diff options
authorGravatar Enrico Tassi <Enrico.Tassi@inria.fr>2014-02-28 16:34:12 +0100
committerGravatar Enrico Tassi <Enrico.Tassi@inria.fr>2014-02-28 16:34:12 +0100
commit293746e7d709436a8e0ec94b8eb2e972ac0efde6 (patch)
parent1995076f64d860d472d882d7d0442f66a07f015c (diff)
Fix compilation of coq and plugins using coq_makefile under cygwin
Problems: - strip may not be "strip" but "i686-bla-strip", hence we ask ocamlc -config the value of "ranlinb" and replace ranlib by strip obtaining "i686-bla-strip" from "i686-bla-ranlib" - coq_makefile was not quoting the plugins/ paths - coq_makefile was quoting twice camlpX (the shell of cygwin was confused)
2 files changed, 42 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/configure.ml b/configure.ml
index 5488904a1..1c037269d 100644
--- a/configure.ml
+++ b/configure.ml
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
You could also use our wrapper ./configure <opts> *)
#load "unix.cma"
+#load "str.cma"
open Printf
let coq_version = "trunk"
@@ -47,12 +48,19 @@ let rec waitpid_non_intr pid =
(** Below, we'd better read all lines on a channel before closing it,
otherwise a SIGPIPE could be encountered by the sub-process *)
-let read_first_line_and_close fd =
+let read_lines_and_close fd =
let cin = Unix.in_channel_of_descr fd in
- let line = try remove_final_cr (input_line cin) with End_of_file -> "" in
- (try while true do ignore (input_line cin) done with End_of_file -> ());
+ let lines = ref [] in
+ begin
+ try
+ while true do
+ lines := remove_final_cr (input_line cin) :: !lines
+ done
+ with End_of_file -> ()
+ end;
close_in cin;
- line
+ let lines = List.rev !lines in
+ try List.hd lines, lines with Failure _ -> "", []
(** Run some unix command and read the first line of its output.
We avoid Unix.open_process and its non-fully-portable /bin/sh,
@@ -80,17 +88,17 @@ let run ?(fatal=true) ?(err=StdErr) prog args =
let pid = Unix.create_process prog argv Unix.stdin out_w fd_err in
let () = Unix.close out_w in
let () = Unix.close nul_w in
- let line = read_first_line_and_close out_r in
- let _ = read_first_line_and_close nul_r in
+ let line, all = read_lines_and_close out_r in
+ let _ = read_lines_and_close nul_r in
let () = check_exit_code (waitpid_non_intr pid) in
- line
+ line, all
- | _ when not fatal && not !verbose -> ""
+ | _ when not fatal && not !verbose -> "", []
| e ->
let cmd = String.concat " " (prog::args) in
let exn = match e with Failure s -> s | _ -> Printexc.to_string e in
let msg = sprintf "Error while running '%s' (%s)" cmd exn in
- if fatal then die msg else (printf "W: %s\n" msg; "")
+ if fatal then die msg else (printf "W: %s\n" msg; "", [])
let tryrun prog args = run ~fatal:false ~err:DevNull prog args
@@ -395,7 +403,7 @@ let query_arch () =
let rec try_archs = function
| (prog,args)::rest when is_executable prog ->
- let arch = tryrun prog args in
+ let arch, _ = tryrun prog args in
if arch <> "" then arch else try_archs rest
| _ :: rest -> try_archs rest
| [] -> query_arch ()
@@ -405,7 +413,7 @@ let os_type_cygwin = (Sys.os_type = "Cygwin")
let arch = match !Prefs.arch with
| Some a -> a
| None ->
- let arch = tryrun "uname" ["-s"] in
+ let arch,_ = tryrun "uname" ["-s"] in
if starts_with arch "CYGWIN" then "win32"
else if starts_with arch "MINGW32" then "win32"
else if arch <> "" then arch
@@ -433,7 +441,7 @@ let vcs =
let make =
- let version_line = run !Prefs.makecmd ["-v"] in
+ let version_line, _ = run !Prefs.makecmd ["-v"] in
let version = List.nth (string_split ' ' version_line) 2 in
match string_split '.' version with
| major::minor::_ when (s2i major, s2i minor) >= (3,81) ->
@@ -466,8 +474,8 @@ let _ =
if not (is_executable camlc) then
die ("Error: cannot find the executable '"^camlc^"'.")
-let caml_version = run camlc ["-version"]
-let camllib = run camlc ["-where"]
+let caml_version, _ = run camlc ["-version"]
+let camllib, _ = run camlc ["-where"]
let camlp4compat = "-loc loc"
(** Caml version as a list of string, e.g. ["4";"00";"1"] *)
@@ -525,7 +533,7 @@ let check_camlp5 testcma = match !Prefs.camlp5dir with
dir testcma
in die msg
| None ->
- let dir = tryrun "camlp5" ["-where"] in
+ let dir,_ = tryrun "camlp5" ["-where"] in
if dir <> "" then dir
else if Sys.file_exists (camllib/"camlp5"/testcma) then
@@ -543,7 +551,7 @@ let check_camlp5_version () =
if s.[i] = '4' then s.[i] <- '5'
- let version_line = run ~err:StdOut camlexec.p4 ["-v"] in
+ let version_line, _ = run ~err:StdOut camlexec.p4 ["-v"] in
let version = List.nth (string_split ' ' version_line) 2 in
match string_split '.' version with
| major::minor::_ when (s2i major, s2i minor) >= (5,1) ->
@@ -605,7 +613,7 @@ let check_native () =
(msg_no_camlp4_cmxa (); raise Not_found);
if not (Sys.file_exists (camllib/"dynlink.cmxa")) then
(msg_no_dynlink_cmxa (); raise Not_found);
- let version = run camlexec.opt ["-version"] in
+ let version, _ = run camlexec.opt ["-version"] in
if version <> caml_version then
"Warning: Native and bytecode compilers do not have the same version!\n";
@@ -625,7 +633,7 @@ let hasnatdynlink = !Prefs.natdynlink && best_compiler = "opt"
let needs_MacOS_fix () =
match hasnatdynlink, arch, caml_version_nums with
| true, "Darwin", 3::11::_ ->
- (match string_split '.' (run "uname" ["-r"]) with
+ (match string_split '.' (fst(run "uname" ["-r"])) with
| "9"::_ -> true
| "10"::("0"|"1"|"2")::_ -> true
| "10"::_ when Sys.word_size = 32 -> true
@@ -643,7 +651,7 @@ let osdeplibs = "-cclib -lunix"
let operating_system, osdeplibs =
if starts_with arch "sun4" then
- let os = run "uname" ["-r"] in
+ let os, _ = run "uname" ["-r"] in
if starts_with os "5" then
"Sun Solaris "^os, osdeplibs^" -cclib -lnsl -cclib -lsocket"
@@ -676,11 +684,11 @@ let get_lablgtkdir () =
else "", ""
| None ->
let msg = "via ocamlfind" in
- let d1 = tryrun "ocamlfind" ["query";"lablgtk2.sourceview2"] in
+ let d1,_ = tryrun "ocamlfind" ["query";"lablgtk2.sourceview2"] in
if d1 <> "" && check_lablgtkdir msg d1 then d1, msg
(* In debian wheezy, ocamlfind knows only of lablgtk2 *)
- let d2 = tryrun "ocamlfind" ["query";"lablgtk2"] in
+ let d2,_ = tryrun "ocamlfind" ["query";"lablgtk2"] in
if d2 <> "" && d2 <> d1 && check_lablgtkdir msg d2 then d2, msg
let msg = "in OCaml library" in
@@ -738,7 +746,7 @@ let coqide_flags () =
if !lablgtkdir <> "" then lablgtkincludes := sprintf "-I %S" !lablgtkdir;
match coqide, arch with
| "opt", "Darwin" when !Prefs.macintegration ->
- let osxdir = tryrun "ocamlfind" ["query";"lablgtkosx"] in
+ let osxdir,_ = tryrun "ocamlfind" ["query";"lablgtkosx"] in
if osxdir <> "" then begin
lablgtkincludes := sprintf "%s -I %S" !lablgtkincludes osxdir;
idearchflags := "lablgtkosx.cma";
@@ -760,8 +768,16 @@ let strip =
if arch = "Darwin" then
if hasnatdynlink then "true" else "strip"
- if !Prefs.profile || !Prefs.debug then "true" else "strip"
+ if !Prefs.profile || !Prefs.debug then "true" else begin
+ let _, all = run camlexec.byte ["-config"] in
+ let strip = String.concat "" (List.map (fun l ->
+ match string_split ' ' l with
+ | "ranlib:" :: cc :: _ -> (* on windows, we greb the right strip *)
+ Str.replace_first (Str.regexp "ranlib") "strip" cc
+ | _ -> ""
+ ) all) in
+ if strip = "" then "stip" else strip
+ end
(** * md5sum command *)
diff --git a/tools/coq_makefile.ml b/tools/coq_makefile.ml
index 37a3e8062..3eae68ff8 100644
--- a/tools/coq_makefile.ml
+++ b/tools/coq_makefile.ml
@@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ let variables is_install opt (args,defs) =
-I \"$(COQLIB)proofs\" -I \"$(COQLIB)tactics\" -I \"$(COQLIB)tools\" \\
-I \"$(COQLIB)toplevel\" -I \"$(COQLIB)grammar\"";
List.iter (fun c -> print " \\
- -I $(COQLIB)/"; print c) Coq_config.plugins_dirs; print "\n";
+ -I \"$(COQLIB)/"; print c; print "\"") Coq_config.plugins_dirs; print "\n";
print "CAMLC?=$(OCAMLC) -c -rectypes\n";
print "CAMLOPTC?=$(OCAMLOPT) -c -rectypes\n";
@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ CAMLP4EXTEND=pa_extend.cmo q_MLast.cmo pa_macro.cmo
- print "PP?=-pp '\"$(CAMLP4O)\" -I \"$(CAMLLIB)\" -I . $(COQSRCLIBS) compat5.cmo \\
+ print "PP?=-pp '$(CAMLP4O) -I $(CAMLLIB) -I . $(COQSRCLIBS) compat5.cmo \\
match is_install with