# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Merges two android manifest xml files.""" import re import sys import xml.dom.minidom from tools.android import android_permissions from third_party.py import gflags FLAGS = gflags.FLAGS EXCLUDE_ALL_ARG = 'all' gflags.DEFINE_multistring( 'exclude_permission', None, 'Permissions to be excluded, e.g.: "android.permission.READ_LOGS".' 'This is a multistring, so multiple of those flags can be provided.' 'Pass "%s" to exclude all permissions contributed by mergees.' % EXCLUDE_ALL_ARG) gflags.DEFINE_multistring( 'mergee', None, 'Mergee manifest that will be merged to merger manifest.' 'This is a multistring, so multiple of those flags can be provided.') gflags.DEFINE_string('merger', None, 'Merger AndroidManifest file to be merged.') gflags.DEFINE_string('output', None, 'Output file with merged manifests.') USAGE = """Error, invalid arguments. Usage: merge_manifests.py --merger= --mergee= --mergee= --exclude_permission=[Exclude permissions from mergee] --output= Examples: merge_manifests.py --merger=manifest.xml --mergee=manifest2.xml --mergee=manifest3.xml --exclude_permission=android.permission.READ_LOGS --output=AndroidManifest.xml merge_manifests.py --merger=manifest.xml --mergee=manifest2.xml --mergee=manifest3.xml --exclude_permission=%s --output=AndroidManifest.xml """ % EXCLUDE_ALL_ARG class UndefinedPlaceholderException(Exception): """Exception thrown when encountering a placeholder without a replacement. """ pass class MalformedManifestException(Exception): """Exception thrown when encountering a fatally malformed manifest. """ pass class MergeManifests(object): """A utility class for merging two android manifest.xml files. This is useful when including another app as android library. """ _ACTIVITY = 'activity' _ANDROID_NAME = 'android:name' _ANDROID_LABEL = 'android:label' _INTENT_FILTER = 'intent-filter' _MANIFEST = 'manifest' _USES_PERMISSION = 'uses-permission' _NODES_TO_COPY_FROM_MERGEE = { _MANIFEST: [ 'instrumentation', 'permission', _USES_PERMISSION, 'uses-feature', 'permission-group', ], 'application': [ 'activity', 'activity-alias', 'provider', 'receiver', 'service', 'uses-library', 'meta-data', ], } _NODES_TO_REMOVE_FROM_MERGER = [] _PACKAGE = 'package' def __init__(self, merger, mergees, exclude_permissions=None): """Constructs and initializes the MergeManifests object. Args: merger: First (merger) AndroidManifest.xml string. mergees: mergee AndroidManifest.xml strings, a list. exclude_permissions: Permissions to be excludeed from merging, string list. "all" means don't include any permissions. """ self._merger = merger self._mergees = mergees self._exclude_permissions = exclude_permissions self._merger_dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(self._merger[0]) def _ApplyExcludePermissions(self, dom): """Apply exclude filters. Args: dom: Document dom object from which to exclude permissions. """ if self._exclude_permissions: exclude_all_permissions = EXCLUDE_ALL_ARG in self._exclude_permissions for element in dom.getElementsByTagName(self._USES_PERMISSION): if element.hasAttribute(self._ANDROID_NAME): attrib = element.getAttribute(self._ANDROID_NAME) if exclude_all_permissions or attrib in self._exclude_permissions: element.parentNode.removeChild(element) def _ExpandPackageName(self, node): """Set the package name if it is in a short form. Filtering logic for what elements have package expansion: If the name starts with a dot, always prefix it with the package. If the name has a dot anywhere else, do not prefix it. If the name has no dot at all, also prefix it with the package. The massageManifest function shows where this rule is applied: In the application element, on the name and backupAgent attributes. In the activity, service, receiver, provider, and activity-alias elements, on the name attribute. In the activity-alias element, on the targetActivity attribute. Args: node: Xml Node for which to expand package name. """ package_name = node.getElementsByTagName(self._MANIFEST).item( 0).getAttribute(self._PACKAGE) if not package_name: return for element in node.getElementsByTagName('*'): if element.nodeName not in [ 'activity', 'activity-alias', 'application', 'service', 'receiver', 'provider', ]: continue self._ExpandPackageNameHelper(package_name, element, self._ANDROID_NAME) if element.nodeName == 'activity': self._ExpandPackageNameHelper(package_name, element, 'android:parentActivityName') if element.nodeName == 'activity-alias': self._ExpandPackageNameHelper(package_name, element, 'android:targetActivity') continue if element.nodeName == 'application': self._ExpandPackageNameHelper(package_name, element, 'android:backupAgent') def _ExpandPackageNameHelper(self, package_name, element, attribute_name): if element.hasAttribute(attribute_name): class_name = element.getAttribute(attribute_name) if class_name.startswith('.'): pass elif '.' not in class_name: class_name = '.' + class_name else: return element.setAttribute(attribute_name, package_name + class_name) def _RemoveFromMerger(self): """Remove from merger.""" for tag_name in self._NODES_TO_REMOVE_FROM_MERGER: elements = self._merger_dom.getElementsByTagName(tag_name) for element in elements: element.parentNode.removeChild(element) def _RemoveAndroidLabel(self, node): """Remove android:label. We do this because it is not required by merger manifest, and it might contain @string references that will not allow compilation. Args: node: Node for which to remove Android labels. """ if node.hasAttribute(self._ANDROID_LABEL): node.removeAttribute(self._ANDROID_LABEL) def _IsDuplicate(self, node_to_copy, node): """Is element a duplicate?""" for merger_node in self._merger_dom.getElementsByTagName(node_to_copy): if (merger_node.getAttribute(self._ANDROID_NAME) == node.getAttribute(self._ANDROID_NAME)): return True return False def _RemoveIntentFilters(self, node): """Remove intent-filter in activity element. So there are no duplicate apps. Args: node: Node for which to remove intent filters. """ intent_filters = node.getElementsByTagName(self._INTENT_FILTER) if intent_filters.length > 0: for sub_node in intent_filters: node.removeChild(sub_node) def _FindElementComment(self, node): """Find element's comment. Assumes that element's comment can be just above the element. Searches previous siblings and looks for the first non text element that is of a nodeType of comment node. Args: node: Node for which to find a comment. Returns: Elements's comment node, None if not found. """ while node.previousSibling: node = node.previousSibling if node.nodeType is node.COMMENT_NODE: return node if node.nodeType is not node.TEXT_NODE: return None return None def _ReplaceArgumentPlaceholders(self, dom): """Replaces argument placeholders with their values. Modifies the attribute values of the input node. Args: dom: Xml node that should get placeholders replaced. """ placeholders = { 'packageName': self._merger_dom.getElementsByTagName( self._MANIFEST).item(0).getAttribute(self._PACKAGE), } for element in dom.getElementsByTagName('*'): for i in range(element.attributes.length): attr = element.attributes.item(i) attr.value = self._ReplaceArgumentHelper(placeholders, attr.value) def _ReplaceArgumentHelper(self, placeholders, attr): """Replaces argument placeholders within a single string. Args: placeholders: A dict mapping between placeholder names and their replacement values. attr: A string in which to replace argument placeholders. Returns: A string with placeholders replaced, or the same string if no placeholders were found. """ match_placeholder = '\\${([a-zA-Z]*)}' # Returns the replacement string for found matches. def PlaceholderReplacer(matchobj): found_placeholder = matchobj.group(1) if found_placeholder not in placeholders: raise UndefinedPlaceholderException( 'Undefined placeholder when substituting arguments: ' + found_placeholder) return placeholders[found_placeholder] attr = re.sub(match_placeholder, PlaceholderReplacer, attr) return attr def _SortAliases(self): applications = self._merger_dom.getElementsByTagName('application') if not applications: return for alias in applications[0].getElementsByTagName('activity-alias'): comment_node = self._FindElementComment(alias) while comment_node is not None: applications[0].appendChild(comment_node) comment_node = self._FindElementComment(alias) applications[0].appendChild(alias) def _FindMergerParent(self, tag_to_copy, destination_tag_name, mergee_dom): """Finds merger parent node, or appends mergee equivalent node if none.""" # Merger parent element to which to add merged elements. if self._merger_dom.getElementsByTagName(destination_tag_name): return self._merger_dom.getElementsByTagName(destination_tag_name)[0] else: mergee_element = mergee_dom.getElementsByTagName(destination_tag_name)[0] # find the parent parents = self._merger_dom.getElementsByTagName( mergee_element.parentNode.tagName) if not parents: raise MalformedManifestException( 'Malformed manifest has tag %s but no parent tag %s', (tag_to_copy, destination_tag_name)) # append the mergee child as the first child. return parents[0].insertBefore(mergee_element, parents[0].firstChild) def Merge(self): """Takes two manifests, and merges them together to produce a third.""" self._RemoveFromMerger() self._ExpandPackageName(self._merger_dom) for dom, filename in self._mergees: mergee_dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(dom) self._ReplaceArgumentPlaceholders(mergee_dom) self._ExpandPackageName(mergee_dom) self._ApplyExcludePermissions(mergee_dom) for destination, values in sorted( self._NODES_TO_COPY_FROM_MERGEE.iteritems()): for node_to_copy in values: for node in mergee_dom.getElementsByTagName(node_to_copy): if self._IsDuplicate(node_to_copy, node): continue merger_parent = self._FindMergerParent(node_to_copy, destination, mergee_dom) # Append the merge comment. merger_parent.appendChild( self._merger_dom.createComment(' Merged from file: %s ' % filename)) # Append mergee's comment, if present. comment_node = self._FindElementComment(node) if comment_node: merger_parent.appendChild(comment_node) # Append element from mergee to merger. merger_parent.appendChild(node) # Insert top level comment about the merge. top_comment = ( ' *** WARNING *** DO NOT EDIT! THIS IS GENERATED MANIFEST BY ' 'MERGE_MANIFEST TOOL.\n' ' Merger manifest:\n %s\n' % self._merger[1] + ' Mergee manifests:\n%s' % '\n'.join( [' %s' % mergee[1] for mergee in self._mergees]) + '\n ') manifest_element = self._merger_dom.getElementsByTagName('manifest')[0] manifest_element.insertBefore(self._merger_dom.createComment(top_comment), manifest_element.firstChild) self._SortAliases() return self._merger_dom.toprettyxml(indent=' ') def _ReadFiles(files): results = [] for file_name in files: results.append(_ReadFile(file_name)) return results def _ReadFile(file_name): with open(file_name, 'r') as my_file: return (my_file.read(), file_name,) def _ValidateAndWarnPermissions(exclude_permissions): unknown_permissions = ( set(exclude_permissions) - set([EXCLUDE_ALL_ARG]) - android_permissions.PERMISSIONS) return '\n'.join([ 'WARNING:\n\t Specified permission "%s" is not a standard permission. ' 'Is it a typo?' % perm for perm in unknown_permissions]) def main(): if not FLAGS.merger: raise RuntimeError('Missing merger value.\n' + USAGE) if len(FLAGS.mergee) < 1: raise RuntimeError('Missing mergee value.\n' + USAGE) if not FLAGS.output: raise RuntimeError('Missing output value.\n' + USAGE) if FLAGS.exclude_permission: warning = _ValidateAndWarnPermissions(FLAGS.exclude_permission) if warning: print warning merged_manifests = MergeManifests(_ReadFile(FLAGS.merger), _ReadFiles(FLAGS.mergee), FLAGS.exclude_permission ).Merge() with open(FLAGS.output, 'w') as out_file: for line in merged_manifests.split('\n'): if not line.strip(): continue out_file.write(line + '\n') if __name__ == '__main__': FLAGS(sys.argv) main()