#!/bin/bash # # Copyright 2015 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Testing environment for the Bazel integration tests # # TODO(bazel-team): This file is currently an append of the old testenv.sh and # test-setup.sh files. This must be cleaned up eventually. PLATFORM="$(uname -s | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z')" function is_windows() { # On windows, the shell test is actually running on msys [[ "${PLATFORM}" =~ msys_nt* ]] } function is_darwin() { [[ "${PLATFORM}" =~ darwin ]] } function _log_base() { prefix=$1 shift echo >&2 "${prefix}[$(basename "$0") $(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S (%z)")] $*" } function log_info() { _log_base "INFO" "$@" } function log_fatal() { _log_base "ERROR" "$@" exit 1 } if ! type rlocation &> /dev/null; then log_fatal "rlocation() is undefined" fi # Set some environment variables needed on Windows. if is_windows; then # TODO(philwo) remove this once we have a Bazel release that includes the CL # moving the Windows-specific TEST_TMPDIR into TestStrategy. TEST_TMPDIR_BASENAME="$(basename "$TEST_TMPDIR")" export JAVA_HOME="${JAVA_HOME:-$(ls -d C:/Program\ Files/Java/jdk* | sort | tail -n 1)}" export BAZEL_SH="$(cygpath -m /usr/bin/bash)" fi # Make the command "bazel" available for tests. PATH_TO_BAZEL_BIN=$(rlocation io_bazel/src/bazel) PATH_TO_BAZEL_WRAPPER="$(dirname $(rlocation io_bazel/src/test/shell/bin/bazel))" # Convert PATH_TO_BAZEL_WRAPPER to Unix path style on Windows, because it will be # added into PATH. There's problem if PATH=C:/msys64/usr/bin:/usr/local, # because ':' is used as both path seperator and in C:/msys64/... if is_windows; then PATH_TO_BAZEL_WRAPPER="$(cygpath -u "$PATH_TO_BAZEL_WRAPPER")" fi [ ! -f "${PATH_TO_BAZEL_WRAPPER}/bazel" ] \ && log_fatal "Unable to find the Bazel binary at $PATH_TO_BAZEL_WRAPPER/bazel" export PATH="$PATH_TO_BAZEL_WRAPPER:$PATH" ################### shell/bazel/testenv ################################## # Setting up the environment for Bazel integration tests. # [ -z "$TEST_SRCDIR" ] && log_fatal "TEST_SRCDIR not set!" BAZEL_RUNFILES="$TEST_SRCDIR/io_bazel" # WORKSPACE file workspace_file="${BAZEL_RUNFILES}/WORKSPACE" # Bazel bazel_tree="$(rlocation io_bazel/src/test/shell/bazel/doc-srcs.zip)" bazel_data="${BAZEL_RUNFILES}" # Java if is_windows; then jdk_dir="$(cygpath -m $(cd $(rlocation local_jdk/bin/java.exe)/../..; pwd))" else jdk_dir="${TEST_SRCDIR}/local_jdk" fi langtools="$(rlocation io_bazel/src/test/shell/bazel/langtools.jar)" # Tools directory location tools_dir="$(dirname $(rlocation io_bazel/tools/BUILD))" langtools_dir="$(dirname $(rlocation io_bazel/third_party/java/jdk/langtools/BUILD))" # Sandbox tools process_wrapper="${BAZEL_RUNFILES}/src/main/tools/process-wrapper" linux_sandbox="${BAZEL_RUNFILES}/src/main/tools/linux-sandbox" # Test data testdata_path=${BAZEL_RUNFILES}/src/test/shell/bazel/testdata python_server="${BAZEL_RUNFILES}/src/test/shell/bazel/testing_server.py" # Third-party MACHINE_TYPE="$(uname -m)" MACHINE_IS_64BIT='no' if [ "${MACHINE_TYPE}" = 'amd64' ] || [ "${MACHINE_TYPE}" = 'x86_64' ] || [ "${MACHINE_TYPE}" = 's390x' ]; then MACHINE_IS_64BIT='yes' fi MACHINE_IS_Z='no' if [ "${MACHINE_TYPE}" = 's390x' ]; then MACHINE_IS_Z='yes' fi # Requires //third_party/protobuf:protoc protoc_compiler="${BAZEL_RUNFILES}/third_party/protobuf/3.4.0/protoc" if [ -z ${RUNFILES_MANIFEST_ONLY+x} ]; then junit_jar="${BAZEL_RUNFILES}/third_party/junit/junit-*.jar" hamcrest_jar="${BAZEL_RUNFILES}/third_party/hamcrest/hamcrest-*.jar" else junit_jar=$(rlocation io_bazel/third_party/junit/junit-.*.jar) hamcrest_jar=$(rlocation io_bazel/third_party/hamcrest/hamcrest-.*.jar) fi function use_bazel_workspace_file() { mkdir -p src/test/shell/bazel cat >src/test/shell/bazel/list_source_repository.bzl <>tools/jdk/BUILD <<'EOF' filegroup(name = "test-langtools", srcs = ["langtools.jar"]) EOF mkdir -p third_party/java/jdk/langtools cp -R ${langtools_dir}/* third_party/java/jdk/langtools chmod -R +w . mkdir -p tools/defaults touch tools/defaults/BUILD mkdir -p third_party/py/gflags cat > third_party/py/gflags/BUILD <$TEST_TMPDIR/bazelrc <> WORKSPACE <> WORKSPACE <third_party/BUILD package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) EOF fi [ -e third_party/junit.jar ] || ln -s ${junit_jar} third_party/junit.jar [ -e third_party/hamcrest.jar ] \ || ln -s ${hamcrest_jar} third_party/hamcrest.jar } function setup_javatest_support() { setup_javatest_common grep -q 'name = "junit4"' third_party/BUILD \ || cat <>third_party/BUILD java_import( name = "junit4", jars = [ "junit.jar", "hamcrest.jar", ], ) EOF } function setup_skylark_javatest_support() { setup_javatest_common grep -q "name = \"junit4-jars\"" third_party/BUILD \ || cat <>third_party/BUILD filegroup( name = "junit4-jars", srcs = [ "junit.jar", "hamcrest.jar", ], ) EOF } # Sets up Objective-C tools. Mac only. function setup_objc_test_support() { IOS_SDK_VERSION=$(xcrun --sdk iphoneos --show-sdk-version) } workspaces=() # Set-up a new, clean workspace with only the tools installed. function create_new_workspace() { new_workspace_dir=${1:-$(mktemp -d ${TEST_TMPDIR}/workspace.XXXXXXXX)} rm -fr ${new_workspace_dir} mkdir -p ${new_workspace_dir} workspaces+=(${new_workspace_dir}) cd ${new_workspace_dir} mkdir tools mkdir -p third_party/java/jdk/langtools copy_tools_directory [ -e third_party/java/jdk/langtools/javac-9+181-r4173-1.jar ] \ || ln -s "${langtools_path}" third_party/java/jdk/langtools/javac-9+181-r4173-1.jar touch WORKSPACE } # Set-up a clean default workspace. function setup_clean_workspace() { export WORKSPACE_DIR=${TEST_TMPDIR}/workspace log_info "setting up client in ${WORKSPACE_DIR}" >> $TEST_log rm -fr ${WORKSPACE_DIR} create_new_workspace ${WORKSPACE_DIR} [ "${new_workspace_dir}" = "${WORKSPACE_DIR}" ] \ || log_fatal "Failed to create workspace" # On macOS, mktemp expects the template to have the Xs at the end. # On Linux, the Xs may be anywhere. local -r bazel_stdout="$(mktemp "${TEST_TMPDIR}/XXXXXXXX")" local -r bazel_stderr="${bazel_stdout}.err" # On Windows, we mustn't run Bazel in a subshell because of # https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/3148. bazel info install_base >"$bazel_stdout" 2>"$bazel_stderr" \ && export BAZEL_INSTALL_BASE=$(cat "$bazel_stdout") \ || log_fatal "'bazel info install_base' failed, stderr: $(cat "$bazel_stderr")" bazel info bazel-genfiles >"$bazel_stdout" 2>"$bazel_stderr" \ && export BAZEL_GENFILES_DIR=$(cat "$bazel_stdout") \ || log_fatal "'bazel info bazel-genfiles' failed, stderr: $(cat "$bazel_stderr")" bazel info bazel-bin >"$bazel_stdout" 2>"$bazel_stderr" \ && export BAZEL_BIN_DIR=$(cat "$bazel_stdout") \ || log_fatal "'bazel info bazel-bin' failed, stderr: $(cat "$bazel_stderr")" rm -f "$bazel_stdout" "$bazel_stderr" if is_windows; then export BAZEL_SH="$(cygpath --windows /bin/bash)" fi } # Clean up all files that are not in tools directories, to restart # from a clean workspace function cleanup_workspace() { if [ -d "${WORKSPACE_DIR:-}" ]; then log_info "Cleaning up workspace" >> $TEST_log cd ${WORKSPACE_DIR} bazel clean >> $TEST_log 2>&1 # Clean up the output base for i in *; do if ! is_tools_directory "$i"; then rm -fr "$i" fi done touch WORKSPACE fi for i in "${workspaces[@]}"; do if [ "$i" != "${WORKSPACE_DIR:-}" ]; then rm -fr $i fi done workspaces=() } # Clean-up the bazel install base function cleanup() { if [ -d "${BAZEL_INSTALL_BASE:-__does_not_exists__}" ]; then log_info "Cleaning up BAZEL_INSTALL_BASE under $BAZEL_INSTALL_BASE" # Windows takes its time to shut down Bazel and we can't delete A-server.jar # until then, so just give it time and keep trying for 2 minutes. for i in {1..120}; do if rm -fr "${BAZEL_INSTALL_BASE}" >&/dev/null ; then break fi if (( i == 10 )) || (( i == 30 )) || (( i == 60 )) ; then log_info "Test cleanup: couldn't delete ${BAZEL_INSTALL_BASE} after $i seconds" \ "(Timeout in $((120-i)) seconds.)" fi sleep 1 done fi } function tear_down() { cleanup_workspace } # # Simples assert to make the tests more readable # function assert_build() { bazel build -s --verbose_failures $* || fail "Failed to build $*" } function assert_build_output() { local OUTPUT=$1 shift assert_build "$*" test -f "$OUTPUT" || fail "Output $OUTPUT not found for target $*" } function assert_build_fails() { bazel build -s $1 >> $TEST_log 2>&1 \ && fail "Test $1 succeed while expecting failure" \ || true if [ -n "${2:-}" ]; then expect_log "$2" fi } function assert_test_ok() { bazel test --test_output=errors $* >> $TEST_log 2>&1 \ || fail "Test $1 failed while expecting success" } function assert_test_fails() { bazel test --test_output=errors $* >> $TEST_log 2>&1 \ && fail "Test $* succeed while expecting failure" \ || true expect_log "$1.*FAILED" } function assert_binary_run() { $1 >> $TEST_log 2>&1 || fail "Failed to run $1" [ -z "${2:-}" ] || expect_log "$2" } function assert_bazel_run() { bazel run $1 >> $TEST_log 2>&1 || fail "Failed to run $1" [ -z "${2:-}" ] || expect_log "$2" assert_binary_run "./bazel-bin/$(echo "$1" | sed 's|^//||' | sed 's|:|/|')" "${2:-}" } setup_bazelrc setup_clean_workspace ################### shell/integration/testenv ############################ # Setting up the environment for our legacy integration tests. # PRODUCT_NAME=bazel TOOLS_REPOSITORY="@bazel_tools" WORKSPACE_NAME=main bazelrc=$TEST_TMPDIR/bazelrc function put_bazel_on_path() { # do nothing as test-setup already does that true } function write_default_bazelrc() { setup_bazelrc } function add_to_bazelrc() { echo "$@" >> $bazelrc } function create_and_cd_client() { setup_clean_workspace echo "workspace(name = '$WORKSPACE_NAME')" >WORKSPACE touch .bazelrc } ################### Extra ############################ # Functions that need to be called before each test. create_and_cd_client