# Copyright 2016 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Common definitions for Apple rules.""" APPLE_SIMULATOR_ARCHITECTURES = ["i386", "x86_64"] """Architectures that are used by the simulator (iOS, tvOS and watchOS).""" IOS_DEVICE_ARCHITECTURES = ["armv7", "arm64"] """Architectures that are used by iOS devices.""" TVOS_DEVICE_ARCHITECTURES = ["arm64"] """Architectures that are used by tvOS devices.""" WATCHOS_DEVICE_ARCHITECTURES = ["armv7k"] """Architectures that are used by watchOS devices.""" APPLE_DEFAULT_ARCHITECTURES = (APPLE_SIMULATOR_ARCHITECTURES + IOS_DEVICE_ARCHITECTURES + WATCHOS_DEVICE_ARCHITECTURES) """Architectures commonly used for building/testing on simulators/devices.""" APPLE_FRAGMENTS = ["apple"] """Configuration fragments containing Apple specific information.""" DARWIN_EXECUTION_REQUIREMENTS = {"requires-darwin": ""} """Standard execution requirements to force building on Mac. See :func:`apple_action`.""" XCRUNWRAPPER_LABEL = "//external:xcrunwrapper" """The label for xcrunwrapper tool.""" def label_scoped_path(ctx, path): """Return the path scoped to target's label.""" return ctx.label.name + "/" + path.lstrip("/") def module_cache_path(ctx): """Returns the Clang module cache path to use for this rule.""" return ctx.genfiles_dir.path + "/_objc_module_cache" def apple_action(ctx, **kw): """Creates an action that only runs on MacOS/Darwin. Call it similar to how you would call ctx.action: apple_action(ctx, outputs=[...], inputs=[...],...) """ execution_requirements = kw.get("execution_requirements", {}) execution_requirements += DARWIN_EXECUTION_REQUIREMENTS no_sandbox = kw.pop("no_sandbox", False) if no_sandbox: execution_requirements["nosandbox"] = "1" kw["execution_requirements"] = execution_requirements ctx.action(**kw) def xcrun_env(ctx): """Returns the environment dictionary necessary to use xcrunwrapper.""" platform = ctx.fragments.apple.single_arch_platform action_env = ctx.fragments.apple.target_apple_env(platform) \ + ctx.fragments.apple.apple_host_system_env() return action_env def xcrun_action(ctx, **kw): """Creates an apple action that executes xcrunwrapper. args: ctx: The context of the rule that owns this action. This method takes the same keyword arguments as ctx.action, however you don't need to specify the executable. """ env = kw.get("env", {}) kw["env"] = env + xcrun_env(ctx) apple_action(ctx, executable=ctx.executable._xcrunwrapper, **kw)