BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterCorrect some spelling errorsGravatar Benjamin Barenblat7 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2018-07-22Correct some spelling errorsmasterGravatar Benjamin Barenblat
2018-07-22Merge PR #8095: Improvements for the chapter 'Detailed examples of tactics' o...Gravatar Théo Zimmermann
2018-07-21Solved problems with snippets giving errors in chapter 'Detailed examples of ...Gravatar Zeimer
2018-07-21Rewrote examples about permutations, logic and type isomorphisms: changed the...Gravatar Zeimer
2018-07-21Improvements for the chapter 'Detailed examples of tactics' of the Reference ...Gravatar Zeimer
2018-07-21Merge PR #8072: Fixes for chapters 'Vernacular commands', 'Proof handling' an...Gravatar Théo Zimmermann
2018-07-21Merge PR #8086: Improved chapter 'The tactic language' of the Reference Manual.Gravatar Théo Zimmermann
2018-07-20Small improvements suggested in comments to PR #8086.Gravatar Zeimer
2018-07-20Improved chapter 'The tactic language' of the Reference Manual.Gravatar Zeimer
2018-07-20Added :undocumented: and :cmd: as suggested in comments for PR #8072.Gravatar Zeimer
2018-07-20Fixed many spelling and grammar errors in the chapters 'Vernacular commands',...Gravatar Zeimer
2018-07-20Merge PR #8037: Export a function to apply toplevel tactic values in Tacinterp.Gravatar Enrico Tassi
2018-07-20Merge PR #8089: Remove declare_object for SsrHave NoTCResolution.Gravatar Enrico Tassi
2018-07-20Merge PR #8070: Fixed some typos and grammar errors from section 'The languag...Gravatar Théo Zimmermann
2018-07-19Rewrote section 'Accessing the Type level' in the chapter 'The Coq library' o...Gravatar Zeimer
2018-07-19Fixed some typos and grammar errors from section 'The language' of the Refere...Gravatar Zeimer