package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:__pkg__"]) licenses(["notice"]) # Apache License 2.0 exports_files(["LICENSE"]) sh_test( name = "ijar_test", size = "enormous", srcs = [""], args = [ "$(JAVABASE)/bin/javac", "$(JAVA)", "$(JAVABASE)/bin/jar", "$(JAVABASE)/bin/javap", "io_bazel/$(location //third_party/ijar)", "io_bazel/$(location //tools/jdk:langtools)", # We assume unzip and zip to be on the path "unzip", "zip", "$(location :zip_count)", ], data = [ "", "//src/test/shell:bashunit", "//third_party/ijar", "", "", "", "", "", ":libtypeannotations2.jar", ":libmethodparameters.jar", ":source_debug_extension.jar", ":largest_regular.jar", ":smallest_zip64.jar", ":definitely_zip64.jar", ":zip_count", "", # invokedynamic/, compiled with javac8 ":libinvokedynamic.jar", # Intentionally bad test JAR: file count in central directory # wrong. "libwrongcentraldir.jar", "//tools/defaults:jdk", "//tools/jdk:langtools", ], shard_count = 5, tags = ["zip"], ) sh_test( name = "zip_test", size = "large", srcs = [""], args = [ "$(location //third_party/ijar:zipper)", # We assume unzip and zip to be on the path "unzip", "zip", ], data = [ "", "//src/test/shell:bashunit", "//third_party/ijar:zipper", ], tags = ["zip"], ) java_library( name = "invokedynamic", testonly = 1, srcs = ["invokedynamic/"], javacopts = ["-source 8 -target 8"], tags = ["jdk8"], ) # For testing purposes: a class which exposes a private nested class in # public API, classes with annotations and a class with different forms of # deprecations markers java_library( name = "ijar_testlib", srcs = [ "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ) # For testing purposes: an interface jar (ijar) which includes the # interface view of the various test class from above. genrule( name = "interface_ijar_testlib", srcs = [":ijar_testlib"], outs = ["interface_ijar_testlib.jar"], cmd = "$(location //third_party/ijar) $< $@", tools = ["//third_party/ijar"], ) java_library( name = "typeannotations2", srcs = glob(["typeannotations2/**/*.java"]), javacopts = ["-source 8 -target 8"], tags = ["jdk8"], ) java_library( name = "methodparameters", srcs = ["methodparameters/"], javacopts = ["-source 8 -target 8 -parameters"], ) java_binary( name = "gen_source_debug_extension", srcs = [""], main_class = "test.GenSourceDebugExtension", deps = ["//third_party:asm"], ) genrule( name = "gen_source_debug_extension_jar", srcs = [], outs = ["source_debug_extension.jar"], cmd = "$(location :gen_source_debug_extension) $@", tools = ["gen_source_debug_extension"], ) java_library( name = "local_and_anonymous_lib", srcs = [""], ) genrule( name = "local_and_anonymous_interface", srcs = [":liblocal_and_anonymous_lib.jar"], outs = ["local_and_anonymous-interface.jar"], cmd = "$(location //third_party/ijar) $< $@", tools = ["//third_party/ijar"], ) java_test( name = "IjarTests", size = "small", srcs = [ "", "", ], data = [ "", "", "", "", ":interface_ijar_testlib", ":liblocal_and_anonymous_lib.jar", ":local_and_anonymous-interface.jar", ], tags = ["zip"], test_class = "IjarTests", deps = [ "//src/java_tools/buildjar:BazelJavaCompiler", "//third_party:asm", "//third_party:guava", "//third_party:junit4", "//third_party:truth", ], ) test_suite( name = "all_tests", testonly = 1, visibility = ["//visibility:public"], ) java_binary( name = "gen_zip_with_entries", srcs = [""], jvm_flags = [""], main_class = "test.GenZipWithEntries", deps = ["//third_party:asm"], ) [ genrule( name = name, outs = [name + ".jar"], cmd = "$(location :gen_zip_with_entries) %s $@" % entries, tools = [":gen_zip_with_entries"], ) for name, entries in [ ("largest_regular", 65535), ("smallest_zip64", 65536), ("definitely_zip64", 70000), ] ] java_binary( name = "zip_count", srcs = [""], jvm_flags = [""], main_class = "test.ZipCount", ) filegroup( name = "srcs", srcs = glob(["**"]), visibility = ["//third_party/ijar:__pkg__"], )