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authorGravatar Pierre-Marie Pédrot <pierre-marie.pedrot@inria.fr>2015-07-30 15:55:24 +0200
committerGravatar Pierre-Marie Pédrot <pierre-marie.pedrot@inria.fr>2015-07-30 15:55:24 +0200
commit1ee23d71dadd6211c36afe8d2891b7170535cd62 (patch)
parent63ecb7386ae6e705d3f5577e01ec543f706c9427 (diff)
Followup of 9f81b58551.
The hash function exported by the interface ought to respect the equality. Therefore, we only use the syntactic hash for the hashconsing module while using the canonical hash in the API.
1 files changed, 10 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/names.ml b/kernel/names.ml
index 19fe62ec8..ae2b3b638 100644
--- a/kernel/names.ml
+++ b/kernel/names.ml
@@ -524,18 +524,9 @@ module KerPair = struct
let hash x = KerName.hash (canonical x)
- (** Default (logical) comparison is on the canonical part *)
+ (** Default (logical) comparison and hash is on the canonical part *)
let equal = CanOrd.equal
- (** Hash-consing (despite having the same user part implies having
- the same canonical part is a logical invariant of the system, it
- is not necessarily an invariant in memory, so we treat kernel
- names as they are syntactically for hash-consing) *)
- let hash = function
- | Same kn -> KerName.hash kn
- | Dual (knu, knc) ->
- Hashset.Combine.combine (KerName.hash knu) (KerName.hash knc)
+ let hash = CanOrd.hash
module Self_Hashcons =
@@ -550,7 +541,14 @@ module KerPair = struct
| Same x, Same y -> x == y
| Dual (ux,cx), Dual (uy,cy) -> ux == uy && cx == cy
| (Same _ | Dual _), _ -> false
- let hash = hash
+ (** Hash-consing (despite having the same user part implies having
+ the same canonical part is a logical invariant of the system, it
+ is not necessarily an invariant in memory, so we treat kernel
+ names as they are syntactically for hash-consing) *)
+ let hash = function
+ | Same kn -> KerName.hash kn
+ | Dual (knu, knc) ->
+ Hashset.Combine.combine (KerName.hash knu) (KerName.hash knc)
module HashKP = Hashcons.Make(Self_Hashcons)