URL: https://github.com/facebook/buck/tarball/2ff4f45a971776afcfbe88333d78c4ca6bf03df9 Version: 2ff4f45a971776afcfbe88333d78c4ca6bf03df9 License: Apache 2.0 License File: LICENSE Description: Buck: An Android (and Java!) build tool This copy is stripped down to only include the files needed for Xcode project generation, specifically: com/facebook/buck/apple/{FileTypes,xcode/{xcodeproj/**,GidGenerator,XcodeprojSerializer}}.java Local Modifications: Add FILE_REFERENCE(2) to the PBXContainerItemProxy.ProxyType enum. Update LastUpgradeCheck from 600 to 610 Add logic to automatically detect XCVersionGroup type even if there is no currentVersion set Removed code not used by Bazel.