// Copyright 2016 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include #include #include #include "src/tools/singlejar/test_util.h" #include "src/tools/singlejar/token_stream.h" #include "gtest/gtest.h" #define ARRAY_SIZE(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof((x)[0])) // Indirect command file contents (each string is a separate line): static const char *lines[] = { "-cmd1 foo", "bar", "'abcd'", "\"efg\"", "hi'x'", "'\\jkl'", "\"\\xyz\"", "\"\\\"0\"", "cont\\", "inue x", }; // Tokens that the tokenizer is expected to return from the // indirect file above: static const char *expected_tokens[] = { "-cmd1", "foo", "bar", "abcd", "efg", "hix", "\\jkl", "\\xyz", "\"0", "continue", "x", }; // Simple '-foo -bar' command line. TEST(TokenStreamTest, SimpleArgs) { const char *args[] = {"-foo", "-bar"}; ArgTokenStream token_stream(ARRAY_SIZE(args), args); EXPECT_EQ("-foo", token_stream.token()); bool flag_foo = false; EXPECT_FALSE(token_stream.MatchAndSet("-bar", &flag_foo)); ASSERT_TRUE(token_stream.MatchAndSet("-foo", &flag_foo)); EXPECT_TRUE(flag_foo); bool flag_bar = false; ASSERT_TRUE(token_stream.MatchAndSet("-bar", &flag_bar)); EXPECT_TRUE(flag_bar); EXPECT_TRUE(token_stream.AtEnd()); } // '-foo @commandfile -bar' command line. TEST(TokenStreamTest, CommandFile) { const char *tempdir = getenv("TEST_TMPDIR"); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, tempdir); std::string command_file_path = singlejar_test_util::OutputFilePath("tokens"); FILE *fp = fopen(command_file_path.c_str(), "w"); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, fp); for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(lines); ++i) { fprintf(fp, "%s\n", lines[i]); } fclose(fp); std::string command_file_arg = std::string("@") + command_file_path; const char *args[] = {"-before_file", "", "-after_file"}; args[1] = command_file_arg.c_str(); ArgTokenStream token_stream(ARRAY_SIZE(args), args); bool flag = false; ASSERT_TRUE(token_stream.MatchAndSet("-before_file", &flag)); EXPECT_TRUE(flag); for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(expected_tokens); ++i) { flag = false; ASSERT_TRUE(token_stream.MatchAndSet(expected_tokens[i], &flag)); EXPECT_TRUE(flag); } ASSERT_TRUE(token_stream.MatchAndSet("-after_file", &flag)); EXPECT_TRUE(flag); EXPECT_TRUE(token_stream.AtEnd()); } // '--arg1 optval1 --arg2' command line. TEST(TokenStreamTest, OptargOne) { const char *args[] = {"--arg1", "optval1", "--arg2", "--arg3", "optval3"}; ArgTokenStream token_stream(ARRAY_SIZE(args), args); std::string optval; EXPECT_FALSE(token_stream.MatchAndSet("--foo", &optval)); ASSERT_TRUE(token_stream.MatchAndSet("--arg1", &optval)); EXPECT_EQ("optval1", optval); bool flag = true; ASSERT_TRUE(token_stream.MatchAndSet("--arg2", &flag)); EXPECT_TRUE(flag); ASSERT_TRUE(token_stream.MatchAndSet("--arg3", &optval)); EXPECT_EQ("optval3", optval); EXPECT_TRUE(token_stream.AtEnd()); } // '--arg1 value1 value2 --arg2' command line. TEST(TokenStreamTest, OptargMulti) { const char *args[] = {"--arg1", "value11", "value12", "--arg2", "value21", "value22"}; ArgTokenStream token_stream(ARRAY_SIZE(args), args); std::vector optvals1; EXPECT_FALSE(token_stream.MatchAndSet("--arg2", &optvals1)); ASSERT_TRUE(token_stream.MatchAndSet("--arg1", &optvals1)); ASSERT_EQ(2, optvals1.size()); EXPECT_EQ("value11", optvals1[0]); EXPECT_EQ("value12", optvals1[1]); std::vector optvals2; ASSERT_TRUE(token_stream.MatchAndSet("--arg2", &optvals2)); ASSERT_EQ(2, optvals2.size()); EXPECT_EQ("value21", optvals2[0]); EXPECT_EQ("value22", optvals2[1]); EXPECT_TRUE(token_stream.AtEnd()); } // '--arg1 optval1,optsuff1 optval2,optstuff2 --arg2' command line. TEST(TokenStreamTest, OptargMultiSplit) { const char *args[] = {"--arg1", "optval1,optsuff1", "optval2,optsuff2", "optvalnosuff"}; ArgTokenStream token_stream(ARRAY_SIZE(args), args); std::vector > optvals1; EXPECT_FALSE(token_stream.MatchAndSet("--foo", &optvals1)); ASSERT_TRUE(token_stream.MatchAndSet("--arg1", &optvals1)); ASSERT_EQ(3, optvals1.size()); EXPECT_EQ("optval1", optvals1[0].first); EXPECT_EQ("optsuff1", optvals1[0].second); EXPECT_EQ("optval2", optvals1[1].first); EXPECT_EQ("optsuff2", optvals1[1].second); EXPECT_EQ("optvalnosuff", optvals1[2].first); EXPECT_EQ("", optvals1[2].second); }