# Copyright 2015 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Merges two android manifest xml files.""" import re import sys import xml.dom.minidom from tools.android import android_permissions from third_party.py import gflags FLAGS = gflags.FLAGS EXCLUDE_ALL_ARG = 'all' gflags.DEFINE_multistring( 'exclude_permission', None, 'Permissions to be excluded, e.g.: "android.permission.READ_LOGS".' 'This is a multistring, so multiple of those flags can be provided.' 'Pass "%s" to exclude all permissions contributed by mergees.' % EXCLUDE_ALL_ARG) gflags.DEFINE_multistring( 'mergee', None, 'Mergee manifest that will be merged to merger manifest.' 'This is a multistring, so multiple of those flags can be provided.') gflags.DEFINE_string('merger', None, 'Merger AndroidManifest file to be merged.') gflags.DEFINE_string('output', None, 'Output file with merged manifests.') USAGE = """Error, invalid arguments. Usage: merge_manifests.py --merger= --mergee= --mergee= --exclude_permission=[Exclude permissions from mergee] --output= Examples: merge_manifests.py --merger=manifest.xml --mergee=manifest2.xml --mergee=manifest3.xml --exclude_permission=android.permission.READ_LOGS --output=AndroidManifest.xml merge_manifests.py --merger=manifest.xml --mergee=manifest2.xml --mergee=manifest3.xml --exclude_permission=%s --output=AndroidManifest.xml """ % EXCLUDE_ALL_ARG class UndefinedPlaceholderException(Exception): """Exception thrown when encountering a placeholder without a replacement. """ pass class MalformedManifestException(Exception): """Exception thrown when encountering a fatally malformed manifest. """ pass class MergeManifests(object): """A utility class for merging two android manifest.xml files. This is useful when including another app as android library. """ _ACTIVITY = 'activity' _ANDROID_NAME = 'android:name' _ANDROID_LABEL = 'android:label' _INTENT_FILTER = 'intent-filter' _MANIFEST = 'manifest' _USES_PERMISSION = 'uses-permission' _USES_PERMISSION_SDK_23 = 'uses-permission-sdk-23' _NODES_TO_COPY_FROM_MERGEE = { _MANIFEST: [ 'instrumentation', 'permission', _USES_PERMISSION, _USES_PERMISSION_SDK_23, 'uses-feature', 'permission-group', ], 'application': [ 'activity', 'activity-alias', 'provider', 'receiver', 'service', 'uses-library', 'meta-data', ], } _NODES_TO_REMOVE_FROM_MERGER = [] _PACKAGE = 'package' def __init__(self, merger, mergees, exclude_permissions=None): """Constructs and initializes the MergeManifests object. Args: merger: First (merger) AndroidManifest.xml string. mergees: mergee AndroidManifest.xml strings, a list. exclude_permissions: Permissions to be excludeed from merging, string list. "all" means don't include any permissions. """ self._merger = merger self._mergees = mergees self._exclude_permissions = exclude_permissions self._merger_dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(self._merger[0]) def _ApplyExcludePermissions(self, dom): """Apply exclude filters. Args: dom: Document dom object from which to exclude permissions. """ if self._exclude_permissions: exclude_all_permissions = EXCLUDE_ALL_ARG in self._exclude_permissions for element in (dom.getElementsByTagName(self._USES_PERMISSION) + dom.getElementsByTagName(self._USES_PERMISSION_SDK_23)): if element.hasAttribute(self._ANDROID_NAME): attrib = element.getAttribute(self._ANDROID_NAME) if exclude_all_permissions or attrib in self._exclude_permissions: element.parentNode.removeChild(element) def _ExpandPackageName(self, node): """Set the package name if it is in a short form. Filtering logic for what elements have package expansion: If the name starts with a dot, always prefix it with the package. If the name has a dot anywhere else, do not prefix it. If the name has no dot at all, also prefix it with the package. The massageManifest function shows where this rule is applied: In the application element, on the name and backupAgent attributes. In the activity, service, receiver, provider, and activity-alias elements, on the name attribute. In the activity-alias element, on the targetActivity attribute. Args: node: Xml Node for which to expand package name. """ package_name = node.getElementsByTagName(self._MANIFEST).item( 0).getAttribute(self._PACKAGE) if not package_name: return for element in node.getElementsByTagName('*'): if element.nodeName not in [ 'activity', 'activity-alias', 'application', 'service', 'receiver', 'provider', ]: continue self._ExpandPackageNameHelper(package_name, element, self._ANDROID_NAME) if element.nodeName == 'activity': self._ExpandPackageNameHelper(package_name, element, 'android:parentActivityName') if element.nodeName == 'activity-alias': self._ExpandPackageNameHelper(package_name, element, 'android:targetActivity') continue if element.nodeName == 'application': self._ExpandPackageNameHelper(package_name, element, 'android:backupAgent') def _ExpandPackageNameHelper(self, package_name, element, attribute_name): if element.hasAttribute(attribute_name): class_name = element.getAttribute(attribute_name) if class_name.startswith('.'): pass elif '.' not in class_name: class_name = '.' + class_name else: return element.setAttribute(attribute_name, package_name + class_name) def _RemoveFromMerger(self): """Remove from merger.""" for tag_name in self._NODES_TO_REMOVE_FROM_MERGER: elements = self._merger_dom.getElementsByTagName(tag_name) for element in elements: element.parentNode.removeChild(element) def _RemoveAndroidLabel(self, node): """Remove android:label. We do this because it is not required by merger manifest, and it might contain @string references that will not allow compilation. Args: node: Node for which to remove Android labels. """ if node.hasAttribute(self._ANDROID_LABEL): node.removeAttribute(self._ANDROID_LABEL) def _IsDuplicate(self, node_to_copy, node): """Is element a duplicate?""" for merger_node in self._merger_dom.getElementsByTagName(node_to_copy): if (merger_node.getAttribute(self._ANDROID_NAME) == node.getAttribute(self._ANDROID_NAME)): return True return False def _RemoveIntentFilters(self, node): """Remove intent-filter in activity element. So there are no duplicate apps. Args: node: Node for which to remove intent filters. """ intent_filters = node.getElementsByTagName(self._INTENT_FILTER) if intent_filters.length > 0: for sub_node in intent_filters: node.removeChild(sub_node) def _FindElementComment(self, node): """Find element's comment. Assumes that element's comment can be just above the element. Searches previous siblings and looks for the first non text element that is of a nodeType of comment node. Args: node: Node for which to find a comment. Returns: Elements's comment node, None if not found. """ while node.previousSibling: node = node.previousSibling if node.nodeType is node.COMMENT_NODE: return node if node.nodeType is not node.TEXT_NODE: return None return None def _ReplaceArgumentPlaceholders(self, dom): """Replaces argument placeholders with their values. Modifies the attribute values of the input node. Args: dom: Xml node that should get placeholders replaced. """ placeholders = { 'packageName': self._merger_dom.getElementsByTagName( self._MANIFEST).item(0).getAttribute(self._PACKAGE), } for element in dom.getElementsByTagName('*'): for i in range(element.attributes.length): attr = element.attributes.item(i) attr.value = self._ReplaceArgumentHelper(placeholders, attr.value) def _ReplaceArgumentHelper(self, placeholders, attr): """Replaces argument placeholders within a single string. Args: placeholders: A dict mapping between placeholder names and their replacement values. attr: A string in which to replace argument placeholders. Returns: A string with placeholders replaced, or the same string if no placeholders were found. """ match_placeholder = '\\${([a-zA-Z]*)}' # Returns the replacement string for found matches. def PlaceholderReplacer(matchobj): found_placeholder = matchobj.group(1) if found_placeholder not in placeholders: raise UndefinedPlaceholderException( 'Undefined placeholder when substituting arguments: ' + found_placeholder) return placeholders[found_placeholder] attr = re.sub(match_placeholder, PlaceholderReplacer, attr) return attr def _SortAliases(self): applications = self._merger_dom.getElementsByTagName('application') if not applications: return for alias in applications[0].getElementsByTagName('activity-alias'): comment_node = self._FindElementComment(alias) while comment_node is not None: applications[0].appendChild(comment_node) comment_node = self._FindElementComment(alias) applications[0].appendChild(alias) def _FindMergerParent(self, tag_to_copy, destination_tag_name, mergee_dom): """Finds merger parent node, or appends mergee equivalent node if none.""" # Merger parent element to which to add merged elements. if self._merger_dom.getElementsByTagName(destination_tag_name): return self._merger_dom.getElementsByTagName(destination_tag_name)[0] else: mergee_element = mergee_dom.getElementsByTagName(destination_tag_name)[0] # find the parent parents = self._merger_dom.getElementsByTagName( mergee_element.parentNode.tagName) if not parents: raise MalformedManifestException( 'Malformed manifest has tag %s but no parent tag %s', (tag_to_copy, destination_tag_name)) # append the mergee child as the first child. return parents[0].insertBefore(mergee_element, parents[0].firstChild) def _OrderManifestChildren(self): """Moves elements of the manifest tag into the correct order.""" manifest = self._merger_dom.getElementsByTagName('manifest')[0] # The application element must be the last element in the manifest tag. applications = self._merger_dom.getElementsByTagName('application') if applications: manifest.appendChild(applications[0]) def _MergeTopLevelNamespaces(self, mergee_dom): """Merge the xmlns declarations in the top-level manifest nodes. This does not handle and ignores xmlns declarations in child nodes. Overall, this manifest merger does not try to interpret any attributes that use the android "tools" namespace either. E.g., tools:node="remove". This functionality is just to help migrate from this manifest merger, to a new manifest merger that does handle tools annotations (a manifest may be sent to both mergers during migration). Args: mergee_dom: The dom of the mergee manifest. Raises: MalformedManifestException: if the mergee and merger manifests contain xmlns declarations that don't agree. """ manifest = self._merger_dom.getElementsByTagName('manifest')[0] mergee_manifest = mergee_dom.getElementsByTagName('manifest')[0] for i in range(mergee_manifest.attributes.length): attr = mergee_manifest.attributes.item(i) if attr.prefix and attr.prefix == 'xmlns': if manifest.hasAttribute(attr.name): main_attr_value = manifest.getAttribute(attr.name) if main_attr_value != attr.value: raise MalformedManifestException( 'different values for namespace %s ("%s" vs "%s")' % ( attr.name, main_attr_value, attr.value)) else: manifest.setAttribute(attr.name, attr.value) def Merge(self): """Takes two manifests, and merges them together to produce a third.""" self._RemoveFromMerger() self._ExpandPackageName(self._merger_dom) for dom, filename in self._mergees: mergee_dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(dom) self._ReplaceArgumentPlaceholders(mergee_dom) self._ExpandPackageName(mergee_dom) self._ApplyExcludePermissions(mergee_dom) self._MergeTopLevelNamespaces(mergee_dom) for destination, values in sorted( self._NODES_TO_COPY_FROM_MERGEE.iteritems()): for node_to_copy in values: for node in mergee_dom.getElementsByTagName(node_to_copy): if self._IsDuplicate(node_to_copy, node): continue merger_parent = self._FindMergerParent(node_to_copy, destination, mergee_dom) # Append the merge comment. merger_parent.appendChild( self._merger_dom.createComment(' Merged from file: %s ' % filename)) # Append mergee's comment, if present. comment_node = self._FindElementComment(node) if comment_node: merger_parent.appendChild(comment_node) # Append element from mergee to merger. merger_parent.appendChild(node) # Insert top level comment about the merge. top_comment = ( ' *** WARNING *** DO NOT EDIT! THIS IS GENERATED MANIFEST BY ' 'MERGE_MANIFEST TOOL.\n' ' Merger manifest:\n %s\n' % self._merger[1] + ' Mergee manifests:\n%s' % '\n'.join( [' %s' % mergee[1] for mergee in self._mergees]) + '\n ') manifest_element = self._merger_dom.getElementsByTagName('manifest')[0] manifest_element.insertBefore(self._merger_dom.createComment(top_comment), manifest_element.firstChild) self._SortAliases() self._OrderManifestChildren() return self._merger_dom.toprettyxml(indent=' ') def _ReadFiles(files): results = [] for file_name in files: results.append(_ReadFile(file_name)) return results def _ReadFile(file_name): with open(file_name, 'r') as my_file: return (my_file.read(), file_name,) def _ValidateAndWarnPermissions(exclude_permissions): unknown_permissions = ( set(exclude_permissions) - set([EXCLUDE_ALL_ARG]) - android_permissions.PERMISSIONS) return '\n'.join([ 'WARNING:\n\t Specified permission "%s" is not a standard permission. ' 'Is it a typo?' % perm for perm in unknown_permissions]) def main(): if not FLAGS.merger: raise RuntimeError('Missing merger value.\n' + USAGE) if len(FLAGS.mergee) < 1: raise RuntimeError('Missing mergee value.\n' + USAGE) if not FLAGS.output: raise RuntimeError('Missing output value.\n' + USAGE) if FLAGS.exclude_permission: warning = _ValidateAndWarnPermissions(FLAGS.exclude_permission) if warning: print warning merged_manifests = MergeManifests(_ReadFile(FLAGS.merger), _ReadFiles(FLAGS.mergee), FLAGS.exclude_permission ).Merge() with open(FLAGS.output, 'w') as out_file: for line in merged_manifests.split('\n'): if not line.strip(): continue out_file.write(line.encode('utf8') + '\n') if __name__ == '__main__': FLAGS(sys.argv) main()