# Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # This is a quick and dirty rule to make Bazel compile itself. It # only supports Java. # TODO(bazel-team): unify the OSS Java rules and load from another # file. jar_filetype = FileType([".jar"]) proto_filetype = FileType([".proto"]) def genproto_impl(ctx): src = ctx.file.src proto_compiler = ctx.file._proto_compiler proto_dep = ctx.file._proto_dep class_jar = ctx.outputs.java proto_output = class_jar.path + ".proto_output" build_output = class_jar.path + ".build_output" inputs = [src, proto_dep, proto_compiler] proto_compiler_path = proto_compiler.path javapath = "tools/jdk/jdk/bin/" cmd = ("set -e;" + "rm -rf " + proto_output + ";" + "mkdir " + proto_output + ";" + "rm -rf " + build_output + ";" + "mkdir " + build_output + "\n" + proto_compiler_path + " --java_out=" + proto_output +" " + src.path + "\n" + "JAVA_FILES=$(find " + proto_output + " -name '*.java')\n" + javapath + "javac" + " -classpath " + proto_dep.path + " ${JAVA_FILES} -d " + build_output + "\n" + javapath + "jar cf " + class_jar.path + " -C " + build_output + " .\n") ctx.action( inputs = inputs, outputs = [class_jar], mnemonic = 'CompileProtos', command = cmd, use_default_shell_env = True) return struct(compile_time_jars = set([class_jar]), runtime_jars = set([class_jar, proto_dep], order="link")) genproto = rule(genproto_impl, # There should be a flag like gen_java, and only generate the jar if it's # set. Skylark needs a bit of improvement first (concat structs). attrs = { "src": attr.label(allow_files=proto_filetype, single_file=True), # TODO(bazel-team): this should be a hidden attribute with a default # value, but Skylark needs to support select first. "_proto_compiler": attr.label( default=Label("//third_party:protoc"), allow_files=True, single_file=True), "_proto_dep": attr.label( default=Label("//third_party:protobuf"), single_file=True, allow_files=jar_filetype, ), }, outputs = {"java": "lib%{name}.jar"}, )