# Copyright 2015 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """This tool build tar files from a list of inputs.""" import os import os.path import sys import tarfile import tempfile from tools.build_defs.pkg import archive from third_party.py import gflags gflags.DEFINE_string('output', None, 'The output file, mandatory') gflags.MarkFlagAsRequired('output') gflags.DEFINE_multistring('file', [], 'A file to add to the layer') gflags.DEFINE_string( 'mode', None, 'Force the mode on the added files (in octal).') gflags.DEFINE_multistring('empty_file', [], 'An empty file to add to the layer') gflags.DEFINE_multistring('empty_dir', [], 'An empty dir to add to the layer') gflags.DEFINE_multistring('tar', [], 'A tar file to add to the layer') gflags.DEFINE_multistring('deb', [], 'A debian package to add to the layer') gflags.DEFINE_multistring( 'link', [], 'Add a symlink a inside the layer ponting to b if a:b is specified') gflags.RegisterValidator( 'link', lambda l: all(value.find(':') > 0 for value in l), message='--link value should contains a : separator') gflags.DEFINE_string( 'directory', None, 'Directory in which to store the file inside the layer') gflags.DEFINE_string( 'compression', None, 'Compression (`gz` or `bz2`), default is none.') gflags.DEFINE_multistring( 'modes', None, 'Specific mode to apply to specific file (from the file argument),' ' e.g., path/to/file=0455.') gflags.DEFINE_multistring('owners', None, 'Specify the numeric owners of individual files, ' 'e.g. path/to/file=0.0.') gflags.DEFINE_string('owner', '0.0', 'Specify the numeric default owner of all files,' ' e.g., 0.0') gflags.DEFINE_string('owner_name', None, 'Specify the owner name of all files, e.g. root.root.') gflags.DEFINE_multistring('owner_names', None, 'Specify the owner names of individual files, e.g. ' 'path/to/file=root.root.') FLAGS = gflags.FLAGS class TarFile(object): """A class to generates a Docker layer.""" class DebError(Exception): pass def __init__(self, output, directory, compression): self.directory = directory self.output = output self.compression = compression def __enter__(self): self.tarfile = archive.TarFileWriter(self.output, self.compression) return self def __exit__(self, t, v, traceback): self.tarfile.close() def add_file(self, f, destfile, mode=None, ids=None, names=None): """Add a file to the tar file. Args: f: the file to add to the layer destfile: the name of the file in the layer mode: force to set the specified mode, by default the value from the source is taken. ids: (uid, gid) for the file to set ownership names: (username, groupname) for the file to set ownership. `f` will be copied to `self.directory/destfile` in the layer. """ dest = destfile.lstrip('/') # Remove leading slashes if self.directory and self.directory != '/': dest = self.directory.lstrip('/') + '/' + dest # If mode is unspecified, derive the mode from the file's mode. if mode is None: mode = 0o755 if os.access(f, os.X_OK) else 0o644 if ids is None: ids = (0, 0) if names is None: names = ('', '') dest = os.path.normpath(dest) self.tarfile.add_file( dest, file_content=f, mode=mode, uid=ids[0], gid=ids[1], uname=names[0], gname=names[1]) def add_empty_file(self, destfile, mode=None, ids=None, names=None, kind=tarfile.REGTYPE): """Add a file to the tar file. Args: destfile: the name of the file in the layer mode: force to set the specified mode, defaults to 644 ids: (uid, gid) for the file to set ownership names: (username, groupname) for the file to set ownership. kind: type of the file. tarfile.DIRTYPE for directory. An empty file will be created as `destfile` in the layer. """ dest = destfile.lstrip('/') # Remove leading slashes # If mode is unspecified, assume read only if mode is None: mode = 0o644 if ids is None: ids = (0, 0) if names is None: names = ('', '') dest = os.path.normpath(dest) self.tarfile.add_file( dest, content='' if kind == tarfile.REGTYPE else None, kind=kind, mode=mode, uid=ids[0], gid=ids[1], uname=names[0], gname=names[1]) def add_empty_dir(self, destpath, mode=None, ids=None, names=None): """Add a directory to the tar file. Args: destpath: the name of the directory in the layer mode: force to set the specified mode, defaults to 644 ids: (uid, gid) for the file to set ownership names: (username, groupname) for the file to set ownership. An empty file will be created as `destfile` in the layer. """ self.add_empty_file( destpath, mode=mode, ids=ids, names=names, kind=tarfile.DIRTYPE) def add_tar(self, tar): """Merge a tar file into the destination tar file. All files presents in that tar will be added to the output file under self.directory/path. No user name nor group name will be added to the output. Args: tar: the tar file to add """ root = None if self.directory and self.directory != '/': root = self.directory self.tarfile.add_tar(tar, numeric=True, root=root) def add_link(self, symlink, destination): """Add a symbolic link pointing to `destination`. Args: symlink: the name of the symbolic link to add. destination: where the symbolic link point to. """ symlink = os.path.normpath(symlink) self.tarfile.add_file(symlink, tarfile.SYMTYPE, link=destination) def add_deb(self, deb): """Extract a debian package in the output tar. All files presents in that debian package will be added to the output tar under the same paths. No user name nor group names will be added to the output. Args: deb: the tar file to add Raises: DebError: if the format of the deb archive is incorrect. """ with archive.SimpleArFile(deb) as arfile: current = arfile.next() while current and not current.filename.startswith('data.'): current = arfile.next() if not current: raise self.DebError(deb + ' does not contains a data file!') tmpfile = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=os.path.splitext(current.filename)[-1]) with open(tmpfile[1], 'wb') as f: f.write(current.data) self.add_tar(tmpfile[1]) os.remove(tmpfile[1]) def main(unused_argv): # Parse modes arguments default_mode = None if FLAGS.mode: # Convert from octal default_mode = int(FLAGS.mode, 8) mode_map = {} if FLAGS.modes: for filemode in FLAGS.modes: (f, mode) = filemode.split('=', 1) if f[0] == '/': f = f[1:] mode_map[f] = int(mode, 8) default_ownername = ('', '') if FLAGS.owner_name: default_ownername = FLAGS.owner_name.split('.', 1) names_map = {} if FLAGS.owner_names: for file_owner in FLAGS.owner_names: (f, owner) = file_owner.split('=', 1) (user, group) = owner.split('.', 1) if f[0] == '/': f = f[1:] names_map[f] = (user, group) default_ids = FLAGS.owner.split('.', 1) default_ids = (int(default_ids[0]), int(default_ids[1])) ids_map = {} if FLAGS.owners: for file_owner in FLAGS.owners: (f, owner) = file_owner.split('=', 1) (user, group) = owner.split('.', 1) if f[0] == '/': f = f[1:] ids_map[f] = (int(user), int(group)) # Add objects to the tar file with TarFile(FLAGS.output, FLAGS.directory, FLAGS.compression) as output: def file_attributes(filename): if filename[0] == '/': filename = filename[1:] return { 'mode': mode_map.get(filename, default_mode), 'ids': ids_map.get(filename, default_ids), 'names': names_map.get(filename, default_ownername), } for f in FLAGS.file: (inf, tof) = f.split('=', 1) output.add_file(inf, tof, **file_attributes(tof)) for f in FLAGS.empty_file: output.add_empty_file(f, **file_attributes(f)) for f in FLAGS.empty_dir: output.add_empty_dir(f, **file_attributes(f)) for tar in FLAGS.tar: output.add_tar(tar) for deb in FLAGS.deb: output.add_deb(deb) for link in FLAGS.link: l = link.split(':', 1) output.add_link(l[0], l[1]) if __name__ == '__main__': main(FLAGS(sys.argv))