// Copyright 2014 Citra Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2 // Refer to the license.txt file included. #pragma once namespace GLShaders { const char g_vertex_shader[] = R"( #version 150 core in vec2 vert_position; in vec2 vert_tex_coord; out vec2 frag_tex_coord; // This is a truncated 3x3 matrix for 2D transformations: // The upper-left 2x2 submatrix performs scaling/rotation/mirroring. // The third column performs translation. // The third row could be used for projection, which we don't need in 2D. It hence is assumed to // implicitly be [0, 0, 1] uniform mat3x2 modelview_matrix; void main() { // Multiply input position by the rotscale part of the matrix and then manually translate by // the last column. This is equivalent to using a full 3x3 matrix and expanding the vector // to `vec3(vert_position.xy, 1.0)` gl_Position = vec4(mat2(modelview_matrix) * vert_position + modelview_matrix[2], 0.0, 1.0); frag_tex_coord = vert_tex_coord; } )"; const char g_fragment_shader[] = R"( #version 150 core in vec2 frag_tex_coord; out vec4 color; uniform sampler2D color_texture; void main() { color = texture(color_texture, frag_tex_coord); } )"; }