// Copyright 2014 Citra Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version // Refer to the license.txt file included. #define GLFW_INCLUDE_NONE #include #include #include "citra/default_ini.h" #include "common/file_util.h" #include "common/logging/log.h" #include "core/settings.h" #include "config.h" Config::Config() { // TODO: Don't hardcode the path; let the frontend decide where to put the config files. glfw_config_loc = FileUtil::GetUserPath(D_CONFIG_IDX) + "glfw-config.ini"; glfw_config = new INIReader(glfw_config_loc); Reload(); } bool Config::LoadINI(INIReader* config, const char* location, const std::string& default_contents, bool retry) { if (config->ParseError() < 0) { if (retry) { LOG_WARNING(Config, "Failed to load %s. Creating file from defaults...", location); FileUtil::CreateFullPath(location); FileUtil::WriteStringToFile(true, default_contents, location); *config = INIReader(location); // Reopen file return LoadINI(config, location, default_contents, false); } LOG_ERROR(Config, "Failed."); return false; } LOG_INFO(Config, "Successfully loaded %s", location); return true; } static const std::array defaults = { GLFW_KEY_A, GLFW_KEY_S, GLFW_KEY_Z, GLFW_KEY_X, GLFW_KEY_Q, GLFW_KEY_W, GLFW_KEY_1, GLFW_KEY_2, GLFW_KEY_M, GLFW_KEY_N, GLFW_KEY_B, GLFW_KEY_T, GLFW_KEY_G, GLFW_KEY_F, GLFW_KEY_H, GLFW_KEY_UP, GLFW_KEY_DOWN, GLFW_KEY_LEFT, GLFW_KEY_RIGHT, GLFW_KEY_I, GLFW_KEY_K, GLFW_KEY_J, GLFW_KEY_L }; void Config::ReadValues() { // Controls for (int i = 0; i < Settings::NativeInput::NUM_INPUTS; ++i) { Settings::values.input_mappings[Settings::NativeInput::All[i]] = glfw_config->GetInteger("Controls", Settings::NativeInput::Mapping[i], defaults[i]); } // Core Settings::values.frame_skip = glfw_config->GetInteger("Core", "frame_skip", 0); // Renderer Settings::values.use_hw_renderer = glfw_config->GetBoolean("Renderer", "use_hw_renderer", false); Settings::values.bg_red = (float)glfw_config->GetReal("Renderer", "bg_red", 1.0); Settings::values.bg_green = (float)glfw_config->GetReal("Renderer", "bg_green", 1.0); Settings::values.bg_blue = (float)glfw_config->GetReal("Renderer", "bg_blue", 1.0); // Data Storage Settings::values.use_virtual_sd = glfw_config->GetBoolean("Data Storage", "use_virtual_sd", true); // System Region Settings::values.region_value = glfw_config->GetInteger("System Region", "region_value", 1); // Miscellaneous Settings::values.log_filter = glfw_config->Get("Miscellaneous", "log_filter", "*:Info"); } void Config::Reload() { LoadINI(glfw_config, glfw_config_loc.c_str(), DefaultINI::glfw_config_file); ReadValues(); } Config::~Config() { delete glfw_config; }