// Copyright 2014 Citra Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version // Refer to the license.txt file included. #pragma once namespace DefaultINI { const char* glfw_config_file = R"( [Controls] pad_start = pad_select = pad_home = pad_dup = pad_ddown = pad_dleft = pad_dright = pad_a = pad_b = pad_x = pad_y = pad_r = pad_l = pad_sup = pad_sdown = pad_sleft = pad_sright = [Core] cpu_core = ## 0: Interpreter (default), 1: FastInterpreter (experimental) gpu_refresh_rate = ## 60 (default) [Data Storage] use_virtual_sd = [Miscellaneous] log_filter = *:Info ## Examples: *:Debug Kernel.SVC:Trace Service.*:Critical )"; }