// Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "src/tools/singlejar/desugar_checking.h" #include "src/tools/singlejar/input_jar.h" #include "src/tools/singlejar/zip_headers.h" #include "src/tools/singlejar/zlib_interface.h" #include "gtest/gtest.h" // A test fixture is used because friend access to class under test is needed. // Tests are instance methods to avoid gUnit dep in .h file. class Java8DesugarDepsCheckerTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: static void TestHasDefaultMethods() { Java8DesugarDepsChecker checker([](const std::string &) { return false; }, /*verbose=*/false); checker.has_default_methods_["a"] = true; checker.extended_interfaces_["c"] = {"b", "a"}; // Induce cycle (shouldn't happen but make sure we don't crash) checker.extended_interfaces_["d"] = {"e"}; checker.extended_interfaces_["e"] = {"d", "a"}; EXPECT_TRUE(checker.HasDefaultMethods("a")); EXPECT_FALSE(checker.HasDefaultMethods("b")); EXPECT_TRUE(checker.HasDefaultMethods("c")); // Transitivly through a EXPECT_TRUE(checker.HasDefaultMethods("d")); // Transitivly through a EXPECT_FALSE(checker.error_); } static void TestOutputEntry() { bool checkedA = false; Java8DesugarDepsChecker checker( [&checkedA](const std::string &binary_name) { checkedA = true; return binary_name == "a$$CC.class"; }, /*verbose=*/false); checker.has_default_methods_["a"] = true; checker.extended_interfaces_["b"] = {"c", "d"}; checker.extended_interfaces_["c"] = {"e"}; checker.needed_deps_["a$$CC.class"] = "f"; checker.missing_interfaces_["b"] = "g"; EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, checker.OutputEntry(/*compress=*/true)); EXPECT_TRUE(checkedA); // Make sure we checked b and its extended interfaces for default methods EXPECT_FALSE(checker.has_default_methods_.at("b")); // should be cached EXPECT_FALSE(checker.has_default_methods_.at("c")); // should be cached EXPECT_FALSE(checker.has_default_methods_.at("d")); // should be cached EXPECT_FALSE(checker.has_default_methods_.at("e")); // should be cached EXPECT_FALSE(checker.error_); } static void TestNeededDepMissing() { Java8DesugarDepsChecker checker([](const std::string &) { return false; }, /*verbose=*/false, /*fail_on_error=*/false); checker.needed_deps_["a$$CC.class"] = "b"; EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, checker.OutputEntry(/*compress=*/true)); EXPECT_TRUE(checker.error_); } static void TestMissedDefaultMethods() { Java8DesugarDepsChecker checker([](const std::string &) { return true; }, /*verbose=*/false, /*fail_on_error=*/false); checker.has_default_methods_["b"] = true; checker.extended_interfaces_["a"] = {"b", "a"}; checker.missing_interfaces_["a"] = "g"; EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, checker.OutputEntry(/*compress=*/true)); EXPECT_TRUE(checker.error_); } }; TEST_F(Java8DesugarDepsCheckerTest, HasDefaultMethods) { TestHasDefaultMethods(); } TEST_F(Java8DesugarDepsCheckerTest, OutputEntry) { TestOutputEntry(); } TEST_F(Java8DesugarDepsCheckerTest, NeededDepMissing) { TestNeededDepMissing(); } TEST_F(Java8DesugarDepsCheckerTest, MissingDefaultMethods) { TestMissedDefaultMethods(); }