# Rust Rules


## Overview These build rules are used for building [Rust][rust] projects with Bazel. [rust]: http://www.rust-lang.org/ ## Setup To use the Rust rules, add the following to your `WORKSPACE` file to add the external repositories for the Rust toolchain: ```python load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_rules/rust:rust.bzl", "rust_repositories") rust_repositories() ``` ## Roadmap * Add `rust_toolchain` rule to make it easy to use a custom Rust toolchain. * Add tool for taking `Cargo.toml` and generating a `WORKSPACE` file with workspace rules for pulling external dependencies. * Improve expressiveness of features and support for [Cargo's feature groups](http://doc.crates.io/manifest.html#the-[features]-section). * Add `cargo_crate` workspace rule for pulling crates from [Cargo](https://crates.io/). ## rust_library ```python rust_library(name, srcs, deps, data, crate_features, rustc_flags) ```
name Name, required

A unique name for this rule.

This name will also be used as the name of the library crate built by this rule.

srcs List of labels, required

List of Rust .rs source files used to build the library.

If srcs contains more than one file, then there must be a file either named lib.rs. Otherwise, crate_root must be set to the source file that is the root of the crate to be passed to rustc to build this crate.

crate_root Label, optional

The file that will be passed to rustc to be used for building this crate.

If crate_root is not set, then this rule will look for a lib.rs file or the single file in srcs if srcs contains only one file.

deps List of labels, optional

List of other libraries to be linked to this library target.

These can be either other rust_library targets or cc_library targets if linking a native library.

data List of labels, optional

List of files used by this rule at runtime.

This attribute can be used to specify any data files that are embedded into the library, such as via the include_str! macro.

crate_features List of strings, optional

List of features to enable for this crate.

Features are defined in the code using the #[cfg(feature = "foo")] configuration option. The features listed here will be passed to rustc with --cfg feature="${feature_name}" flags.

rustc_flags List of strings, optional

List of compiler flags passed to rustc.

### Example Suppose you have the following directory structure for a simple Rust library crate: ``` [workspace]/ WORKSPACE hello_lib/ BUILD src/ greeter.rs lib.rs ``` `hello_lib/src/greeter.rs`: ```rust pub struct Greeter { greeting: String, } impl Greeter { pub fn new(greeting: &str) -> Greeter { Greeter { greeting: greeting.to_string(), } } pub fn greet(&self, thing: &str) { println!("{} {}", &self.greeting, thing); } } ``` `hello_lib/src/lib.rs`: ```rust pub mod greeter; ``` `hello_lib/BUILD`: ```python package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_rules/rust:rust.bzl", "rust_library") rust_library( name = "hello_lib", srcs = [ "src/greeter.rs", "src/lib.rs", ], ) ``` Build the library: ``` $ bazel build //hello_lib INFO: Found 1 target... Target //examples/rust/hello_lib:hello_lib up-to-date: bazel-bin/examples/rust/hello_lib/libhello_lib.rlib INFO: Elapsed time: 1.245s, Critical Path: 1.01s ``` ## rust_binary ``` rust_binary(name, srcs, deps, data, crate_features, rustc_flags) ```
name Name, required

A unique name for this rule.

This name will also be used as the name of the binary crate built by this rule.

srcs List of labels, required

List of Rust .rs source files used to build the binary.

If srcs contains more than one file, then there must be a file either named main.rs. Otherwise, crate_root must be set to the source file that is the root of the crate to be passed to rustc to build this crate.

crate_root Label, optional

The file that will be passed to rustc to be used for building this crate.

If crate_root is not set, then this rule will look for a main.rs file or the single file in srcs if srcs contains only one file.

deps List of labels, optional

List of other libraries to be linked to this library target.

These must be rust_library targets.

data List of labels, optional

List of files used by this rule at runtime.

This attribute can be used to specify any data files that are embedded into the library, such as via the include_str! macro.

crate_features List of strings, optional

List of features to enable for this crate.

Features are defined in the code using the #[cfg(feature = "foo")] configuration option. The features listed here will be passed to rustc with --cfg feature="${feature_name}" flags.

rustc_flags List of strings, optional

List of compiler flags passed to rustc.

### Example Suppose you have the following directory structure for a Rust project with a library crate, `hello_lib`, and a binary crate, `hello_world` that uses the `hello_lib` library: ``` [workspace]/ WORKSPACE hello_lib/ BUILD src/ lib.rs hello_world/ BUILD src/ main.rs ``` `hello_lib/src/lib.rs`: ```rust pub struct Greeter { greeting: String, } impl Greeter { pub fn new(greeting: &str) -> Greeter { Greeter { greeting: greeting.to_string(), } } pub fn greet(&self, thing: &str) { println!("{} {}", &self.greeting, thing); } } ``` `hello_lib/BUILD`: ```python package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_rules/rust:rust.bzl", "rust_library") rust_library( name = "hello_lib", srcs = ["src/lib.rs"], ) ``` `hello_world/src/main.rs`: ```rust extern crate hello_lib; fn main() { let hello = hello_lib::Greeter::new("Hello"); hello.greet("world"); } ``` `hello_world/BUILD`: ```python load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_rules/rust:rust.bzl", "rust_binary") rust_binary( name = "hello_world", srcs = ["src/main.rs"], deps = ["//hello_lib"], ) ``` Build and run `hello_world`: ``` $ bazel run //hello_world INFO: Found 1 target... Target //examples/rust/hello_world:hello_world up-to-date: bazel-bin/examples/rust/hello_world/hello_world INFO: Elapsed time: 1.308s, Critical Path: 1.22s INFO: Running command line: bazel-bin/examples/rust/hello_world/hello_world Hello world ``` ## rust_test ```python rust_test(name, srcs, deps, data, crate_features, rustc_flags) ```
name Name, required

A unique name for this rule.

This name will also be used as the name of the binary test crate built by this rule.

srcs List of labels, required

List of Rust .rs source files used to build the library.

If srcs contains more than one file, then there must be a file either named lib.rs. Otherwise, crate_root must be set to the source file that is the root of the crate to be passed to rustc to build this crate.

crate_root Label, optional

The file that will be passed to rustc to be used for building this crate.

If crate_root is not set, then this rule will look for a lib.rs file or the single file in srcs if srcs contains only one file.

deps List of labels, optional

List of other libraries to be linked to this test target.

These must be rust_library targets.

data List of labels, optional

List of files used by this rule at runtime.

This attribute can be used to specify any data files that are embedded into the library, such as via the include_str! macro.

crate_features List of strings, optional

List of features to enable for this crate.

Features are defined in the code using the #[cfg(feature = "foo")] configuration option. The features listed here will be passed to rustc with --cfg feature="${feature_name}" flags.

rustc_flags List of strings, optional

List of compiler flags passed to rustc.

### Example Suppose you have the following directory structure for a Rust library crate with unit test code in the library sources: ``` [workspace]/ WORKSPACE hello_lib/ BUILD src/ lib.rs ``` `hello_lib/src/lib.rs`: ```rust pub struct Greeter { greeting: String, } impl Greeter { pub fn new(greeting: &str) -> Greeter { Greeter { greeting: greeting.to_string(), } } pub fn greet(&self, thing: &str) { println!("{} {}", &self.greeting, thing); } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::Greeter; #[test] fn test_greeting() { let hello = Greeter::new("Hi"); assert_eq!("Hi Rust", hello.greeting("Rust")); } } ``` To build and run the tests, simply add a `rust_test` rule with no `srcs` and only depends on the `hello_lib` `rust_library` target: `hello_lib/BUILD`: ```python package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_rules/rust:rust.bzl", "rust_library", "rust_test") rust_library( name = "hello_lib", srcs = ["src/lib.rs"], ) rust_test( name = "hello_lib_test", deps = [":hello_lib"], ) ``` Run the test with `bazel build //hello_lib:hello_lib_test`. ### Example: `test` directory Integration tests that live in the [`tests` directory][int-tests], they are essentially built as separate crates. Suppose you have the following directory structure where `greeting.rs` is an integration test for the `hello_lib` library crate: [int-tests]: http://doc.rust-lang.org/book/testing.html#the-tests-directory ``` [workspace]/ WORKSPACE hello_lib/ BUILD src/ lib.rs tests/ greeting.rs ``` `hello_lib/tests/greeting.rs`: ```rust extern crate hello_lib; use hello_lib; #[test] fn test_greeting() { let hello = greeter::Greeter::new("Hello"); assert_eq!("Hello world", hello.greeting("world")); } ``` To build the `greeting.rs` integration test, simply add a `rust_test` target with `greeting.rs` in `srcs` and a dependency on the `hello_lib` target: `hello_lib/BUILD`: ```python package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_rules/rust:rust.bzl", "rust_library", "rust_test") rust_library( name = "hello_lib", srcs = ["src/lib.rs"], ) rust_test( name = "greeting_test", srcs = ["tests/greeting.rs"], deps = [":hello_lib"], ) ``` Run the test with `bazel build //hello_lib:hello_lib_test`. ## rust\_bench\_test ```python rust_bench_test(name, srcs, deps, data, crate_features, rustc_flags) ``` **Warning**: This rule is currently experimental. [Rust Benchmark tests][rust-bench] require the `Bencher` interface in the unstable `libtest` crate, which is behind the `test` unstable feature gate. As a result, using this rule would require using a nightly binary release of Rust. A `rust_toolchain` rule will be added in the [near future](#roadmap) to make it easy to use a custom Rust toolchain, such as a nightly release. [rust-bench]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/benchmark-tests.html
name Name, required

A unique name for this rule.

This name will also be used as the name of the binary test crate built by this rule.

srcs List of labels, required

List of Rust .rs source files used to build the library.

If srcs contains more than one file, then there must be a file either named lib.rs. Otherwise, crate_root must be set to the source file that is the root of the crate to be passed to rustc to build this crate.

crate_root Label, optional

The file that will be passed to rustc to be used for building this crate.

If crate_root is not set, then this rule will look for a lib.rs file or the single file in srcs if srcs contains only one file.

deps List of labels, optional

List of other libraries to be linked to this test target.

These must be rust_library targets.

data List of labels, optional

List of files used by this rule at runtime.

This attribute can be used to specify any data files that are embedded into the library, such as via the include_str! macro.

crate_features List of strings, optional

List of features to enable for this crate.

Features are defined in the code using the #[cfg(feature = "foo")] configuration option. The features listed here will be passed to rustc with --cfg feature="${feature_name}" flags.

rustc_flags List of strings, optional

List of compiler flags passed to rustc.

### Example Suppose you have the following directory structure for a Rust project with a library crate, `fibonacci` with benchmarks under the `benches/` directory: ``` [workspace]/ WORKSPACE fibonacci/ BUILD src/ lib.rs benches/ fibonacci_bench.rs ``` `fibonacci/src/lib.rs`: ```rust pub fn fibonacci(n: u64) -> u64 { if n < 2 { return n; } let mut n1: u64 = 0; let mut n2: u64 = 1; for _ in 1..n { let sum = n1 + n2; n1 = n2; n2 = sum; } n2 } ``` `fibonacci/benches/fibonacci_bench.rs`: ```rust #![feature(test)] extern crate test; extern crate fibonacci; use test::Bencher; #[bench] fn bench_fibonacci(b: &mut Bencher) { b.iter(|| fibonacci::fibonacci(40)); } ``` To build the benchmark test, simply add a `rust_bench_test` target: `fibonacci/BUILD`: ```python package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_rules/rust:rust.bzl", "rust_library", "rust_bench_test") rust_library( name = "fibonacci", srcs = ["src/lib.rs"], ) rust_bench_test( name = "fibonacci_bench", srcs = ["benches/fibonacci_bench.rs"], deps = [":fibonacci"], ) ``` Run the benchmark test using: `bazel build //fibonacci:fibonacci_bench`. ## rust_doc ```python rust_doc(name, dep, markdown_css, html_in_header, html_before_content, html_after_content) ```
Attribute Description
name Name, required

A unique name for this rule.

dep Label, required

The label of the target to generate code documentation for.

rust_doc can generate HTML code documentation for the source files of rust_library or rust_binary targets.

markdown_css List of Labels, optional

CSS files to include via <link> in a rendered Markdown file.

html_in_header Label, optional

File to add to <head>.

html_before_content Label, optional

File to add in <body>, before content.

html_after_content Label, optional

File to add in <body>, after content.

### Example Suppose you have the following directory structure for a Rust library crate: ``` [workspace]/ WORKSPACE hello_lib/ BUILD src/ lib.rs ``` To build [`rustdoc`][rustdoc] documentation for the `hello_lib` crate, define a `rust_doc` rule that depends on the the `hello_lib` `rust_library` target: [rustdoc]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/documentation.html ```python package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_rules/rust:rust.bzl", "rust_library", "rust_doc") rust_library( name = "hello_lib", srcs = ["src/lib.rs"], ) rust_doc( name = "hello_lib_doc", dep = ":hello_lib", ) ``` Running `bazel build //hello_lib:hello_lib_doc` will build a zip file containing the documentation for the `hello_lib` library crate generated by `rustdoc`. ## rust\_doc\_test ```python rust_doc_test(name, dep) ```
Attribute Description
name Name, required

A unique name for this rule.

dep Label, required

The label of the target to run documentation tests for.

rust_doc_test can run documentation tests for the source files of rust_library or rust_binary targets.

### Example Suppose you have the following directory structure for a Rust library crate: ``` [workspace]/ WORKSPACE hello_lib/ BUILD src/ lib.rs ``` To run [documentation tests][doc-test] for the `hello_lib` crate, define a `rust_doc_test` target that depends on the `hello_lib` `rust_library` target: [doc-test]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/documentation.html#documentation-as-tests ```python package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_rules/rust:rust.bzl", "rust_library", "rust_doc_test") rust_library( name = "hello_lib", srcs = ["src/lib.rs"], ) rust_doc_test( name = "hello_lib_doc_test", dep = ":hello_lib", ) ``` Running `bazel test //hello_lib:hello_lib_doc_test` will run all documentation tests for the `hello_lib` library crate.