// Copyright 2016 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.devtools.build.android.xml; import static com.google.common.base.Predicates.equalTo; import static com.google.common.base.Predicates.not; import com.android.aapt.Resources.Attribute; import com.android.aapt.Resources.Attribute.Symbol; import com.android.aapt.Resources.Value; import com.android.resources.ResourceType; import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import com.google.common.base.MoreObjects; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import com.google.common.collect.FluentIterable; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap; import com.google.common.collect.Ordering; import com.google.devtools.build.android.AndroidDataWritingVisitor; import com.google.devtools.build.android.AndroidDataWritingVisitor.StartTag; import com.google.devtools.build.android.AndroidDataWritingVisitor.ValuesResourceDefinition; import com.google.devtools.build.android.AndroidResourceSymbolSink; import com.google.devtools.build.android.DataSource; import com.google.devtools.build.android.FullyQualifiedName; import com.google.devtools.build.android.XmlResourceValue; import com.google.devtools.build.android.XmlResourceValues; import com.google.devtools.build.android.proto.SerializeFormat; import com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Set; import javax.annotation.CheckReturnValue; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import javax.annotation.concurrent.Immutable; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import javax.xml.stream.XMLEventReader; import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException; import javax.xml.stream.events.StartElement; import javax.xml.stream.events.XMLEvent; /** * Represents an Android Resource custom attribute. * *

Attribute are the most complicated Android resource, and therefore the least documented. Most * of the information about them is found by reading the android compatibility library source. An * Attribute defines a parameter that can be passed into a view class -- as such you can think of * attributes as creating slots for other resources to fit into. Each slot will have at least one * format, and can have multiples. Simple attributes (color, boolean, reference, dimension, float, * integer, string, and fraction) are defined as <attr name="name" format= * "format" /> while the complex ones, flag and enum, have sub parentTags: <attr * name= "name" ><flag name="name" value="value"> </attr>. * *

Attributes also have a double duty as defining validation logic for layout resources -- each * layout attribute *must* have a corresponding attribute which will be used to validate the * value/resource reference defined in it. * *

AttrXmlValue, due to the multiple types of attributes is actually a composite class that * contains multiple {@link XmlResourceValue} instances for each resource. */ @Immutable public class AttrXmlResourceValue implements XmlResourceValue { private static final String FRACTION = "fraction"; private static final String STRING = "string"; private static final String INTEGER = "integer"; private static final String FLOAT = "float"; private static final String DIMENSION = "dimension"; private static final String BOOLEAN = "boolean"; private static final String COLOR = "color"; private static final String REFERENCE = "reference"; private static final String ENUM = "enum"; private static final String FLAGS = "flags"; private static final QName TAG_ENUM = QName.valueOf(ENUM); private static final QName TAG_FLAG = QName.valueOf("flag"); private final ImmutableMap formats; private AttrXmlResourceValue(ImmutableMap formats) { this.formats = formats; } private static Map readSubValues(XMLEventReader reader, QName subTagType) throws XMLStreamException { ImmutableMap.Builder builder = ImmutableMap.builder(); while (reader.hasNext() && XmlResourceValues.isTag(XmlResourceValues.peekNextTag(reader), subTagType)) { StartElement element = reader.nextEvent().asStartElement(); builder.put( XmlResourceValues.getElementName(element), XmlResourceValues.getElementValue(element)); XMLEvent endTag = reader.nextEvent(); if (!XmlResourceValues.isEndTag(endTag, subTagType)) { throw new XMLStreamException( String.format("Unexpected [%s]; Expected %s", endTag, ""), endTag.getLocation()); } } return builder.build(); } private static void endAttrElement(XMLEventReader reader) throws XMLStreamException { XMLEvent endTag = reader.nextTag(); if (!endTag.isEndElement() || !QName.valueOf("attr").equals(endTag.asEndElement().getName())) { throw new XMLStreamException("Unexpected ParentTag:" + endTag, endTag.getLocation()); } } @VisibleForTesting private static final class BuilderEntry implements Map.Entry { private final String name; private final ResourceXmlAttrValue value; BuilderEntry(String name, ResourceXmlAttrValue value) { this.name = name; this.value = value; } @Override public String getKey() { return name; } @Override public ResourceXmlAttrValue getValue() { return value; } @Override public ResourceXmlAttrValue setValue(ResourceXmlAttrValue value) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } @SafeVarargs @VisibleForTesting public static XmlResourceValue fromFormatEntries( Map.Entry... entries) { return of(ImmutableMap.copyOf(Arrays.asList(entries))); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public static XmlResourceValue from(SerializeFormat.DataValueXml proto) throws InvalidProtocolBufferException { ImmutableMap.Builder formats = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (Map.Entry entry : proto.getMappedXmlValue().entrySet()) { switch (entry.getKey()) { case FLAGS: formats.put( entry.getKey(), FlagResourceXmlAttrValue.of(entry.getValue().getMappedStringValue())); break; case ENUM: formats.put( entry.getKey(), EnumResourceXmlAttrValue.of(entry.getValue().getMappedStringValue())); break; case REFERENCE: formats.put(entry.getKey(), ReferenceResourceXmlAttrValue.of()); break; case COLOR: formats.put(entry.getKey(), ColorResourceXmlAttrValue.of()); break; case BOOLEAN: formats.put(entry.getKey(), BooleanResourceXmlAttrValue.of()); break; case DIMENSION: formats.put(entry.getKey(), DimensionResourceXmlAttrValue.of()); break; case FLOAT: formats.put(entry.getKey(), FloatResourceXmlAttrValue.of()); break; case INTEGER: formats.put(entry.getKey(), IntegerResourceXmlAttrValue.of()); break; case STRING: formats.put(entry.getKey(), StringResourceXmlAttrValue.of()); break; case FRACTION: formats.put(entry.getKey(), FractionResourceXmlAttrValue.of()); break; default: throw new InvalidProtocolBufferException("Unexpected format: " + entry.getKey()); } } return of(formats.build()); } public static XmlResourceValue from(Value proto) throws InvalidProtocolBufferException { ImmutableMap.Builder formats = ImmutableMap.builder(); Attribute attribute = proto.getCompoundValue().getAttr(); int formatFlags = attribute.getFormatFlags(); if (formatFlags != 0xFFFF) { //These flags are defined in AOSP in ResourceTypes.h:ResTable_map if ((formatFlags & 1 << 0) != 0) { formats.put("reference", ReferenceResourceXmlAttrValue.of()); } if ((formatFlags & 1 << 1) != 0) { formats.put("string", StringResourceXmlAttrValue.of()); } if ((formatFlags & 1 << 2) != 0) { formats.put("integer", IntegerResourceXmlAttrValue.of()); } if ((formatFlags & 1 << 3) != 0) { formats.put("boolean", BooleanResourceXmlAttrValue.of()); } if ((formatFlags & 1 << 4) != 0) { formats.put("color", ColorResourceXmlAttrValue.of()); } if ((formatFlags & 1 << 5) != 0) { formats.put("float", FloatResourceXmlAttrValue.of()); } if ((formatFlags & 1 << 6) != 0) { formats.put("dimension", DimensionResourceXmlAttrValue.of()); } if ((formatFlags & 1 << 7) != 0) { formats.put("fraction", FractionResourceXmlAttrValue.of()); } if ((formatFlags & 1 << 16) != 0) { Map enums = new HashMap<>(); for (Symbol attrSymbol : attribute.getSymbolList()) { String name = attrSymbol.getName().getName().replaceFirst("id/", ""); enums.put(name, Integer.toString(attrSymbol.getValue())); } formats.put("enum", EnumResourceXmlAttrValue.of(enums)); } if ((formatFlags & 1 << 17) != 0) { Map flags = new HashMap<>(); for (Symbol attrSymbol : attribute.getSymbolList()) { String name = attrSymbol.getName().getName().replaceFirst("id/", ""); flags.put(name, Integer.toString(attrSymbol.getValue())); } formats.put("flags", FlagResourceXmlAttrValue.of(flags)); } if ((formatFlags & 0xFFFCFF00) != 0) { throw new InvalidProtocolBufferException( "Unexpected format flags: " + formatFlags); } } return of(formats.build()); } /** * Creates a new {@link AttrXmlResourceValue}. Returns null if there are no formats. */ @Nullable public static XmlResourceValue from( StartElement attr, @Nullable String format, XMLEventReader eventReader) throws XMLStreamException { Set formatNames = new HashSet<>(); if (format != null) { Collections.addAll(formatNames, format.split("\\|")); } XMLEvent nextTag = XmlResourceValues.peekNextTag(eventReader); if (nextTag != null && nextTag.isStartElement()) { QName tagName = nextTag.asStartElement().getName(); if (TAG_FLAG.equals(tagName)) { formatNames.add(FLAGS); } else { formatNames.add(tagName.getLocalPart().toLowerCase()); } } ImmutableMap.Builder formats = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (String formatName : formatNames) { switch (formatName) { case FLAGS: Map flags = readSubValues(eventReader, TAG_FLAG); endAttrElement(eventReader); formats.put(formatName, FlagResourceXmlAttrValue.of(flags)); break; case ENUM: Map enums = readSubValues(eventReader, TAG_ENUM); endAttrElement(eventReader); formats.put(formatName, EnumResourceXmlAttrValue.of(enums)); break; case REFERENCE: formats.put(formatName, ReferenceResourceXmlAttrValue.of()); break; case COLOR: formats.put(formatName, ColorResourceXmlAttrValue.of()); break; case BOOLEAN: formats.put(formatName, BooleanResourceXmlAttrValue.of()); break; case DIMENSION: formats.put(formatName, DimensionResourceXmlAttrValue.of()); break; case FLOAT: formats.put(formatName, FloatResourceXmlAttrValue.of()); break; case INTEGER: formats.put(formatName, IntegerResourceXmlAttrValue.of()); break; case STRING: formats.put(formatName, StringResourceXmlAttrValue.of()); break; case FRACTION: formats.put(formatName, FractionResourceXmlAttrValue.of()); break; default: throw new XMLStreamException( String.format("Unexpected attr format: %S", formatName), attr.getLocation()); } } return of(formats.build()); } public static XmlResourceValue of(ImmutableMap formats) { return new AttrXmlResourceValue(formats); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } AttrXmlResourceValue other = (AttrXmlResourceValue) o; return Objects.equals(formats, other.formats); } @Override public int hashCode() { return formats.hashCode(); } @Override public String toString() { return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this).add("formats", formats).toString(); } @Override public void write( FullyQualifiedName key, DataSource source, AndroidDataWritingVisitor mergedDataWriter) { if (formats.isEmpty()) { mergedDataWriter .define(key) .derivedFrom(source) .startTag("attr") .named(key) .closeUnaryTag() .save(); } else { ImmutableList formatKeys = FluentIterable.from(formats.keySet()) .filter(not(equalTo(FLAGS))) .filter(not(equalTo(ENUM))) .toSortedList(Ordering.natural()); StartTag startTag = mergedDataWriter .define(key) .derivedFrom(source) .startTag("attr") .named(key) .optional() .attribute("format") .setFrom(formatKeys) .joinedBy("|"); ValuesResourceDefinition definition; if (formats.keySet().contains(FLAGS) || formats.keySet().contains(ENUM)) { definition = startTag.closeTag(); for (ResourceXmlAttrValue value : formats.values()) { definition = value.writeTo(definition); } definition = definition.addCharactersOf("\n").endTag(); } else { definition = startTag.closeUnaryTag(); } definition.save(); } } @Override public void writeResourceToClass(FullyQualifiedName key, AndroidResourceSymbolSink sink) { sink.acceptSimpleResource(key.type(), key.name()); // Flags and enums generate ID fields. if (formats.keySet().contains(FLAGS) || formats.keySet().contains(ENUM)) { for (ResourceXmlAttrValue value : formats.values()) { value.writeToClass(sink); } } } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Override public int serializeTo(int sourceId, Namespaces namespaces, OutputStream output) throws IOException { SerializeFormat.DataValue.Builder builder = XmlResourceValues.newSerializableDataValueBuilder(sourceId); SerializeFormat.DataValueXml.Builder xmlValueBuilder = SerializeFormat.DataValueXml.newBuilder(); xmlValueBuilder .setType(SerializeFormat.DataValueXml.XmlType.ATTR) .putAllNamespace(namespaces.asMap()); for (Map.Entry entry : formats.entrySet()) { xmlValueBuilder.putMappedXmlValue( entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().appendTo(builder.getXmlValueBuilder())); } builder.setXmlValue(xmlValueBuilder); return XmlResourceValues.serializeProtoDataValue(output, builder); } @Override public XmlResourceValue combineWith(XmlResourceValue value) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(this + " is not a combinable resource."); } /** Represents the xml value for an attr definition. */ @CheckReturnValue public interface ResourceXmlAttrValue { ValuesResourceDefinition writeTo(ValuesResourceDefinition writer); SerializeFormat.DataValueXml appendTo(SerializeFormat.DataValueXml.Builder builder); void writeToClass(AndroidResourceSymbolSink writer); } // TODO(corysmith): The ResourceXmlAttrValue implementors, other than enum and flag, share a // lot of boilerplate. Determine how to reduce it. /** Represents an Android Enum Attribute resource. */ @VisibleForTesting public static class EnumResourceXmlAttrValue implements ResourceXmlAttrValue { private Map values; private EnumResourceXmlAttrValue(Map values) { this.values = values; } @VisibleForTesting public static Map.Entry asEntryOf(String... keyThenValue) { Preconditions.checkArgument(keyThenValue.length > 0); Preconditions.checkArgument(keyThenValue.length % 2 == 0); ImmutableMap.Builder builder = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (int i = 0; i < keyThenValue.length; i += 2) { builder.put(keyThenValue[i], keyThenValue[i + 1]); } return new BuilderEntry(ENUM, of(builder.build())); } public static ResourceXmlAttrValue of(Map values) { return new EnumResourceXmlAttrValue(values); } @Override public int hashCode() { return values.hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof EnumResourceXmlAttrValue)) { return false; } EnumResourceXmlAttrValue other = (EnumResourceXmlAttrValue) obj; return Objects.equals(values, other.values); } @Override public String toString() { return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(getClass()).add("values", values).toString(); } @Override public SerializeFormat.DataValueXml appendTo(SerializeFormat.DataValueXml.Builder builder) { return builder.putAllMappedStringValue(values).build(); } @Override public ValuesResourceDefinition writeTo(ValuesResourceDefinition writer) { for (Map.Entry entry : values.entrySet()) { writer = writer .startTag("enum") .attribute("name") .setTo(entry.getKey()) .attribute("value") .setTo(entry.getValue()) .closeUnaryTag() .addCharactersOf("\n"); } return writer; } @Override public void writeToClass(AndroidResourceSymbolSink writer) { for (Map.Entry entry : values.entrySet()) { writer.acceptSimpleResource(ResourceType.ID, entry.getKey()); } } } /** Represents an Android Flag Attribute resource. */ @VisibleForTesting public static class FlagResourceXmlAttrValue implements ResourceXmlAttrValue { private Map values; private FlagResourceXmlAttrValue(Map values) { this.values = values; } public static ResourceXmlAttrValue of(Map values) { // ImmutableMap guarantees a stable order. return new FlagResourceXmlAttrValue(ImmutableMap.copyOf(values)); } @VisibleForTesting public static Map.Entry asEntryOf(String... keyThenValue) { ImmutableMap.Builder builder = ImmutableMap.builder(); Preconditions.checkArgument(keyThenValue.length > 0); Preconditions.checkArgument(keyThenValue.length % 2 == 0); for (int i = 0; i < keyThenValue.length; i += 2) { builder.put(keyThenValue[i], keyThenValue[i + 1]); } return new BuilderEntry(FLAGS, of(builder.build())); } @Override public int hashCode() { return values.hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof FlagResourceXmlAttrValue)) { return false; } FlagResourceXmlAttrValue other = (FlagResourceXmlAttrValue) obj; return Objects.equals(values, other.values); } @Override public String toString() { return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(getClass()).add("values", values).toString(); } @Override public SerializeFormat.DataValueXml appendTo(SerializeFormat.DataValueXml.Builder builder) { return builder.putAllMappedStringValue(values).build(); } @Override public ValuesResourceDefinition writeTo(ValuesResourceDefinition writer) { for (Map.Entry entry : values.entrySet()) { writer = writer .startTag("flag") .attribute("name") .setTo(entry.getKey()) .attribute("value") .setTo(entry.getValue()) .closeUnaryTag(); } return writer; } @Override public void writeToClass(AndroidResourceSymbolSink writer) { for (Map.Entry entry : values.entrySet()) { writer.acceptSimpleResource(ResourceType.ID, entry.getKey()); } } } /** Represents an Android Reference Attribute resource. */ @VisibleForTesting public static class ReferenceResourceXmlAttrValue implements ResourceXmlAttrValue { private static final ReferenceResourceXmlAttrValue INSTANCE = new ReferenceResourceXmlAttrValue(); public static ResourceXmlAttrValue of() { return INSTANCE; } @VisibleForTesting public static BuilderEntry asEntry() { return new BuilderEntry(REFERENCE, of()); } @Override public SerializeFormat.DataValueXml appendTo(SerializeFormat.DataValueXml.Builder builder) { return builder.build(); } @Override public ValuesResourceDefinition writeTo(ValuesResourceDefinition writer) { return writer; } @Override public void writeToClass(AndroidResourceSymbolSink writer) {} } /** Represents an Android Color Attribute resource. */ @VisibleForTesting public static class ColorResourceXmlAttrValue implements ResourceXmlAttrValue { private static final ColorResourceXmlAttrValue INSTANCE = new ColorResourceXmlAttrValue(); public static ResourceXmlAttrValue of() { return INSTANCE; } @VisibleForTesting public static BuilderEntry asEntry() { return new BuilderEntry(COLOR, of()); } @Override public SerializeFormat.DataValueXml appendTo(SerializeFormat.DataValueXml.Builder builder) { return builder.build(); } @Override public ValuesResourceDefinition writeTo(ValuesResourceDefinition writer) { return writer; } @Override public void writeToClass(AndroidResourceSymbolSink writer) {} } /** Represents an Android Boolean Attribute resource. */ @VisibleForTesting public static class BooleanResourceXmlAttrValue implements ResourceXmlAttrValue { private static final BooleanResourceXmlAttrValue INSTANCE = new BooleanResourceXmlAttrValue(); public static ResourceXmlAttrValue of() { return INSTANCE; } @VisibleForTesting public static BuilderEntry asEntry() { return new BuilderEntry(BOOLEAN, of()); } @Override public SerializeFormat.DataValueXml appendTo(SerializeFormat.DataValueXml.Builder builder) { return builder.build(); } @Override public ValuesResourceDefinition writeTo(ValuesResourceDefinition writer) { return writer; } @Override public void writeToClass(AndroidResourceSymbolSink writer) {} } /** Represents an Android Float Attribute resource. */ @VisibleForTesting public static class FloatResourceXmlAttrValue implements ResourceXmlAttrValue { private static final FloatResourceXmlAttrValue INSTANCE = new FloatResourceXmlAttrValue(); public static ResourceXmlAttrValue of() { return INSTANCE; } @VisibleForTesting public static BuilderEntry asEntry() { return new BuilderEntry(FLOAT, of()); } @Override public SerializeFormat.DataValueXml appendTo(SerializeFormat.DataValueXml.Builder builder) { return builder.build(); } @Override public ValuesResourceDefinition writeTo(ValuesResourceDefinition writer) { return writer; } @Override public void writeToClass(AndroidResourceSymbolSink writer) {} } /** Represents an Android Dimension Attribute resource. */ @VisibleForTesting public static class DimensionResourceXmlAttrValue implements ResourceXmlAttrValue { private static final DimensionResourceXmlAttrValue INSTANCE = new DimensionResourceXmlAttrValue(); public static ResourceXmlAttrValue of() { return INSTANCE; } @VisibleForTesting public static BuilderEntry asEntry() { return new BuilderEntry(DIMENSION, of()); } @Override public SerializeFormat.DataValueXml appendTo(SerializeFormat.DataValueXml.Builder builder) { return builder.build(); } @Override public ValuesResourceDefinition writeTo(ValuesResourceDefinition writer) { return writer; } @Override public void writeToClass(AndroidResourceSymbolSink writer) {} } /** Represents an Android Integer Attribute resource. */ @VisibleForTesting public static class IntegerResourceXmlAttrValue implements ResourceXmlAttrValue { private static final IntegerResourceXmlAttrValue INSTANCE = new IntegerResourceXmlAttrValue(); public static ResourceXmlAttrValue of() { return INSTANCE; } @VisibleForTesting public static BuilderEntry asEntry() { return new BuilderEntry(INTEGER, of()); } @Override public SerializeFormat.DataValueXml appendTo(SerializeFormat.DataValueXml.Builder builder) { return builder.build(); } @Override public ValuesResourceDefinition writeTo(ValuesResourceDefinition writer) { return writer; } @Override public void writeToClass(AndroidResourceSymbolSink writer) {} } /** Represents an Android String Attribute resource. */ @VisibleForTesting public static class StringResourceXmlAttrValue implements ResourceXmlAttrValue { private static final StringResourceXmlAttrValue INSTANCE = new StringResourceXmlAttrValue(); public static ResourceXmlAttrValue of() { return INSTANCE; } @VisibleForTesting public static BuilderEntry asEntry() { return new BuilderEntry(STRING, of()); } @Override public SerializeFormat.DataValueXml appendTo(SerializeFormat.DataValueXml.Builder builder) { return builder.build(); } @Override public ValuesResourceDefinition writeTo(ValuesResourceDefinition writer) { return writer; } @Override public void writeToClass(AndroidResourceSymbolSink writer) {} } /** Represents an Android Fraction Attribute resource. */ @VisibleForTesting public static class FractionResourceXmlAttrValue implements ResourceXmlAttrValue { private static final FractionResourceXmlAttrValue INSTANCE = new FractionResourceXmlAttrValue(); public static ResourceXmlAttrValue of() { return INSTANCE; } @VisibleForTesting public static BuilderEntry asEntry() { return new BuilderEntry(FRACTION, of()); } @Override public SerializeFormat.DataValueXml appendTo(SerializeFormat.DataValueXml.Builder builder) { return builder.build(); } @Override public ValuesResourceDefinition writeTo(ValuesResourceDefinition writer) { return writer; } @Override public void writeToClass(AndroidResourceSymbolSink writer) {} } @Override public String asConflictStringWith(DataSource source) { return source.asConflictString(); } }