path: root/src/citra
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Implement new argument parsing using getopt and add the corresponding library...Gravatar Greg Wicks2015-07-12
* Merge pull request #910 from linkmauve/installGravatar Tony Wasserka2015-07-12
| * Citra, CitraQt: Tell cmake to install the compiled binaries.Gravatar Emmanuel Gil Peyrot2015-07-09
* | Citra: Fix the includes a bit, thanks to include-what-you-use.Gravatar Emmanuel Gil Peyrot2015-06-28
* Merge pull request #832 from yuriks/refresh-rate-optionGravatar bunnei2015-05-31
| * Remove gpu_refresh_rate configuration optionGravatar Yuri Kunde Schlesner2015-05-29
* | Remove every trailing whitespace from the project (but externals).Gravatar Emmanuel Gil Peyrot2015-05-29
* Assets: Move citra.ico from src/assets to dist.Gravatar Emmanuel Gil Peyrot2015-05-25
* OpenGL rendererGravatar tfarley2015-05-22
* INI hw/sw renderer toggleGravatar tfarley2015-05-22
* Common: Remove async loggingGravatar Yuri Kunde Schlesner2015-05-12
* Common: Remove common.hGravatar Yuri Kunde Schlesner2015-05-07
* Common: Remove many unnecessary cross-platform compatibility macrosGravatar Yuri Kunde Schlesner2015-05-06
* EmuWindow: Clip mouse input coordinates to emulated screen dimensions.Gravatar Zaneo2015-05-01
* Allow the user to set the background clear color during emulationGravatar archshift2015-04-03
* HID: Complete refactor of pad/touch input to fix threading issues.Gravatar bunnei2015-03-10
* EmuWindow: Made pad/touch functions non-static.Gravatar bunnei2015-03-10
* GLFW: Implemented EmuWindow touchpad support.Gravatar bunnei2015-03-10
* Merge pull request #634 from linkmauve/logging-performancesGravatar bunnei2015-03-09
* | default_ini.h: Put comments on their own linesGravatar archshift2015-03-07
* | Set framebuffer layout from EmuWindow.Gravatar bunnei2015-03-07
| * Logging: check for filter before sending to the queue, to skip all heavy form...Gravatar Emmanuel Gil Peyrot2015-03-06
* Frontends, HID: Add New 3DS specific pad buttons, and stub the touch one.Gravatar Emmanuel Gil Peyrot2015-02-22
* Asserts: break/crash program, fit to style guide; log.h->assert.hGravatar archshift2015-02-10
* Merge pull request #526 from purpasmart96/citra_stubsGravatar bunnei2015-02-10
| * Services: Stub some functionsGravatar purpasmart962015-02-07
* | arm: Adios armemuGravatar Lioncash2015-01-31
* Added HID_SPVR service and split HID_U implementation into service/hid/hid.xxxGravatar archshift2015-01-21
* Fix building on MinGWGravatar darkf2015-01-11
* Use -pthread where and only where neededGravatar Johannes Ekberg2015-01-09
* Generic PLATFORM_LIBRARIES varGravatar Johannes Ekberg2015-01-09
* Frontends: Shutdown core when emulation is stoppedGravatar Yuri Kunde Schlesner2015-01-04
* Core: Change default CPU to dyncom.Gravatar bunnei2015-01-02
* SOC_U: Preliminary implementation of sockets.Gravatar Subv2014-12-31
* Add citra icon to Windows executable and title barGravatar Chin2014-12-31
* Fix MSVC-related #defines and add CMakeLists commentGravatar darkf2014-12-29
* Fix merge conflictsGravatar darkf2014-12-29
| * GPU: Implement frameskip and remove forced framebuffer swap hack.Gravatar bunnei2014-12-28
| * GPU: Change internal framerate to 30fps.Gravatar bunnei2014-12-26
| * Merge pull request #275 from yuriks/cmake-cleanGravatar bunnei2014-12-22
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| * | License changeGravatar purpasmart962014-12-20
| | * Clean up CMake library specificationGravatar Yuri Kunde Schlesner2014-12-15
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| * Add configurable per-class log filteringGravatar Yuri Kunde Schlesner2014-12-13
| * Convert old logging calls to new logging macrosGravatar Yuri Kunde Schlesner2014-12-13
| * New logging systemGravatar Yuri Kunde Schlesner2014-12-13
| * Change NULLs to nullptrs.Gravatar Rohit Nirmal2014-12-03
| * Merge pull request #196 from archshift/settingsGravatar bunnei2014-11-30
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| * | GLFW: Add an error callback before calling glfwInit()Gravatar Emmanuel Gil Peyrot2014-11-29
* | | Fix MinGW buildGravatar darkf2014-11-28
|/ /
* | Remove tabs in all files except in skyeye imports and in generated GL codeGravatar Emmanuel Gil Peyrot2014-11-19