package( default_visibility = [ "//tools/build_defs/docker:__subpackages__", ], ) load("/tools/build_defs/docker/docker", "docker_build") filegroup( name = "srcs", srcs = glob(["**"]) + [ "//tools/build_defs/docker/testdata/test:srcs", ], ) genrule( name = "gen", outs = ["gen.out"], cmd = "echo generated > $@", ) docker_build( name = "dummy_repository", files = ["foo"], repository = "", ) docker_build( name = "no_data_path_image", files = ["//tools/build_defs/docker/testdata/test:test-data"], mode = "0644", ) docker_build( name = "data_path_image", data_path = ".", files = ["//tools/build_defs/docker/testdata/test:test-data"], mode = "0644", ) docker_build( name = "absolute_data_path_image", data_path = "/tools/build_defs", files = ["//tools/build_defs/docker/testdata/test:test-data"], mode = "0644", ) docker_build( name = "root_data_path_image", data_path = "/", files = ["//tools/build_defs/docker/testdata/test:test-data"], mode = "0644", ) docker_build( name = "gen_image", files = [":gen"], mode = "0644", ) docker_build( name = "files_base", files = ["foo"], mode = "0644", ) docker_build( name = "files_with_files_base", base = ":files_base", files = ["bar"], mode = "0644", ) docker_build( name = "tar_base", tars = ["one.tar"], ) docker_build( name = "tar_with_tar_base", base = ":tar_base", tars = ["two.tar"], ) docker_build( name = "directory_with_tar_base", base = ":tar_base", directory = "/foo", tars = ["two.tar"], ) docker_build( name = "workdir_with_tar_base", base = ":tar_base", workdir = "/tmp", ) docker_build( name = "files_with_tar_base", base = ":tar_base", files = ["bar"], mode = "0644", ) docker_build( name = "tar_with_files_base", base = ":files_base", tars = ["two.tar"], ) # TODO(mattmoor): Test scalar entrypoint docker_build( name = "base_with_entrypoint", entrypoint = ["/bar"], files = ["bar"], mode = "0644", ports = ["8080"], tars = ["two.tar"], ) # TODO(mattmoor): Test scalar cmd docker_build( name = "derivative_with_shadowed_cmd", base = ":base_with_entrypoint", cmd = ["shadowed-arg"], files = ["foo"], mode = "0644", ) docker_build( name = "derivative_with_cmd", base = ":derivative_with_shadowed_cmd", cmd = [ "arg1", "arg2", ], ports = ["80/tcp"], tars = ["one.tar"], ) docker_build( name = "base_with_volume", files = [ "bar", "foo", ], mode = "0644", volumes = ["/logs"], ) docker_build( name = "derivative_with_volume", base = ":base_with_volume", volumes = [ "/asdf", "/blah", ], ) py_binary( name = "extras_gen", srcs = [""], deps = ["//tools/build_defs/pkg:archive"], ) genrule( name = "extras", outs = ["extras.tar"], cmd = "$(location :extras_gen) $@", tools = [":extras_gen"], ) docker_build( name = "generated_tarball", tars = [ ":extras", ], ) docker_build( name = "with_env", base = ":base_with_volume", env = { "foo": "/asdf", "bar": "blah blah blah", }, ) docker_build( name = "with_double_env", base = ":with_env", env = { "baz": "${foo} $bar", }, ) docker_build( name = "with_label", base = ":base_with_volume", labels = { "": "@blah.json", "": "@blah.json", "com.example.baz": "qux", }, ) docker_build( name = "with_double_label", base = ":with_label", labels = { "com.example.qux": "@blah-blah.json", }, ) [genrule( name = "label-" + n, outs = ["%s.json" % n], cmd = "echo -n '{\"name\": \"%s\"}' > $@" % n, ) for n in [ "blah", "blah-blah", ]] docker_build( name = "link_with_files_base", base = ":files_base", symlinks = { "/usr/bin/java": "/bar", }, ) # Trying with the 'top' file py_binary( name = "strip_top", srcs = [""], deps = ["//tools/build_defs/pkg:archive"], ) [genrule( name = "notop_" + n, srcs = [":" + n + ".tar"], outs = ["notop_%s.tar" % n], cmd = "$(location :strip_top) $< $@", tools = [":strip_top"], ) for n in [ "files_base", "tar_base", "base_with_entrypoint", "base_with_volume", "generated_tarball", ]] docker_build( name = "notop_files_with_files_base", base = ":notop_files_base", files = ["bar"], mode = "0644", ) docker_build( name = "notop_tar_with_tar_base", base = ":notop_tar_base", tars = ["two.tar"], ) docker_build( name = "notop_directory_with_tar_base", base = ":notop_tar_base", directory = "/foo", tars = ["two.tar"], ) docker_build( name = "notop_files_with_tar_base", base = ":notop_tar_base", files = ["bar"], mode = "0644", ) docker_build( name = "notop_workdir_with_tar_base", base = ":notop_tar_base", workdir = "/tmp", ) docker_build( name = "notop_tar_with_files_base", base = ":notop_files_base", tars = ["two.tar"], ) docker_build( name = "notop_derivative_with_shadowed_cmd", base = ":notop_base_with_entrypoint", cmd = ["shadowed-arg"], files = ["foo"], mode = "0644", ) docker_build( name = "notop_derivative_with_cmd", base = ":notop_derivative_with_shadowed_cmd", cmd = [ "arg1", "arg2", ], ports = ["80/tcp"], tars = ["one.tar"], ) docker_build( name = "notop_derivative_with_volume", base = ":notop_base_with_volume", volumes = [ "/asdf", "/blah", ], ) docker_build( name = "notop_with_env", base = ":notop_base_with_volume", env = { "foo": "/asdf", "bar": "blah blah blah", }, ) docker_build( name = "notop_with_double_env", base = ":notop_with_env", env = { "baz": "${foo} $bar", }, ) docker_build( name = "notop_with_label", base = ":notop_base_with_volume", labels = { "": "@blah.json", "": "@blah.json", "com.example.baz": "qux", }, ) docker_build( name = "notop_with_double_label", base = ":notop_with_label", labels = { "com.example.qux": "@blah-blah.json", }, ) docker_build( name = "notop_link_with_files_base", base = ":notop_files_base", symlinks = { "/usr/bin/java": "/bar", }, ) # Generate a dummy debian package with a test/ directory py_binary( name = "gen_deb", srcs = [""], ) genrule( name = "generate_deb", outs = ["gen.deb"], cmd = "$(location :gen_deb) $@", tools = [":gen_deb"], ) # Bot gen.deb and test-data has a test directory, it should appear # only once in the resulting layer. docker_build( name = "extras_with_deb", data_path = ".", debs = [":gen.deb"], tars = ["extras.tar"], )