// Copyright 2016 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include #include "src/main/cpp/util/file.h" #include "src/main/cpp/util/port.h" #include "src/main/cpp/util/strings.h" #include "src/tools/singlejar/input_jar.h" #include "src/tools/singlejar/options.h" #include "src/tools/singlejar/output_jar.h" #include "src/tools/singlejar/test_util.h" #include "gtest/gtest.h" #if !defined(JAR_TOOL_PATH) #error "The path to jar tool has to be defined via -DJAR_TOOL_PATH=" #endif namespace { using singlejar_test_util::CreateTextFile; using singlejar_test_util::GetEntryContents; using singlejar_test_util::GetEntryContents; using singlejar_test_util::OutputFilePath; using singlejar_test_util::RunCommand; using singlejar_test_util::VerifyZip; using std::string; #if !defined(DATA_DIR_TOP) #define DATA_DIR_TOP #endif const char kPathLibData1[] = DATA_DIR_TOP "src/tools/singlejar/libdata1.jar"; const char kPathLibData2[] = DATA_DIR_TOP "src/tools/singlejar/libdata2.jar"; static bool HasSubstr(const string &s, const string &what) { return string::npos != s.find(what); } // A subclass of the OutputJar which concatenates the contents of each // entry in the data/ directory from the input archives. class CustomOutputJar : public OutputJar { public: ~CustomOutputJar() override {} void ExtraHandler(const CDH *cdh, const std::string *input_jar_aux_label) override { auto file_name = cdh->file_name(); auto file_name_length = cdh->file_name_length(); if (file_name_length > 0 && file_name[file_name_length - 1] != '/' && begins_with(file_name, file_name_length, "tools/singlejar/data/")) { // The contents of the data/ on the output is the // concatenation of the data/ files from all inputs. std::string metadata_file_path(file_name, file_name_length); if (NewEntry(metadata_file_path)) { ExtraCombiner(metadata_file_path, new Concatenator(metadata_file_path)); } } } }; class OutputJarSimpleTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: void CreateOutput(const string &out_path, const std::vector &args) { const char *option_list[100] = {"--output", out_path.c_str()}; int nargs = 2; for (auto &arg : args) { if (arg.empty()) { continue; } option_list[nargs++] = arg.c_str(); if (arg.find(' ') == string::npos) { fprintf(stderr, " '%s'", arg.c_str()); } else { fprintf(stderr, " %s", arg.c_str()); } } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); options_.ParseCommandLine(nargs, option_list); ASSERT_EQ(0, output_jar_.Doit(&options_)); EXPECT_EQ(0, VerifyZip(out_path)); } string CompressionOptionsTestingJar(const string &compression_option) { string cp_res_path = CreateTextFile("cp_res", "line1\nline2\nline3\nline4\n"); string out_path = OutputFilePath("out.jar"); CreateOutput(out_path, {compression_option, "--sources", DATA_DIR_TOP "src/tools/singlejar/libtest1.jar", DATA_DIR_TOP "src/tools/singlejar/stored.jar", "--resources", cp_res_path, "--deploy_manifest_lines", "property1: value1", "property2: value2"}); return out_path; } OutputJar output_jar_; Options options_; }; // No inputs at all. TEST_F(OutputJarSimpleTest, Empty) { string out_path = OutputFilePath("out.jar"); CreateOutput(out_path, {}); InputJar input_jar; ASSERT_TRUE(input_jar.Open(out_path)); int entry_count = 0; const LH *lh; const CDH *cdh; const uint8_t cafe_extra_field[] = {0xFE, 0xCA, 0, 0}; while ((cdh = input_jar.NextEntry(&lh))) { ++entry_count; ASSERT_TRUE(cdh->is()) << "No expected tag in the Central Directory Entry."; ASSERT_NE(nullptr, lh) << "No local header."; ASSERT_TRUE(lh->is()) << "No expected tag in the Local Header."; EXPECT_EQ(lh->file_name_string(), cdh->file_name_string()); if (!cdh->no_size_in_local_header()) { EXPECT_EQ(lh->compressed_file_size(), cdh->compressed_file_size()) << "Entry: " << lh->file_name_string(); EXPECT_EQ(lh->uncompressed_file_size(), cdh->uncompressed_file_size()) << "Entry: " << cdh->file_name_string(); } // Verify that each entry has a reasonable timestamp. EXPECT_EQ(lh->last_mod_file_date(), cdh->last_mod_file_date()) << "Entry: " << lh->file_name_string(); EXPECT_EQ(lh->last_mod_file_time(), cdh->last_mod_file_time()) << "Entry: " << lh->file_name_string(); uint16_t dos_time = lh->last_mod_file_time(); uint16_t dos_date = lh->last_mod_file_date(); // Current time, rounded to even number of seconds because MSDOS timestamp // does this, too. time_t now = (time(nullptr) + 1) & ~1; struct tm tm_now; localtime_r(&now, &tm_now); char now_time_str[50]; strftime(now_time_str, sizeof(now_time_str), "%c", &tm_now); // Unpack MSDOS file timestamp. See the comment about its format in // output_jar.cc. struct tm tm; tm.tm_sec = (dos_time & 31) << 1; tm.tm_min = (dos_time >> 5) & 63; tm.tm_hour = (dos_time >> 11) & 31; tm.tm_mday = (dos_date & 31); tm.tm_mon = ((dos_date >> 5) & 15) - 1; tm.tm_year = ((dos_date >> 9) & 127) + 80; tm.tm_isdst = tm_now.tm_isdst; time_t entry_time = mktime(&tm); char entry_time_str[50]; strftime(entry_time_str, sizeof(entry_time_str), "%c", &tm); // Without --normalize option all the entries should have reasonably // current timestamp (which we arbitrarily choose to be <5 minutes). EXPECT_GE(now, entry_time) << now_time_str << " vs. " << entry_time_str; EXPECT_LE(now, entry_time + 300) << now_time_str << " vs. " << entry_time_str; // The first entry should be for the META-INF/ directory, and it should // contain a single extra field 0xCAFE. Although // https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-6808540 claims that this extra // field is optional, 'file' utility in Linux relies on to distinguish // jar from zip. if (entry_count == 1) { ASSERT_EQ("META-INF/", lh->file_name_string()); ASSERT_EQ(4, lh->extra_fields_length()); ASSERT_EQ(0, memcmp(cafe_extra_field, lh->extra_fields(), 4)); ASSERT_EQ(4, cdh->extra_fields_length()); ASSERT_EQ(0, memcmp(cafe_extra_field, cdh->extra_fields(), 4)); } } input_jar.Close(); string manifest = GetEntryContents(out_path, "META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"); EXPECT_EQ( "Manifest-Version: 1.0\r\n" "Created-By: singlejar\r\n" "\r\n", manifest); string build_properties = GetEntryContents(out_path, "build-data.properties"); EXPECT_PRED2(HasSubstr, build_properties, "build.target="); } // Source jars. TEST_F(OutputJarSimpleTest, Source) { string out_path = OutputFilePath("out.jar"); CreateOutput(out_path, {"--sources", DATA_DIR_TOP "src/tools/singlejar/libtest1.jar", DATA_DIR_TOP "src/tools/singlejar/libtest2.jar"}); InputJar input_jar; ASSERT_TRUE(input_jar.Open(out_path)); const LH *lh; const CDH *cdh; int file_count = 0; while ((cdh = input_jar.NextEntry(&lh))) { ASSERT_TRUE(cdh->is()) << "No expected tag in the Central Directory Entry."; ASSERT_NE(nullptr, lh) << "No local header."; ASSERT_TRUE(lh->is()) << "No expected tag in the Local Header."; EXPECT_EQ(lh->file_name_string(), cdh->file_name_string()); if (!cdh->no_size_in_local_header()) { EXPECT_EQ(lh->compressed_file_size(), cdh->compressed_file_size()) << "Entry: " << lh->file_name_string(); EXPECT_EQ(lh->uncompressed_file_size(), cdh->uncompressed_file_size()) << "Entry: " << cdh->file_name_string(); } if (lh->file_name()[lh->file_name_length() - 1] != '/') { ++file_count; } } ASSERT_LE(4, file_count); input_jar.Close(); } // Verify --java_launcher argument TEST_F(OutputJarSimpleTest, JavaLauncher) { string out_path = OutputFilePath("out.jar"); const char *launcher_path = DATA_DIR_TOP "src/tools/singlejar/libtest1.jar"; CreateOutput(out_path, {"--java_launcher", launcher_path}); // check that the offset of the first entry equals launcher size. InputJar input_jar; ASSERT_TRUE(input_jar.Open(out_path.c_str())); const LH *lh; const CDH *cdh; cdh = input_jar.NextEntry(&lh); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, cdh); struct stat statbuf; ASSERT_EQ(0, stat(launcher_path, &statbuf)); EXPECT_TRUE(cdh->is()); EXPECT_TRUE(lh->is()); EXPECT_EQ(statbuf.st_size, cdh->local_header_offset()); input_jar.Close(); } // --main_class option. TEST_F(OutputJarSimpleTest, MainClass) { string out_path = OutputFilePath("out.jar"); CreateOutput(out_path, {"--main_class", "com.google.my.Main"}); string manifest = GetEntryContents(out_path, "META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"); EXPECT_EQ( "Manifest-Version: 1.0\r\n" "Created-By: singlejar\r\n" "Main-Class: com.google.my.Main\r\n" "\r\n", manifest); } // --deploy_manifest_lines option. TEST_F(OutputJarSimpleTest, DeployManifestLines) { string out_path = OutputFilePath("out.jar"); CreateOutput(out_path, {"--deploy_manifest_lines", "property1: foo", "property2: bar"}); string manifest = GetEntryContents(out_path, "META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"); EXPECT_EQ( "Manifest-Version: 1.0\r\n" "Created-By: singlejar\r\n" "property1: foo\r\n" "property2: bar\r\n" "\r\n", manifest); } // --extra_build_info option TEST_F(OutputJarSimpleTest, ExtraBuildInfo) { string out_path = OutputFilePath("out.jar"); CreateOutput(out_path, {"--extra_build_info", "property1=value1", "--extra_build_info", "property2=value2"}); string build_properties = GetEntryContents(out_path, "build-data.properties"); EXPECT_PRED2(HasSubstr, build_properties, "\nproperty1=value1\n"); EXPECT_PRED2(HasSubstr, build_properties, "\nproperty2=value2\n"); } // --build_info_file and --extra_build_info options. TEST_F(OutputJarSimpleTest, BuildInfoFile) { string build_info_path1 = CreateTextFile("buildinfo1", "property11=value11\nproperty12=value12\n"); string build_info_path2 = CreateTextFile("buildinfo2", "property21=value21\nproperty22=value22\n"); string out_path = OutputFilePath("out.jar"); CreateOutput(out_path, {"--build_info_file", build_info_path1, "--extra_build_info", "property=value", "--build_info_file", build_info_path2.c_str()}); string build_properties = GetEntryContents(out_path, "build-data.properties"); EXPECT_PRED2(HasSubstr, build_properties, "property11=value11\n"); EXPECT_PRED2(HasSubstr, build_properties, "property12=value12\n"); EXPECT_PRED2(HasSubstr, build_properties, "property21=value21\n"); EXPECT_PRED2(HasSubstr, build_properties, "property22=value22\n"); EXPECT_PRED2(HasSubstr, build_properties, "property=value\n"); } // --resources option. TEST_F(OutputJarSimpleTest, Resources) { string res11_path = CreateTextFile("res11", "res11.line1\nres11.line2\n"); string res11_spec = res11_path + ":res1"; string res12_path = CreateTextFile("res12", "res12.line1\nres12.line2\n"); string res12_spec = res12_path + ":res1"; string res2_path = CreateTextFile("res2", "res2.line1\nres2.line2\n"); string out_path = OutputFilePath("out.jar"); CreateOutput(out_path, {"--resources", res11_spec, res12_spec, res2_path}); // The output should have 'res1' entry containing the concatenation of the // 'res11' and 'res12' files. string res1 = GetEntryContents(out_path, "res1"); EXPECT_EQ("res11.line1\nres11.line2\nres12.line1\nres12.line2\n", res1); // The output should have res2 path entry and contents. string res2 = GetEntryContents(out_path, res2_path); EXPECT_EQ("res2.line1\nres2.line2\n", res2); } TEST_F(OutputJarSimpleTest, ResourcesParentDirectories) { string res1_path = CreateTextFile("res1", "res1.line1\nres1.line2\n"); string res2_path = CreateTextFile("res2", "res2.line1\nres2.line2\n"); string out_path = OutputFilePath("out.jar"); CreateOutput(out_path, {"--exclude_build_data", "--resources", res1_path + ":the/resources/res1", res2_path + ":the/resources2/res2"}); string res1 = GetEntryContents(out_path, "the/resources/res1"); EXPECT_EQ("res1.line1\nres1.line2\n", res1); string res2 = GetEntryContents(out_path, "the/resources2/res2"); EXPECT_EQ("res2.line1\nres2.line2\n", res2); // The output should contain entries for parent directories std::vector expected_entries( {"META-INF/", "META-INF/MANIFEST.MF", "the/", "the/resources/", "the/resources/res1", "the/resources2/", "the/resources2/res2"}); std::vector jar_entries; InputJar input_jar; ASSERT_TRUE(input_jar.Open(out_path)); const LH *lh; const CDH *cdh; while ((cdh = input_jar.NextEntry(&lh))) { jar_entries.push_back(cdh->file_name_string()); } input_jar.Close(); EXPECT_EQ(expected_entries, jar_entries); } TEST_F(OutputJarSimpleTest, ResourcesDirectories) { string dir_path = OutputFilePath("resource_dir"); blaze_util::MakeDirectories(dir_path, 0777); string out_path = OutputFilePath("out.jar"); CreateOutput(out_path, {"--exclude_build_data", "--resources", dir_path + ":the/dir"}); // The output should contain entries for the directory std::vector expected_entries({ "META-INF/", "META-INF/MANIFEST.MF", "the/", "the/dir/", }); std::vector jar_entries; InputJar input_jar; ASSERT_TRUE(input_jar.Open(out_path)); const LH *lh; const CDH *cdh; while ((cdh = input_jar.NextEntry(&lh))) { jar_entries.push_back(cdh->file_name_string()); } input_jar.Close(); EXPECT_EQ(expected_entries, jar_entries); } // --classpath_resources TEST_F(OutputJarSimpleTest, ClasspathResources) { string res1_path = OutputFilePath("cp_res"); ASSERT_TRUE(blaze_util::WriteFile("line1\nline2\n", res1_path)); string out_path = OutputFilePath("out.jar"); CreateOutput(out_path, {"--classpath_resources", res1_path.c_str()}); string res = GetEntryContents(out_path, "cp_res"); EXPECT_EQ("line1\nline2\n", res); } // Duplicate entries for --resources or --classpath_resources TEST_F(OutputJarSimpleTest, DuplicateResources) { string cp_res_path = CreateTextFile("cp_res", "line1\nline2\n"); string res1_path = CreateTextFile("res1", "resline1\nresline2\n"); string res1_spec = res1_path + ":foo"; string res2_path = CreateTextFile("res2", "line3\nline4\n"); string res2_spec = res2_path + ":foo"; string out_path = OutputFilePath("out.jar"); CreateOutput(out_path, {"--warn_duplicate_resources", "--resources", res1_spec, res2_spec, "--classpath_resources", cp_res_path, cp_res_path}); string cp_res = GetEntryContents(out_path, "cp_res"); EXPECT_EQ("line1\nline2\n", cp_res); string foo = GetEntryContents(out_path, "foo"); EXPECT_EQ("resline1\nresline2\n", foo); } // Extra combiners TEST_F(OutputJarSimpleTest, ExtraCombiners) { string out_path = OutputFilePath("out.jar"); const char kEntry[] = "tools/singlejar/data/extra_file1"; output_jar_.ExtraCombiner(kEntry, new Concatenator(kEntry)); CreateOutput(out_path, {"--sources", kPathLibData1, kPathLibData2}); string contents1 = GetEntryContents(kPathLibData1, kEntry); string contents2 = GetEntryContents(kPathLibData2, kEntry); EXPECT_EQ(contents1 + contents2, GetEntryContents(out_path, kEntry)); } // Test ExtraHandler override. TEST_F(OutputJarSimpleTest, ExtraHandler) { string out_path = OutputFilePath("out.jar"); const char kEntry[] = "tools/singlejar/data/extra_file1"; const char *option_list[] = {"--output", out_path.c_str(), "--sources", kPathLibData1, kPathLibData2}; CustomOutputJar custom_output_jar; options_.ParseCommandLine(arraysize(option_list), option_list); ASSERT_EQ(0, custom_output_jar.Doit(&options_)); EXPECT_EQ(0, VerifyZip(out_path)); string contents1 = GetEntryContents(kPathLibData1, kEntry); string contents2 = GetEntryContents(kPathLibData2, kEntry); EXPECT_EQ(contents1 + contents2, GetEntryContents(out_path, kEntry)); } // --include_headers TEST_F(OutputJarSimpleTest, IncludeHeaders) { string out_path = OutputFilePath("out.jar"); CreateOutput(out_path, {"--sources", DATA_DIR_TOP "src/tools/singlejar/libtest1.jar", kPathLibData1, "--include_prefixes", "tools/singlejar/data"}); std::vector expected_entries( {"META-INF/", "META-INF/MANIFEST.MF", "build-data.properties", "tools/singlejar/data/", "tools/singlejar/data/extra_file1", "tools/singlejar/data/extra_file2"}); std::vector jar_entries; InputJar input_jar; ASSERT_TRUE(input_jar.Open(out_path)); const LH *lh; const CDH *cdh; while ((cdh = input_jar.NextEntry(&lh))) { jar_entries.push_back(cdh->file_name_string()); } input_jar.Close(); EXPECT_EQ(expected_entries, jar_entries); } // --normalize TEST_F(OutputJarSimpleTest, Normalize) { // Creates output jar containing entries from all possible sources: // * archives created by java_library rule, by jar tool, by zip // * resource files // * classpath resource files // * string out_path = OutputFilePath("out.jar"); string testjar_path = OutputFilePath("testinput.jar"); { char *jar_tool_path = realpath(JAR_TOOL_PATH, nullptr); string textfile_path = CreateTextFile("jar_testinput.txt", "jar_inputtext"); string classfile_path = CreateTextFile("JarTestInput.class", "Dummy"); unlink(testjar_path.c_str()); ASSERT_EQ( 0, RunCommand(jar_tool_path, "-cf", testjar_path.c_str(), textfile_path.c_str(), classfile_path.c_str(), nullptr)); free(jar_tool_path); } string testzip_path = OutputFilePath("testinput.zip"); { string textfile_path = CreateTextFile("zip_testinput.txt", "zip_inputtext"); string classfile_path = CreateTextFile("ZipTestInput.class", "Dummy"); unlink(testzip_path.c_str()); ASSERT_EQ( 0, RunCommand("zip", "-m", testzip_path.c_str(), textfile_path.c_str(), classfile_path.c_str(), nullptr)); } string resource_path = CreateTextFile("resource", "resource_text"); string cp_resource_path = CreateTextFile("cp_resource", "cp_resource_text"); // TODO(asmundak): check the following generated entries, too: // * services // * spring.schemas // * spring.handlers // * protobuf.meta // * extra combiner CreateOutput(out_path, {"--normalize", "--sources", DATA_DIR_TOP "src/tools/singlejar/libtest1.jar", testjar_path, testzip_path, "--resources", resource_path, "--classpath_resources", cp_resource_path}); // Scan all entries, verify that *.class entries have timestamp // 01/01/1980 00:00:02 and the rest have the timestamp of 01/01/1980 00:00:00. InputJar input_jar; ASSERT_TRUE(input_jar.Open(out_path)); const LH *lh; const CDH *cdh; while ((cdh = input_jar.NextEntry(&lh))) { string entry_name = cdh->file_name_string(); EXPECT_EQ(lh->last_mod_file_date(), cdh->last_mod_file_date()) << entry_name << " modification date"; EXPECT_EQ(lh->last_mod_file_time(), cdh->last_mod_file_time()) << entry_name << " modification time"; EXPECT_EQ(33, cdh->last_mod_file_date()) << entry_name << " modification date should be 01/01/1980"; auto n = entry_name.size() - strlen(".class"); if (0 == strcmp(entry_name.c_str() + n, ".class")) { EXPECT_EQ(1, cdh->last_mod_file_time()) << entry_name << " modification time for .class entry should be 00:00:02"; } else { EXPECT_EQ(0, cdh->last_mod_file_time()) << entry_name << " modification time for non .class entry should be 00:00:00"; } // Zip creates Unix timestamps, too. Check that normalization removes them. ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, cdh->unix_time_extra_field()) << entry_name << ": CDH should not have Unix Time extra field"; ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, lh->unix_time_extra_field()) << entry_name << ": LH should not have Unix Time extra field"; } input_jar.Close(); } // The files names META-INF/services/ are concatenated. // The files named META-INF/spring.handlers are concatenated. // The files named META-INF/spring.schemas are concatenated. TEST_F(OutputJarSimpleTest, Services) { CreateTextFile("META-INF/services/spi.DateProvider", "my.DateProviderImpl1\n"); CreateTextFile("META-INF/services/spi.TimeProvider", "my.TimeProviderImpl1\n"); CreateTextFile("META-INF/spring.handlers", "handler1\n"); CreateTextFile("META-INF/spring.schemas", "schema1\n"); // We have to be in the output directory if we want to have entries in the // archive to start with META-INF. The resulting zip will contain 4 entries: // META-INF/services/spi.DateProvider // META-INF/services/spi.TimeProvider // META-INF/spring.handlers // META-INF/spring.schemas string out_dir = OutputFilePath(""); ASSERT_EQ(0, RunCommand("cd", out_dir.c_str(), ";", "zip", "-mr", "testinput1.zip", "META-INF", nullptr)); string zip1_path = OutputFilePath("testinput1.zip"); // Create the second zip, with 3 files: // META-INF/services/spi.DateProvider. // META-INF/spring.handlers // META-INF/spring.schemas CreateTextFile("META-INF/services/spi.DateProvider", "my.DateProviderImpl2\n"); CreateTextFile("META-INF/spring.handlers", "handler2\n"); CreateTextFile("META-INF/spring.schemas", "schema2\n"); ASSERT_EQ(0, RunCommand("cd ", out_dir.c_str(), ";", "zip", "-mr", "testinput2.zip", "META-INF", nullptr)); string zip2_path = OutputFilePath("testinput2.zip"); // The output jar should contain two service entries. The contents of the // META-INF/services/spi.DateProvider should be the concatenation of the // contents of this entry from both archives. And it should also contain // spring.handlers and spring.schemas entries. string out_path = OutputFilePath("out.jar"); CreateOutput(out_path, {"--sources", zip1_path, zip2_path}); EXPECT_EQ("my.DateProviderImpl1\n" "my.DateProviderImpl2\n", GetEntryContents(out_path, "META-INF/services/spi.DateProvider")); EXPECT_EQ("my.TimeProviderImpl1\n", GetEntryContents(out_path, "META-INF/services/spi.TimeProvider")); EXPECT_EQ("schema1\n" "schema2\n", GetEntryContents(out_path, "META-INF/spring.schemas")); EXPECT_EQ("handler1\n" "handler2\n", GetEntryContents(out_path, "META-INF/spring.handlers")); } // Test that in the absence of the compression option all the plain files in // the output archive are not compressed but just stored. TEST_F(OutputJarSimpleTest, NoCompressionOption) { string out_path = CompressionOptionsTestingJar(""); InputJar input_jar; ASSERT_TRUE(input_jar.Open(out_path)); const LH *lh; const CDH *cdh; while ((cdh = input_jar.NextEntry(&lh))) { string entry_name = lh->file_name_string(); // Each file entry is compressed, each directory entry is uncompressed. EXPECT_EQ(lh->compression_method(), cdh->compression_method()); EXPECT_EQ(Z_NO_COMPRESSION, lh->compression_method()) << "Entry " << entry_name << " should be stored."; } input_jar.Close(); } // Test --compression option. If enabled, all file entries are compressed // while all directory entries remain uncompressed. TEST_F(OutputJarSimpleTest, CompressionOption) { string out_path = CompressionOptionsTestingJar("--compression"); InputJar input_jar; ASSERT_TRUE(input_jar.Open(out_path)); const LH *lh; const CDH *cdh; while ((cdh = input_jar.NextEntry(&lh))) { string entry_name = lh->file_name_string(); // Each file entry is compressed, each directory entry is uncompressed. EXPECT_EQ(lh->compression_method(), cdh->compression_method()); if (lh->file_name()[lh->file_name_length() - 1] != '/') { EXPECT_EQ(Z_DEFLATED, lh->compression_method()) << "File entry " << entry_name << " should be compressed."; } else { EXPECT_EQ(Z_NO_COMPRESSION, lh->compression_method()) << "Directory entry " << entry_name << " should be stored."; } } input_jar.Close(); } // Test --dontchangecompression option. If enabled, existing file entries are // copied as is, and created entries are compressed. // Test --compression option. If enabled, all file entries are compressed // while all directory entries remain uncompressed. TEST_F(OutputJarSimpleTest, DontChangeCompressionOption) { string out_path = CompressionOptionsTestingJar("--dont_change_compression"); InputJar input_jar; ASSERT_TRUE(input_jar.Open(out_path)); const LH *lh; const CDH *cdh; const char kStoredEntry[] = DATA_DIR_TOP "src/tools/singlejar/output_jar.cc"; while ((cdh = input_jar.NextEntry(&lh))) { string entry_name = lh->file_name_string(); EXPECT_EQ(lh->compression_method(), cdh->compression_method()); if (lh->file_name()[lh->file_name_length() - 1] != '/') { // All created file entries are compressed, and so are all the file // entries from the input jar created by the java_library rule. Only // the file entries from the 'stored_jar' should be uncompressed, and // it contains a single one: if (entry_name == kStoredEntry) { EXPECT_EQ(Z_NO_COMPRESSION, lh->compression_method()) << "File entry " << entry_name << " should be stored."; } else { EXPECT_EQ(Z_DEFLATED, lh->compression_method()) << "File entry " << entry_name << " should be compressed."; } } else { EXPECT_EQ(Z_NO_COMPRESSION, lh->compression_method()) << "Directory entry " << entry_name << " should be stored."; } } input_jar.Close(); } const char kBuildDataFile[] = "build-data.properties"; // Test --exclude_build_data option when none of the source archives contain // build-data.properties file: no such file in the output archive. TEST_F(OutputJarSimpleTest, ExcludeBuildData1) { string out_path = OutputFilePath("out.jar"); CreateOutput(out_path, {"--exclude_build_data"}); InputJar input_jar; ASSERT_TRUE(input_jar.Open(out_path)); const LH *lh; const CDH *cdh; while ((cdh = input_jar.NextEntry(&lh))) { string entry_name = lh->file_name_string(); EXPECT_NE(kBuildDataFile, lh->file_name_string()); } input_jar.Close(); } // Test --exclude_build_data option when a source archive contains // build-data.properties file, it should be then copied to the output. TEST_F(OutputJarSimpleTest, ExcludeBuildData2) { string out_dir = OutputFilePath(""); string testzip_path = OutputFilePath("testinput.zip"); string buildprop_path = CreateTextFile(kBuildDataFile, "build: foo"); unlink(testzip_path.c_str()); ASSERT_EQ(0, RunCommand("cd ", out_dir.c_str(), ";", "zip", "-m", "testinput.zip", kBuildDataFile , nullptr)); string out_path = OutputFilePath("out.jar"); CreateOutput(out_path, {"--exclude_build_data", "--sources", testzip_path}); EXPECT_EQ("build: foo", GetEntryContents(out_path, kBuildDataFile)); } // Test that the entries with suffixes in --nocompressed_suffixes are // not compressed. This applies both to the source archives' entries and // standalone files. TEST_F(OutputJarSimpleTest, Nocompress) { string res1_path = CreateTextFile("resource.foo", "line1\nline2\nline3\nline4\n"); string res2_path = CreateTextFile("resource.bar", "line1\nline2\nline3\nline4\n"); string out_path = OutputFilePath("out.jar"); CreateOutput(out_path, {"--compression", "--sources", DATA_DIR_TOP "src/tools/singlejar/libtest1.jar", "--resources", res1_path, res2_path, "--nocompress_suffixes", ".foo", ".h"}); InputJar input_jar; ASSERT_TRUE(input_jar.Open(out_path)); const LH *lh; const CDH *cdh; while ((cdh = input_jar.NextEntry(&lh))) { const char *entry_name_end = lh->file_name() + lh->file_name_length(); if (!strncmp(entry_name_end - 4, ".foo", 4) || !strncmp(entry_name_end - 2, ".h", 2)) { EXPECT_EQ(Z_NO_COMPRESSION, lh->compression_method()) << "Expected " << lh->file_name_string() << " uncompressed"; } else if (!strncmp(entry_name_end - 3, ".cc", 3) || !strncmp(entry_name_end - 4, ".bar", 4)) { EXPECT_EQ(Z_DEFLATED, lh->compression_method()) << "Expected " << lh->file_name_string() << " compressed"; } } input_jar.Close(); } } // namespace