#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef ENABLE_SYSTEMD # include #endif static char *path = "/sys/class"; static char *classes[] = { "backlight", "leds", NULL }; static char *run_dir = "/tmp/brightnessctl"; struct value; struct device; enum operation; static void fail(char *, ...); static void usage(void); #define cat_with(...) _cat_with(__VA_ARGS__, NULL) static char *_cat_with(int, ...); static char *dir_child(char *, char*); static char *device_path(struct device *); static char *class_path(char *); static unsigned int calc_value(struct device *, struct value *); static int apply_operation(struct device *, enum operation, struct value *); static bool parse_value(struct value *, char *); static bool do_write_device(struct device *); static bool read_device(struct device *, char *, char *); static int read_class(struct device **, char *); static int read_devices(struct device **); static void print_device(struct device *); static void list_devices(struct device **); static struct device *find_device(struct device **, char *); static bool save_device_data(struct device *); static bool restore_device_data(struct device *); static bool ensure_dir(char *); static bool ensure_dev_dir(struct device *); #define ensure_run_dir() ensure_dir(run_dir) #ifdef ENABLE_SYSTEMD static bool logind_set_brightness(struct device *); #endif struct device { char *class; char *id; unsigned int curr_brightness; unsigned int max_brightness; }; enum value_type { ABSOLUTE, RELATIVE }; enum delta_type { DIRECT, DELTA }; enum sign { PLUS, MINUS }; struct value { unsigned long val; enum value_type v_type; enum delta_type d_type; enum sign sign; }; enum operation { INFO, GET, MAX, SET }; struct params { char *class; char *device; struct value val; struct value min; enum operation operation; bool quiet; bool list; bool pretend; bool mach; bool save; bool restore; float exponent; }; static struct params p; static const struct option options[] = { {"class", required_argument, NULL, 'c'}, {"device", required_argument, NULL, 'd'}, {"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'}, {"list", no_argument, NULL, 'l'}, {"machine-readable", no_argument, NULL, 'm'}, {"min-value", optional_argument, NULL, 'n'}, {"exponent", optional_argument, NULL, 'e'}, {"quiet", no_argument, NULL, 'q'}, {"pretend", no_argument, NULL, 'p'}, {"restore", no_argument, NULL, 'r'}, {"save", no_argument, NULL, 's'}, {"version", no_argument, NULL, 'V'}, {NULL,} }; static bool (*write_device)(struct device *) = do_write_device; int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct device *devs[255]; struct device *dev; struct utsname name; char *dev_name, *file_path, *sys_run_dir; int n, c, phelp = 0; if (uname(&name)) fail("Unable to determine current OS. Exiting!\n"); if (strcmp(name.sysname, "Linux")) fail("This program only supports Linux.\n"); p.exponent = 1; p.min = (struct value){ .val = 0, .v_type = ABSOLUTE, .d_type = DIRECT, .sign = PLUS }; while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "lqpmn::e::srhVc:d:", options, NULL)) >= 0) { switch (c) { case 'l': p.list = true; break; case 'q': p.quiet = true; break; case 'p': p.pretend = true; break; case 's': p.save = true; break; case 'r': p.restore = true; break; case 'm': p.mach = true; break; case 'n': if (optarg) { if (!parse_value(&p.min, optarg) || p.min.sign == MINUS) fail("Invalid min-value given"); } else if (NULL != argv[optind] && '-' != argv[optind][0]) { if (!parse_value(&p.min, argv[optind++]) || p.min.sign == MINUS) fail("Invalid min-value given"); } else { p.min.val = 1; } break; case 'e': if (optarg) p.exponent = atof(optarg); else if (NULL != argv[optind] && atof(argv[optind]) > 0.0) p.exponent = atof(argv[optind++]); else p.exponent = 4; break; case 'h': usage(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); case 'c': p.class = strdup(optarg); break; case 'd': p.device = strdup(optarg); break; case 'V': printf("%s\n", VERSION); exit(0); break; default: phelp++; } } if (phelp) { usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (p.class) { if (!(n = read_class(devs, p.class))) fail("Failed to read any devices of class '%s'.\n", p.class); } else { if (!(n = read_devices(devs))) fail("Failed to read any devices.\n"); } devs[n] = NULL; if (p.list) { list_devices(devs); return 0; } dev_name = p.device; if (!dev_name) dev_name = devs[0]->id; if (argc == 0) p.operation = INFO; else switch (argv[0][0]) { case 'm': p.operation = MAX; break; case 's': p.operation = SET; break; case 'g': p.operation = GET; break; default: case 'i': p.operation = INFO; break; } argc--; argv++; if (p.operation == SET && argc == 0) fail("You need to provide a value to set.\n"); if (p.operation == SET && !parse_value(&p.val, argv[0])) fail("Invalid value given"); if (!(dev = find_device(devs, dev_name))) fail("Device '%s' not found.\n", dev_name); if ((p.operation == SET || p.restore) && !p.pretend && geteuid()) { errno = 0; file_path = cat_with('/', path, dev->class, dev->id, "brightness"); if (access(file_path, W_OK)) { #ifdef ENABLE_SYSTEMD write_device = logind_set_brightness; #else perror("Can't modify brightness"); fail("\nYou should run this program with root privileges.\n" "Alternatively, get write permissions for device files.\n"); #endif } free(file_path); } if ((sys_run_dir = getenv("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR"))) run_dir = dir_child(sys_run_dir, "brightnessctl"); if (p.save) if (!save_device_data(dev)) fprintf(stderr, "Could not save data for device '%s'.\n", dev->id); if (p.restore) { if (restore_device_data(dev)) write_device(dev); } return apply_operation(dev, p.operation, &p.val); } int apply_operation(struct device *dev, enum operation operation, struct value *val) { switch (operation) { case INFO: print_device(dev); return 0; case GET: fprintf(stdout, "%u\n", dev->curr_brightness); return 0; case MAX: fprintf(stdout, "%u\n", dev->max_brightness); return 0; case SET: dev->curr_brightness = calc_value(dev, val); if (!p.pretend) if (!write_device(dev)) goto fail; if (!p.quiet) { if (!p.mach) fprintf(stdout, "Updated device '%s':\n", dev->id); print_device(dev); } return 0; /* FALLTHRU */ fail: default: return 1; } } bool parse_value(struct value *val, char *str) { long n; char c; char *buf; errno = 0; val->v_type = ABSOLUTE; val->d_type = DIRECT; val->sign = PLUS; if (!str || !*str) return false; if (*str == '+' || *str == '-') { val->sign = *str == '+' ? PLUS : MINUS; val->d_type = DELTA; str++; } n = strtol(str, &buf, 10); if (errno || buf == str) return false; val->val = labs(n) % LONG_MAX; while ((c = *(buf++))) switch(c) { case '+': val->sign = PLUS; val->d_type = DELTA; break; case '-': val->sign = MINUS; val->d_type = DELTA; break; case '%': val->v_type = RELATIVE; break; } return true; } struct device *find_device(struct device **devs, char *name) { struct device *dev; while ((dev = *(devs++))) if (!fnmatch(name, dev->id, 0)) return dev; return NULL; } void list_devices(struct device **devs) { struct device *dev; if (!p.mach) fprintf(stdout, "Available devices:\n"); while ((dev = *(devs++))) print_device(dev); } float val_to_percent(float val, struct device *d, bool rnd) { if (val < 0) return 0; float ret = powf(val / d->max_brightness, 1.0f / p.exponent) * 100; return rnd ? roundf(ret) : ret; } unsigned long percent_to_val(float percent, struct device *d) { return roundf(powf(percent / 100, p.exponent) * d->max_brightness); } void print_device(struct device *dev) { char *format = p.mach ? "%s,%s,%d,%d%%,%d\n" : "Device '%s' of class '%s':\n\tCurrent brightness: %d (%d%%)\n\tMax brightness: %d\n\n"; fprintf(stdout, format, dev->id, dev->class, dev->curr_brightness, (int) val_to_percent(dev->curr_brightness, dev, true), dev->max_brightness); } unsigned int calc_value(struct device *d, struct value *val) { long new = d->curr_brightness; if (val->d_type == DIRECT) { new = val->v_type == ABSOLUTE ? val->val : percent_to_val(val->val, d); goto apply; } long mod = val->val; if (val->sign == MINUS) mod *= -1; if (val->v_type == RELATIVE) { mod = percent_to_val(val_to_percent(d->curr_brightness, d, false) + mod, d) - d->curr_brightness; if (val->val != 0 && mod == 0) mod = val->sign == PLUS ? 1 : -1; } new += mod; apply: if (p.min.v_type == RELATIVE) { p.min.val = percent_to_val(p.min.val, d); p.min.v_type = ABSOLUTE; } if (new < (long)p.min.val) new = p.min.val; if (new < 0) new = 0; if (new > d->max_brightness) new = d->max_brightness; return new; } #ifdef ENABLE_SYSTEMD bool logind_set_brightness(struct device *d) { sd_bus *bus = NULL; int r = sd_bus_default_system(&bus); if (r < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't connect to system bus: %s\n", strerror(-r)); return false; } r = sd_bus_call_method(bus, "org.freedesktop.login1", "/org/freedesktop/login1/session/auto", "org.freedesktop.login1.Session", "SetBrightness", NULL, NULL, "ssu", d->class, d->id, d->curr_brightness); if (r < 0) fprintf(stderr, "Failed to set brightness: %s\n", strerror(-r)); sd_bus_unref(bus); return r >= 0; } #endif bool do_write_device(struct device *d) { FILE *f; char c[16]; size_t s = sprintf(c, "%u", d->curr_brightness); errno = 0; if (s <= 0) { errno = EINVAL; goto fail; } if ((f = fopen(dir_child(device_path(d), "brightness"), "w"))) { if (fwrite(c, 1, s, f) < s) goto close; } else goto fail; errno = 0; close: fclose(f); fail: if (errno) perror("Error writing device"); return !errno; } bool read_device(struct device *d, char *class, char *id) { DIR *dirp; FILE *f; char *dev_path = NULL; char *ent_path = NULL; int error = 0; struct dirent *ent; bool cur; d->class = strdup(class); d->id = strdup(id); dev_path = device_path(d); if (!(dirp = opendir(dev_path))) goto dfail; while ((ent = readdir(dirp))) { if (!strcmp(ent->d_name, ".") && !strcmp(ent->d_name, "..")) continue; if ((cur = !strcmp(ent->d_name, "brightness")) || !strcmp(ent->d_name, "max_brightness")) { if (!(f = fopen(ent_path = dir_child(dev_path, ent->d_name), "r"))) goto fail; clearerr(f); if (fscanf(f, "%u", cur ? &d->curr_brightness : &d->max_brightness) == EOF) { fprintf(stderr, "End-of-file reading %s of device '%s'.", cur ? "brightness" : "max brightness", d->id); error++; } else if (ferror(f)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error reading %s of device '%s': %s.", cur ? "brightness" : "max brightness", d->id, strerror(errno)); error++; } fclose(f); free(ent_path); ent_path = NULL; } } errno = 0; fail: closedir(dirp); dfail: free(dev_path); free(ent_path); if (errno) { perror("Error reading device"); error++; } return !error; } int read_class(struct device **devs, char *class) { DIR *dirp; struct dirent *ent; struct device *dev; char *c_path; int cnt = 0; dirp = opendir(c_path = class_path(class)); if (!dirp) return 0; while ((ent = readdir(dirp))) { if (!strcmp(ent->d_name, ".") || !strcmp(ent->d_name, "..")) continue; dev = malloc(sizeof(struct device)); if (!read_device(dev, class, ent->d_name)) { free(dev); continue; } devs[cnt++] = dev; } closedir(dirp); free(c_path); return cnt; } int read_devices(struct device **devs) { size_t n = 0; char *class; int cnt = 0; while ((class = classes[n++])) cnt += read_class(devs + cnt, class); return cnt; } bool save_device_data(struct device *dev) { char c[16]; size_t s = sprintf(c, "%u", dev->curr_brightness); char *d_path = cat_with('/', run_dir, dev->class, dev->id); FILE *fp; mode_t old = 0; int error = 0; errno = 0; if (s <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error converting device data."); error++; goto fail; } if (!ensure_dev_dir(dev)) goto fail; old = umask(0); fp = fopen(d_path, "w"); umask(old); if (!fp) goto fail; if (fwrite(c, 1, s, fp) < s) { fprintf(stderr, "Error writing to '%s'.\n", d_path); error++; } fclose(fp); fail: free(d_path); if (errno) { perror("Error saving device data"); error++; } return !error; } bool restore_device_data(struct device *dev) { char buf[16]; char *filename = cat_with('/', run_dir, dev->class, dev->id); char *end; FILE *fp; memset(buf, 0, 16); errno = 0; if (!(fp = fopen(filename, "r"))) goto fail; if (!fread(buf, 1, 15, fp)) goto rfail; dev->curr_brightness = strtol(buf, &end, 10); if (end == buf) errno = EINVAL; rfail: fclose(fp); fail: free(filename); if (errno) { perror("Error restoring device data"); return false; } return true; } bool ensure_dir(char *dir) { struct stat sb; if (stat(dir, &sb)) { if (errno != ENOENT) return false; errno = 0; if (mkdir(dir, 0777)) { return false; } if (stat(dir, &sb)) return false; } if (!S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode)) { errno = ENOTDIR; return false; } return true; } bool ensure_dev_dir(struct device *dev) { char *cpath; bool ret; if (!ensure_run_dir()) return false; cpath = dir_child(run_dir, dev->class); ret = ensure_dir(cpath); free(cpath); return ret; } char *_cat_with(int c, ...) { // We'd like c to be a char, but passing a char to va_start triggers // undefined behavior. Take it as an int instead, and assert that it can // fit in a char before using it as one. assert(c >= CHAR_MIN && c <= CHAR_MAX); size_t size = 32; size_t length = 0; char *buf = calloc(1, size + 1); char *curr; char split[2] = {(char) c, '\0'}; va_list va; va_start(va, c); curr = va_arg(va, char *); while (curr) { length += strlen(curr); while (length + 2 > size) buf = realloc(buf, size *= 2); strcat(buf, curr); if ((curr = va_arg(va, char*))) { length++; strcat(buf, split); } } return buf; } char *dir_child(char *parent, char *child) { return cat_with('/', parent, child); } char *device_path(struct device *dev) { return cat_with('/', path, dev->class, dev->id); } char *class_path(char *class) { return dir_child(path, class); } void fail(char *err_msg, ...) { va_list va; va_start(va, err_msg); vfprintf(stderr, err_msg, va); va_end(va); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } void usage() { fprintf(stderr, "brightnessctl %s - read and control device brightness.\n\n", VERSION); fprintf(stderr, "Usage: brightnessctl [options] [operation] [value]\n\ \n\ Options:\n\ -l, --list \tlist devices with available brightness controls.\n\ -q, --quiet \tsuppress output.\n\ -p, --pretend \tdo not perform write operations.\n\ -m, --machine-readable \tproduce machine-readable output.\n\ -n, --min-value[=MIN-VALUE]\tset minimum brightness (to 1 if MIN-VALUE is omitted).\n\ -e, --exponent[=K] \tchanges percentage curve to exponential (to 4 if K is omitted).\n\ -s, --save \tsave previous state in a temporary file.\n\ -r, --restore \trestore previous saved state.\n\ -h, --help \tprint this help.\n\ -d, --device=DEVICE \tspecify device name (can be a wildcard).\n\ -c, --class=CLASS \tspecify device class.\n\ -V, --version \tprint version and exit.\n\ \n\ Operations:\n\ i, info \tget device info.\n\ g, get \tget current brightness of the device.\n\ m, max \tget maximum brightness of the device.\n\ s, set VALUE \tset brightness of the device.\n\ \n\ Valid values:\n\ specific value \tExample: 500\n\ percentage value \tExample: 50%%\n\ specific delta \tExample: 50- or +10\n\ percentage delta \tExample: 50%%- or +10%%\n\ \n"); }