# pylint: disable=g-bad-file-header # Copyright 2016 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Configuring the C++ toolchain on Unix platforms.""" load( "@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:lib_cc_configure.bzl", "escape_string", "get_env_var", "which", "tpl", ) def _get_value(it): """Convert `it` in serialized protobuf format.""" if type(it) == "int": return str(it) elif type(it) == "bool": return "true" if it else "false" else: return "\"%s\"" % it def _build_crosstool(d, prefix=" "): """Convert `d` to a string version of a CROSSTOOL file content.""" lines = [] for k in d: if type(d[k]) == "list": for it in d[k]: lines.append("%s%s: %s" % (prefix, k, _get_value(it))) else: lines.append("%s%s: %s" % (prefix, k, _get_value(d[k]))) return "\n".join(lines) def _build_tool_path(d): """Build the list of %-escaped tool_path for the CROSSTOOL file.""" lines = [] for k in d: lines.append(" tool_path {name: \"%s\" path: \"%s\" }" % (k, escape_string(d[k]))) return "\n".join(lines) def _get_tool_paths(repository_ctx, darwin, cc): """Compute the path to the various tools. Doesn't %-escape the result!""" return {k: which(repository_ctx, k, "/usr/bin/" + k) for k in [ "ld", "cpp", "dwp", "gcov", "nm", "objcopy", "objdump", "strip", ]} + { "gcc": cc, "ar": "/usr/bin/libtool" if darwin else which(repository_ctx, "ar", "/usr/bin/ar") } def _escaped_cplus_include_paths(repository_ctx): """Use ${CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH} to compute the %-escaped list of flags for cxxflag.""" if "CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH" in repository_ctx.os.environ: result = [] for p in repository_ctx.os.environ["CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH"].split(":"): p = escape_string(str(repository_ctx.path(p))) # Normalize the path result.append("-I" + p) return result else: return [] _INC_DIR_MARKER_BEGIN = "#include <...>" # OSX add " (framework directory)" at the end of line, strip it. _OSX_FRAMEWORK_SUFFIX = " (framework directory)" _OSX_FRAMEWORK_SUFFIX_LEN = len(_OSX_FRAMEWORK_SUFFIX) def _cxx_inc_convert(path): """Convert path returned by cc -E xc++ in a complete path. Doesn't %-escape the path!""" path = path.strip() if path.endswith(_OSX_FRAMEWORK_SUFFIX): path = path[:-_OSX_FRAMEWORK_SUFFIX_LEN].strip() return path def get_escaped_cxx_inc_directories(repository_ctx, cc): """Compute the list of default %-escaped C++ include directories.""" result = repository_ctx.execute([cc, "-E", "-xc++", "-", "-v"]) index1 = result.stderr.find(_INC_DIR_MARKER_BEGIN) if index1 == -1: return [] index1 = result.stderr.find("\n", index1) if index1 == -1: return [] index2 = result.stderr.rfind("\n ") if index2 == -1 or index2 < index1: return [] index2 = result.stderr.find("\n", index2 + 1) if index2 == -1: inc_dirs = result.stderr[index1 + 1:] else: inc_dirs = result.stderr[index1 + 1:index2].strip() return [escape_string(repository_ctx.path(_cxx_inc_convert(p))) for p in inc_dirs.split("\n")] def _add_option_if_supported(repository_ctx, cc, option): """Checks that `option` is supported by the C compiler. Doesn't %-escape the option.""" result = repository_ctx.execute([ cc, option, "-o", "/dev/null", "-c", str(repository_ctx.path("tools/cpp/empty.cc")) ]) return [option] if result.stderr.find(option) == -1 else [] def _is_gold_supported(repository_ctx, cc): """Checks that `gold` is supported by the C compiler.""" result = repository_ctx.execute([ cc, "-fuse-ld=gold", "-o", "/dev/null", # Some macos clang versions don't fail when setting -fuse-ld=gold, adding # these lines to force it to. This also means that we will not detect # gold when only a very old (year 2010 and older) is present. "-Wl,--start-lib", "-Wl,--end-lib", str(repository_ctx.path("tools/cpp/empty.cc")) ]) return result.return_code == 0 def _crosstool_content(repository_ctx, cc, cpu_value, darwin): """Return the content for the CROSSTOOL file, in a dictionary.""" supports_gold_linker = _is_gold_supported(repository_ctx, cc) return { "abi_version": escape_string(get_env_var(repository_ctx, "ABI_VERSION", "local", False)), "abi_libc_version": escape_string(get_env_var(repository_ctx, "ABI_LIBC_VERSION", "local", False)), "builtin_sysroot": "", "compiler": escape_string(get_env_var(repository_ctx, "BAZEL_COMPILER", "compiler", False)), "host_system_name": escape_string(get_env_var(repository_ctx, "BAZEL_HOST_SYSTEM", "local", False)), "needsPic": True, "supports_gold_linker": supports_gold_linker, "supports_incremental_linker": False, "supports_fission": False, "supports_interface_shared_objects": False, "supports_normalizing_ar": False, "supports_start_end_lib": supports_gold_linker, "target_libc": "macosx" if darwin else escape_string(get_env_var(repository_ctx, "BAZEL_TARGET_LIBC", "local", False)), "target_cpu": escape_string(get_env_var(repository_ctx, "BAZEL_TARGET_CPU", cpu_value, False)), "target_system_name": escape_string(get_env_var(repository_ctx, "BAZEL_TARGET_SYSTEM", "local", False)), "cxx_flag": [ "-std=c++0x", ] + _escaped_cplus_include_paths(repository_ctx), "linker_flag": [ "-lstdc++", "-lm", # Some systems expect -lm in addition to -lstdc++ # Anticipated future default. ] + ( ["-fuse-ld=gold"] if supports_gold_linker else [] ) + _add_option_if_supported( repository_ctx, cc, "-Wl,-no-as-needed" ) + _add_option_if_supported( repository_ctx, cc, "-Wl,-z,relro,-z,now" ) + ([ "-undefined", "dynamic_lookup", "-headerpad_max_install_names", ] if darwin else [ "-B" + str(repository_ctx.path(cc).dirname), # Always have -B/usr/bin, see https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/760. "-B/usr/bin", # Gold linker only? Can we enable this by default? # "-Wl,--warn-execstack", # "-Wl,--detect-odr-violations" ] + _add_option_if_supported( # Have gcc return the exit code from ld. repository_ctx, cc, "-pass-exit-codes") ), "cxx_builtin_include_directory": get_escaped_cxx_inc_directories(repository_ctx, cc), "objcopy_embed_flag": ["-I", "binary"], "unfiltered_cxx_flag": # If the compiler sometimes rewrites paths in the .d files without symlinks # (ie when they're shorter), it confuses Bazel's logic for verifying all # #included header files are listed as inputs to the action. _add_option_if_supported(repository_ctx, cc, "-fno-canonical-system-headers") + [ # Make C++ compilation deterministic. Use linkstamping instead of these # compiler symbols. "-Wno-builtin-macro-redefined", "-D__DATE__=\\\"redacted\\\"", "-D__TIMESTAMP__=\\\"redacted\\\"", "-D__TIME__=\\\"redacted\\\"" ], "compiler_flag": [ # Security hardening requires optimization. # We need to undef it as some distributions now have it enabled by default. "-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE", "-fstack-protector", # All warnings are enabled. Maybe enable -Werror as well? "-Wall", # Enable a few more warnings that aren't part of -Wall. ] + (["-Wthread-safety", "-Wself-assign"] if darwin else [ "-B" + escape_string(str(repository_ctx.path(cc).dirname)), # Always have -B/usr/bin, see https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/760. "-B/usr/bin", ]) + ( # Disable problematic warnings. _add_option_if_supported(repository_ctx, cc, "-Wunused-but-set-parameter") + # has false positives _add_option_if_supported(repository_ctx, cc, "-Wno-free-nonheap-object") + # Enable coloring even if there's no attached terminal. Bazel removes the # escape sequences if --nocolor is specified. _add_option_if_supported(repository_ctx, cc, "-fcolor-diagnostics")) + [ # Keep stack frames for debugging, even in opt mode. "-fno-omit-frame-pointer", ], } def _opt_content(darwin): """Return the content of the opt specific section of the CROSSTOOL file.""" return { "compiler_flag": [ # No debug symbols. # Maybe we should enable https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/DebugFission for opt or # even generally? However, that can't happen here, as it requires special # handling in Bazel. "-g0", # Conservative choice for -O # -O3 can increase binary size and even slow down the resulting binaries. # Profile first and / or use FDO if you need better performance than this. "-O2", # Security hardening on by default. # Conservative choice; -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 may be unsafe in some cases. "-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=1", # Disable assertions "-DNDEBUG", # Removal of unused code and data at link time (can this increase binary size in some cases?). "-ffunction-sections", "-fdata-sections" ], "linker_flag": [] if darwin else ["-Wl,--gc-sections"] } def _dbg_content(): """Return the content of the dbg specific section of the CROSSTOOL file.""" # Enable debug symbols return {"compiler_flag": "-g"} def get_env(repository_ctx): """Convert the environment in a list of export if in Homebrew. Doesn't %-escape the result!""" env = repository_ctx.os.environ if "HOMEBREW_RUBY_PATH" in env: return "\n".join([ "export %s='%s'" % (k, env[k].replace("'", "'\\''")) for k in env if k != "_" and k.find(".") == -1 ]) else: return "" def _coverage_feature(darwin): if darwin: compile_flags = """flag_group { flag: '-fprofile-instr-generate' flag: '-fcoverage-mapping' }""" link_flags = """flag_group { flag: '-fprofile-instr-generate' }""" else: compile_flags = """flag_group { flag: '-fprofile-arcs' flag: '-ftest-coverage' }""" link_flags = """flag_group { flag: '-lgcov' }""" return """ feature { name: 'coverage' provides: 'profile' flag_set { action: 'preprocess-assemble' action: 'c-compile' action: 'c++-compile' action: 'c++-header-parsing' action: 'c++-header-preprocessing' action: 'c++-module-compile' """ + compile_flags + """ } flag_set { action: 'c++-link-interface-dynamic-library' action: 'c++-link-dynamic-library' action: 'c++-link-executable' """ + link_flags + """ } } """ def find_cc(repository_ctx): """Find the C++ compiler. Doesn't %-escape the result.""" cc_name = "gcc" cc_environ = repository_ctx.os.environ.get("CC") cc_paren = "" if cc_environ != None: cc_environ = cc_environ.strip() if cc_environ: cc_name = cc_environ cc_paren = " (%s)" % cc_environ if cc_name.startswith("/"): # Absolute path, maybe we should make this suported by our which function. return cc_name cc = repository_ctx.which(cc_name) if cc == None: fail( ("Cannot find gcc or CC%s, either correct your path or set the CC" + " environment variable") % cc_paren) return cc def configure_unix_toolchain(repository_ctx, cpu_value): """Configure C++ toolchain on Unix platforms.""" darwin = cpu_value == "darwin" cc = find_cc(repository_ctx) tool_paths = _get_tool_paths(repository_ctx, darwin, "cc_wrapper.sh" if darwin else str(cc)) crosstool_content = _crosstool_content(repository_ctx, cc, cpu_value, darwin) opt_content = _opt_content(darwin) dbg_content = _dbg_content() tpl(repository_ctx, "BUILD", { "%{name}": cpu_value, "%{supports_param_files}": "0" if darwin else "1", "%{cc_compiler_deps}": ":cc_wrapper" if darwin else ":empty", "%{compiler}": get_env_var(repository_ctx, "BAZEL_COMPILER", "compiler", False), }) tpl(repository_ctx, "osx_cc_wrapper.sh" if darwin else "linux_cc_wrapper.sh", {"%{cc}": escape_string(str(cc)), "%{env}": escape_string(get_env(repository_ctx))}, "cc_wrapper.sh") tpl(repository_ctx, "CROSSTOOL", { "%{cpu}": escape_string(cpu_value), "%{default_toolchain_name}": escape_string( get_env_var(repository_ctx, "CC_TOOLCHAIN_NAME", "local", False)), "%{toolchain_name}": escape_string( get_env_var(repository_ctx, "CC_TOOLCHAIN_NAME", "local", False)), "%{content}": _build_crosstool(crosstool_content) + "\n" + _build_tool_path(tool_paths), "%{opt_content}": _build_crosstool(opt_content, " "), "%{dbg_content}": _build_crosstool(dbg_content, " "), "%{cxx_builtin_include_directory}": "", "%{coverage}": _coverage_feature(darwin), "%{msvc_env_tmp}": "", "%{msvc_env_path}": "", "%{msvc_env_include}": "", "%{msvc_env_lib}": "", "%{crt_option}": "", "%{crt_debug_option}": "", "%{crt_library}": "", "%{crt_debug_library}": "", "%{msvc_cl_path}": "", "%{msvc_link_path}": "", "%{msvc_lib_path}": "", "%{compilation_mode_content}": "", })