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authorGravatar letouzey <letouzey@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2003-09-05 13:57:03 +0000
committerGravatar letouzey <letouzey@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2003-09-05 13:57:03 +0000
commit0f325db9852325d558a0a8ca49cf8da52b1774e1 (patch)
parent52afa10317195c2aa24a802c624043f4bfd3ef4c (diff)
principes de récurrences plus efficaces pour l'extraction
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@4309 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
1 files changed, 29 insertions, 70 deletions
diff --git a/theories/ZArith/Wf_Z.v b/theories/ZArith/Wf_Z.v
index c303b6fe7..56f8485da 100644
--- a/theories/ZArith/Wf_Z.v
+++ b/theories/ZArith/Wf_Z.v
@@ -124,26 +124,22 @@ Intros; Apply inject_nat_set;
| Assumption].
-Section natlike_rec2.
+Section Efficient_Rec.
(** [natlike_rec2] is the same as [natlike_rec], but with a different proof, designed
to give a better extracted term. *)
-Local R := [a,b:Z]`0<=a`/\`a=(Zpred b)`.
+Local R := [a,b:Z]`0<=a`/\`a<b`.
Local R_wf : (well_founded Z R).
LetTac f := [z]Cases z of (POS p) => (convert p) | ZERO => O | (NEG _) => O end.
Apply well_founded_lt_compat with f.
-Unfold R f.
-Intros x y; Case x.
-Intuition; Rewrite (Zs_pred y); Rewrite <- H1; Simpl; Apply compare_convert_O.
-Case y; Intuition; Try Solve [ Simpl in H2; Inversion H2 ].
-Assert (POS p) = (POS (add_un p0)).
- Rewrite add_un_Zs; Rewrite H2; Auto with zarith.
-Inversion_clear H0; Unfold convert; Rewrite convert_add_un.
-Change 1 (positive_to_nat p0 (1)) with (plus (0) (positive_to_nat p0 (1))).
-Apply lt_reg_r; Auto.
-Intuition; Elim H1; Simpl; Trivial.
+Unfold R f; Clear f R.
+Intros x y; Case x; Intros; Elim H; Clear H.
+Case y; Intros; Apply compare_convert_O Orelse Inversion H0.
+Case y; Intros; Apply compare_convert_INFERIEUR Orelse Inversion H0; Auto.
+Intros; Elim H; Auto.
Lemma natlike_rec2 : (P:Z->Type)(P `0`) ->
@@ -158,11 +154,12 @@ Apply Zlt_ZERO_pred_le_ZERO; Unfold Zlt; Simpl; Trivial.
Rewrite Zs_pred.
Apply Hrec.
-Apply X; Unfold R; Intuition.
+Apply X; Auto; Unfold R; Intuition; Apply Zlt_pred_n_n.
Intros; Elim H; Simpl; Trivial.
-(** variant using [Zpred] instead of [Zs] *)
+(** A variant of the previous using [Zpred] instead of [Zs]. *)
Lemma natlike_rec3 : (P:Z->Type)(P `0`) ->
((z:Z)`0<z` -> (P (Zpred z)) -> (P z)) -> (z:Z)`0<=z` -> (P z).
@@ -170,72 +167,34 @@ Intros P Ho Hrec z; Pattern z; Apply (well_founded_induction_type Z R R_wf).
Intro x; Case x.
Intros; Apply Hrec.
-Unfold Zlt; Simpl; Trivial.
+Unfold Zlt; Trivial.
Assert `0<=(Zpred (POS p))`.
Apply Zlt_ZERO_pred_le_ZERO; Unfold Zlt; Simpl; Trivial.
-Apply X; Unfold R; Intuition.
+Apply X; Auto; Unfold R; Intuition; Apply Zlt_pred_n_n.
Intros; Elim H; Simpl; Trivial.
-End natlike_rec2.
+(** A more general induction principal using [Zlt]. *)
-Lemma Z_lt_induction :
- (P:Z->Prop)
- ((x:Z)((y:Z)`0 <= y < x`->(P y))->(P x))
- -> (x:Z)`0 <= x`->(P x).
+Lemma Z_lt_rec : (P:Z->Type)
+ ((x:Z)((y:Z)`0 <= y < x`->(P y))->(P x)) -> (x:Z)`0 <= x`->(P x).
-Intros P H x Hx.
-Cut (x:Z)`0 <= x`->(y:Z)`0 <= y < x`->(P y).
-Apply (H0 (Zs x)).
-Auto with zarith.
+Intros P Hrec z; Pattern z; Apply (well_founded_induction_type Z R R_wf).
+Intro x; Case x; Intros.
+Apply Hrec; Intros.
+Assert H2: `0<0`.
+ Apply Zle_lt_trans with y; Intuition.
+Inversion H2.
+Unfold Zle Zcompare in H; Elim H; Auto.
-Split; [ Assumption | Exact (Zlt_n_Sn x) ].
-Intros x0 Hx0; Generalize Hx0; Pattern x0; Apply natlike_ind.
-Absurd `0 <= 0`; Try Assumption.
-Apply Zgt_not_le.
-Apply Zgt_le_trans with m:=y.
-Apply Zlt_gt.
-Intuition. Intuition.
-Intros. Apply H. Intros.
-Apply (H1 H0).
-Split; [ Intuition | Idtac ].
-Apply Zlt_le_trans with y. Intuition.
-Apply Zgt_S_le. Apply Zlt_gt. Intuition.
-Lemma Z_lt_rec :
- (P:Z->Set)
+Lemma Z_lt_induction :
+ (P:Z->Prop)
((x:Z)((y:Z)`0 <= y < x`->(P y))->(P x))
-> (x:Z)`0 <= x`->(P x).
-Intros P H x Hx.
-Cut (x:Z)`0 <= x`->(y:Z)`0 <= y < x`->(P y).
-Apply (H0 (Zs x)).
-Auto with zarith.
-Split; [ Assumption | Exact (Zlt_n_Sn x) ].
-Intros x0 Hx0; Generalize Hx0; Pattern x0; Apply natlike_rec2.
-Absurd `0 <= 0`; Try Assumption.
-Apply Zgt_not_le.
-Apply Zgt_le_trans with m:=y.
-Apply Zlt_gt.
-Intuition. Intuition.
-Intros. Apply H. Intros.
-Apply (H1 H0).
-Split; [ Intuition | Idtac ].
-Apply Zlt_le_trans with y. Intuition.
-Apply Zgt_S_le. Apply Zlt_gt. Intuition.
+Exact Z_lt_rec.
+End Efficient_Rec.