package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) # TODO(lberki): Remove this once java_toolchain_alias and java_runtime_alias are # in a Bazel release load("//tools/jdk:alias_rules.bzl", "java_host_runtime_alias") load( "//tools/jdk:default_java_toolchain.bzl", "default_java_toolchain", "JDK8_JVM_OPTS", "JDK9_JVM_OPTS", "DEFAULT_JAVACOPTS", ) # Used to distinguish toolchains used for Java development, ie the JavaToolchainProvider. toolchain_type(name = "toolchain_type") # Used to distinguish toolchains used for Java execution, ie the JavaRuntimeInfo. toolchain_type(name = "runtime_toolchain_type") java_runtime_alias(name = "current_java_runtime") java_host_runtime_alias(name = "current_host_java_runtime") java_toolchain_alias(name = "current_java_toolchain") config_setting( name = "jdk7", values = {"define": "JAVA_VERSION=1.7"}, ) genrule( name = "BUILD-jdk7", srcs = [":BUILD"], outs = ["BUILD.jdk7"], cmd = "sed -e 's/_version = \"8\"/_version = \"7\"/' -e 's/javac_supports_workers = 1/javac_supports_workers = 0/' -e 's/forcibly_disable_header_compilation = 0/forcibly_disable_header_compilation = 1/g' -e 's/:JavaBuilder_deploy/:VanillaJavaBuilder_deploy/' $< > $@", ) filegroup( name = "BUILD-jdk", srcs = select({ ":jdk7": [":BUILD-jdk7"], "//conditions:default": [":BUILD"], }), ) # This is necessary to get the *host* Java runtime. Depending on # //tools/jdk:current_java_runtime from an attribute with the host transition # does not work because the dependency is determined based on the configuration # *before* the transition. alias( name = "java_runtime_alias", actual = "//tools/jdk:current_java_runtime", ) alias( name = "jni_header", actual = "@local_jdk//:jni_header", ) alias( name = "jni_md_header-darwin", actual = "@local_jdk//:jni_md_header-darwin", ) alias( name = "jni_md_header-linux", actual = "@local_jdk//:jni_md_header-linux", ) alias( name = "jni_md_header-windows", actual = "@local_jdk//:jni_md_header-windows", ) alias( name = "jni_md_header-freebsd", actual = "@local_jdk//:jni_md_header-freebsd", ) alias( name = "java", actual = "@local_jdk//:java", ) alias( name = "jar", actual = "@local_jdk//:jar", ) alias( name = "javac", actual = "@local_jdk//:javac", ) # On Windows, executables end in ".exe", but the label we reach it through # must be platform-independent. Thus, we create a little filegroup that # contains the appropriate platform-dependent file. filegroup( name = "ijar", srcs = select({ "//src/conditions:remote": ["//third_party/ijar:ijar"], "//conditions:default": glob(["ijar/*"]), }), ) # On Windows, Java implementation of singlejar is used. We create a little # filegroup that contains the appropriate platform-dependent file. # Once is fixed (that is, # the native singlejar is used on windows), this file group can be reused since # on Windows, executables end in ".exe", but the label we reach it through # must be platform-independent. filegroup( name = "singlejar", srcs = select({ "//src/conditions:remote": ["//src/tools/singlejar:singlejar"], "//conditions:default": glob(["singlejar/*"]), }), ) filegroup( name = "genclass", srcs = ["//tools/jdk:GenClass_deploy.jar"], ) filegroup( name = "turbine", srcs = ["//tools/jdk:turbine_deploy.jar"], ) filegroup( name = "javabuilder", srcs = ["//tools/jdk:JavaBuilder_deploy.jar"], ) filegroup( name = "vanillajavabuilder", srcs = ["//tools/jdk:VanillaJavaBuilder_deploy.jar"], ) BOOTCLASS_JARS = [ "rt.jar", "resources.jar", "jsse.jar", "jce.jar", "charsets.jar", ] # TODO(cushon): this isn't compatible with JDK 9 alias( name = "bootclasspath", actual = "@local_jdk//:bootclasspath", ) alias( name = "extclasspath", actual = "@local_jdk//:extdir", ) # TODO(cushon): migrate to extclasspath and delete alias( name = "extdir", actual = "@local_jdk//:extdir", ) filegroup( name = "langtools", srcs = ["//third_party/java/jdk/langtools:javac_jar"], ) java_import( name = "langtools-neverlink", jars = [":langtools"], neverlink = 1, ) alias( name = "jre", actual = "@local_jdk//:jre", ) alias( name = "jdk", actual = "@local_jdk//:jdk", ) alias( name = "host_jdk", actual = "@local_jdk//:jdk", ) genrule( name = "gen_platformclasspath", srcs = [""], outs = ["platformclasspath-impl.jar"], cmd = """ set -eu TMPDIR=$$(mktemp -d -t tmp.XXXXXXXX) $(JAVABASE)/bin/javac $< -d $$TMPDIR $(JAVA) -cp $$TMPDIR DumpPlatformClassPath 8 $@ rm -rf $$TMPDIR """, toolchains = ["@bazel_tools//tools/jdk:current_host_java_runtime"], tools = ["@bazel_tools//tools/jdk:current_host_java_runtime"], ) # run ijar separately so we can skip it for bootstrapping genrule( name = "platformclasspath", srcs = ["platformclasspath-impl.jar"], outs = ["platformclasspath.jar"], cmd = "$(location @bazel_tools//tools/jdk:ijar) $< $@", tools = ["@bazel_tools//tools/jdk:ijar"], ) default_java_toolchain( name = "toolchain_jdk8", bootclasspath = [":bootclasspath"], extclasspath = [":extclasspath"], jvm_opts = JDK8_JVM_OPTS, source_version = "8", target_version = "8", ) default_java_toolchain( name = "toolchain_jdk9", jvm_opts = JDK9_JVM_OPTS, misc = DEFAULT_JAVACOPTS + [ "--release", "9", ], ) alias( name = "toolchain", actual = "//external:java_toolchain", ) filegroup( name = "srcs", srcs = [ "BUILD-jdk", # Tools are build from the workspace for tests. "", "alias_rules.bzl", "default_java_toolchain.bzl", "", "", "proguard_whitelister_test_input.cfg", ], ) filegroup( name = "package-srcs", srcs = glob(["**"]), ) py_binary( name = "proguard_whitelister", srcs = [ "", ], deps = [ "//third_party/py/gflags", ], ) py_test( name = "proguard_whitelister_test", srcs = [""], data = ["proguard_whitelister_test_input.cfg"], deps = [ ":proguard_whitelister", ], ) # For java coverage alias( name = "jacoco-blaze-agent", actual = "//third_party/java/jacoco:blaze-agent", ) java_import( name = "JacocoCoverage", jars = [":JacocoCoverage_deploy.jar"], )