load( "//tools/build_rules:test_rules.bzl", "rule_test", "file_test", ) package(default_visibility = ["//src:__subpackages__"]) filegroup( name = "srcs", srcs = glob(["**"]) + ["//src/test/skylark/skylint:srcs"], ) [ py_test( name = "skylark_test_" + test_file.replace(".", "_"), srcs = [ "skylark_test.py", "testenv.py", ], args = [test_file], data = [ "//src/main/java/com/google/devtools/skylark:Skylark", test_file, ], main = "skylark_test.py", ) for test_file in glob(["testdata/*"]) ] ## Rest of the file should be moved somewhere else (under bazel/tools/). genrule( name = "tone_below", outs = [ "g1", "g2", ], cmd = "echo 48.9994 > $(location :g1) ; echo 97.9989 > $(location :g2)", ) rule_test( name = "assert_tone_below_1", generates = [ "g1", "g2", ], rule = "tone_below", ) file_test( name = "question_content", content = ("If you could ask a unique question to a computer during a Turing test, " + "what would you ask?\n"), file = "question.text", ) file_test( name = "question_regexp", file = "question.text", regexp = "[eu]n[uchs questi]\\+on", ) file_test( name = "question_regexp_1", file = "question.text", matches = 1, regexp = "what would you ask", )