URL: https://github.com/facebook/buck/tarball/2ff4f45a971776afcfbe88333d78c4ca6bf03df9 Version: 2ff4f45a971776afcfbe88333d78c4ca6bf03df9 License: Apache 2.0 License File: LICENSE Description: Buck: An Android (and Java!) build tool This copy is stripped down to only include the files needed for Xcode project generation, specifically: com/facebook/buck/apple/{FileTypes,xcode/{xcodeproj/**,GidGenerator,XcodeprojSerializer}}.java Local Modifications: Add FILE_REFERENCE(2) to the PBXContainerItemProxy.ProxyType enum. Update LastUpgradeCheck from 600 to 610 Add logic to automatically detect XCVersionGroup type even if there is no currentVersion set Removed code not used by Bazel. Add WATCH_OS1_EXTENSION and WATCH_OS1_APPLICATION to PBXTarget.ProductType