# Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Rule for building a Docker image.""" load( ":filetype.bzl", deb_filetype = "deb", docker_filetype = "docker", tar_filetype = "tar", ) load( "//tools/build_defs/hash:hash.bzl", _hash_tools = "tools", _sha256 = "sha256", ) load(":label.bzl", _string_to_label = "string_to_label") load( ":layers.bzl", _assemble_image = "assemble", _get_layers = "get_from_target", _incr_load = "incremental_load", _layer_tools = "tools", ) load(":list.bzl", "reverse") load( ":path.bzl", "dirname", "strip_prefix", _canonicalize_path = "canonicalize", _join_path = "join", ) load(":serialize.bzl", _serialize_dict = "dict_to_associative_list") def _build_layer(ctx): """Build the current layer for appending it the base layer.""" layer = ctx.new_file(ctx.label.name + ".layer") build_layer = ctx.executable.build_layer args = [ "--output=" + layer.path, "--directory=" + ctx.attr.directory, "--mode=" + ctx.attr.mode, ] if ctx.attr.data_path: # If data_prefix is specified, then add files relative to that. data_path = _join_path( dirname(ctx.outputs.out.short_path), _canonicalize_path(ctx.attr.data_path), ) args += [ "--file=%s=%s" % (f.path, strip_prefix(f.short_path, data_path)) for f in ctx.files.files ] else: # Otherwise, files are added without a directory prefix at all. args += [ "--file=%s=%s" % (f.path, f.basename) for f in ctx.files.files ] args += ["--tar=" + f.path for f in ctx.files.tars] args += ["--deb=" + f.path for f in ctx.files.debs if f.path.endswith(".deb")] args += [ "--link=%s:%s" % (k, ctx.attr.symlinks[k]) for k in ctx.attr.symlinks ] arg_file = ctx.new_file(ctx.label.name + ".layer.args") ctx.file_action(arg_file, "\n".join(args)) ctx.action( executable = build_layer, arguments = ["--flagfile=" + arg_file.path], inputs = ctx.files.files + ctx.files.tars + ctx.files.debs + [arg_file], outputs = [layer], use_default_shell_env = True, mnemonic = "DockerLayer", ) return layer # TODO(mattmoor): In a future change, we should establish the invariant that # base must expose "docker_layers", possibly by hoisting a "docker_load" rule # from a tarball "base". def _get_base_artifact(ctx): if ctx.files.base: if hasattr(ctx.attr.base, "docker_layers"): # The base is the first layer in docker_layers if provided. return _get_layers(ctx, ctx.attr.base)[0]["layer"] if len(ctx.files.base) != 1: fail("base attribute should be a single tar file.") return ctx.files.base[0] def _image_config(ctx, layer_names): """Create the configuration for a new docker image.""" config = ctx.new_file(ctx.label.name + ".config") label_file_dict = _string_to_label( ctx.files.label_files, ctx.attr.label_file_strings, ) labels = dict() for l in ctx.attr.labels: fname = ctx.attr.labels[l] if fname[0] == "@": labels[l] = "@" + label_file_dict[fname[1:]].path else: labels[l] = fname args = [ "--output=%s" % config.path, "--entrypoint=%s" % ",".join(ctx.attr.entrypoint), "--command=%s" % ",".join(ctx.attr.cmd), "--labels=%s" % _serialize_dict(labels), "--env=%s" % _serialize_dict(ctx.attr.env), "--ports=%s" % ",".join(ctx.attr.ports), "--volumes=%s" % ",".join(ctx.attr.volumes), ] if ctx.attr.user: args += ["--user=" + ctx.attr.user] if ctx.attr.workdir: args += ["--workdir=" + ctx.attr.workdir] inputs = layer_names args += ["--layer=@" + l.path for l in layer_names] if ctx.attr.label_files: inputs += ctx.files.label_files base = _get_base_artifact(ctx) if base: args += ["--base=%s" % base.path] inputs += [base] ctx.action( executable = ctx.executable.create_image_config, arguments = args, inputs = inputs, outputs = [config], use_default_shell_env = True, mnemonic = "ImageConfig", ) return config def _metadata_action(ctx, layer, name, output): """Generate the action to create the JSON metadata for the layer.""" rewrite_tool = ctx.executable.rewrite_tool label_file_dict = _string_to_label( ctx.files.label_files, ctx.attr.label_file_strings, ) labels = dict() for l in ctx.attr.labels: fname = ctx.attr.labels[l] if fname[0] == "@": labels[l] = "@" + label_file_dict[fname[1:]].path else: labels[l] = fname args = [ "--output=%s" % output.path, "--layer=%s" % layer.path, "--name=@%s" % name.path, "--entrypoint=%s" % ",".join(ctx.attr.entrypoint), "--command=%s" % ",".join(ctx.attr.cmd), "--labels=%s" % _serialize_dict(labels), "--env=%s" % _serialize_dict(ctx.attr.env), "--ports=%s" % ",".join(ctx.attr.ports), "--volumes=%s" % ",".join(ctx.attr.volumes), ] if ctx.attr.workdir: args += ["--workdir=" + ctx.attr.workdir] inputs = [layer, rewrite_tool, name] if ctx.attr.label_files: inputs += ctx.files.label_files # TODO(mattmoor): Does this properly handle naked tarballs? base = _get_base_artifact(ctx) if base: args += ["--base=%s" % base.path] inputs += [base] if ctx.attr.user: args += ["--user=" + ctx.attr.user] ctx.action( executable = rewrite_tool, arguments = args, inputs = inputs, outputs = [output], use_default_shell_env = True, mnemonic = "RewriteJSON", ) def _metadata(ctx, layer, name): """Create the metadata for the new docker image.""" metadata = ctx.new_file(ctx.label.name + ".metadata") _metadata_action(ctx, layer, name, metadata) return metadata def _compute_layer_name(ctx, layer): """Compute the layer's name. This function synthesize a version of its metadata where in place of its final name, we use the SHA256 of the layer blob. This makes the name of the layer a function of: - Its layer's SHA256 - Its metadata - Its parent's name. Assuming the parent's name is derived by this same rigor, then a simple induction proves the content addressability. Args: ctx: Rule context. layer: The layer's artifact for which to compute the name. Returns: The artifact that will contains the name for the layer. """ metadata = ctx.new_file(ctx.label.name + ".metadata-name") layer_sha = _sha256(ctx, layer) _metadata_action(ctx, layer, layer_sha, metadata) return _sha256(ctx, metadata) def _repository_name(ctx): """Compute the repository name for the current rule.""" if ctx.attr.legacy_repository_naming: # Legacy behavior, off by default. return _join_path(ctx.attr.repository, ctx.label.package.replace("/", "_")) # Newer Docker clients support multi-level names, which are a part of # the v2 registry specification. return _join_path(ctx.attr.repository, ctx.label.package) def _create_image(ctx, layers, identifier, config, name, metadata, tags): """Create the new image.""" args = [ "--output=" + ctx.outputs.layer.path, "--id=@" + identifier.path, "--config=" + config.path, ] + ["--tag=" + tag for tag in tags] args += ["--layer=@%s=%s" % (l["name"].path, l["layer"].path) for l in layers] inputs = [identifier, config] + [l["name"] for l in layers] + [l["layer"] for l in layers] if name: args += ["--legacy_id=@" + name.path] inputs += [name] if metadata: args += ["--metadata=" + metadata.path] inputs += [metadata] # If we have been provided a base image, add it. if ctx.attr.base and not hasattr(ctx.attr.base, "docker_layers"): legacy_base = _get_base_artifact(ctx) if legacy_base: args += ["--legacy_base=%s" % legacy_base.path] inputs += [legacy_base] # TODO(mattmoor): Does this properly handle naked tarballs? (excl. above) base = _get_base_artifact(ctx) if base: args += ["--base=%s" % base.path] inputs += [base] ctx.action( executable = ctx.executable.create_image, arguments = args, inputs = inputs, outputs = [ctx.outputs.layer], mnemonic = "CreateImage", ) def _docker_build_impl(ctx): """Implementation for the docker_build rule.""" layer = _build_layer(ctx) layer_sha = _sha256(ctx, layer) config = _image_config(ctx, [layer_sha]) identifier = _sha256(ctx, config) name = _compute_layer_name(ctx, layer) metadata = _metadata(ctx, layer, name) # Construct a temporary name based on the build target. tags = [_repository_name(ctx) + ":" + ctx.label.name] # creating a partial image so only pass the layers that belong to it image_layer = {"layer": layer, "name": layer_sha} _create_image(ctx, [image_layer], identifier, config, name, metadata, tags) # Compute the layers transitive provider. # This must includes all layers of the image, including: # - The layer introduced by this rule. # - The layers transitively introduced by docker_build deps. # - Layers introduced by a static tarball base. # This is because downstream tooling should just be able to depend on # the availability and completeness of this field. layers = [ {"layer": ctx.outputs.layer, "id": identifier, "name": name}, ] + _get_layers(ctx, ctx.attr.base) # Generate the incremental load statement _incr_load( ctx, layers, { tag_name: {"name": name, "id": identifier} for tag_name in tags }, ctx.outputs.executable, ) _assemble_image( ctx, reverse(layers), {tag_name: name for tag_name in tags}, ctx.outputs.out, ) runfiles = ctx.runfiles( files = ([l["name"] for l in layers] + [l["id"] for l in layers] + [l["layer"] for l in layers]), ) return struct( runfiles = runfiles, files = depset([ctx.outputs.layer]), docker_layers = layers, ) docker_build_ = rule( implementation = _docker_build_impl, attrs = dict({ "base": attr.label(allow_files = docker_filetype), "data_path": attr.string(), "directory": attr.string(default = "/"), "tars": attr.label_list(allow_files = tar_filetype), "debs": attr.label_list(allow_files = deb_filetype), "files": attr.label_list(allow_files = True), "legacy_repository_naming": attr.bool(default = False), "mode": attr.string(default = "0555"), "symlinks": attr.string_dict(), "entrypoint": attr.string_list(), "cmd": attr.string_list(), "user": attr.string(), "env": attr.string_dict(), "labels": attr.string_dict(), "ports": attr.string_list(), # Skylark doesn't support int_list... "volumes": attr.string_list(), "workdir": attr.string(), "repository": attr.string(default = "bazel"), # Implicit dependencies. "label_files": attr.label_list( allow_files = True, ), "label_file_strings": attr.string_list(), "build_layer": attr.label( default = Label("//tools/build_defs/pkg:build_tar"), cfg = "host", executable = True, allow_files = True, ), "create_image": attr.label( default = Label("//tools/build_defs/docker:create_image"), cfg = "host", executable = True, allow_files = True, ), "rewrite_tool": attr.label( default = Label("//tools/build_defs/docker:rewrite_json"), cfg = "host", executable = True, allow_files = True, ), "create_image_config": attr.label( default = Label("//tools/build_defs/docker:create_image_config"), cfg = "host", executable = True, allow_files = True, ), }.items() + _hash_tools.items() + _layer_tools.items()), outputs = { "out": "%{name}.tar", "layer": "%{name}-layer.tar", }, executable = True, ) # This validates the two forms of value accepted by # ENTRYPOINT and CMD, turning them into a canonical # python list form. # # The Dockerfile construct: # ENTRYPOINT "/foo" # Results in: # "Entrypoint": [ # "/bin/sh", # "-c", # "\"/foo\"" # ], # Whereas: # ENTRYPOINT ["/foo", "a"] # Results in: # "Entrypoint": [ # "/foo", # "a" # ], # NOTE: prefacing a command with 'exec' just ends up with the former def _validate_command(name, argument): if type(argument) == "string": return ["/bin/sh", "-c", argument] elif type(argument) == "list": return argument elif argument: fail("The %s attribute must be a string or list, if specified." % name) else: return None # Produces a new docker image tarball compatible with 'docker load', which # is a single additional layer atop 'base'. The goal is to have relatively # complete support for building docker image, from the Dockerfile spec. # # For more information see the 'Config' section of the image specification: # https://github.com/opencontainers/image-spec/blob/v0.2.0/serialization.md # # Only 'name' is required. All other fields have sane defaults. # # docker_build( # name="...", # visibility="...", # # # The base layers on top of which to overlay this layer, # # equivalent to FROM. # base="//another/build:rule", # # # The base directory of the files, defaulted to # # the package of the input. # # All files structure relatively to that path will be preserved. # # A leading '/' mean the workspace root and this path is relative # # to the current package by default. # data_path="...", # # # The directory in which to expand the specified files, # # defaulting to '/'. # # Only makes sense accompanying one of files/tars/debs. # directory="...", # # # The set of archives to expand, or packages to install # # within the chroot of this layer # files=[...], # tars=[...], # debs=[...], # # # The set of symlinks to create within a given layer. # symlinks = { # "/path/to/link": "/path/to/target", # ... # }, # # # https://docs.docker.com/reference/builder/#entrypoint # entrypoint="...", or # entrypoint=[...], -- exec form # # # https://docs.docker.com/reference/builder/#cmd # cmd="...", or # cmd=[...], -- exec form # # # https://docs.docker.com/reference/builder/#expose # ports=[...], # # # https://docs.docker.com/reference/builder/#user # # NOTE: the normal directive affects subsequent RUN, CMD, # # and ENTRYPOINT # user="...", # # # https://docs.docker.com/reference/builder/#volume # volumes=[...], # # # https://docs.docker.com/reference/builder/#workdir # # NOTE: the normal directive affects subsequent RUN, CMD, # # ENTRYPOINT, ADD, and COPY, but this attribute only affects # # the entry point. # workdir="...", # # # https://docs.docker.com/reference/builder/#env # env = { # "var1": "val1", # "var2": "val2", # ... # "varN": "valN", # }, # ) def docker_build(**kwargs): """Package a docker image. This rule generates a sequence of genrules the last of which is named 'name', so the dependency graph works out properly. The output of this rule is a tarball compatible with 'docker save/load' with the structure: {layer-name}: layer.tar VERSION json {image-config-sha256}.json ... manifest.json repositories top # an implementation detail of our rules, not consumed by Docker. This rule appends a single new layer to the tarball of this form provided via the 'base' parameter. The images produced by this rule are always named 'bazel/tmp:latest' when loaded (an internal detail). The expectation is that the images produced by these rules will be uploaded using the 'docker_push' rule below. Args: **kwargs: See above. """ if "cmd" in kwargs: kwargs["cmd"] = _validate_command("cmd", kwargs["cmd"]) for reserved in ["label_files", "label_file_strings"]: if reserved in kwargs: fail("reserved for internal use by docker_build macro", attr = reserved) if "labels" in kwargs: files = sorted(depset([v[1:] for v in kwargs["labels"].values() if v[0] == "@"])) kwargs["label_files"] = files kwargs["label_file_strings"] = files if "entrypoint" in kwargs: kwargs["entrypoint"] = _validate_command("entrypoint", kwargs["entrypoint"]) docker_build_(**kwargs)