# Copyright 2015 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """A simple cross-platform helper to create a debian package.""" import os.path from StringIO import StringIO import sys import tarfile import textwrap from third_party.py import gflags # list of debian fields : (name, mandatory, wrap[, default]) # see http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html DEBIAN_FIELDS = [ ('Package', True, False), ('Version', True, False), ('Section', False, False, 'contrib/devel'), ('Priority', False, False, 'optional'), ('Architecture', True, False, 'all'), ('Depends', False, True, []), ('Recommends', False, True, []), ('Suggests', False, True, []), ('Enhances', False, True, []), ('Pre-Depends', False, True, []), ('Installed-Size', False, False), ('Maintainer', True, False), ('Description', True, True), ('Homepage', False, False), ('Built-Using', False, False, 'Bazel') ] gflags.DEFINE_string( 'output', None, 'The output file, mandatory') gflags.MarkFlagAsRequired('output') gflags.DEFINE_string('data', None, 'Path to the data tarball, mandatory') gflags.MarkFlagAsRequired('data') gflags.DEFINE_string('preinst', None, 'The preinst script (prefix with @ to provide a path).') gflags.DEFINE_string('postinst', None, 'The postinst script (prefix with @ to provide a path).') gflags.DEFINE_string('prerm', None, 'The prerm script (prefix with @ to provide a path).') gflags.DEFINE_string('postrm', None, 'The postrm script (prefix with @ to provide a path).') def MakeGflags(): for field in DEBIAN_FIELDS: fieldname = field[0].replace('-', '_').lower() msg = 'The value for the %s content header entry.' % field[0] if len(field) > 3: if type(field[3]) is list: gflags.DEFINE_multistring(fieldname, field[3], msg) else: gflags.DEFINE_string(fieldname, field[3], msg) else: gflags.DEFINE_string(fieldname, None, msg) if field[1]: gflags.MarkFlagAsRequired(fieldname) def AddArFileEntry(fileobj, filename, content='', timestamp=0, owner_id=0, group_id=0, mode=0644): """Add a AR file entry to fileobj.""" fileobj.write((filename + '/').ljust(16)) # filename (SysV) fileobj.write(str(timestamp).ljust(12)) # timestamp fileobj.write(str(owner_id).ljust(6)) # owner id fileobj.write(str(group_id).ljust(6)) # group id fileobj.write(oct(mode).ljust(8)) # mode fileobj.write(str(len(content)).ljust(10)) # size fileobj.write('\x60\x0a') # end of file entry fileobj.write(content) if len(content) % 2 != 0: fileobj.write('\n') # 2-byte alignment padding def MakeDebianControlField(name, value, wrap=False): """Add a field to a debian control file.""" result = name + ': ' if type(value) is list: value = ', '.join(value) if wrap: result += ' '.join(value.split('\n')) result = textwrap.fill(result) else: result += value return result.replace('\n', '\n ') + '\n' def CreateDebControl(extrafiles=None, **kwargs): """Create the control.tar.gz file.""" # create the control file controlfile = '' for values in DEBIAN_FIELDS: fieldname = values[0] key = fieldname[0].lower() + fieldname[1:].replace('-', '') if values[1] or (key in kwargs and kwargs[key]): controlfile += MakeDebianControlField(fieldname, kwargs[key], values[2]) # Create the control.tar file tar = StringIO() with tarfile.open('control.tar.gz', mode='w:gz', fileobj=tar) as f: tarinfo = tarfile.TarInfo('control') tarinfo.size = len(controlfile) f.addfile(tarinfo, fileobj=StringIO(controlfile)) if extrafiles: for name in extrafiles: tarinfo = tarfile.TarInfo(name) tarinfo.size = len(extrafiles[name]) f.addfile(tarinfo, fileobj=StringIO(extrafiles[name])) control = tar.getvalue() tar.close() return control def CreateDeb(output, data, preinst=None, postinst=None, prerm=None, postrm=None, **kwargs): """Create a full debian package.""" extrafiles = {} if preinst: extrafiles['preinst'] = preinst if postinst: extrafiles['postinst'] = postinst if prerm: extrafiles['prerm'] = prerm if postrm: extrafiles['postrm'] = postrm control = CreateDebControl(extrafiles=extrafiles, **kwargs) # Write the final AR archive (the deb package) with open(output, 'w') as f: f.write('!\n') # Magic AR header AddArFileEntry(f, 'debian-binary', '2.0\n') AddArFileEntry(f, 'control.tar.gz', control) # Tries to presever the extension name ext = os.path.basename(data).split('.')[-2:] if len(ext) < 2: ext = 'tar' elif ext[1] == 'tgz': ext = 'tar.gz' elif ext[1] == 'tar.bzip2': ext = 'tar.bz2' else: ext = '.'.join(ext) if ext not in ['tar.bz2', 'tar.gz', 'tar.xz', 'tar.lzma']: ext = 'tar' with open(data, 'r') as datafile: data = datafile.read() AddArFileEntry(f, 'data.' + ext, data) def GetFlagValue(flagvalue, strip=True): if flagvalue: if flagvalue[0] == '@': with open(flagvalue[1:], 'r') as f: flagvalue = f.read() if strip: return flagvalue.strip() return flagvalue def main(unused_argv): CreateDeb(FLAGS.output, FLAGS.data, preinst=GetFlagValue(FLAGS.preinst, False), postinst=GetFlagValue(FLAGS.postinst, False), prerm=GetFlagValue(FLAGS.prerm, False), postrm=GetFlagValue(FLAGS.postrm, False), package=FLAGS.package, version=GetFlagValue(FLAGS.version), description=GetFlagValue(FLAGS.description), maintainer=FLAGS.maintainer, section=FLAGS.section, architecture=FLAGS.architecture, depends=FLAGS.depends, suggests=FLAGS.suggests, enhances=FLAGS.enhances, preDepends=FLAGS.pre_depends, recommends=FLAGS.recommends, homepage=FLAGS.homepage, builtUsing=GetFlagValue(FLAGS.built_using), priority=FLAGS.priority, installedSize=GetFlagValue(FLAGS.installed_size)) if __name__ == '__main__': MakeGflags() FLAGS = gflags.FLAGS main(FLAGS(sys.argv))