diff options
authorGravatar barras <barras@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>1999-12-13 17:00:50 +0000
committerGravatar barras <barras@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>1999-12-13 17:00:50 +0000
commit0caaf60ee4e6e18fb9d4d36e9d1514914d3bc1ba (patch)
parentd21d934c5ef9f47046a705eebd554e63f77b9e30 (diff)
mise a jour de refiner.ml (reports de modifs de la V6.3)
bug possible dans lib.ml git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@250 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
2 files changed, 185 insertions, 216 deletions
diff --git a/library/lib.ml b/library/lib.ml
index a6686168d..868649513 100644
--- a/library/lib.ml
+++ b/library/lib.ml
@@ -189,6 +189,7 @@ type frozen = library_segment
let freeze () = !lib_stk
+(* module_name is not set ? *)
let unfreeze stk =
lib_stk := stk;
recalc_path_prefix ()
diff --git a/proofs/refiner.ml b/proofs/refiner.ml
index f2f587b13..c1f3331d6 100644
--- a/proofs/refiner.ml
+++ b/proofs/refiner.ml
@@ -43,6 +43,29 @@ let rec and_status = function
| Complete_proof :: l -> and_status l
| _ -> Incomplete_proof
+(* Normalizing evars in the whole proof tree. Called when the sigma of
+ the proof tree changes. *)
+let norm_goal sigma gl =
+ let red_fun = nf_ise1 sigma in
+ let ncl = red_fun gl.evar_concl in
+ { evar_concl = ncl;
+ evar_env = change_hyps (map_sign_typ (typed_app red_fun)) gl.evar_env;
+ evar_body = gl.evar_body;
+ evar_info = gl.evar_info }
+let rec norm_evar_pf sigma p =
+ match p.ref with
+ None -> { status = p.status;
+ subproof = p.subproof;
+ goal = norm_goal sigma p.goal;
+ ref=None }
+ | Some(r,pfl) ->
+ { status = p.status;
+ subproof= p.subproof;
+ goal = p.goal;
+ ref = Some(r, List.map (norm_evar_pf sigma) pfl)}
(* mapshape [ l1 ; ... ; lk ] [ v1 ; ... ; vk ] [ p_1 ; .... ; p_(l1+...+lk) ]
[ (v1 [p_1 ... p_l1]) ; (v2 [ p_(l1+1) ... p_(l1+l2) ]) ; ... ;
@@ -273,21 +296,6 @@ let extract_proof sign pf =
| _ -> errorlabstrm "extract_proof"
[< 'sTR "Attempt to save an incomplete proof" >]
-(* whd_evar goes through existential variables when they are defined *)
-let rec whd_evar env sigma k =
- let (ev,_) = destEvar k in
- if Evd.is_defined sigma ev then
- whd_evar env sigma (existential_value sigma k)
- else
- k
-(* expanses every existential constant and compute the normal form
- through beta iota reduction *)
-let rec expand_evars env sigma c =
- nf_betaiota env sigma (strong whd_evar env sigma c)
(* Tacticals *)
@@ -308,236 +316,179 @@ let apply_sig_tac r tac g =
r := glsigma.sigma;
+let idtac_valid = function
+ [pf] -> pf
+ | _ -> anomaly "Refiner.idtac_valid"
+(* goal_goal_list : goal sigma -> goal list sigma *)
+let goal_goal_list gls = {it=[gls.it];sigma=gls.sigma};;
(* the identity tactic *)
+let tclIDTAC gls = (goal_goal_list gls, idtac_valid);;
-let tclIDTAC gls =
- { it = [gls.it]; sigma = gls.sigma },
- (function
- | [pf] -> pf
- | _ -> anomalylabstrm "Refiner.tclIDTAC"
- [< 'sTR "tclIDTAC validation is applicable only to"; 'sPC;
- 'sTR "a one-proof list" >])
+(* General failure tactic *)
+let tclFAIL_s s gls = errorlabstrm "Refiner.tclFAIL_s" [< 'sTR s>];;
+let tclFAIL = tclFAIL_s "Failtac always fails.";;
+let start_tac gls =
+ let (sigr,g) = unpackage gls in
+ (sigr,[g],idtac_valid)
-let tclFAIL_s s gls = errorlabstrm "Refiner.tclFAIL_s" [< 'sTR s>]
-let (tclFAIL : tactic) =
- fun _ -> errorlabstrm "Refiner.tclFAIL" [< 'sTR"Failtac always fails.">]
+let finish_tac (sigr,gl,p) = (repackage sigr gl, p);;
+let thens_tac tac2l taci (sigr,gs,p) =
+ let (gl,gi) =
+ try list_chop (List.length tac2l) gs
+ with Failure _ -> errorlabstrm "Refiner.combine_tactics"
+ [<'sTR "Wrong number of tactics.">] in
+ let tac2gl =
+ List.combine gl tac2l @ list_map_i (fun i g -> (g, taci i)) 0 gi in
+ let gll,pl =
+ List.split(List.map (fun (g,tac2) -> apply_sig_tac sigr tac2 g) tac2gl) in
+ (sigr, List.flatten gll,
+ compose p (mapshape (List.map List.length gll) pl))
+let then_tac tac = thens_tac [] (fun _ -> tac);;
-(* solve_subgoal n tac pf_sigma applies the tactic tac at the nth subgoal of
- pf_sigma *)
let non_existent_goal n =
errorlabstrm ("No such goal: "^(string_of_int n))
[< 'sTR"Trying to apply a tactic to a non existent goal" >]
-let solve_subgoal n tac pf_sigma =
- let (sigr,pf) = unpackage pf_sigma in
- let gl,p = frontier pf in
- if gl = [] then errorlabstrm "solve_subgoal" [< 'sTR"No more subgoals.">];
- if List.length gl < n then non_existent_goal n;
- let tac2 i = if i = n then tac else tclIDTAC in
- let gll,pl =
- List.split (list_map_i (fun n -> apply_sig_tac sigr (tac2 n)) 1 gl)
- in
- repackage sigr (compose p (mapshape (List.map List.length gll) pl)
- (List.map leaf (List.flatten gll)))
+(* Apply tac on the i-th goal (if i>0). If i<0, then start counting from
+ the last goal (i=-1). *)
+let theni_tac i tac ((_,gl,_) as subgoals) =
+ let nsg = List.length gl in
+ let k = if i < 0 then nsg + i else (i-1) in
+ if nsg < 1 then errorlabstrm "theni_tac" [< 'sTR"No more subgoals.">]
+ else if k >= 0 & k < nsg then
+ thens_tac [] (fun i -> if i = k then tac else tclIDTAC) subgoals
+ else non_existent_goal (k+1)
+(* tclTHENSi tac1 [t1 ; ... ; tn] taci gls applies the tactic tac1 to gls and
+ applies t1,..., tn to the n first resulting subgoals, and (taci i) to the
+ (i+n+1)-th goal. Raises an error if the number of resulting subgoals
+ is less than n *)
+let tclTHENSi tac1 tac2l taci gls =
+ finish_tac (thens_tac tac2l taci (then_tac tac1 (start_tac gls)))
(* tclTHEN tac1 tac2 gls applies the tactic tac1 to gls and applies tac2 to
every resulting subgoals *)
-let tclTHEN (tac1:tactic) (tac2:tactic) (gls:goal sigma) =
- let (sigr,g) = unpackage gls in
- let gl,p = apply_sig_tac sigr tac1 g in
- let gll,pl = List.split(List.map (apply_sig_tac sigr tac2) gl) in
- (repackage sigr (List.flatten gll),
- compose p (mapshape(List.map List.length gll)pl))
-(* tclTHENLIST [t1;..;tn] applies t1;..tn. More convenient than tclTHEN
- when n is large. *)
-let rec tclTHENLIST = function
- | [] -> tclIDTAC
- | t1::tacl -> tclTHEN t1 (tclTHENLIST tacl)
+let tclTHEN tac1 tac2 = tclTHENSi tac1 [] (fun _ -> tac2);;
(* tclTHEN_i tac1 tac2 n gls applies the tactic tac1 to gls and applies
tac2 (i+n-1) to the i_th resulting subgoal *)
+let tclTHEN_i tac1 tac2 n = tclTHENSi tac1 [] (fun i -> tac2 (i+n));;
-let tclTHEN_i (tac1:tactic) (tac2:(int -> tactic)) n (gls:goal sigma) =
- let (sigr,g) = unpackage gls in
- let gl,p = apply_sig_tac sigr tac1 g in
- let gll,pl =
- List.split (list_map_i (fun k -> apply_sig_tac sigr (tac2 k)) n gl)
- in
- (repackage sigr (List.flatten gll),
- compose p (mapshape(List.map List.length gll)pl))
+(* tclTHENS tac1 [t1 ; ... ; tn] gls applies the tactic tac1 to gls and applies
+ t1,..., tn to the n resulting subgoals. Raises an error if the number of
+ resulting subgoals is not n *)
+let tclTHENS tac1 tac2l =
+ tclTHENSi tac1 tac2l (fun _ -> tclFAIL_s "Wrong number of tactics.");;
-(* tclTHENS tac1 [t1 ; ... ; tn] gls applies the tactic tac1 to gls
- and applies t1,..., tn to the n resulting subgoals. Raises an error if
- the number of resulting subgoals is not n *)
+(* Same as tclTHENS but completes with Idtac if the number resulting subgoals
+ is strictly less than n *)
+let tclTHENSI tac1 tac2l = tclTHENSi tac1 tac2l (fun _ -> tclIDTAC);;
-let tclTHENS (tac1:tactic) (tac2l:tactic list) (gls:goal sigma) =
- let (sigr,g) = unpackage gls in
- let gl,p = apply_sig_tac sigr tac1 g in
- let tac2gl =
- try List.combine tac2l gl
- with Invalid_argument _ -> errorlabstrm "Refiner.tclTHENS"
- [<'sTR "Wrong number of tactics.">]
- in
- let gll,pl =
- List.split (List.map (fun (tac2,g) -> apply_sig_tac sigr tac2 g) tac2gl)
- in
- (repackage sigr (List.flatten gll),
- compose p (mapshape(List.map List.length gll)pl))
(* tclTHENL tac1 tac2 gls applies the tactic tac1 to gls and tac2
to the last resulting subgoal *)
let tclTHENL (tac1:tactic) (tac2:tactic) (gls:goal sigma) =
- let (sigr,g) = unpackage gls in
- let gl,p = apply_sig_tac sigr tac1 g in
- if List.length gl = 0 then
- errorlabstrm "Refiner.tclTHENL" [< 'sTR"No resulting subgoal.">];
- let g,rest = list_sep_last gl in
- let tac2l = (List.map (fun _ -> tclIDTAC) rest)@[tac2] in
- let tac2gl =
- try List.combine tac2l gl
- with Invalid_argument _ -> errorlabstrm "Refiner.tclTHENL"
- [<'sTR "Wrong number of tactics.">]
- in
- let gll,pl =
- List.split (List.map (fun (tac2,g) -> apply_sig_tac sigr tac2 g) tac2gl)
- in
- (repackage sigr (List.flatten gll),
- compose p (mapshape(List.map List.length gll)pl))
+ finish_tac (theni_tac (-1) tac2 (then_tac tac1 (start_tac gls)))
-(* Completes by Idtac if there is not tactic enough for tac1;[t1|...|tn] *)
+(* tclTHENLIST [t1;..;tn] applies t1;..tn. More convenient than tclTHEN
+ when n is large. *)
+let rec tclTHENLIST = function
+ [] -> tclIDTAC
+ | t1::tacl -> tclTHEN t1 (tclTHENLIST tacl)
-let idtac_completion lac gl=
- let nl = ref lac
- and lthlac = List.length lac
- and lthgl = List.length gl in
- if lthlac > lthgl then failwith "idtac_completion";
- for i = 0 to lthgl-lthlac-1 do
- nl := !nl @ [tclIDTAC]
- done;
- !nl
-(* Same as tclTHENS but completes with Idtac if the number resulting
- subgoals is strictly less than n *)
-let tclTHENSI (tac1:tactic) (tac2l:tactic list) (gls:goal sigma) =
- let (sigr,g) = unpackage gls in
- let gl,p = apply_sig_tac sigr tac1 g in
- let ntac2l=
- try (idtac_completion tac2l gl)
- with
- Failure "idtac_completion" ->
- errorlabstrm "Refiner.tclTHENSI"
- [<'sTR "Too many tactics for the generated subgoals.">]
- in
- let tac2gl = List.combine ntac2l gl in
- let gll,pl =
- List.split (List.map (fun (tac2,g) -> apply_sig_tac sigr tac2 g) tac2gl)
- in
- (repackage sigr (List.flatten gll),
- compose p (mapshape(List.map List.length gll)pl))
+(* various progress criterions *)
+let same_goal gl subgoal =
+ (hypotheses subgoal) = (hypotheses gl) &
+ eq_constr (conclusion subgoal) (conclusion gl) &
+ (subgoal.evar_info = gl.evar_info)
+let weak_progress gls ptree =
+ (List.length gls.it <> 1) or
+ (not (same_goal (List.hd gls.it) ptree.it))
+let progress gls ptree =
+ (weak_progress gls ptree) or
+ (not (ts_eq ptree.sigma gls.sigma))
(* PROGRESS tac ptree applies tac to the goal ptree and fails if tac leaves
- the goal unchanged *)
-let tclPROGRESS (tac:tactic) (ptree : goal sigma) =
- let rslt = tac ptree in
- if (List.length (fst rslt).it) = 1 then begin
- let subgoal = List.hd (fst rslt).it in
- if (hypotheses subgoal) = (hypotheses ptree.it) &&
- (conclusion subgoal) = (conclusion ptree.it) &&
- (subgoal.evar_info = ptree.it.evar_info) &&
- ts_eq ptree.sigma (fst rslt).sigma then
- errorlabstrm "Refiner.PROGRESS" [< 'sTR"Failed to progress.">];
- rslt
- end else
- rslt
+the goal unchanged *)
+let tclPROGRESS tac ptree =
+ let rslt = tac ptree in
+ if progress (fst rslt) ptree then rslt
+ else errorlabstrm "Refiner.PROGRESS" [< 'sTR"Failed to progress.">]
(* weak_PROGRESS tac ptree applies tac to the goal ptree and fails
if tac leaves the goal unchanged, possibly modifying sigma *)
-let tclWEAK_PROGRESS (tac:tactic) (ptree : goal sigma) =
- let rslt = tac ptree in
- if (List.length (fst rslt).it) = 1 then begin
- let subgoal = List.hd (fst rslt).it in
- if (hypotheses subgoal) = (hypotheses ptree.it) &&
- eq_constr (conclusion subgoal) (conclusion ptree.it) &&
- (subgoal.evar_info = ptree.it.evar_info) then
- errorlabstrm "Refiner.tclWEAK_PROGRESS"
- [< 'sTR"Failed to progress.">];
- rslt
- end else
- rslt
+let tclWEAK_PROGRESS tac ptree =
+ let rslt = tac ptree in
+ if weak_progress (fst rslt) ptree then rslt
+ else errorlabstrm "Refiner.tclWEAK_PROGRESS" [< 'sTR"Failed to progress.">]
(* Same as tclWEAK_PROGRESS but fails also if tactics generates several goals,
one of them being identical to the original goal *)
-let tclNOTSAMEGOAL (tac:tactic) (ptree : goal sigma) =
- let rslt = tac ptree in
- let gls = (fst rslt).it in
- let same_goal subgoal =
- (hypotheses subgoal) = (hypotheses ptree.it) &
- eq_constr (conclusion subgoal) (conclusion ptree.it) &
- (subgoal.evar_info = ptree.it.evar_info)
- in
- if List.exists same_goal gls then
- errorlabstrm "Refiner.tclNOTSAMEGOAL"
- [< 'sTR"Tactic generated a subgoal identical to the original goal.">];
- rslt
-(* ORELSE0 f1 f2 tries to apply f1 and if it fails, applies f2 *)
-let tclORELSE0 f1 f2 g =
+let tclNOTSAMEGOAL (tac:tactic) goal =
+ let rslt = tac goal in
+ let gls = (fst rslt).it in
+ if List.exists (same_goal goal.it) gls
+ then errorlabstrm "Refiner.tclNOTSAMEGOAL"
+ [< 'sTR"Tactic generated a subgoal identical to the original goal.">]
+ else rslt
+(* ORELSE0 t1 t2 tries to apply t1 and if it fails, applies t2 *)
+let tclORELSE0 t1 t2 g =
- f1 g
+ t1 g
with UserError _ | TypeError _ | RefinerError _
| Stdpp.Exc_located(_,(UserError _ | TypeError _ | RefinerError _)) ->
- f2 g
-(* ORELSE f1 f2 tries to apply f1 and if it fails or does not progress,
- then applies f2 *)
+ t2 g
-let tclORELSE (f1:tactic) (f2:tactic) (g:goal sigma) =
- try
- (tclPROGRESS f1) g
- with UserError _ | TypeError _ | RefinerError _
- | Stdpp.Exc_located(_,(UserError _ | TypeError _ | RefinerError _)) ->
- f2 g
+(* ORELSE t1 t2 tries to apply t1 and if it fails or does not progress,
+ then applies t2 *)
+let tclORELSE t1 t2 = tclORELSE0 (tclPROGRESS t1) t2
(* TRY f tries to apply f, and if it fails, leave the goal unchanged *)
+let tclTRY f = (tclORELSE0 f tclIDTAC)
-let tclTRY (f:tactic) = (tclORELSE f tclIDTAC)
+let tclTHENTRY f g = (tclTHEN f (tclTRY g))
-let tclTHENTRY (f:tactic) (g:tactic) = (tclTHEN f (tclTRY g))
-let tclCOMPLETE (tac:tactic) goal =
- let achievement = tac goal in
- if (fst achievement).it <> [] then
- errorlabstrm "Refiner.COMPLETE" [< 'sTR "Proof is not complete" >];
- achievement
-(* Beware: call by need of CAML, g is needed *)
-let rec tclREPEAT = fun t g ->
- (tclORELSE (tclTHEN t (tclREPEAT t)) tclIDTAC) g
-(*Try the first tactic that does not fail in a list of tactics*)
+(* Try the first tactic that does not fail in a list of tactics *)
let rec tclFIRST = function
| [] -> tclFAIL_s "No applicable tactic."
| t::rest -> tclORELSE0 t (tclFIRST rest)
-(*Try the first thats solves the current goal*)
+(* Fails if a tactic did not solve the goal *)
+let tclCOMPLETE tac = tclTHEN tac (tclFAIL_s "Proof is not complete.");;
+(* Try the first thats solves the current goal *)
let tclSOLVE tacl = tclFIRST (List.map tclCOMPLETE tacl)
-let tclTRY t = (tclORELSE t tclIDTAC)
-let tclAT_LEAST_ONCE t = (tclTHEN t (tclREPEAT t))
-(* Iteration tactical *)
+(* Iteration tacticals *)
let tclDO n t =
let rec dorec k =
@@ -548,6 +499,12 @@ let tclDO n t =
dorec n
+(* Beware: call by need of CAML, g is needed *)
+let rec tclREPEAT t g =
+ (tclORELSE (tclTHEN t (tclREPEAT t)) tclIDTAC) g
+let tclAT_LEAST_ONCE t = (tclTHEN t (tclREPEAT t))
(*s Tactics handling a list of goals. *)
@@ -555,6 +512,11 @@ type validation_list = proof_tree list -> proof_tree list
type tactic_list = (goal list sigma) -> (goal list sigma) * validation_list
+(* Functions working on goal list for correct backtracking in Prolog *)
+let tclFIRSTLIST = tclFIRST
+let tclIDTAC_list gls = (gls, fun x -> x)
(* first_goal : goal list sigma -> goal sigma *)
let first_goal gls =
@@ -571,33 +533,38 @@ let goal_goal_list gls =
let apply_tac_list tac glls =
let (sigr,lg) = unpackage glls in
- match lg with
- | g1::rest ->
- let (gl,p) = apply_sig_tac sigr tac g1 in
- let n = List.length gl in
- repackage sigr (gl@rest),
- (function pfl -> let (pfg,pfrest) = list_chop n pfl in (p pfg)::pfrest)
- | _ -> error "apply_tac_list"
+ match lg with
+ | (g1::rest) ->
+ let (gl,p) = apply_sig_tac sigr tac g1 in
+ let n = List.length gl in
+ (repackage sigr (gl@rest),
+ fun pfl -> let (pfg,pfrest) = list_chop n pfl in (p pfg)::pfrest)
+ | _ -> error "apply_tac_list"
let then_tactic_list tacl1 tacl2 glls =
- let (sigr,gl) = unpackage glls in
- let gll1,pl1 = apply_sig_tac sigr tacl1 gl in
- let gll2,pl2 = apply_sig_tac sigr tacl2 gll1 in
- (repackage sigr gll2, compose pl1 pl2)
+ let (glls1,pl1) = tacl1 glls in
+ let (glls2,pl2) = tacl2 glls1 in
+ (glls2, compose pl1 pl2)
(* Transform a tactic_list into a tactic *)
let tactic_list_tactic tac gls =
- let glit = gls.it
- and glsig = gls.sigma in
- let (glres,vl) = tac {it=[glit];sigma=glsig} in
- (glres,
- fun pfl -> match (vl pfl) with [p] -> p | _ -> error "tactic_list_tactic")
+ let (glres,vl) = tac (goal_goal_list gls) in
+ (glres, compose idtac_valid vl)
-(* Functions working on goal list for correct backtracking in Prolog *)
-let tclFIRSTLIST = tclFIRST
-let tclIDTAC_list gls = (gls, fun x -> x)
+(* solve_subgoal n tac pf_sigma applies the tactic tac at the nth subgoal of
+ pf_sigma *)
+let solve_subgoal tacl pf_sigma =
+ let (sigr,pf) = unpackage pf_sigma in
+ let gl,p = frontier pf in
+ let (sigr,gll,pl) = tacl (sigr,gl,p) in
+ let pfs = repackage sigr (pl (List.map leaf gll)) in
+ if (ts_it pfs.sigma) == (ts_it pf_sigma.sigma) then pfs
+ else { it = norm_evar_pf (ts_it pfs.sigma) pfs.it; sigma=pfs.sigma}
(* The type of proof-trees state and a few utilities
@@ -684,7 +651,8 @@ let change_constraints_pftreestate newgc pts =
(* solve the nth subgoal with tactic tac *)
let solve_nth_pftreestate n tac pts =
let pf = pts.tpf in
- let rslts = solve_subgoal n tac {it = pts.tpf;sigma = pts.tpfsigma} in
+ let rslts =
+ solve_subgoal (theni_tac n tac) {it = pts.tpf;sigma = pts.tpfsigma} in
{ tpf = rslts.it;
tpfsigma = rslts.sigma;
tstack = pts.tstack }