"""Utilities for testing bazel.""" # # Copyright 2015 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. ### First, trivial tests that either always pass, always fail, ### or sometimes pass depending on a trivial computation. def success_target(ctx, msg): """Return a success for an analysis test. The test rule must have an executable output. Args: ctx: the Bazel rule context msg: an informative message to display Returns: a suitable rule implementation struct(), with actions that always succeed at execution time. """ exe = ctx.outputs.executable dat = ctx.new_file(ctx.genfiles_dir, exe, ".dat") ctx.file_action( output=dat, content=msg) ctx.file_action( output=exe, content="cat " + dat.path + " ; echo", executable=True) return struct(runfiles=ctx.runfiles([exe, dat])) def _successful_test_impl(ctx): return success_target(ctx, ctx.attr.msg) successful_test = rule( attrs = {"msg": attr.string(mandatory = True)}, executable = True, test = True, implementation = _successful_test_impl, ) def failure_target(ctx, msg): """Return a failure for an analysis test. The test rule must have an executable output. Args: ctx: the Bazel rule context msg: an informative message to display Returns: a suitable rule implementation struct(), with actions that always fail at execution time. """ ### fail(msg) ### <--- This would fail at analysis time. exe = ctx.outputs.executable dat = ctx.new_file(ctx.genfiles_dir, exe, ".dat") ctx.file_action( output=dat, content=msg) ctx.file_action( output=exe, content="(cat " + dat.short_path + " ; echo ) >&2 ; exit 1", executable=True) return struct(runfiles=ctx.runfiles([exe, dat])) def _failed_test_impl(ctx): return failure_target(ctx, ctx.attr.msg) failed_test = rule( attrs = {"msg": attr.string(mandatory = True)}, executable = True, test = True, implementation = _failed_test_impl, ) ### Second, general purpose utilities def assert_(condition, string="assertion failed", *args): """Trivial assertion mechanism. Args: condition: a generalized boolean expected to be true string: a format string for the error message should the assertion fail *args: format arguments for the error message should the assertion fail Returns: None. Raises: an error if the condition isn't true. """ if not condition: fail(string % args) def strip_prefix(prefix, string): assert_(string.startswith(prefix), "%s does not start with %s", string, prefix) return string[len(prefix):len(string)] def expectation_description(expect=None, expect_failure=None): """Turn expectation of result or error into a string.""" if expect_failure: return "failure " + str(expect_failure) else: return "result " + repr(expect) def check_results(result, failure, expect, expect_failure): """See if actual computation results match expectations. Args: result: the result returned by the test if it ran to completion failure: the failure message caught while testing, if any expect: the expected result for a successful test, if no failure expected expect_failure: the expected failure message for the test, if any Returns: a pair (tuple) of a boolean (true if success) and a message (string). """ wanted = expectation_description(expect, expect_failure) found = expectation_description(result, failure) if wanted == found: return (True, "successfully computed " + wanted) else: return (False, "expect " + wanted + " but found " + found) def load_results(name, result=None, failure=None, expect=None, expect_failure=None): """issue load-time results of a test. Args: name: the name of the Bazel rule at load time. result: the result returned by the test if it ran to completion failure: the failure message caught while testing, if any expect: the expected result for a successful test, if no failure expected expect_failure: the expected failure message for the test, if any Returns: None, after issuing a rule that will succeed at execution time if expectations were met. """ (is_success, msg) = check_results(result, failure, expect, expect_failure) this_test = successful_test if is_success else failed_test return this_test(name=name, msg=msg) def analysis_results(ctx, result=None, failure=None, expect=None, expect_failure=None): """issue analysis-time results of a test. Args: ctx: the Bazel rule context result: the result returned by the test if it ran to completion failure: the failure message caught while testing, if any expect: the expected result for a successful test, if no failure expected expect_failure: the expected failure message for the test, if any Returns: a suitable rule implementation struct(), with actions that succeed at execution time if expectation were met, or fail at execution time if they didn't. """ (is_success, msg) = check_results(result, failure, expect, expect_failure) this_test = success_target if is_success else failure_target return this_test(ctx, msg) ### Simple tests def _rule_test_impl(ctx): """check that a rule generates the desired outputs and providers.""" rule_ = ctx.attr.rule rule_name = str(rule_.label) exe = ctx.outputs.executable if ctx.attr.generates: # Generate the proper prefix to remove from generated files. prefix_parts = [] if rule_.label.workspace_root: # Create a prefix that is correctly relative to the output of this rule. prefix_parts = ["..", strip_prefix("external/", rule_.label.workspace_root)] if rule_.label.package: prefix_parts.append(rule_.label.package) prefix = "/".join(prefix_parts) if prefix: # If the prefix isn't empty, it needs a trailing slash. prefix = prefix + "/" # TODO(bazel-team): Use set() instead of sorted() once # set comparison is implemented. # TODO(bazel-team): Use a better way to determine if two paths refer to # the same file. generates = sorted(ctx.attr.generates) generated = sorted([strip_prefix(prefix, f.short_path) for f in rule_.files]) if generates != generated: fail("rule %s generates %s not %s" % (rule_name, repr(generated), repr(generates))) provides = ctx.attr.provides if provides: files = [] commands = [] for k in provides.keys(): if hasattr(rule_, k): v = repr(getattr(rule_, k)) else: fail(("rule %s doesn't provide attribute %s. " + "Its list of attributes is: %s") % (rule_name, k, dir(rule_))) file_ = ctx.new_file(ctx.genfiles_dir, exe, "." + k) files += [file_] regexp = provides[k] commands += [ "if ! grep %s %s ; then echo 'bad %s:' ; cat %s ; echo ; exit 1 ; fi" % (repr(regexp), file_.short_path, k, file_.short_path)] ctx.file_action(output=file_, content=v) script = "\n".join(commands + ["true"]) ctx.file_action(output=exe, content=script, executable=True) return struct(runfiles=ctx.runfiles([exe] + files)) else: return success_target(ctx, "success") rule_test = rule( attrs = { "rule": attr.label(mandatory = True), "generates": attr.string_list(), "provides": attr.string_dict(), }, executable = True, test = True, implementation = _rule_test_impl, ) def _file_test_impl(ctx): """check that a file has a given content.""" exe = ctx.outputs.executable file_ = ctx.file.file content = ctx.attr.content regexp = ctx.attr.regexp matches = ctx.attr.matches if bool(content) == bool(regexp): fail("Must specify one and only one of content or regexp") if content and matches != -1: fail("matches only makes sense with regexp") if content: dat = ctx.new_file(ctx.genfiles_dir, exe, ".dat") ctx.file_action( output=dat, content=content) ctx.file_action( output=exe, content="diff -u %s %s" % (dat.short_path, file_.short_path), executable=True) return struct(runfiles=ctx.runfiles([exe, dat, file_])) if matches != -1: script = "[ %s == $(grep -c %s %s) ]" % ( matches, repr(regexp), file_.short_path) else: script = "grep %s %s" % (repr(regexp), file_.short_path) ctx.file_action( output=exe, content=script, executable=True) return struct(runfiles=ctx.runfiles([exe, file_])) file_test = rule( attrs = { "file": attr.label( mandatory = True, allow_files = True, single_file = True, ), "content": attr.string(default = ""), "regexp": attr.string(default = ""), "matches": attr.int(default = -1), }, executable = True, test = True, implementation = _file_test_impl, )