf fmt "@[(FORALL (%a)@ %a)@]" ident id pp p
- | Exists (id,n,t,p) ->
- let id' = next_away id (predicate_vars p) in
- let p' = subst_in_predicate (subst_onev n id') p in
- fprintf fmt "@[(EXISTS (%a)@ %a)@]" Ident.print id' pp p'
- | Exists _ ->
- assert false (*TODO*)
+ | Exists (id, _, p) ->
+ fprintf fmt "@[(EXISTS (%a)@ %a)@]" ident id pp p
let rec string_of_type_list = function
| [] -> ""
diff --git a/contrib/dp/tests.v b/contrib/dp/tests.v
index 6209d4539..ef6d177cd 100644
--- a/contrib/dp/tests.v
+++ b/contrib/dp/tests.v
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Require Import ZArith.
Require Import Classical.
-(* Premier exemple avec traduction de l'égalité et du 0 *)
+(* First example with the 0 and the equality translated *)
Goal 0 = 0.
@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ simplify.
-(* Exemples dans le calcul propositionnel *)
+(* Examples in the Propositional Calculus
+ and theory of equality *)
Parameter A C : Prop.
@@ -28,8 +29,6 @@ zenon.
-(* Arithmétique de base *)
Parameter x y z : Z.
Goal x = y -> y = z -> x = z.
@@ -37,7 +36,27 @@ Goal x = y -> y = z -> x = z.
-(* Ajoût de quantificateurs universels *)
+Goal ((((A -> C) -> A) -> A) -> C) -> C.
+(* Arithmetic *)
+Goal 1 + 1 = 2.
+Goal 2*x + 10 = 18 -> x = 4.
+(* Universal quantifier *)
Goal (forall (x y : Z), x = y) -> 0 = 1.
@@ -45,7 +64,20 @@ simplify.
-(* Définition de fonctions *)
+Goal forall (x y : Z), x + y = y + x.
+induction x ; simplify.
+(* No decision procedure can solve this problem
+ Goal forall (x a b : Z), a * x + b = 0 -> x = - b/a.
+ simplify.
+ Qed.
+(* Functions definitions *)
Definition fst (x y : Z) : Z := x.
@@ -54,7 +86,8 @@ Goal forall (g : Z -> Z) (x y : Z), g (fst x y) = g x.
-(* Exemple d'éta-expansion *)
+(* Eta-expansion example *)
Definition snd_of_3 (x y z : Z) : Z := y.
@@ -66,112 +99,106 @@ simplify.
-(* Définition de types inductifs - appel de la fonction injection *)
+(* Inductive types definitions - call to injection function *)
-Inductive new : Set :=
-| B : new
-| N : new -> new.
+Inductive even : Z -> Prop :=
+| even_0 : even 0
+| even_plus2 : forall z : Z, even z -> even (z + 2).
-Inductive even_p : new -> Prop :=
-| even_p_B : even_p B
-| even_p_N : forall n : new, even_p n -> even_p (N (N n)).
-Goal even_p (N (N (N (N B)))).
+(* Simplify and Zenon can't prove this goal before the timeout
+ unlike CVC Lite *)
-Goal even_p (N (N (N (N B)))).
+Goal even 4.
-(* A noter que simplify ne parvient pas à résoudre ce problème
- avant le timemout au contraire de zenon *)
-Definition skip_z (z : Z) (n : new) := n.
+Definition skip_z (z : Z) (n : nat) := n.
Definition skip_z1 := skip_z.
-Goal forall (z : Z) (n : new), skip_z z n = skip_z1 z n.
+Goal forall (z : Z) (n : nat), skip_z z n = skip_z1 z n.
-(* Définition d'axiomes et ajoût de dp_hint *)
+(* Axioms definitions and dp_hint *)
-Parameter add : new -> new -> new.
-Axiom add_B : forall (n : new), add B n = n.
-Axiom add_N : forall (n1 n2 : new), add (N n1) n2 = N (add n1 n2).
+Parameter add : nat -> nat -> nat.
+Axiom add_0 : forall (n : nat), add 0%nat n = n.
+Axiom add_S : forall (n1 n2 : nat), add (S n1) n2 = S (add n1 n2).
-Dp add_B.
-Dp add_N.
+Dp add_0.
+Dp add_S.
-(* Encore un exemple que simplify ne résout pas avant le timeout *)
+(* Simplify can't prove this goal before the tiemout
+ unlike zenon *)
-Goal forall n : new, add n B = n.
+Goal forall n : nat, add n 0 = n.
induction n ; zenon.
-Definition newPred (n : new) : new := match n with
- | B => B
- | N n' => n'
+Definition pred (n : nat) : nat := match n with
+ | 0%nat => 0%nat
+ | S n' => n'
-Goal forall n : new, n <> B -> newPred (N n) <> B.
+Goal forall n : nat, n <> 0%nat -> pred (S n) <> 0%nat.
-Fixpoint newPlus (n m : new) {struct n} : new :=
+Fixpoint plus (n m : nat) {struct n} : nat :=
match n with
- | B => m
- | N n' => N (newPlus n' m)
+ | 0%nat => m
+ | S n' => S (plus n' m)
-Goal forall n : new, newPlus n B = n.
+Goal forall n : nat, plus n 0%nat = n.
induction n; zenon.
-Definition h (n : new) (z : Z) : Z := match n with
- | B => z + 1
- | N n' => z - 1
-(* mutually recursive functions *)
+(* Mutually recursive functions *)
-Fixpoint even (n:nat) : bool := match n with
+Fixpoint even_b (n : nat) : bool := match n with
| O => true
- | S m => odd m
+ | S m => odd_b m
-with odd (n:nat) : bool := match n with
+with odd_b (n : nat) : bool := match n with
| O => false
- | S m => even m
+ | S m => even_b m
-Goal even (S (S O)) = true.
+Goal even_b (S (S O)) = true.
-(* anonymous mutually recursive functions : no equations are produced *)
-Definition f :=
- fix even (n:nat) : bool := match n with
- | O => true
- | S m => odd m
+(* Anonymous mutually recursive functions : no equations are produced
+Definition mrf :=
+ fix even2 (n : nat) : bool := match n with
+ | O => true
+ | S m => odd2 m
- with odd (n:nat) : bool := match n with
- | O => false
- | S m => even m
+ with odd2 (n : nat) : bool := match n with
+ | O => false
+ | S m => even2 m
end for even.
-Goal f (S (S O)) = true.
+ Thus this goal is unsolvable
+Goal mrf (S (S O)) = true.
+*) \ No newline at end of file