#ifndef CORE_ARM_SKYEYE_DEFS_H_ #define CORE_ARM_SKYEYE_DEFS_H_ #include "common/common.h" #define MODE32 #define MODET typedef struct { const char *cpu_arch_name; /*cpu architecture version name.e.g. armv4t */ const char *cpu_name; /*cpu name. e.g. arm7tdmi or arm720t */ u32 cpu_val; /*CPU value; also call MMU ID or processor id;see ARM Architecture Reference Manual B2-6 */ u32 cpu_mask; /*cpu_val's mask. */ u32 cachetype; /*this cpu has what kind of cache */ } cpu_config_t; typedef struct conf_object_s{ char* objname; void* obj; char* class_name; }conf_object_t; typedef enum{ /* No exception */ No_exp = 0, /* Memory allocation exception */ Malloc_exp, /* File open exception */ File_open_exp, /* DLL open exception */ Dll_open_exp, /* Invalid argument exception */ Invarg_exp, /* Invalid module exception */ Invmod_exp, /* wrong format exception for config file parsing */ Conf_format_exp, /* some reference excess the predefiend range. Such as the index out of array range */ Excess_range_exp, /* Can not find the desirable result */ Not_found_exp, /* Unknown exception */ Unknown_exp }exception_t; typedef enum { Align = 0, UnAlign }align_t; typedef enum { Little_endian = 0, Big_endian }endian_t; //typedef int exception_t; typedef enum{ Phys_addr = 0, Virt_addr }addr_type_t; typedef exception_t(*read_byte_t)(conf_object_t* target, u32 addr, void *buf, size_t count); typedef exception_t(*write_byte_t)(conf_object_t* target, u32 addr, const void *buf, size_t count); typedef struct memory_space{ conf_object_t* conf_obj; read_byte_t read; write_byte_t write; }memory_space_intf; /* * a running instance for a specific archteciture. */ typedef struct generic_arch_s { char* arch_name; void (*init) (void); void (*reset) (void); void (*step_once) (void); void (*set_pc)(u32 addr); u32 (*get_pc)(void); u32 (*get_step)(void); //chy 2004-04-15 //int (*ICE_write_byte) (u32 addr, uint8_t v); //int (*ICE_read_byte)(u32 addr, uint8_t *pv); u32 (*get_regval_by_id)(int id); u32 (*get_regnum)(void); char* (*get_regname_by_id)(int id); exception_t (*set_regval_by_id)(int id, u32 value); /* * read a data by virtual address. */ exception_t (*mmu_read)(short size, u32 addr, u32 * value); /* * write a data by a virtual address. */ exception_t (*mmu_write)(short size, u32 addr, u32 value); /** * get a signal from external */ //exception_t (*signal)(interrupt_signal_t* signal); endian_t endianess; align_t alignment; } generic_arch_t; typedef u32 addr_t; #endif