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authorGravatar barras <barras@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2008-03-18 13:30:04 +0000
committerGravatar barras <barras@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2008-03-18 13:30:04 +0000
commit242e810e149d19d9a6089e6af564acd884b61fc5 (patch)
parentd4685a5bdaf15c31ddc616777b05280ec7570d08 (diff)
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@10690 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
3 files changed, 162 insertions, 69 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/indtypes.ml b/kernel/indtypes.ml
index 691992dec..c299ff553 100644
--- a/kernel/indtypes.ml
+++ b/kernel/indtypes.ml
@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ let ienv_push_inductive (env, n, ntypes, ra_env) (mi,lpar) =
push_rel (Anonymous,None,
hnf_prod_applist env (type_of_inductive env specif) lpar) env in
let ra_env' =
- (Imbr mi,Rtree.mk_param 0) ::
+ (Imbr mi,(Rtree.mk_rec_calls 1).(0)) ::
List.map (fun (r,t) -> (r,Rtree.lift 1 t)) ra_env in
(* New index of the inductive types *)
let newidx = n + auxntyp in
@@ -510,8 +510,8 @@ let check_positivity_one (env, _,ntypes,_ as ienv) hyps i nargs lcnames indlc =
let check_positivity env_ar params inds =
let ntypes = Array.length inds in
- let lra_ind =
- List.rev (list_tabulate (fun j -> (Mrec j, Rtree.mk_param j)) ntypes) in
+ let rc = Array.mapi (fun j t -> (Mrec j,t)) (Rtree.mk_rec_calls ntypes) in
+ let lra_ind = List.rev (Array.to_list rc) in
let lparams = rel_context_length params in
let nmr = rel_context_nhyps params in
let check_one i (_,lcnames,lc,(sign,_)) =
diff --git a/lib/rtree.ml b/lib/rtree.ml
index bc6555e75..4832fe58d 100644
--- a/lib/rtree.ml
+++ b/lib/rtree.ml
@@ -8,9 +8,13 @@
(*i $Id$ i*)
+open Util
(* Type of regular trees:
- Param denotes tree variables (like de Bruijn indices)
+ the first int is the depth of the occurrence, and the second int
+ is the index in the array of trees introduced at that depth
- Node denotes the usual tree node, labelled with 'a
- Rec(j,v1..vn) introduces infinite tree. It denotes
v(j+1) with parameters 0..n-1 replaced by
@@ -19,55 +23,87 @@
current Rec node (as usual in de Bruijn binding system)
type 'a t =
- Param of int
+ Param of int * int
| Node of 'a * 'a t array
| Rec of int * 'a t array
(* Building trees *)
-let mk_param i = Param i
+let mk_rec_calls i = Array.init i (fun j -> Param(0,j))
let mk_node lab sons = Node (lab, sons)
-(* Given a vector of n bodies, builds the n mutual recursive trees.
- Recursive calls are made with parameters 0 to n-1. We check
- the bodies actually build something by checking it is not
- directly one of the parameters 0 to n-1. *)
-let mk_rec defs =
- Array.mapi
- (fun i d ->
- (match d with
- Param k when k < Array.length defs -> failwith "invalid rec call"
- | _ -> ());
- Rec(i,defs))
- defs
(* The usual lift operation *)
let rec lift_rtree_rec depth n = function
- Param i -> if i < depth then Param i else Param (i+n)
+ Param (i,j) as t -> if i < depth then t else Param (i+n,j)
| Node (l,sons) -> Node (l,Array.map (lift_rtree_rec depth n) sons)
| Rec(j,defs) ->
- Rec(j, Array.map (lift_rtree_rec (depth+Array.length defs) n) defs)
+ Rec(j, Array.map (lift_rtree_rec (depth+1) n) defs)
let lift n t = if n=0 then t else lift_rtree_rec 0 n t
(* The usual subst operation *)
let rec subst_rtree_rec depth sub = function
- Param i ->
- if i < depth then Param i
- else if i-depth < Array.length sub then lift depth sub.(i-depth)
- else Param (i-Array.length sub)
+ Param (i,j) as t ->
+ if i < depth then t
+ else if i-depth < Array.length sub then
+ lift depth sub.(i-depth).(j)
+ else Param (i-Array.length sub,j)
| Node (l,sons) -> Node (l,Array.map (subst_rtree_rec depth sub) sons)
| Rec(j,defs) ->
- Rec(j, Array.map (subst_rtree_rec (depth+Array.length defs) sub) defs)
+ Rec(j, Array.map (subst_rtree_rec (depth+1) sub) defs)
+let subst_rtree sub t = subst_rtree_rec 0 [|sub|] t
+(* To avoid looping, we must check that every body introduces a node
+ or a parameter *)
+let rec expand = function
+ | Rec(j,defs) ->
+ let sub = Array.init (Array.length defs) (fun i -> Rec(i,defs)) in
+ expand (subst_rtree sub defs.(j))
+ | t -> t
+(* Given a vector of n bodies, builds the n mutual recursive trees.
+ Recursive calls are made with parameters (0,0) to (0,n-1). We check
+ the bodies actually build something by checking it is not
+ directly one of the parameters of depth 0. Some care is taken to
+ accept definitions like rec X=Y and Y=f(X,Y) *)
+let mk_rec defs =
+ let rec check histo d =
+ match expand d with
+ Param(0,j) when List.mem j histo -> failwith "invalid rec call"
+ | Param(0,j) -> check (j::histo) defs.(j)
+ | _ -> () in
+ Array.mapi (fun i d -> check [i] d; Rec(i,defs)) defs
+let v(i,j) = lift i (mk_rec_calls(j+1)).(j);;
+let r = (mk_rec[|(mk_rec[|v(1,0)|]).(0)|]).(0);;
+let r = mk_rec[|v(0,1);v(1,0)|];;
+the last one should be accepted
+(* Tree destructors, expanding loops when necessary *)
+let dest_param t =
+ match expand t with
+ Param (i,j) -> (i,j)
+ | _ -> failwith "Rtree.dest_param"
+let dest_node t =
+ match expand t with
+ Node (l,sons) -> (l,sons)
+ | _ -> failwith "Rtree.dest_node"
+let is_node t =
+ match expand t with
+ Node _ -> true
+ | _ -> false
-let subst_rtree sub t = subst_rtree_rec 0 sub t
let rec map f t = match t with
- Param i -> Param i
+ Param(i,j) -> Param(i,j)
| Node (a,sons) -> Node (f a, Array.map (map f) sons)
| Rec(j,defs) -> Rec (j, Array.map (map f) defs)
let rec smartmap f t = match t with
- Param i -> t
+ Param _ -> t
| Node (a,sons) ->
let a'=f a and sons' = Util.array_smartmap (map f) sons in
if a'==a && sons'==sons then
@@ -81,43 +117,61 @@ let rec smartmap f t = match t with
-(* To avoid looping, we must check that every body introduces a node
- or a parameter *)
-let rec expand_rtree = function
- | Rec(j,defs) ->
- let sub = Array.init (Array.length defs) (fun i -> Rec(i,defs)) in
- expand_rtree (subst_rtree sub defs.(j))
- | t -> t
-(* Tree destructors, expanding loops when necessary *)
-let dest_param t =
- match expand_rtree t with
- Param i -> i
- | _ -> failwith "dest_param"
-let dest_node t =
- match expand_rtree t with
- Node (l,sons) -> (l,sons)
- | _ -> failwith "dest_node"
-(* Tests if a given tree is infinite or not. It proceeds *)
-let rec is_infinite = function
- Param i -> i = (-1)
- | Node(_,sons) -> Util.array_exists is_infinite sons
- | Rec(j,defs) ->
- let newdefs =
- Array.mapi (fun i def -> if i=j then Param (-1) else def) defs in
- let sub =
- Array.init (Array.length defs)
- (fun i -> if i=j then Param (-1) else Rec(i,newdefs)) in
- is_infinite (subst_rtree sub defs.(j))
+(* Fixpoint operator on trees:
+ f is the body of the fixpoint. Arguments passed to f are:
+ - a boolean telling if the subtree has already been seen
+ - the current subtree
+ - a function to make recursive calls on subtrees
+ *)
+let fold f t =
+ let rec fold histo t =
+ let seen = List.mem t histo in
+ let nhisto = if not seen then t::histo else histo in
+ f seen (expand t) (fold nhisto) in
+ fold [] t
+(* Tests if a given tree is infinite, i.e. has an branch of infinte length. *)
+let is_infinite t = fold
+ (fun seen t is_inf ->
+ seen ||
+ (match t with
+ Node(_,v) -> array_exists is_inf v
+ | Param _ -> false
+ | _ -> assert false))
+ t
+let fold2 f t x =
+ let rec fold histo t x =
+ let seen = List.mem (t,x) histo in
+ let nhisto = if not seen then (t,x)::histo else histo in
+ f seen (expand t) x (fold nhisto) in
+ fold [] t x
+let compare_rtree f = fold2
+ (fun seen t1 t2 cmp ->
+ seen ||
+ let b = f t1 t2 in
+ if b < 0 then false
+ else if b > 0 then true
+ else match expand t1, expand t2 with
+ Node(_,v1), Node(_,v2) when Array.length v1 = Array.length v2 ->
+ array_for_all2 cmp v1 v2
+ | _ -> false)
+let eq_rtree cmp t1 t2 =
+ t1 == t2 || t1=t2 ||
+ compare_rtree
+ (fun t1 t2 ->
+ if cmp (fst(dest_node t1)) (fst(dest_node t2)) then 0
+ else (-1)) t1 t2
(* Pretty-print a tree (not so pretty) *)
open Pp
let rec pp_tree prl t =
match t with
- Param k -> str"#"++int k
+ Param (i,j) -> str"#"++int i++str","++int j
| Node(lab,[||]) -> hov 2 (str"("++prl lab++str")")
| Node(lab,v) ->
hov 2 (str"("++prl lab++str","++brk(1,0)++
diff --git a/lib/rtree.mli b/lib/rtree.mli
index 554af8163..db5475b79 100644
--- a/lib/rtree.mli
+++ b/lib/rtree.mli
@@ -9,32 +9,71 @@
(*i $Id$ i*)
(* Type of regular tree with nodes labelled by values of type 'a *)
+(* The implementation uses de Bruijn indices, so binding capture
+ is avoided by the lift operator (see example below) *)
type 'a t
(* Building trees *)
-(* build a recursive call *)
-val mk_param : int -> 'a t
(* build a node given a label and the vector of sons *)
val mk_node : 'a -> 'a t array -> 'a t
-(* build mutually dependent trees *)
+(* Build mutually recursive trees:
+ X_1 = f_1(X_1,..,X_n) ... X_n = f_n(X_1,..,X_n)
+ is obtained by the following pseudo-code
+ let vx = mk_rec_calls n in
+ let [|x_1;..;x_n|] =
+ mk_rec[|f_1(vx.(0),..,vx.(n-1);..;f_n(vx.(0),..,vx.(n-1))|]
+ First example: build rec X = a(X,Y) and Y = b(X,Y,Y)
+ let [|vx;vy|] = mk_rec_calls 2 in
+ let [|x;y|] = mk_rec [|mk_node a [|vx;vy|]; mk_node b [|vx;vy;vy|]|]
+ Another example: nested recursive trees rec Y = b(rec X = a(X,Y),Y,Y)
+ let [|vy|] = mk_rec_calls 1 in
+ let [|vx|] = mk_rec_calls 1 in
+ let [|x|] = mk_rec[|mk_node a [|vx;lift 1 vy|]
+ let [|y|] = mk_rec[|mk_node b [|x;vy;vy|]|]
+ (note the lift to avoid
+ *)
+val mk_rec_calls : int -> 'a t array
val mk_rec : 'a t array -> 'a t array
(* [lift k t] increases of [k] the free parameters of [t]. Needed
to avoid captures when a tree appears under [mk_rec] *)
val lift : int -> 'a t -> 'a t
-val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t
-(* [(smartmap f t) == t] if [(f a) ==a ] for all nodes *)
-val smartmap : ('a -> 'a) -> 'a t -> 'a t
+val is_node : 'a t -> bool
(* Destructors (recursive calls are expanded) *)
-val dest_param : 'a t -> int
val dest_node : 'a t -> 'a * 'a t array
+(* dest_param is not needed for closed trees (i.e. with no free variable) *)
+val dest_param : 'a t -> int * int
(* Tells if a tree has an infinite branch *)
val is_infinite : 'a t -> bool
+(* [compare_rtree f t1 t2] compares t1 t2 (top-down).
+ f is called on each node: if the result is negative then the
+ traversal ends on false, it is is positive then deeper nodes are
+ not examined, and the traversal continues on respective siblings,
+ and if it is 0, then the traversal continues on sons, pairwise.
+ In this latter case, if the nodes do not have the same number of
+ sons, then the traversal ends on false.
+ In case of loop, the traversal is successful and it resumes on
+ siblings.
+ *)
+val compare_rtree : ('a t -> 'b t -> int) -> 'a t -> 'b t -> bool
+val eq_rtree : ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a t -> bool
+(* Iterators *)
+val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t
+(* [(smartmap f t) == t] if [(f a) ==a ] for all nodes *)
+val smartmap : ('a -> 'a) -> 'a t -> 'a t
+val fold : (bool -> 'a t -> ('a t -> 'b) -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b
+val fold2 :
+ (bool -> 'a t -> 'b -> ('a t -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'c) -> 'a t -> 'b -> 'c
(* A rather simple minded pretty-printer *)
val pp_tree : ('a -> Pp.std_ppcmds) -> 'a t -> Pp.std_ppcmds