package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) load(":osx_archs.bzl", "OSX_TOOLS_ARCHS") CC_TOOLCHAINS = [( cpu + "|compiler", ":cc-compiler-" + cpu, ) for cpu in OSX_TOOLS_ARCHS] cc_library( name = "malloc", ) cc_library( name = "stl", ) filegroup( name = "empty", srcs = [], ) filegroup( name = "cc_wrapper", srcs = [""], ) cc_toolchain_suite( name = "toolchain", toolchains = dict(CC_TOOLCHAINS), ) [ filegroup( name = "osx_tools_" + arch, srcs = [ ":cc_wrapper", ":libtool", "", ":wrapped_clang", ":wrapped_clang_pp", ":wrapped_ar", "", ], ) for arch in OSX_TOOLS_ARCHS ] [ apple_cc_toolchain( name = "cc-compiler-" + arch, all_files = ":osx_tools_" + arch, compiler_files = ":osx_tools_" + arch, cpu = arch, dwp_files = ":empty", dynamic_runtime_libs = [":empty"], linker_files = ":osx_tools_" + arch, objcopy_files = ":empty", static_runtime_libs = [":empty"], strip_files = ":osx_tools_" + arch, supports_param_files = 0, ) for arch in OSX_TOOLS_ARCHS ] [ toolchain( name = "cc-toolchain-" + arch, exec_compatible_with = [ # This toolchain will only work with the local autoconfigured # platforms. "@bazel_tools//platforms:autoconfigured", # TODO(katre): add autodiscovered constraints for host CPU and OS. ], target_compatible_with = [ # TODO(katre): add autodiscovered constraints for host CPU and OS. ], toolchain = ":cc-compiler-" + arch, toolchain_type = "@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:toolchain_type", ) for arch in OSX_TOOLS_ARCHS ]