diff options
authorGravatar Arnaud Spiwack <arnaud@spiwack.net>2014-10-21 16:50:47 +0200
committerGravatar Arnaud Spiwack <arnaud@spiwack.net>2014-10-22 07:31:45 +0200
commit038819807ba7cab0bc451dfd1f6772eae110826b (patch)
parentaab7ae42b7ed4a071a79600a1adf5a81bafb5f89 (diff)
Split [Proofview] into a file where the basic operations on the state are defined and the file providing the primitives.
The datatypes are defined in [Proofview_monad], previous [Proofview_monad] is now called [Logic_monad] since it is more generic since the refactoring.
11 files changed, 577 insertions, 480 deletions
diff --git a/dev/printers.mllib b/dev/printers.mllib
index 526a402dd..99715b9d3 100644
--- a/dev/printers.mllib
+++ b/dev/printers.mllib
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ Refiner
diff --git a/proofs/logic_monad.ml b/proofs/logic_monad.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9ac7faaf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proofs/logic_monad.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2012 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(** This file defines the low-level monadic operations used by the
+ tactic monad. The monad is divided into two layers: a non-logical
+ layer which consists in operations which will not (or cannot) be
+ backtracked in case of failure (input/output or persistent state)
+ and a logical layer which handles backtracking, proof
+ manipulation, and any other effect which needs to backtrack. *)
+(** {6 Exceptions} *)
+(** To help distinguish between exceptions raised by the IO monad from
+ the one used natively by Coq, the former are wrapped in
+ [Exception]. It is only used internally so that [catch] blocks of
+ the IO monad would only catch exceptions raised by the [raise]
+ function of the IO monad, and not for instance, by system
+ interrupts. Also used in [Proofview] to avoid capturing exception
+ from the IO monad ([Proofview] catches errors in its compatibility
+ layer, and when lifting goal-level expressions). *)
+exception Exception of exn
+(** This exception is used to signal abortion in [timeout] functions. *)
+exception Timeout
+(** This exception is used by the tactics to signal failure by lack of
+ successes, rather than some other exceptions (like system
+ interrupts). *)
+exception TacticFailure of exn
+let _ = Errors.register_handler begin function
+ | Timeout -> Errors.errorlabstrm "Some timeout function" (Pp.str"Timeout!")
+ | Exception e -> Errors.print e
+ | TacticFailure e -> Errors.print e
+ | _ -> Pervasives.raise Errors.Unhandled
+(** {6 Non-logical layer} *)
+(** The non-logical monad is a simple [unit -> 'a] (i/o) monad. The
+ operations are simple wrappers around corresponding usual
+ operations and require little documentation. *)
+module NonLogical =
+ (* The functions in this module follow the pattern that they are
+ defined with the form [(); fun ()->...]. This is an optimisation
+ which signals to the compiler that the function is usually partially
+ applied up to the [();]. Without this annotation, partial
+ applications can be significantly slower.
+ Documentation of this behaviour can be found at:
+ https://ocaml.janestreet.com/?q=node/30 *)
+ include Monad.Make(struct
+ type 'a t = unit -> 'a
+ let return a = (); fun () -> a
+ let (>>=) a k = (); fun () -> k (a ()) ()
+ let (>>) a k = (); fun () -> a (); k ()
+ let map f a = (); fun () -> f (a ())
+ end)
+ type 'a ref = 'a Pervasives.ref
+ let ignore a = (); fun () -> ignore (a ())
+ let ref a = (); fun () -> Pervasives.ref a
+ (** [Pervasives.(:=)] *)
+ let (:=) r a = (); fun () -> r := a
+ (** [Pervasives.(!)] *)
+ let (!) = fun r -> (); fun () -> ! r
+ (** [Pervasives.raise]. Except that exceptions are wrapped with
+ {!Exception}. *)
+ let raise = fun e -> (); fun () -> raise (Exception e)
+ (** [try ... with ...] but restricted to {!Exception}. *)
+ let catch = fun s h -> ();
+ fun () -> try s ()
+ with Exception e as src ->
+ let src = Errors.push src in
+ let e = Backtrace.app_backtrace ~src ~dst:e in
+ h e ()
+ let read_line = fun () -> try Pervasives.read_line () with e -> let e = Errors.push e in raise e ()
+ let print_char = fun c -> (); fun () -> print_char c
+ (** {!Pp.pp}. The buffer is also flushed. *)
+ let print = fun s -> (); fun () -> try Pp.pp s; Pp.pp_flush () with e -> let e = Errors.push e in raise e ()
+ let timeout = fun n t -> (); fun () ->
+ Control.timeout n t (Exception Timeout)
+ let make f = (); fun () ->
+ try f ()
+ with e when Errors.noncritical e ->
+ let e = Errors.push e in
+ Pervasives.raise (Exception e)
+ let run = fun x ->
+ try x () with Exception e as src ->
+ let src = Errors.push src in
+ let e = Backtrace.app_backtrace ~src ~dst:e in
+ Pervasives.raise e
+(** {6 Logical layer} *)
+(** The logical monad is a backtracking monad on top of which is
+ layered a state monad (which is used to implement all of read/write,
+ read only, and write only effects). The state monad being layered on
+ top of the backtracking monad makes it so that the state is
+ backtracked on failure.
+ Backtracking differs from regular exception in that, writing (+)
+ for exception catching and (>>=) for bind, we require the
+ following extra distributivity laws:
+ x+(y+z) = (x+y)+z
+ zero+x = x
+ x+zero = x
+ (x+y)>>=k = (x>>=k)+(y>>=k) *)
+(** A view type for the logical monad, which is a form of list, hence
+ we can decompose it with as a list. *)
+type ('a, 'b) list_view =
+ | Nil of exn
+ | Cons of 'a * 'b
+module type Param = sig
+ (** Read only *)
+ type e
+ (** Write only *)
+ type w
+ (** [w] must be a monoid *)
+ val wunit : w
+ val wprod : w -> w -> w
+ (** Read-write *)
+ type s
+module Logical (P:Param) =
+ (** All three of environment, writer and state are coded as a single
+ state-passing-style monad.*)
+ type state = {
+ rstate : P.e;
+ wstate : P.w;
+ sstate : P.s;
+ }
+ (** Double-continuation backtracking monads are reasonable folklore
+ for "search" implementations (including the Tac interactive
+ prover's tactics). Yet it's quite hard to wrap your head around
+ these. I recommand reading a few times the "Backtracking,
+ Interleaving, and Terminating Monad Transformers" paper by
+ O. Kiselyov, C. Shan, D. Friedman, and A. Sabry. The peculiar
+ shape of the monadic type is reminiscent of that of the
+ continuation monad transformer.
+ The paper also contains the rational for the [split] abstraction.
+ An explanation of how to derive such a monad from mathematical
+ principles can be found in "Kan Extensions for Program
+ Optimisation" by Ralf Hinze.
+ A somewhat concrete view is that the type ['a iolist] is, in fact
+ the impredicative encoding of the following stream type:
+ [type 'a _iolist' = Nil of exn | Cons of 'a*'a iolist'
+ and 'a iolist = 'a _iolist NonLogical.t]
+ Using impredicative encoding avoids intermediate allocation and
+ is, empirically, very efficient in Ocaml. It also has the
+ practical benefit that the monadic operation are independent of
+ the underlying monad, which simplifies the code and side-steps
+ the limited inlining of Ocaml.
+ In that vision, [bind] is simply [concat_map] (though the cps
+ version is significantly simpler), [plus] is concatenation, and
+ [split] is pattern-matching. *)
+ type 'a iolist =
+ { iolist : 'r. (exn -> 'r NonLogical.t) ->
+ ('a -> (exn -> 'r NonLogical.t) -> 'r NonLogical.t) ->
+ 'r NonLogical.t }
+ include Monad.Make(struct
+ type 'a t = state -> ('a * state) iolist
+ let return x : 'a t = (); fun s ->
+ { iolist = fun nil cons -> cons (x, s) nil }
+ let (>>=) (m : 'a t) (f : 'a -> 'b t) : 'b t = (); fun s ->
+ let m = m s in
+ { iolist = fun nil cons ->
+ m.iolist nil (fun (x, s) next -> (f x s).iolist next cons) }
+ let (>>) (m : unit t) (f : 'a t) : 'a t = (); fun s ->
+ let m = m s in
+ { iolist = fun nil cons ->
+ m.iolist nil (fun ((), s) next -> (f s).iolist next cons) }
+ let map (f : 'a -> 'b) (m : 'a t) : 'b t = (); fun s ->
+ let m = m s in
+ { iolist = fun nil cons -> m.iolist nil (fun (x, s) next -> cons (f x, s) next) }
+ end)
+ let zero e : 'a t = (); fun s ->
+ { iolist = fun nil cons -> nil e }
+ let plus m1 m2 : 'a t = (); fun s ->
+ let m1 = m1 s in
+ { iolist = fun nil cons -> m1.iolist (fun e -> (m2 e s).iolist nil cons) cons }
+ let ignore (m : 'a t) : unit t = (); fun s ->
+ let m = m s in
+ { iolist = fun nil cons -> m.iolist nil (fun (_, s) next -> cons ((), s) next) }
+ let lift (m : 'a NonLogical.t) : 'a t = (); fun s ->
+ { iolist = fun nil cons -> NonLogical.(m >>= fun x -> cons (x, s) nil) }
+ (** State related *)
+ let get : P.s t = (); fun s ->
+ { iolist = fun nil cons -> cons (s.sstate, s) nil }
+ let set (sstate : P.s) : unit t = (); fun s ->
+ { iolist = fun nil cons -> cons ((), { s with sstate }) nil }
+ let modify (f : P.s -> P.s) : unit t = (); fun s ->
+ { iolist = fun nil cons -> cons ((), { s with sstate = f s.sstate }) nil }
+ let current : P.e t = (); fun s ->
+ { iolist = fun nil cons -> cons (s.rstate, s) nil }
+ let put (w : P.w) : unit t = (); fun s ->
+ { iolist = fun nil cons -> cons ((), { s with wstate = P.wprod s.wstate w }) nil }
+ (** List observation *)
+ let once (m : 'a t) : 'a t = (); fun s ->
+ let m = m s in
+ { iolist = fun nil cons -> m.iolist nil (fun x _ -> cons x nil) }
+ let break (f : exn -> bool) (m : 'a t) : 'a t = (); fun s ->
+ let m = m s in
+ { iolist = fun nil cons ->
+ m.iolist nil (fun x next -> cons x (fun e -> if f e then nil e else next e))
+ }
+ (** For [reflect] and [split] see the "Backtracking, Interleaving,
+ and Terminating Monad Transformers" paper. *)
+ type 'a reified = ('a, exn -> 'a reified) list_view NonLogical.t
+ let rec reflect (m : 'a reified) : 'a iolist =
+ { iolist = fun nil cons ->
+ let next = function
+ | Nil e -> nil e
+ | Cons (x, l) -> cons x (fun e -> (reflect (l e)).iolist nil cons)
+ in
+ NonLogical.(m >>= next)
+ }
+ let split (m : 'a t) : ('a, exn -> 'a t) list_view t = (); fun s ->
+ let m = m s in
+ let rnil e = NonLogical.return (Nil e) in
+ let rcons p l = NonLogical.return (Cons (p, l)) in
+ { iolist = fun nil cons ->
+ let open NonLogical in
+ m.iolist rnil rcons >>= begin function
+ | Nil e -> cons (Nil e, s) nil
+ | Cons ((x, s), l) ->
+ let l e = (); fun _ -> reflect (l e) in
+ cons (Cons (x, l), s) nil
+ end }
+ let run m r s =
+ let s = { wstate = P.wunit; rstate = r; sstate = s } in
+ let m = m s in
+ let nil e = NonLogical.raise (TacticFailure e) in
+ let cons (x, s) _ = NonLogical.return (x, s.sstate, s.wstate) in
+ m.iolist nil cons
+ end
diff --git a/proofs/logic_monad.mli b/proofs/logic_monad.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c1315e9f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proofs/logic_monad.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2012 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(** This file defines the low-level monadic operations used by the
+ tactic monad. The monad is divided into two layers: a non-logical
+ layer which consists in operations which will not (or cannot) be
+ backtracked in case of failure (input/output or persistent state)
+ and a logical layer which handles backtracking, proof
+ manipulation, and any other effect which needs to backtrack. *)
+(** {6 Exceptions} *)
+(** To help distinguish between exceptions raised by the IO monad from
+ the one used natively by Coq, the former are wrapped in
+ [Exception]. It is only used internally so that [catch] blocks of
+ the IO monad would only catch exceptions raised by the [raise]
+ function of the IO monad, and not for instance, by system
+ interrupts. Also used in [Proofview] to avoid capturing exception
+ from the IO monad ([Proofview] catches errors in its compatibility
+ layer, and when lifting goal-level expressions). *)
+exception Exception of exn
+(** This exception is used to signal abortion in [timeout] functions. *)
+exception Timeout
+(** This exception is used by the tactics to signal failure by lack of
+ successes, rather than some other exceptions (like system
+ interrupts). *)
+exception TacticFailure of exn
+(** {6 Non-logical layer} *)
+(** The non-logical monad is a simple [unit -> 'a] (i/o) monad. The
+ operations are simple wrappers around corresponding usual
+ operations and require little documentation. *)
+module NonLogical : sig
+ include Monad.S
+ val ignore : 'a t -> unit t
+ type 'a ref
+ val ref : 'a -> 'a ref t
+ (** [Pervasives.(:=)] *)
+ val (:=) : 'a ref -> 'a -> unit t
+ (** [Pervasives.(!)] *)
+ val (!) : 'a ref -> 'a t
+ val read_line : string t
+ val print_char : char -> unit t
+ (** {!Pp.pp}. The buffer is also flushed. *)
+ val print : Pp.std_ppcmds -> unit t
+ (** [Pervasives.raise]. Except that exceptions are wrapped with
+ {!Exception}. *)
+ val raise : exn -> 'a t
+ (** [try ... with ...] but restricted to {!Exception}. *)
+ val catch : 'a t -> (exn -> 'a t) -> 'a t
+ val timeout : int -> 'a t -> 'a t
+ (** Construct a monadified side-effect. Exceptions raised by the argument are
+ wrapped with {!Exception}. *)
+ val make : (unit -> 'a) -> 'a t
+ (** [run] performs effects. *)
+ val run : 'a t -> 'a
+(** {6 Logical layer} *)
+(** The logical monad is a backtracking monad on top of which is
+ layered a state monad (which is used to implement all of read/write,
+ read only, and write only effects). The state monad being layered on
+ top of the backtracking monad makes it so that the state is
+ backtracked on failure.
+ Backtracking differs from regular exception in that, writing (+)
+ for exception catching and (>>=) for bind, we require the
+ following extra distributivity laws:
+ x+(y+z) = (x+y)+z
+ zero+x = x
+ x+zero = x
+ (x+y)>>=k = (x>>=k)+(y>>=k) *)
+(** A view type for the logical monad, which is a form of list, hence
+ we can decompose it with as a list. *)
+type ('a, 'b) list_view =
+| Nil of exn
+| Cons of 'a * 'b
+(** The monad is parametrised in the types of state, environment and
+ writer. *)
+module type Param = sig
+ (** Read only *)
+ type e
+ (** Write only *)
+ type w
+ (** [w] must be a monoid *)
+ val wunit : w
+ val wprod : w -> w -> w
+ (** Read-write *)
+ type s
+module Logical (P:Param) : sig
+ include Monad.S
+ val ignore : 'a t -> unit t
+ val set : P.s -> unit t
+ val get : P.s t
+ val modify : (P.s -> P.s) -> unit t
+ val put : P.w -> unit t
+ val current : P.e t
+ val zero : exn -> 'a t
+ val plus : 'a t -> (exn -> 'a t) -> 'a t
+ val split : 'a t -> (('a,(exn->'a t)) list_view) t
+ val once : 'a t -> 'a t
+ val break : (exn -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a t
+ val lift : 'a NonLogical.t -> 'a t
+ val run : 'a t -> P.e -> P.s -> ('a * P.s * P.w) NonLogical.t
diff --git a/proofs/proofs.mllib b/proofs/proofs.mllib
index bfb36824d..32bf5576f 100644
--- a/proofs/proofs.mllib
+++ b/proofs/proofs.mllib
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Evar_refiner
diff --git a/proofs/proofview.ml b/proofs/proofview.ml
index db498caea..4b46417e9 100644
--- a/proofs/proofview.ml
+++ b/proofs/proofview.ml
@@ -24,82 +24,8 @@ open Pp
open Util
open Proofview_monad
-(* Type of proofviews. *)
-type proofview = { solution : Evd.evar_map; comb : Goal.goal list }
-(** Parameters of the logic monads *)
-module P = struct
- type s = proofview * Environ.env
- type e = unit
- (* spiwack: nothing read-only anymore but it's free so I'll leave a place holder. *)
- (** Status (safe/unsafe) * shelved goals * given up *)
- type w = bool * Evar.t list * Evar.t list
- let wunit = true , [] , []
- let wprod (b1,s1,g1) (b2,s2,g2) = b1 && b2 , s1@s2 , g1@g2
-(** Definition of the tactic monad *)
-module Proof = Logical(P)
-(** Lenses to access to components of the states *)
-module type State = sig
- type t
- val get : t Proof.t
- val set : t -> unit Proof.t
- val modify : (t->t) -> unit Proof.t
-module type Writer = sig
- type t
- val put : t -> unit Proof.t
-module Pv : State with type t := proofview = struct
- let get = Proof.(map fst get)
- let set p = Proof.modify (fun (_,e) -> (p,e))
- let modify f= Proof.modify (fun (p,e) -> (f p,e))
-module Solution : State with type t := Evd.evar_map = struct
- let get = Proof.map (fun {solution} -> solution) Pv.get
- let set s = Pv.modify (fun pv -> { pv with solution = s })
- let modify f = Pv.modify (fun pv -> { pv with solution = f pv.solution })
-module Comb : State with type t = Evar.t list = struct
- (* spiwack: I don't know why I cannot substitute ([:=]) [t] with a type expression. *)
- type t = Evar.t list
- let get = Proof.map (fun {comb} -> comb) Pv.get
- let set c = Pv.modify (fun pv -> { pv with comb = c })
- let modify f = Pv.modify (fun pv -> { pv with comb = f pv.comb })
-module Env : State with type t := Environ.env = struct
- let get = Proof.(map snd get)
- let set e = Proof.modify (fun (p,_) -> (p,e))
- let modify f = Proof.modify (fun (p,e) -> (p,f e))
-module Status : Writer with type t := bool = struct
- let put s = Proof.put (s,[],[])
-module Shelf : Writer with type t = Evar.t list = struct
- (* spiwack: I don't know why I cannot substitute ([:=]) [t] with a type expression. *)
- type t = Evar.t list
- let put sh = Proof.put (true,sh,[])
-module Giveup : Writer with type t = Evar.t list = struct
- (* spiwack: I don't know why I cannot substitute ([:=]) [t] with a type expression. *)
- type t = Evar.t list
- let put gs = Proof.put (true,[],gs)
+(** Main state of tactics *)
+type proofview = Proofview_monad.proofview
type entry = (Term.constr * Term.types) list
@@ -260,6 +186,8 @@ let unfocus c sp =
bind on unit-returning tactics).
+module Proof = Logical
(* type of tactics:
tactics can
@@ -276,7 +204,7 @@ type 'a case =
(* Applies a tactic to the current proofview. *)
let apply env t sp =
let (next_r,(next_state,_),status) =
- Proofview_monad.NonLogical.run (Proof.run t () (sp,env))
+ Logic_monad.NonLogical.run (Proof.run t () (sp,env))
@@ -284,7 +212,7 @@ let apply env t sp =
let catchable_exception = function
- | Proofview_monad.Exception _ -> false
+ | Logic_monad.Exception _ -> false
| e -> Errors.noncritical e
@@ -313,6 +241,7 @@ let tclZERO = Proof.zero
(* [tclCASE t] observes the head of the tactic and returns it as a value *)
let tclCASE t =
+ let open Logic_monad in
let map = function
| Nil e -> Fail e
| Cons (x, t) -> Next (x, t)
@@ -322,6 +251,7 @@ let tclCASE t =
(* [tclORELSE t1 t2] behaves like [t1] if [t1] succeeds at least once
or [t2] if [t1] fails. *)
let tclORELSE t1 t2 =
+ let open Logic_monad in
let open Proof in
split t1 >>= function
| Nil e -> t2 e
@@ -331,6 +261,7 @@ let tclORELSE t1 t2 =
succeeds at least once then it behaves as [tclBIND a s] otherwise, if [a]
fails with [e], then it behaves as [f e]. *)
let tclIFCATCH a s f =
+ let open Logic_monad in
let open Proof in
split a >>= function
| Nil e -> f e
@@ -354,6 +285,7 @@ end
does not have a second success. Moreover the second success may be
conditional on the error recieved: [e] is used. *)
let tclEXACTLY_ONCE e t =
+ let open Logic_monad in
let open Proof in
split t >>= function
| Nil e -> tclZERO e
@@ -588,21 +520,21 @@ let tclTIMEOUT n t =
(IO) monad. Hence I force it myself by asking for the evaluation of
a dummy value first, lest [timeout] be called when everything has
already been computed. *)
- let t = Proof.lift (Proofview_monad.NonLogical.return ()) >> t in
+ let t = Proof.lift (Logic_monad.NonLogical.return ()) >> t in
Proof.get >>= fun initial ->
Proof.lift begin
- Proofview_monad.NonLogical.catch
+ Logic_monad.NonLogical.catch
- let open Proofview_monad.NonLogical in
+ let open Logic_monad.NonLogical in
timeout n (Proof.run t () initial) >>= fun r ->
return (Util.Inl r)
- begin let open Proofview_monad.NonLogical in function
- | Proofview_monad.Timeout -> return (Util.Inr Timeout)
- | Proofview_monad.TacticFailure e as src ->
+ begin let open Logic_monad.NonLogical in function
+ | Logic_monad.Timeout -> return (Util.Inr Timeout)
+ | Logic_monad.TacticFailure e as src ->
let e = Backtrace.app_backtrace ~src ~dst:e in
return (Util.Inr e)
- | e -> Proofview_monad.NonLogical.raise e
+ | e -> Logic_monad.NonLogical.raise e
end >>= function
| Util.Inl (res,s,m) ->
@@ -625,7 +557,7 @@ let tclTIME s t =
let open Proof in
tclUNIT () >>= fun () ->
let tstart = System.get_time() in
- Proof.split t >>= function
+ Proof.split t >>= let open Logic_monad in function
| Nil e ->
let tend = System.get_time() in
@@ -941,7 +873,7 @@ struct
-module NonLogical = Proofview_monad.NonLogical
+module NonLogical = Logic_monad.NonLogical
let tclLIFT = Proof.lift
@@ -1036,7 +968,7 @@ module V82 = struct
let init = { solution = gls.Evd.sigma ; comb = [gls.Evd.it] } in
let (_,final,_) = apply (GoalV82.env gls.Evd.sigma gls.Evd.it) t init in
{ Evd.sigma = final.solution ; it = final.comb }
- with Proofview_monad.TacticFailure e as src ->
+ with Logic_monad.TacticFailure e as src ->
let src = Errors.push src in
let e = Backtrace.app_backtrace ~src ~dst:e in
raise e
diff --git a/proofs/proofview.mli b/proofs/proofview.mli
index a32ceb59e..914af982d 100644
--- a/proofs/proofview.mli
+++ b/proofs/proofview.mli
@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ end
(* The [NonLogical] module allows the execution of side effects in tactics
(non-logical side-effects are not discarded at failures). *)
-module NonLogical : module type of Proofview_monad.NonLogical
+module NonLogical : module type of Logic_monad.NonLogical
(* [tclLIFT c] includes the non-logical command [c] in a tactic. *)
val tclLIFT : 'a NonLogical.t -> 'a tactic
diff --git a/proofs/proofview_monad.ml b/proofs/proofview_monad.ml
index 9ac7faaf2..b04d053f5 100644
--- a/proofs/proofview_monad.ml
+++ b/proofs/proofview_monad.ml
@@ -6,299 +6,89 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(** This file defines the low-level monadic operations used by the
- tactic monad. The monad is divided into two layers: a non-logical
- layer which consists in operations which will not (or cannot) be
- backtracked in case of failure (input/output or persistent state)
- and a logical layer which handles backtracking, proof
- manipulation, and any other effect which needs to backtrack. *)
+(** This file defines the datatypes used as internal states by the
+ tactic monad, and specialises the [Logic_monad] to these type. *)
+(** {6 State types} *)
-(** {6 Exceptions} *)
+(** Type of proof views: current [evar_map] together with the list of
+ focused goals. *)
+type proofview = { solution : Evd.evar_map; comb : Goal.goal list }
-(** To help distinguish between exceptions raised by the IO monad from
- the one used natively by Coq, the former are wrapped in
- [Exception]. It is only used internally so that [catch] blocks of
- the IO monad would only catch exceptions raised by the [raise]
- function of the IO monad, and not for instance, by system
- interrupts. Also used in [Proofview] to avoid capturing exception
- from the IO monad ([Proofview] catches errors in its compatibility
- layer, and when lifting goal-level expressions). *)
-exception Exception of exn
-(** This exception is used to signal abortion in [timeout] functions. *)
-exception Timeout
-(** This exception is used by the tactics to signal failure by lack of
- successes, rather than some other exceptions (like system
- interrupts). *)
-exception TacticFailure of exn
+(** {6 Instantiation of the logic monad} *)
-let _ = Errors.register_handler begin function
- | Timeout -> Errors.errorlabstrm "Some timeout function" (Pp.str"Timeout!")
- | Exception e -> Errors.print e
- | TacticFailure e -> Errors.print e
- | _ -> Pervasives.raise Errors.Unhandled
-(** {6 Non-logical layer} *)
-(** The non-logical monad is a simple [unit -> 'a] (i/o) monad. The
- operations are simple wrappers around corresponding usual
- operations and require little documentation. *)
-module NonLogical =
- (* The functions in this module follow the pattern that they are
- defined with the form [(); fun ()->...]. This is an optimisation
- which signals to the compiler that the function is usually partially
- applied up to the [();]. Without this annotation, partial
- applications can be significantly slower.
- Documentation of this behaviour can be found at:
- https://ocaml.janestreet.com/?q=node/30 *)
- include Monad.Make(struct
- type 'a t = unit -> 'a
- let return a = (); fun () -> a
- let (>>=) a k = (); fun () -> k (a ()) ()
- let (>>) a k = (); fun () -> a (); k ()
- let map f a = (); fun () -> f (a ())
- end)
- type 'a ref = 'a Pervasives.ref
- let ignore a = (); fun () -> ignore (a ())
- let ref a = (); fun () -> Pervasives.ref a
- (** [Pervasives.(:=)] *)
- let (:=) r a = (); fun () -> r := a
- (** [Pervasives.(!)] *)
- let (!) = fun r -> (); fun () -> ! r
- (** [Pervasives.raise]. Except that exceptions are wrapped with
- {!Exception}. *)
- let raise = fun e -> (); fun () -> raise (Exception e)
- (** [try ... with ...] but restricted to {!Exception}. *)
- let catch = fun s h -> ();
- fun () -> try s ()
- with Exception e as src ->
- let src = Errors.push src in
- let e = Backtrace.app_backtrace ~src ~dst:e in
- h e ()
- let read_line = fun () -> try Pervasives.read_line () with e -> let e = Errors.push e in raise e ()
+(** Parameters of the logic monads *)
+module P = struct
- let print_char = fun c -> (); fun () -> print_char c
+ type s = proofview * Environ.env
- (** {!Pp.pp}. The buffer is also flushed. *)
- let print = fun s -> (); fun () -> try Pp.pp s; Pp.pp_flush () with e -> let e = Errors.push e in raise e ()
+ type e = unit
+ (* spiwack: nothing read-only anymore but it's free so I'll leave a place holder. *)
- let timeout = fun n t -> (); fun () ->
- Control.timeout n t (Exception Timeout)
+ (** Status (safe/unsafe) * shelved goals * given up *)
+ type w = bool * Evar.t list * Evar.t list
- let make f = (); fun () ->
- try f ()
- with e when Errors.noncritical e ->
- let e = Errors.push e in
- Pervasives.raise (Exception e)
+ let wunit = true , [] , []
+ let wprod (b1,s1,g1) (b2,s2,g2) = b1 && b2 , s1@s2 , g1@g2
- let run = fun x ->
- try x () with Exception e as src ->
- let src = Errors.push src in
- let e = Backtrace.app_backtrace ~src ~dst:e in
- Pervasives.raise e
-(** {6 Logical layer} *)
+module Logical = Logic_monad.Logical(P)
-(** The logical monad is a backtracking monad on top of which is
- layered a state monad (which is used to implement all of read/write,
- read only, and write only effects). The state monad being layered on
- top of the backtracking monad makes it so that the state is
- backtracked on failure.
- Backtracking differs from regular exception in that, writing (+)
- for exception catching and (>>=) for bind, we require the
- following extra distributivity laws:
- x+(y+z) = (x+y)+z
- zero+x = x
- x+zero = x
- (x+y)>>=k = (x>>=k)+(y>>=k) *)
-(** A view type for the logical monad, which is a form of list, hence
- we can decompose it with as a list. *)
-type ('a, 'b) list_view =
- | Nil of exn
- | Cons of 'a * 'b
-module type Param = sig
- (** Read only *)
- type e
- (** Write only *)
- type w
- (** [w] must be a monoid *)
- val wunit : w
- val wprod : w -> w -> w
- (** Read-write *)
- type s
+(** {6 Lenses to access to components of the states} *)
+module type State = sig
+ type t
+ val get : t Logical.t
+ val set : t -> unit Logical.t
+ val modify : (t->t) -> unit Logical.t
+module type Writer = sig
+ type t
+ val put : t -> unit Logical.t
-module Logical (P:Param) =
- (** All three of environment, writer and state are coded as a single
- state-passing-style monad.*)
- type state = {
- rstate : P.e;
- wstate : P.w;
- sstate : P.s;
- }
- (** Double-continuation backtracking monads are reasonable folklore
- for "search" implementations (including the Tac interactive
- prover's tactics). Yet it's quite hard to wrap your head around
- these. I recommand reading a few times the "Backtracking,
- Interleaving, and Terminating Monad Transformers" paper by
- O. Kiselyov, C. Shan, D. Friedman, and A. Sabry. The peculiar
- shape of the monadic type is reminiscent of that of the
- continuation monad transformer.
- The paper also contains the rational for the [split] abstraction.
- An explanation of how to derive such a monad from mathematical
- principles can be found in "Kan Extensions for Program
- Optimisation" by Ralf Hinze.
- A somewhat concrete view is that the type ['a iolist] is, in fact
- the impredicative encoding of the following stream type:
- [type 'a _iolist' = Nil of exn | Cons of 'a*'a iolist'
- and 'a iolist = 'a _iolist NonLogical.t]
- Using impredicative encoding avoids intermediate allocation and
- is, empirically, very efficient in Ocaml. It also has the
- practical benefit that the monadic operation are independent of
- the underlying monad, which simplifies the code and side-steps
- the limited inlining of Ocaml.
- In that vision, [bind] is simply [concat_map] (though the cps
- version is significantly simpler), [plus] is concatenation, and
- [split] is pattern-matching. *)
- type 'a iolist =
- { iolist : 'r. (exn -> 'r NonLogical.t) ->
- ('a -> (exn -> 'r NonLogical.t) -> 'r NonLogical.t) ->
- 'r NonLogical.t }
- include Monad.Make(struct
- type 'a t = state -> ('a * state) iolist
- let return x : 'a t = (); fun s ->
- { iolist = fun nil cons -> cons (x, s) nil }
- let (>>=) (m : 'a t) (f : 'a -> 'b t) : 'b t = (); fun s ->
- let m = m s in
- { iolist = fun nil cons ->
- m.iolist nil (fun (x, s) next -> (f x s).iolist next cons) }
- let (>>) (m : unit t) (f : 'a t) : 'a t = (); fun s ->
- let m = m s in
- { iolist = fun nil cons ->
- m.iolist nil (fun ((), s) next -> (f s).iolist next cons) }
- let map (f : 'a -> 'b) (m : 'a t) : 'b t = (); fun s ->
- let m = m s in
- { iolist = fun nil cons -> m.iolist nil (fun (x, s) next -> cons (f x, s) next) }
- end)
- let zero e : 'a t = (); fun s ->
- { iolist = fun nil cons -> nil e }
- let plus m1 m2 : 'a t = (); fun s ->
- let m1 = m1 s in
- { iolist = fun nil cons -> m1.iolist (fun e -> (m2 e s).iolist nil cons) cons }
- let ignore (m : 'a t) : unit t = (); fun s ->
- let m = m s in
- { iolist = fun nil cons -> m.iolist nil (fun (_, s) next -> cons ((), s) next) }
- let lift (m : 'a NonLogical.t) : 'a t = (); fun s ->
- { iolist = fun nil cons -> NonLogical.(m >>= fun x -> cons (x, s) nil) }
- (** State related *)
- let get : P.s t = (); fun s ->
- { iolist = fun nil cons -> cons (s.sstate, s) nil }
- let set (sstate : P.s) : unit t = (); fun s ->
- { iolist = fun nil cons -> cons ((), { s with sstate }) nil }
- let modify (f : P.s -> P.s) : unit t = (); fun s ->
- { iolist = fun nil cons -> cons ((), { s with sstate = f s.sstate }) nil }
- let current : P.e t = (); fun s ->
- { iolist = fun nil cons -> cons (s.rstate, s) nil }
- let put (w : P.w) : unit t = (); fun s ->
- { iolist = fun nil cons -> cons ((), { s with wstate = P.wprod s.wstate w }) nil }
- (** List observation *)
- let once (m : 'a t) : 'a t = (); fun s ->
- let m = m s in
- { iolist = fun nil cons -> m.iolist nil (fun x _ -> cons x nil) }
+module Pv : State with type t := proofview = struct
+ let get = Logical.(map fst get)
+ let set p = Logical.modify (fun (_,e) -> (p,e))
+ let modify f= Logical.modify (fun (p,e) -> (f p,e))
- let break (f : exn -> bool) (m : 'a t) : 'a t = (); fun s ->
- let m = m s in
- { iolist = fun nil cons ->
- m.iolist nil (fun x next -> cons x (fun e -> if f e then nil e else next e))
- }
+module Solution : State with type t := Evd.evar_map = struct
+ let get = Logical.map (fun {solution} -> solution) Pv.get
+ let set s = Pv.modify (fun pv -> { pv with solution = s })
+ let modify f = Pv.modify (fun pv -> { pv with solution = f pv.solution })
- (** For [reflect] and [split] see the "Backtracking, Interleaving,
- and Terminating Monad Transformers" paper. *)
- type 'a reified = ('a, exn -> 'a reified) list_view NonLogical.t
+module Comb : State with type t = Evar.t list = struct
+ (* spiwack: I don't know why I cannot substitute ([:=]) [t] with a type expression. *)
+ type t = Evar.t list
+ let get = Logical.map (fun {comb} -> comb) Pv.get
+ let set c = Pv.modify (fun pv -> { pv with comb = c })
+ let modify f = Pv.modify (fun pv -> { pv with comb = f pv.comb })
- let rec reflect (m : 'a reified) : 'a iolist =
- { iolist = fun nil cons ->
- let next = function
- | Nil e -> nil e
- | Cons (x, l) -> cons x (fun e -> (reflect (l e)).iolist nil cons)
- in
- NonLogical.(m >>= next)
- }
+module Env : State with type t := Environ.env = struct
+ let get = Logical.(map snd get)
+ let set e = Logical.modify (fun (p,_) -> (p,e))
+ let modify f = Logical.modify (fun (p,e) -> (p,f e))
- let split (m : 'a t) : ('a, exn -> 'a t) list_view t = (); fun s ->
- let m = m s in
- let rnil e = NonLogical.return (Nil e) in
- let rcons p l = NonLogical.return (Cons (p, l)) in
- { iolist = fun nil cons ->
- let open NonLogical in
- m.iolist rnil rcons >>= begin function
- | Nil e -> cons (Nil e, s) nil
- | Cons ((x, s), l) ->
- let l e = (); fun _ -> reflect (l e) in
- cons (Cons (x, l), s) nil
- end }
+module Status : Writer with type t := bool = struct
+ let put s = Logical.put (s,[],[])
- let run m r s =
- let s = { wstate = P.wunit; rstate = r; sstate = s } in
- let m = m s in
- let nil e = NonLogical.raise (TacticFailure e) in
- let cons (x, s) _ = NonLogical.return (x, s.sstate, s.wstate) in
- m.iolist nil cons
+module Shelf : Writer with type t = Evar.t list = struct
+ (* spiwack: I don't know why I cannot substitute ([:=]) [t] with a type expression. *)
+ type t = Evar.t list
+ let put sh = Logical.put (true,sh,[])
- end
+module Giveup : Writer with type t = Evar.t list = struct
+ (* spiwack: I don't know why I cannot substitute ([:=]) [t] with a type expression. *)
+ type t = Evar.t list
+ let put gs = Logical.put (true,[],gs)
diff --git a/proofs/proofview_monad.mli b/proofs/proofview_monad.mli
index c1315e9f5..43d1f6d80 100644
--- a/proofs/proofview_monad.mli
+++ b/proofs/proofview_monad.mli
@@ -6,139 +6,66 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(** This file defines the low-level monadic operations used by the
- tactic monad. The monad is divided into two layers: a non-logical
- layer which consists in operations which will not (or cannot) be
- backtracked in case of failure (input/output or persistent state)
- and a logical layer which handles backtracking, proof
- manipulation, and any other effect which needs to backtrack. *)
+(** This file defines the datatypes used as internal states by the
+ tactic monad, and specialises the [Logic_monad] to these type. *)
+(** {6 State types} *)
-(** {6 Exceptions} *)
+(** Type of proof views: current [evar_map] together with the list of
+ focused goals. *)
+type proofview = { solution : Evd.evar_map; comb : Goal.goal list }
-(** To help distinguish between exceptions raised by the IO monad from
- the one used natively by Coq, the former are wrapped in
- [Exception]. It is only used internally so that [catch] blocks of
- the IO monad would only catch exceptions raised by the [raise]
- function of the IO monad, and not for instance, by system
- interrupts. Also used in [Proofview] to avoid capturing exception
- from the IO monad ([Proofview] catches errors in its compatibility
- layer, and when lifting goal-level expressions). *)
-exception Exception of exn
-(** This exception is used to signal abortion in [timeout] functions. *)
-exception Timeout
-(** This exception is used by the tactics to signal failure by lack of
- successes, rather than some other exceptions (like system
- interrupts). *)
-exception TacticFailure of exn
+(** {6 Instantiation of the logic monad} *)
+module P : sig
+ type s = proofview * Environ.env
-(** {6 Non-logical layer} *)
+ (** Status (safe/unsafe) * shelved goals * given up *)
+ type w = bool * Evar.t list * Evar.t list
-(** The non-logical monad is a simple [unit -> 'a] (i/o) monad. The
- operations are simple wrappers around corresponding usual
- operations and require little documentation. *)
-module NonLogical : sig
- include Monad.S
- val ignore : 'a t -> unit t
- type 'a ref
- val ref : 'a -> 'a ref t
- (** [Pervasives.(:=)] *)
- val (:=) : 'a ref -> 'a -> unit t
- (** [Pervasives.(!)] *)
- val (!) : 'a ref -> 'a t
- val read_line : string t
- val print_char : char -> unit t
- (** {!Pp.pp}. The buffer is also flushed. *)
- val print : Pp.std_ppcmds -> unit t
- (** [Pervasives.raise]. Except that exceptions are wrapped with
- {!Exception}. *)
- val raise : exn -> 'a t
- (** [try ... with ...] but restricted to {!Exception}. *)
- val catch : 'a t -> (exn -> 'a t) -> 'a t
- val timeout : int -> 'a t -> 'a t
- (** Construct a monadified side-effect. Exceptions raised by the argument are
- wrapped with {!Exception}. *)
- val make : (unit -> 'a) -> 'a t
- (** [run] performs effects. *)
- val run : 'a t -> 'a
+ val wunit : w
+ val wprod : w -> w -> w
+ type e = unit
+module Logical : module type of Logic_monad.Logical(P)
-(** {6 Logical layer} *)
-(** The logical monad is a backtracking monad on top of which is
- layered a state monad (which is used to implement all of read/write,
- read only, and write only effects). The state monad being layered on
- top of the backtracking monad makes it so that the state is
- backtracked on failure.
- Backtracking differs from regular exception in that, writing (+)
- for exception catching and (>>=) for bind, we require the
- following extra distributivity laws:
- x+(y+z) = (x+y)+z
+(** {6 Lenses to access to components of the states} *)
- zero+x = x
- x+zero = x
- (x+y)>>=k = (x>>=k)+(y>>=k) *)
-(** A view type for the logical monad, which is a form of list, hence
- we can decompose it with as a list. *)
-type ('a, 'b) list_view =
-| Nil of exn
-| Cons of 'a * 'b
-(** The monad is parametrised in the types of state, environment and
- writer. *)
-module type Param = sig
- (** Read only *)
- type e
- (** Write only *)
- type w
- (** [w] must be a monoid *)
- val wunit : w
- val wprod : w -> w -> w
- (** Read-write *)
- type s
+module type State = sig
+ type t
+ val get : t Logical.t
+ val set : t -> unit Logical.t
+ val modify : (t->t) -> unit Logical.t
+module type Writer = sig
+ type t
+ val put : t -> unit Logical.t
-module Logical (P:Param) : sig
+(** Lens to the [proofview]. *)
+module Pv : State with type t := proofview
- include Monad.S
+(** Lens to the [evar_map] of the proofview. *)
+module Solution : State with type t := Evd.evar_map
- val ignore : 'a t -> unit t
+(** Lens to the list of focused goals. *)
+module Comb : State with type t = Evar.t list
- val set : P.s -> unit t
- val get : P.s t
- val modify : (P.s -> P.s) -> unit t
- val put : P.w -> unit t
- val current : P.e t
+(** Lens to the global environment. *)
+module Env : State with type t := Environ.env
- val zero : exn -> 'a t
- val plus : 'a t -> (exn -> 'a t) -> 'a t
- val split : 'a t -> (('a,(exn->'a t)) list_view) t
- val once : 'a t -> 'a t
- val break : (exn -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a t
+(** Lens to the tactic status ([true] if safe, [false] if unsafe) *)
+module Status : Writer with type t := bool
- val lift : 'a NonLogical.t -> 'a t
+(** Lens to the list of goals which have been shelved during the
+ execution of the tactic. *)
+module Shelf : Writer with type t = Evar.t list
- val run : 'a t -> P.e -> P.s -> ('a * P.s * P.w) NonLogical.t
+(** Lens to the list of goals which were given up during the execution
+ of the tactic. *)
+module Giveup : Writer with type t = Evar.t list
diff --git a/tactics/tacinterp.ml b/tactics/tacinterp.ml
index e5177e4bd..443ec5aae 100644
--- a/tactics/tacinterp.ml
+++ b/tactics/tacinterp.ml
@@ -2154,7 +2154,7 @@ let _ =
let prf = Proof.start sigma [env, ty] in
let (prf, _) =
try Proof.run_tactic env tac prf
- with Proofview_monad.TacticFailure e as src ->
+ with Logic_monad.TacticFailure e as src ->
(** Catch the inner error of the monad tactic *)
let src = Errors.push src in
let e = Backtrace.app_backtrace ~src ~dst:e in
diff --git a/tactics/tactics.ml b/tactics/tactics.ml
index 83a3f2604..697b09309 100644
--- a/tactics/tactics.ml
+++ b/tactics/tactics.ml
@@ -4103,7 +4103,7 @@ let abstract_subproof id gk tac =
let ectx = Evd.evar_universe_context evd in
let (const, safe, ectx) =
try Pfedit.build_constant_by_tactic ~goal_kind:gk id ectx secsign concl solve_tac
- with Proofview_monad.TacticFailure e as src ->
+ with Logic_monad.TacticFailure e as src ->
(* if the tactic [tac] fails, it reports a [TacticFailure e],
which is an error irrelevant to the proof system (in fact it
means that [e] comes from [tac] failing to yield enough
diff --git a/toplevel/cerrors.ml b/toplevel/cerrors.ml
index ae1179597..09ec5ce18 100644
--- a/toplevel/cerrors.ml
+++ b/toplevel/cerrors.ml
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ let process_vernac_interp_error exn = match exn with
let rec strip_wrapping_exceptions = function
- | Proofview_monad.TacticFailure e as src ->
+ | Logic_monad.TacticFailure e as src ->
let e = Backtrace.app_backtrace ~src ~dst:e in
strip_wrapping_exceptions e
| exc -> exc