package org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg; /*>>> import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable; */ import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.IdentityHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.Set; import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror; import org.checkerframework.dataflow.analysis.AbstractValue; import org.checkerframework.dataflow.analysis.Analysis; import org.checkerframework.dataflow.analysis.FlowExpressions; import org.checkerframework.dataflow.analysis.Store; import org.checkerframework.dataflow.analysis.TransferFunction; import org.checkerframework.dataflow.analysis.TransferInput; import org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.UnderlyingAST.CFGMethod; import org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.UnderlyingAST.CFGStatement; import org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.block.Block; import org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.block.Block.BlockType; import org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.block.ConditionalBlock; import org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.block.ExceptionBlock; import org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.block.RegularBlock; import org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.block.SingleSuccessorBlock; import org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.block.SpecialBlock; import org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.node.Node; import org.checkerframework.javacutil.ErrorReporter; /** * Generate a graph description in the DOT language of a control graph. * * @author Stefan Heule */ public class DOTCFGVisualizer< A extends AbstractValue, S extends Store, T extends TransferFunction> implements CFGVisualizer { protected String outdir; protected boolean verbose; protected String checkerName; protected StringBuilder sbDigraph; protected StringBuilder sbStore; protected StringBuilder sbBlock; /** Mapping from class/method representation to generated dot file. */ protected Map generated; @Override public void init(Map args) { this.outdir = (String) args.get("outdir"); { Object verb = args.get("verbose"); this.verbose = verb == null ? false : verb instanceof String ? Boolean.getBoolean((String) verb) : (boolean) verb; } this.checkerName = (String) args.get("checkerName"); this.generated = new HashMap<>(); this.sbDigraph = new StringBuilder(); this.sbStore = new StringBuilder(); this.sbBlock = new StringBuilder(); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public /*@Nullable*/ Map visualize( ControlFlowGraph cfg, Block entry, /*@Nullable*/ Analysis analysis) { String dotgraph = generateDotGraph(cfg, entry, analysis); String dotfilename = dotOutputFileName(cfg.underlyingAST); // System.err.println("Output to DOT file: " + dotfilename); try { FileWriter fstream = new FileWriter(dotfilename); BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(fstream); out.write(dotgraph); out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { ErrorReporter.errorAbort( "Error creating dot file: " + dotfilename + "; ensure the path is valid", e); } Map res = new HashMap<>(); res.put("dotFileName", dotfilename); return res; } /** Generate the dot representation as String. */ protected String generateDotGraph( ControlFlowGraph cfg, Block entry, /*@Nullable*/ Analysis analysis) { this.sbDigraph.setLength(0); Set visited = new HashSet<>(); // header this.sbDigraph.append("digraph {\n"); Block cur = entry; Queue worklist = new LinkedList<>(); visited.add(entry); // traverse control flow graph and define all arrows while (true) { if (cur == null) { break; } if (cur.getType() == BlockType.CONDITIONAL_BLOCK) { ConditionalBlock ccur = ((ConditionalBlock) cur); Block thenSuccessor = ccur.getThenSuccessor(); addDotEdge(ccur.getId(), thenSuccessor.getId(), "then\\n" + ccur.getThenFlowRule()); if (!visited.contains(thenSuccessor)) { visited.add(thenSuccessor); worklist.add(thenSuccessor); } Block elseSuccessor = ccur.getElseSuccessor(); addDotEdge(ccur.getId(), elseSuccessor.getId(), "else\\n" + ccur.getElseFlowRule()); if (!visited.contains(elseSuccessor)) { visited.add(elseSuccessor); worklist.add(elseSuccessor); } } else { assert cur instanceof SingleSuccessorBlock; Block b = ((SingleSuccessorBlock) cur).getSuccessor(); if (b != null) { addDotEdge( cur.getId(), b.getId(), ((SingleSuccessorBlock) cur).getFlowRule().name()); if (!visited.contains(b)) { visited.add(b); worklist.add(b); } } } // exceptional edges if (cur.getType() == BlockType.EXCEPTION_BLOCK) { ExceptionBlock ecur = (ExceptionBlock) cur; for (Entry> e : ecur.getExceptionalSuccessors().entrySet()) { Set blocks = e.getValue(); TypeMirror cause = e.getKey(); String exception = cause.toString(); if (exception.startsWith("java.lang.")) { exception = exception.replace("java.lang.", ""); } for (Block b : blocks) { addDotEdge(cur.getId(), b.getId(), exception); if (!visited.contains(b)) { visited.add(b); worklist.add(b); } } } } cur = worklist.poll(); } generateDotNodes(visited, cfg, analysis); // footer this.sbDigraph.append("}\n"); return this.sbDigraph.toString(); } protected void generateDotNodes( Set visited, ControlFlowGraph cfg, /*@Nullable*/ Analysis analysis) { IdentityHashMap> processOrder = getProcessOrder(cfg); this.sbDigraph.append(" node [shape=rectangle];\n\n"); // definition of all nodes including their labels for (Block v : visited) { this.sbDigraph.append(" " + v.getId() + " ["); if (v.getType() == BlockType.CONDITIONAL_BLOCK) { this.sbDigraph.append("shape=polygon sides=8 "); } else if (v.getType() == BlockType.SPECIAL_BLOCK) { this.sbDigraph.append("shape=oval "); } this.sbDigraph.append("label=\""); if (verbose) { this.sbDigraph.append( "Process order: " + processOrder.get(v).toString().replaceAll("[\\[\\]]", "") + "\\n"); } visualizeBlock(v, analysis); } this.sbDigraph.append("\n"); } /** @return the file name used for DOT output. */ protected String dotOutputFileName(UnderlyingAST ast) { StringBuilder srcloc = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder outfile = new StringBuilder(outdir); outfile.append('/'); if (ast.getKind() == UnderlyingAST.Kind.ARBITRARY_CODE) { CFGStatement cfgs = (CFGStatement) ast; String clsname = cfgs.getClassTree().getSimpleName().toString(); outfile.append(clsname); outfile.append("-initializer-"); outfile.append(ast.hashCode()); srcloc.append('<'); srcloc.append(clsname); srcloc.append("::initializer::"); srcloc.append(((JCTree) cfgs.getCode()).pos); srcloc.append('>'); } else if (ast.getKind() == UnderlyingAST.Kind.METHOD) { CFGMethod cfgm = (CFGMethod) ast; String clsname = cfgm.getClassTree().getSimpleName().toString(); String methname = cfgm.getMethod().getName().toString(); outfile.append(clsname); outfile.append('-'); outfile.append(methname); srcloc.append('<'); srcloc.append(clsname); srcloc.append("::"); srcloc.append(methname); srcloc.append('('); srcloc.append(cfgm.getMethod().getParameters()); srcloc.append(")::"); srcloc.append(((JCTree) cfgm.getMethod()).pos); srcloc.append('>'); } else { ErrorReporter.errorAbort( "Unexpected AST kind: " + ast.getKind() + " value: " + ast.toString()); return null; } outfile.append('-'); outfile.append(checkerName); outfile.append(".dot"); // make path safe for Windows String out = outfile.toString().replace("<", "_").replace(">", ""); generated.put(srcloc.toString(), out); return out; } protected IdentityHashMap> getProcessOrder(ControlFlowGraph cfg) { IdentityHashMap> depthFirstOrder = new IdentityHashMap<>(); int count = 1; for (Block b : cfg.getDepthFirstOrderedBlocks()) { if (depthFirstOrder.get(b) == null) { depthFirstOrder.put(b, new ArrayList()); } depthFirstOrder.get(b).add(count++); } return depthFirstOrder; } /** * Produce a representation of the contests of a basic block. * * @param bb basic block to visualize */ @Override public void visualizeBlock(Block bb, /*@Nullable*/ Analysis analysis) { this.sbBlock.setLength(0); // loop over contents List contents = new LinkedList<>(); switch (bb.getType()) { case REGULAR_BLOCK: contents.addAll(((RegularBlock) bb).getContents()); break; case EXCEPTION_BLOCK: contents.add(((ExceptionBlock) bb).getNode()); break; case CONDITIONAL_BLOCK: break; case SPECIAL_BLOCK: break; default: assert false : "All types of basic blocks covered"; } boolean notFirst = false; for (Node t : contents) { if (notFirst) { this.sbBlock.append("\\n"); } notFirst = true; visualizeBlockNode(t, analysis); } // handle case where no contents are present boolean centered = false; if (this.sbBlock.length() == 0) { centered = true; if (bb.getType() == BlockType.SPECIAL_BLOCK) { visualizeSpecialBlock((SpecialBlock) bb); } else if (bb.getType() == BlockType.CONDITIONAL_BLOCK) { this.sbDigraph.append(" \",];\n"); return; } else { this.sbDigraph.append("?? empty ?? \",];\n"); return; } } // visualize transfer input if necessary if (analysis != null) { visualizeBlockTransferInput(bb, analysis); } this.sbDigraph.append( (this.sbBlock.toString() + (centered ? "" : "\\n")).replace("\\n", "\\l") + " \",];\n"); } @Override public void visualizeSpecialBlock(SpecialBlock sbb) { switch (sbb.getSpecialType()) { case ENTRY: this.sbBlock.append(""); break; case EXIT: this.sbBlock.append(""); break; case EXCEPTIONAL_EXIT: this.sbBlock.append(""); break; } } @Override public void visualizeBlockTransferInput(Block bb, Analysis analysis) { assert analysis != null : "analysis should be non-null when visualizing the transfer input of a block."; TransferInput input = analysis.getInput(bb); this.sbStore.setLength(0); // split input representation to two lines this.sbStore.append("Before:"); S thenStore = input.getThenStore(); if (!input.containsTwoStores()) { S regularStore = input.getRegularStore(); this.sbStore.append('['); visualizeStore(regularStore); this.sbStore.append(']'); } else { S elseStore = input.getElseStore(); this.sbStore.append("[then="); visualizeStore(thenStore); this.sbStore.append(", else="); visualizeStore(elseStore); this.sbStore.append("]"); } // separator this.sbStore.append("\\n~~~~~~~~~\\n"); // the transfer input before this block is added before the block content this.sbBlock.insert(0, this.sbStore); if (verbose) { Node lastNode; switch (bb.getType()) { case REGULAR_BLOCK: List blockContents = ((RegularBlock) bb).getContents(); lastNode = blockContents.get(blockContents.size() - 1); break; case EXCEPTION_BLOCK: lastNode = ((ExceptionBlock) bb).getNode(); break; default: lastNode = null; } if (lastNode != null) { this.sbStore.setLength(0); this.sbStore.append("\\n~~~~~~~~~\\n"); this.sbStore.append("After:"); visualizeStore(analysis.getResult().getStoreAfter(lastNode)); this.sbBlock.append(this.sbStore); } } } @Override public void visualizeBlockNode(Node t, /*@Nullable*/ Analysis analysis) { this.sbBlock.append(prepareString(t.toString()) + " [ " + prepareNodeType(t) + " ]"); if (analysis != null) { A value = analysis.getValue(t); if (value != null) { this.sbBlock.append(" > " + prepareString(value.toString())); } } } protected String prepareNodeType(Node t) { String name = t.getClass().getSimpleName(); return name.replace("Node", ""); } protected String prepareString(String s) { return s.replace("\"", "\\\""); } protected void addDotEdge(long sId, long eId, String labelContent) { this.sbDigraph.append(" " + sId + " -> " + eId + " [label=\"" + labelContent + "\"];\n"); } @Override public void visualizeStore(S store) { store.visualize(this); } @Override public void visualizeStoreThisVal(A value) { this.sbStore.append(" this > " + value + "\\n"); } @Override public void visualizeStoreLocalVar(FlowExpressions.LocalVariable localVar, A value) { this.sbStore.append(" " + localVar + " > " + toStringEscapeDoubleQuotes(value) + "\\n"); } @Override public void visualizeStoreFieldVals(FlowExpressions.FieldAccess fieldAccess, A value) { this.sbStore.append(" " + fieldAccess + " > " + toStringEscapeDoubleQuotes(value) + "\\n"); } @Override public void visualizeStoreArrayVal(FlowExpressions.ArrayAccess arrayValue, A value) { this.sbStore.append(" " + arrayValue + " > " + toStringEscapeDoubleQuotes(value) + "\\n"); } @Override public void visualizeStoreMethodVals(FlowExpressions.MethodCall methodCall, A value) { this.sbStore.append( " " + methodCall.toString().replace("\"", "\\\"") + " > " + value + "\\n"); } @Override public void visualizeStoreClassVals(FlowExpressions.ClassName className, A value) { this.sbStore.append(" " + className + " > " + toStringEscapeDoubleQuotes(value) + "\\n"); } @Override public void visualizeStoreKeyVal(String keyName, Object value) { this.sbStore.append(" " + keyName + " = " + value + "\\n"); } protected String escapeDoubleQuotes(final String str) { return str.replace("\"", "\\\""); } protected String toStringEscapeDoubleQuotes(final Object obj) { return escapeDoubleQuotes(String.valueOf(obj)); } @Override public void visualizeStoreHeader(String classCanonicalName) { this.sbStore.append(classCanonicalName + " (\\n"); } @Override public void visualizeStoreFooter() { this.sbStore.append(")"); } /** * Write a file {@code methods.txt} that contains a mapping from source code location to * generated dot file. */ @Override public void shutdown() { try { // Open for append, in case of multiple sub-checkers. FileWriter fstream = new FileWriter(outdir + "/methods.txt", true); BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(fstream); for (Map.Entry kv : generated.entrySet()) { out.write(kv.getKey()); out.append('\t'); out.write(kv.getValue()); out.append('\n'); } out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { ErrorReporter.errorAbort( "Error creating methods.txt file in: " + outdir + "; ensure the path is valid", e); } } }