#!/usr/bin/python2.7 # Copyright 2015 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http:#www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """A wrapper script for J2ObjC transpiler. This script wraps around J2ObjC transpiler to also output a dependency mapping file by scanning the import and include directives of the J2ObjC-translated files. """ import argparse import errno import multiprocessing import os import Queue import re import shutil import subprocess import tempfile import threading import zipfile _INCLUDE_RE = re.compile('#(include|import) "([^"]+)"') _CONST_DATE_TIME = [1980, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0] def RunJ2ObjC(java, jvm_flags, j2objc, main_class, output_file_path, j2objc_args, source_paths, files_to_translate): """Runs J2ObjC transpiler to translate Java source files to ObjC. Args: java: The path of the Java executable. jvm_flags: A comma-separated list of flags to pass to JVM. j2objc: The deploy jar of J2ObjC. main_class: The J2ObjC main class to invoke. output_file_path: The output file directory. j2objc_args: A list of args to pass to J2ObjC transpiler. source_paths: A list of directories that contain sources to translate. files_to_translate: A list of relative paths (relative to source_paths) that point to sources to translate. Returns: None. """ source_file_manifest_content = ' '.join(files_to_translate) fd = None param_filename = None try: fd, param_filename = tempfile.mkstemp(text=True) os.write(fd, source_file_manifest_content) finally: if fd: os.close(fd) try: j2objc_cmd = [java] j2objc_cmd.extend(filter(None, jvm_flags.split(','))) j2objc_cmd.extend(['-cp', j2objc, main_class]) j2objc_cmd.extend(j2objc_args) j2objc_cmd.extend(['-sourcepath', ':'.join(source_paths)]) j2objc_cmd.extend(['-d', output_file_path]) j2objc_cmd.extend(['@%s' % param_filename]) subprocess.check_call(j2objc_cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) finally: if param_filename: os.remove(param_filename) def WriteDepMappingFile(objc_files, objc_file_root, output_dependency_mapping_file, file_open=open): """Scans J2ObjC-translated files and outputs a dependency mapping file. The mapping file contains mappings between translated source files and their imported source files scanned from the import and include directives. Args: objc_files: A list of ObjC files translated by J2ObjC. objc_file_root: The file path which represents a directory where the generated ObjC files reside. output_dependency_mapping_file: The path of the dependency mapping file to write to. file_open: Reference to the builtin open function so it may be overridden for testing. Raises: RuntimeError: If spawned threads throw errors during processing. Returns: None. """ dep_mapping = dict() input_file_queue = Queue.Queue() output_dep_mapping_queue = Queue.Queue() error_message_queue = Queue.Queue() for objc_file in objc_files: input_file_queue.put(os.path.join(objc_file_root, objc_file)) for _ in xrange(multiprocessing.cpu_count()): t = threading.Thread(target=_ReadDepMapping, args=(input_file_queue, output_dep_mapping_queue, error_message_queue, objc_file_root, file_open)) t.start() input_file_queue.join() if not error_message_queue.empty(): error_messages = [error_message for error_message in error_message_queue.queue] raise RuntimeError('\n'.join(error_messages)) while not output_dep_mapping_queue.empty(): entry_file, deps = output_dep_mapping_queue.get() dep_mapping[entry_file] = deps f = file_open(output_dependency_mapping_file, 'w') for entry in sorted(dep_mapping): for dep in dep_mapping[entry]: f.write(entry + ':' + dep + '\n') f.close() def _ReadDepMapping(input_file_queue, output_dep_mapping_queue, error_message_queue, output_root, file_open=open): while True: try: input_file = input_file_queue.get_nowait() except Queue.Empty: # No more work left in the queue. return try: deps = [] entry = os.path.relpath(os.path.splitext(input_file)[0], output_root) with file_open(input_file, 'r') as f: for line in f: include = _INCLUDE_RE.match(line) if include: include_path = include.group(2) dep = os.path.splitext(include_path)[0] if dep != entry: deps.append(dep) output_dep_mapping_queue.put((entry, deps)) except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except error_message_queue.put(str(e)) finally: # We need to mark the task done to prevent blocking the main process # indefinitely. input_file_queue.task_done() def WriteArchiveSourceMappingFile(compiled_archive_file_path, output_archive_source_mapping_file, objc_files, file_open=open): """Writes a mapping file between archive file to associated ObjC source files. Args: compiled_archive_file_path: The path of the archive file. output_archive_source_mapping_file: A path of the mapping file to write to. objc_files: A list of ObjC files translated by J2ObjC. file_open: Reference to the builtin open function so it may be overridden for testing. Returns: None. """ with file_open(output_archive_source_mapping_file, 'w') as f: for objc_file in objc_files: f.write(compiled_archive_file_path + ':' + objc_file + '\n') def _ParseArgs(j2objc_args): """Separate arguments passed to J2ObjC into source files and J2ObjC flags. Args: j2objc_args: A list of args to pass to J2ObjC transpiler. Returns: A tuple containing source files and J2ObjC flags """ source_files = [] flags = [] is_next_flag_value = False for j2objc_arg in j2objc_args: if j2objc_arg.startswith('-'): flags.append(j2objc_arg) is_next_flag_value = True elif is_next_flag_value: flags.append(j2objc_arg) is_next_flag_value = False else: source_files.append(j2objc_arg) return (source_files, flags) def _J2ObjcOutputObjcFiles(java_files): """Returns the relative paths of the associated output ObjC source files. Args: java_files: The list of Java files to translate. Returns: A list of associated output ObjC source files. """ return [os.path.splitext(java_file)[0] + '.m' for java_file in java_files] def UnzipSourceJarSources(source_jars): """Unzips the source jars containing Java source files. Args: source_jars: The list of input Java source jars. Returns: A tuple of the temporary output root and a list of root-relative paths of unzipped Java files """ srcjar_java_files = [] if source_jars: tmp_input_root = tempfile.mkdtemp() for source_jar in source_jars: zip_ref = zipfile.ZipFile(source_jar, 'r') zip_entries = [] for file_entry in zip_ref.namelist(): # We only care about Java source files. if file_entry.endswith('.java'): zip_entries.append(file_entry) zip_ref.extractall(tmp_input_root, zip_entries) zip_ref.close() srcjar_java_files.extend(zip_entries) return (tmp_input_root, srcjar_java_files) else: return None def RenameGenJarObjcFileRootInFileContent(tmp_objc_file_root, j2objc_source_paths, gen_src_jar, genjar_objc_files, execute=subprocess.check_call): """Renames references to temporary root inside ObjC sources from gen srcjar. Args: tmp_objc_file_root: The temporary output root containing ObjC sources. j2objc_source_paths: The source paths used by J2ObjC. gen_src_jar: The path of the gen srcjar. genjar_objc_files: The list of ObjC sources translated from the gen srcjar. execute: The function used to execute shell commands. Returns: None. """ if genjar_objc_files: abs_genjar_objc_source_files = [ os.path.join(tmp_objc_file_root, genjar_objc_file) for genjar_objc_file in genjar_objc_files ] abs_genjar_objc_header_files = [ os.path.join(tmp_objc_file_root, os.path.splitext(genjar_objc_file)[0] + '.h') for genjar_objc_file in genjar_objc_files ] # We execute a command to change all references of the temporary Java root # where we unzipped the gen srcjar sources, to the actual gen srcjar that # contains the original Java sources. cmd = [ 'sed', '-i', '-e', 's|%s/|%s::|g' % (j2objc_source_paths[1], gen_src_jar) ] cmd.extend(abs_genjar_objc_source_files) cmd.extend(abs_genjar_objc_header_files) execute(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) def MoveObjcFileToFinalOutputRoot(objc_files, tmp_objc_file_root, final_objc_file_root, suffix, os_module=os, shutil_module=shutil): """Moves ObjC files from temporary location to the final output location. Args: objc_files: The list of objc files to move. tmp_objc_file_root: The temporary output root containing ObjC sources. final_objc_file_root: The final output root. suffix: The suffix of the files to move. os_module: The os python module. shutil_module: The shutil python module. Returns: None. """ for objc_file in objc_files: file_with_suffix = os_module.path.splitext(objc_file)[0] + suffix dest_path = os_module.path.join( final_objc_file_root, file_with_suffix) dest_path_dir = os_module.path.dirname(dest_path) if not os_module.path.isdir(dest_path_dir): try: os_module.makedirs(dest_path_dir) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.EEXIST or not os_module.path.isdir(dest_path_dir): raise shutil_module.move( os_module.path.join(tmp_objc_file_root, file_with_suffix), dest_path) def PostJ2ObjcFileProcessing(normal_objc_files, genjar_objc_files, tmp_objc_file_root, final_objc_file_root, j2objc_source_paths, gen_src_jar, output_gen_source_dir, output_gen_header_dir): """Performs cleanups on ObjC files and moves them to final output location. Args: normal_objc_files: The list of objc files translated from normal Java files. genjar_objc_files: The list of ObjC sources translated from the gen srcjar. tmp_objc_file_root: The temporary output root containing ObjC sources. final_objc_file_root: The final output root. j2objc_source_paths: The source paths used by J2ObjC. gen_src_jar: The path of the gen srcjar. output_gen_source_dir: The final output directory of ObjC source files translated from gen srcjar. Maybe null. output_gen_header_dir: The final output directory of ObjC header files translated from gen srcjar. Maybe null. Returns: None. """ RenameGenJarObjcFileRootInFileContent(tmp_objc_file_root, j2objc_source_paths, gen_src_jar, genjar_objc_files) MoveObjcFileToFinalOutputRoot(normal_objc_files, tmp_objc_file_root, final_objc_file_root, '.m') MoveObjcFileToFinalOutputRoot(normal_objc_files, tmp_objc_file_root, final_objc_file_root, '.h') if output_gen_source_dir: MoveObjcFileToFinalOutputRoot( genjar_objc_files, tmp_objc_file_root, output_gen_source_dir, '.m') if output_gen_header_dir: MoveObjcFileToFinalOutputRoot( genjar_objc_files, tmp_objc_file_root, output_gen_header_dir, '.h') def GenerateJ2objcMappingFiles(normal_objc_files, genjar_objc_files, tmp_objc_file_root, output_dependency_mapping_file, output_archive_source_mapping_file, compiled_archive_file_path): """Generates J2ObjC mapping files. Args: normal_objc_files: The list of objc files translated from normal Java files. genjar_objc_files: The list of ObjC sources translated from the gen srcjar. tmp_objc_file_root: The temporary output root containing ObjC sources. output_dependency_mapping_file: The path of the dependency mapping file to write to. output_archive_source_mapping_file: A path of the mapping file to write to. compiled_archive_file_path: The path of the archive file. Returns: None. """ WriteDepMappingFile(normal_objc_files + genjar_objc_files, tmp_objc_file_root, output_dependency_mapping_file) if output_archive_source_mapping_file: WriteArchiveSourceMappingFile(compiled_archive_file_path, output_archive_source_mapping_file, normal_objc_files + genjar_objc_files) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(fromfile_prefix_chars='@') parser.add_argument( '--java', required=True, help='The path to the Java executable.') parser.add_argument( '--jvm_flags', default='-Xss4m', help='A comma-separated list of flags to pass to the JVM.') parser.add_argument( '--j2objc', required=True, help='The path to the J2ObjC deploy jar.') parser.add_argument( '--main_class', required=True, help='The main class of the J2ObjC deploy jar to execute.') # TODO(rduan): Remove, no longer needed. parser.add_argument( '--translated_source_files', required=False, help=('A comma-separated list of file paths where J2ObjC will write the ' 'translated files to.')) parser.add_argument( '--output_dependency_mapping_file', required=True, help='The file path of the dependency mapping file to write to.') parser.add_argument( '--objc_file_path', '-d', required=True, help=('The file path which represents a directory where the generated ' 'ObjC files reside.')) parser.add_argument( '--output_archive_source_mapping_file', help='The file path of the mapping file containing mappings between the ' 'translated source files and the to-be-generated archive file ' 'compiled from those source files. --compile_archive_file_path must ' 'be specified if this option is specified.') parser.add_argument( '--compiled_archive_file_path', required=False, help=('The archive file path that will be produced by ObjC compile action' ' later')) # TODO(rduan): Remove this flag once it is fully replaced by flag --src_jars. parser.add_argument( '--gen_src_jar', required=False, help='The jar containing Java sources generated by annotation processor.') parser.add_argument( '--src_jars', required=False, help='The list of Java source jars containg Java sources to translate.') parser.add_argument( '--output_gen_source_dir', required=False, help='The output directory of ObjC source files translated from the gen' ' srcjar') parser.add_argument( '--output_gen_header_dir', required=False, help='The output directory of ObjC header files translated from the gen' ' srcjar') args, pass_through_args = parser.parse_known_args() normal_java_files, j2objc_flags = _ParseArgs(pass_through_args) srcjar_java_files = [] j2objc_source_paths = [os.getcwd()] # Unzip the source jars, so J2ObjC can translate the contained sources. # Also add the temporary directory containing the unzipped sources as a source # path for J2ObjC, so it can find these sources. source_jars = [] if args.gen_src_jar: source_jars.append(args.gen_src_jar) if args.src_jars: source_jars.extend(args.src_jars.split(',')) srcjar_source_tuple = UnzipSourceJarSources(source_jars) if srcjar_source_tuple: j2objc_source_paths.append(srcjar_source_tuple[0]) srcjar_java_files = srcjar_source_tuple[1] # Run J2ObjC over the normal input Java files and unzipped gen jar Java files. # The output is stored in a temporary directory. tmp_objc_file_root = tempfile.mkdtemp() # If we do not generate the header mapping from J2ObjC, we still # need to specify --output-header-mapping, as it signals to J2ObjC that we # are using source paths as import paths, not package paths. # TODO(rduan): Make another flag in J2ObjC to specify using source paths. if '--output-header-mapping' not in j2objc_flags: j2objc_flags.extend(['--output-header-mapping', '/dev/null']) RunJ2ObjC(args.java, args.jvm_flags, args.j2objc, args.main_class, tmp_objc_file_root, j2objc_flags, j2objc_source_paths, normal_java_files + srcjar_java_files) # Calculate the relative paths of generated objc files. normal_objc_files = _J2ObjcOutputObjcFiles(normal_java_files) genjar_objc_files = _J2ObjcOutputObjcFiles(srcjar_java_files) # Generate J2ObjC mapping files needed for distributed builds. GenerateJ2objcMappingFiles(normal_objc_files, genjar_objc_files, tmp_objc_file_root, args.output_dependency_mapping_file, args.output_archive_source_mapping_file, args.compiled_archive_file_path) # Post J2ObjC-run processing, involving file editing, zipping and moving # files to their final output locations. PostJ2ObjcFileProcessing( normal_objc_files, genjar_objc_files, tmp_objc_file_root, args.objc_file_path, j2objc_source_paths, args.gen_src_jar, args.output_gen_source_dir, args.output_gen_header_dir) if __name__ == '__main__': main()