# Copyright 2015 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Rust rules for Bazel""" RUST_FILETYPE = FileType([".rs"]) A_FILETYPE = FileType([".a"]) LIBRARY_CRATE_TYPES = ["lib", "rlib", "dylib", "staticlib"] # Used by rust_doc HTML_MD_FILETYPE = FileType([".html", ".md"]) CSS_FILETYPE = FileType([".css"]) ZIP_PATH = "/usr/bin/zip" def _relative(src_path, dest_path): """Returns the relative path from src_path to dest_path.""" src_parts = src_path.split("/") dest_parts = dest_path.split("/") n = 0 done = False for src_part, dest_part in zip(src_parts, dest_parts): if src_part != dest_part: break n += 1 relative_path = "" for i in range(n, len(src_parts)): relative_path += "../" relative_path += "/".join(dest_parts[n:]) return relative_path def _create_setup_cmd(lib, deps_dir): """ Helper function to construct a command for symlinking a library into the deps directory. """ return ( "ln -sf " + _relative(deps_dir, lib.path) + " " + deps_dir + "/" + lib.basename + "\n" ) def _setup_deps(deps, name, working_dir, is_library=False): """ Walks through dependencies and constructs the necessary commands for linking to all the necessary dependencies. Args: deps: List of Labels containing deps from ctx.attr.deps. name: Name of the current target. working_dir: The output directory for the current target's outputs. is_library: True the current target is a rust_library target, False otherwise. Returns: Returns a struct containing the following fields: libs: transitive_libs: setup_cmd: search_flags: link_flags: """ deps_dir = working_dir + "/" + name + ".deps" setup_cmd = ["rm -rf " + deps_dir + "; mkdir " + deps_dir + "\n"] has_rlib = False has_native = False libs = set() transitive_libs = set() symlinked_libs = set() link_flags = [] for dep in deps: if hasattr(dep, "rust_lib"): # This dependency is a rust_library libs += [dep.rust_lib] transitive_libs += [dep.rust_lib] + dep.transitive_libs symlinked_libs += [dep.rust_lib] + dep.transitive_libs link_flags += [( "--extern " + dep.label.name + "=" + deps_dir + "/" + dep.rust_lib.basename )] has_rlib = True elif hasattr(dep, "cc"): if not is_library: fail("Only rust_library targets can depend on cc_library") # This dependency is a cc_library native_libs = A_FILETYPE.filter(dep.cc.libs) libs += native_libs transitive_libs += native_libs symlinked_libs += native_libs link_flags += ["-l static=" + dep.label.name] has_native = True else: fail(("rust_library" if is_library else "rust_binary and rust_test") + " targets can only depend on rust_library " + ("or cc_library " if is_library else "") + "targets") for symlinked_lib in symlinked_libs: setup_cmd += [_create_setup_cmd(symlinked_lib, deps_dir)] search_flags = [] if has_rlib: search_flags += ["-L dependency=%s" % deps_dir] if has_native: search_flags += ["-L native=%s" % deps_dir] return struct( libs = list(libs), transitive_libs = list(transitive_libs), setup_cmd = setup_cmd, search_flags = search_flags, link_flags = link_flags) def _get_features_flags(features): """ Constructs a string containing the feature flags from the features specified in the features attribute. """ features_flags = [] for feature in features: features_flags += ["--cfg feature=\\\"%s\\\"" % feature] return features_flags def _rust_toolchain(ctx): return struct( rustc_path = ctx.file._rustc.path, rustc_lib_path = ctx.files._rustc_lib[0].dirname, rustlib_path = ctx.files._rustlib[0].dirname, rustdoc_path = ctx.file._rustdoc.path) def _build_rustc_command(ctx, crate_name, crate_type, src, output_dir, depinfo, rust_flags=[]): """Builds the rustc command. Constructs the rustc command used to build the current target. Args: ctx: The ctx object for the current target. crate_type: The type of crate to build ("lib" or "bin") src: The File object for crate root source file ("lib.rs" or "main.rs") output_dir: The output directory for the target. depinfo: Struct containing information about dependencies as returned by _setup_deps Return: String containing the rustc command. """ # Paths to the Rust compiler and standard libraries. toolchain = _rust_toolchain(ctx) # Paths to cc (for linker) and ar cpp_fragment = ctx.fragments.cpp cc = cpp_fragment.compiler_executable ar = cpp_fragment.ar_executable # Currently, the CROSSTOOL config for darwin sets ar to "libtool". Because # rust uses ar-specific flags, use /usr/bin/ar in this case. # TODO(dzc): This is not ideal. Remove this workaround once ar_executable # always points to an ar binary. ar_str = "%s" % ar if ar_str.find("libtool", 0) != -1: ar = "/usr/bin/ar" # Construct features flags features_flags = _get_features_flags(ctx.attr.crate_features) return " ".join( ["set -e;"] + depinfo.setup_cmd + [ "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=%s" % toolchain.rustc_lib_path, "DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=%s" % toolchain.rustc_lib_path, toolchain.rustc_path, src.path, "--crate-name %s" % crate_name, "--crate-type %s" % crate_type, "-C opt-level=3", "--codegen ar=%s" % ar, "--codegen linker=%s" % cc, "-L all=%s" % toolchain.rustlib_path, "--out-dir %s" % output_dir, "--emit=dep-info,link", ] + features_flags + rust_flags + depinfo.search_flags + depinfo.link_flags + ctx.attr.rustc_flags) def _find_crate_root_src(srcs, file_names=["lib.rs"]): """Finds the source file for the crate root.""" if len(srcs) == 1: return srcs[0] for src in srcs: if src.basename in file_names: return src fail("No %s source file found." % " or ".join(file_names), "srcs") def _crate_root_src(ctx, file_names=["lib.rs"]): if ctx.file.crate_root == None: return _find_crate_root_src(ctx.files.srcs, file_names) else: return ctx.file.crate_root def _rust_library_impl(ctx): """ Implementation for rust_library Skylark rule. """ # Find lib.rs lib_rs = _crate_root_src(ctx) # Validate crate_type crate_type = "" if ctx.attr.crate_type != "": if ctx.attr.crate_type not in LIBRARY_CRATE_TYPES: fail("Invalid crate_type for rust_library. Allowed crate types are: %s" % " ".join(LIBRARY_CRATE_TYPES), "crate_type") crate_type += ctx.attr.crate_type else: crate_type += "lib" # Output library rust_lib = ctx.outputs.rust_lib output_dir = rust_lib.dirname # Dependencies depinfo = _setup_deps(ctx.attr.deps, ctx.label.name, output_dir, is_library=True) # Build rustc command cmd = _build_rustc_command( ctx = ctx, crate_name = ctx.label.name, crate_type = crate_type, src = lib_rs, output_dir = output_dir, depinfo = depinfo) # Compile action. compile_inputs = ( ctx.files.srcs + ctx.files.data + depinfo.libs + depinfo.transitive_libs + [ctx.file._rustc] + ctx.files._rustc_lib + ctx.files._rustlib) ctx.action( inputs = compile_inputs, outputs = [rust_lib], mnemonic = 'Rustc', command = cmd, use_default_shell_env = True, progress_message = ("Compiling Rust library %s (%d files)" % (ctx.label.name, len(ctx.files.srcs)))) return struct( files = set([rust_lib]), crate_type = crate_type, crate_root = lib_rs, rust_srcs = ctx.files.srcs, rust_deps = ctx.attr.deps, transitive_libs = depinfo.transitive_libs, rust_lib = rust_lib) def _rust_binary_impl(ctx): """Implementation for rust_binary Skylark rule.""" # Find main.rs. main_rs = _crate_root_src(ctx, ["main.rs"]) # Output binary rust_binary = ctx.outputs.executable output_dir = rust_binary.dirname # Dependencies depinfo = _setup_deps(ctx.attr.deps, ctx.label.name, output_dir, is_library=False) # Build rustc command. cmd = _build_rustc_command(ctx = ctx, crate_name = ctx.label.name, crate_type = "bin", src = main_rs, output_dir = output_dir, depinfo = depinfo) # Compile action. compile_inputs = ( ctx.files.srcs + ctx.files.data + depinfo.libs + depinfo.transitive_libs + [ctx.file._rustc] + ctx.files._rustc_lib + ctx.files._rustlib) ctx.action( inputs = compile_inputs, outputs = [rust_binary], mnemonic = 'Rustc', command = cmd, use_default_shell_env = True, progress_message = ("Compiling Rust binary %s (%d files)" % (ctx.label.name, len(ctx.files.srcs)))) return struct(rust_srcs = ctx.files.srcs, crate_root = main_rs, rust_deps = ctx.attr.deps) def _rust_test_common(ctx, test_binary): """Builds a Rust test binary. Args: ctx: The ctx object for the current target. test_binary: The File object for the test binary. """ output_dir = test_binary.dirname if len(ctx.attr.deps) == 1 and len(ctx.files.srcs) == 0: # Target has a single dependency but no srcs. Build the test binary using # the dependency's srcs. dep = ctx.attr.deps[0] crate_type = dep.crate_type if hasattr(dep, "crate_type") else "bin" target = struct(name = dep.label.name, srcs = dep.rust_srcs, deps = dep.rust_deps, crate_root = dep.crate_root, crate_type = crate_type) else: # Target is a standalone crate. Build the test binary as its own crate. target = struct(name = ctx.label.name, srcs = ctx.files.srcs, deps = ctx.attr.deps, crate_root = _crate_root_src(ctx), crate_type = "lib") # Get information about dependencies depinfo = _setup_deps(target.deps, target.name, output_dir, is_library=False) cmd = _build_rustc_command(ctx = ctx, crate_name = test_binary.basename, crate_type = target.crate_type, src = target.crate_root, output_dir = output_dir, depinfo = depinfo, rust_flags = ["--test"]) compile_inputs = (target.srcs + depinfo.libs + depinfo.transitive_libs + [ctx.file._rustc] + ctx.files._rustc_lib + ctx.files._rustlib) ctx.action( inputs = compile_inputs, outputs = [test_binary], mnemonic = "RustcTest", command = cmd, use_default_shell_env = True, progress_message = ("Compiling Rust test %s (%d files)" % (ctx.label.name, len(target.srcs)))) def _rust_test_impl(ctx): """ Implementation for rust_test Skylark rule. """ _rust_test_common(ctx, ctx.outputs.executable) def _rust_bench_test_impl(ctx): """Implementation for the rust_bench_test Skylark rule.""" rust_bench_test = ctx.outputs.executable test_binary = ctx.new_file(ctx.configuration.bin_dir, "%s_bin" % rust_bench_test.basename) _rust_test_common(ctx, test_binary) ctx.file_action( output = rust_bench_test, content = " ".join([ "#!/bin/bash\n", "set -e\n", "%s --bench\n" % test_binary.short_path]), executable = True) runfiles = ctx.runfiles(files = [test_binary], collect_data = True) return struct(runfiles = runfiles) def _build_rustdoc_flags(ctx): """Collects the rustdoc flags.""" doc_flags = [] doc_flags += [ "--markdown-css %s" % css.path for css in ctx.files.markdown_css] if hasattr(ctx.file, "html_in_header"): doc_flags += ["--html-in-header %s" % ctx.file.html_in_header.path] if hasattr(ctx.file, "html_before_content"): doc_flags += ["--html-before-content %s" % ctx.file.html_before_content.path] if hasattr(ctx.file, "html_after_content"): doc_flags += ["--html-after-content %s"] return doc_flags def _rust_doc_impl(ctx): """Implementation of the rust_doc rule.""" rust_doc_zip = ctx.outputs.rust_doc_zip # Gather attributes about the rust_library target to generated rustdocs for. target = struct(name = ctx.attr.dep.label.name, srcs = ctx.attr.dep.rust_srcs, deps = ctx.attr.dep.rust_deps, crate_root = ctx.attr.dep.crate_root) # Find lib.rs lib_rs = (_find_crate_root_src(target.srcs, ["lib.rs", "main.rs"]) if target.crate_root == None else target.crate_root) # Get information about dependencies output_dir = rust_doc_zip.dirname depinfo = _setup_deps(target.deps, target.name, output_dir, is_library=False) # Rustdoc flags. doc_flags = _build_rustdoc_flags(ctx) # Build rustdoc command. toolchain = _rust_toolchain(ctx) docs_dir = rust_doc_zip.dirname + "/_rust_docs" doc_cmd = " ".join( ["set -e"] + depinfo.setup_cmd + [ "rm -rf %s;" % docs_dir, "mkdir %s;" % docs_dir, "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=%s" % toolchain.rustc_lib_path, "DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=%s" % toolchain.rustc_lib_path, toolchain.rustdoc_path, lib_rs.path, "--crate-name %s" % target.name, "-L all=%s" % toolchain.rustlib_path, "-o %s" % docs_dir, ] + doc_flags + depinfo.search_flags + depinfo.link_flags + [ "&&", "(cd %s" % docs_dir, "&&", ZIP_PATH, "-qR", rust_doc_zip.basename, "$(find . -type f) )", "&&", "mv %s/%s %s" % (docs_dir, rust_doc_zip.basename, rust_doc_zip.path), ]) # Rustdoc action rustdoc_inputs = (target.srcs + depinfo.libs + [ctx.file._rustdoc] + ctx.files._rustc_lib + ctx.files._rustlib) ctx.action( inputs = rustdoc_inputs, outputs = [rust_doc_zip], mnemonic = 'Rustdoc', command = doc_cmd, use_default_shell_env = True, progress_message = ("Generating rustdoc for %s (%d files)" % (target.name, len(target.srcs)))) def _rust_doc_test_impl(ctx): """Implementation for the rust_doc_test rule.""" rust_doc_test = ctx.outputs.executable # Gather attributes about the rust_library target to generated rustdocs for. target = struct(name = ctx.attr.dep.label.name, srcs = ctx.attr.dep.rust_srcs, deps = ctx.attr.dep.rust_deps, crate_root = ctx.attr.dep.crate_root) # Find lib.rs lib_rs = (_find_crate_root_src(target.srcs, ["lib.rs", "main.rs"]) if target.crate_root == None else target.crate_root) # Get information about dependencies depinfo = _setup_deps(target.deps, target.name, working_dir=".", is_library=False) # Construct rustdoc test command, which will be written to a shell script # to be executed to run the test. toolchain = _rust_toolchain(ctx) doc_test_cmd = " ".join( ["#!/bin/bash\n"] + ["set -e\n"] + depinfo.setup_cmd + [ "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=%s" % toolchain.rustc_lib_path, "DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=%s" % toolchain.rustc_lib_path, toolchain.rustdoc_path, lib_rs.path, ] + depinfo.search_flags + depinfo.link_flags) ctx.file_action(output = rust_doc_test, content = doc_test_cmd, executable = True) doc_test_inputs = (target.srcs + depinfo.libs + depinfo.transitive_libs + [ctx.file._rustdoc] + ctx.files._rustc_lib + ctx.files._rustlib) runfiles = ctx.runfiles(files = doc_test_inputs, collect_data = True) return struct(runfiles = runfiles) _rust_common_attrs = { "srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files = RUST_FILETYPE), "crate_root": attr.label(allow_files = RUST_FILETYPE, single_file = True), "data": attr.label_list(allow_files = True, cfg = DATA_CFG), "deps": attr.label_list(), "crate_features": attr.string_list(), "rustc_flags": attr.string_list(), } _rust_toolchain_attrs = { "_rustc": attr.label( default = Label("//tools/build_rules/rust:rustc"), executable = True, single_file = True), "_rustc_lib": attr.label( default = Label("//tools/build_rules/rust:rustc_lib")), "_rustlib": attr.label(default = Label("//tools/build_rules/rust:rustlib")), "_rustdoc": attr.label( default = Label("//tools/build_rules/rust:rustdoc"), executable = True, single_file = True), } _rust_library_attrs = _rust_common_attrs + { "crate_type": attr.string(), } rust_library = rule( _rust_library_impl, attrs = _rust_library_attrs + _rust_toolchain_attrs, outputs = { "rust_lib": "lib%{name}.rlib", }, fragments = ["cpp"], ) rust_binary = rule( _rust_binary_impl, executable = True, attrs = _rust_common_attrs + _rust_toolchain_attrs, fragments = ["cpp"], ) rust_test = rule( _rust_test_impl, executable = True, attrs = _rust_common_attrs + _rust_toolchain_attrs, test = True, fragments = ["cpp"], ) rust_bench_test = rule( _rust_bench_test_impl, executable = True, attrs = _rust_common_attrs + _rust_toolchain_attrs, test = True, fragments = ["cpp"], ) _rust_doc_common_attrs = { "dep": attr.label(mandatory = True), } _rust_doc_attrs = _rust_doc_common_attrs + { "markdown_css": attr.label_list(allow_files = CSS_FILETYPE), "html_in_header": attr.label(allow_files = HTML_MD_FILETYPE), "html_before_content": attr.label(allow_files = HTML_MD_FILETYPE), "html_after_content": attr.label(allow_files = HTML_MD_FILETYPE), } rust_doc = rule( _rust_doc_impl, attrs = _rust_doc_attrs + _rust_toolchain_attrs, outputs = { "rust_doc_zip": "%{name}-docs.zip", }, ) rust_doc_test = rule( _rust_doc_test_impl, attrs = _rust_doc_common_attrs + _rust_toolchain_attrs, executable = True, test = True, )