"""Template for the build file used in android_sdk_repository.""" # Copyright 2016 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. def create_android_sdk_rules( name, build_tools_version, build_tools_directory, api_level): """Generate the contents of the android_sdk_repository. Args: name: string, the name of the repository being generated. build_tools_version: string, the version of Android's build tools to use. build_tools_directory: string, the directory name of the build tools in sdk's build-tools directory. api_level: int, the API level from which to get android.jar et al. """ # This filegroup is used to pass the contents of the SDK to the Android # integration tests. We need to glob because not all of these folders ship # with the Android SDK, some need to be installed through the SDK Manager. # Since android_sdk_repository function generates BUILD files, we do not want # to include those because the integration test would fail when it tries to # regenerate those BUILD files because the Bazel Sandbox does not allow # overwriting existing files. native.filegroup( name = "files", srcs = native.glob([ "add-ons", "build-tools", "extras", "platforms", "platform-tools", "sources", "system-images", "tools", ], exclude_directories = 0), ) if api_level >= 23: # Android 23 removed most of org.apache.http from android.jar and moved it # to a separate jar. native.java_import( name = "org_apache_http_legacy", jars = ["platforms/android-%d/optional/org.apache.http.legacy.jar" % api_level] ) native.android_sdk( name = "sdk", build_tools_version = build_tools_version, proguard = ":proguard_binary", aapt = ":aapt_binary", dx = ":dx_binary", main_dex_list_creator = ":main_dex_list_creator", adb = "platform-tools/adb", framework_aidl = "platforms/android-%d/framework.aidl" % api_level, aidl = ":aidl_binary", android_jar = "platforms/android-%d/android.jar" % api_level, shrinked_android_jar = "platforms/android-%d/android.jar" % api_level, annotations_jar = "tools/support/annotations.jar", main_dex_classes = "build-tools/%s/mainDexClasses.rules" % build_tools_directory, apkbuilder = "@bazel_tools//third_party/java/apkbuilder:embedded_apkbuilder", apksigner = ":apksigner", zipalign = ":zipalign_binary", jack = ":fail", jill = ":fail", resource_extractor = "@bazel_tools//tools/android:resource_extractor", ) native.java_import( name = "proguard_import", jars = ["tools/proguard/lib/proguard.jar"] ) native.java_binary( name = "proguard_binary", main_class = "proguard.ProGuard", runtime_deps = [":proguard_import"] ) native.java_binary( name = "apksigner", main_class = "com.android.apksigner.ApkSignerTool", runtime_deps = ["build-tools/%s/lib/apksigner.jar" % build_tools_directory], ) native.filegroup( name = "build_tools_libs", srcs = native.glob([ "build-tools/%s/lib/**" % build_tools_directory, # Build tools version 24.0.0 added a lib64 folder. "build-tools/%s/lib64/**" % build_tools_directory, ]) ) for tool in ["aapt", "aidl", "zipalign"]: native.genrule( name = tool + "_runner", outs = [tool + "_runner.sh"], srcs = [], cmd = "\n".join([ "cat > $@ << 'EOF'", "#!/bin/bash", "set -eu", # The tools under build-tools/VERSION require the libraries under build-tools/VERSION/lib, # so we can't simply depend on them as a file like we do with aapt. "SDK=$${0}.runfiles/%s" % name, "exec $${SDK}/build-tools/%s/%s $$*" % (build_tools_directory, tool), "EOF\n"]), ) native.sh_binary( name = tool + "_binary", srcs = [tool + "_runner.sh"], data = [ ":build_tools_libs", "build-tools/%s/%s" % (build_tools_directory, tool) ], ) native.sh_binary( name = "fail", srcs = ["fail.sh"]) native.genrule( name = "generate_fail_sh", srcs = [], outs = ["fail.sh"], cmd = "echo -e '#!/bin/bash\\nexit 1' >> $@; chmod +x $@", ) native.genrule( name = "main_dex_list_creator_source", srcs = [], outs = ["main_dex_list_creator.sh"], cmd = "\n".join(["cat > $@ <<'EOF'", "#!/bin/bash", "", "MAIN_DEX_LIST=$$1", "STRIPPED_JAR=$$2", "JAR=$$3", "" + "DIRNAME=$$(dirname $$0)", "JAVA_BINARY=TBD/main_dex_list_creator_java", # Proper runfiles path comes here "$$JAVA_BINARY $$STRIPPED_JAR $$JAR > $$MAIN_DEX_LIST", "exit $$?", "", "EOF\n"]), ) native.sh_binary( name = "main_dex_list_creator", srcs = ["main_dex_list_creator.sh"], data = [":main_dex_list_creator_java"], ) native.java_binary( name = "main_dex_list_creator_java", main_class = "com.android.multidex.ClassReferenceListBuilder", runtime_deps = [":dx_jar_import"], ) native.java_binary( name = "dx_binary", main_class = "com.android.dx.command.Main", runtime_deps = [":dx_jar_import"], ) native.filegroup( name = "dx_jar", srcs = ["build-tools/%s/lib/dx.jar" % build_tools_directory], ) native.java_import( name = "dx_jar_import", jars = [":dx_jar"], )