#!/bin/bash # # Copyright 2015 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. set -euo pipefail # Load the test setup defined in the parent directory CURRENT_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" source "${CURRENT_DIR}/../integration_test_setup.sh" \ || { echo "integration_test_setup.sh not found!" >&2; exit 1; } source "${CURRENT_DIR}/execution_statistics_utils.sh" \ || { echo "execution_statistics_utils.sh not found!" >&2; exit 1; } enable_errexit readonly CPU_TIME_SPENDER="${CURRENT_DIR}/../../../test/shell/integration/spend_cpu_time" readonly OUT_DIR="${TEST_TMPDIR}/out" readonly OUT="${OUT_DIR}/outfile" readonly ERR="${OUT_DIR}/errfile" readonly EXIT_STATUS_SIGALRM=$((128 + 14)) function set_up() { rm -rf $OUT_DIR mkdir -p $OUT_DIR } function assert_stdout() { assert_equals "$1" "$(cat $OUT)" } function assert_output() { assert_equals "$1" "$(cat $OUT)" assert_equals "$2" "$(cat $ERR)" } function test_basic_functionality() { $process_wrapper --stdout=$OUT --stderr=$ERR /bin/echo hi there &> $TEST_log || fail assert_output "hi there" "" } function test_to_stderr() { $process_wrapper --stdout=$OUT --stderr=$ERR /bin/sh -c "/bin/echo hi there >&2" &> $TEST_log || fail assert_output "" "hi there" } function test_exit_code() { local code=0 $process_wrapper --stdout=$OUT --stderr=$ERR /bin/sh -c "exit 71" &> $TEST_log || code=$? assert_equals 71 "$code" } function test_signal_death() { local code=0 $process_wrapper --stdout=$OUT --stderr=$ERR /bin/sh -c 'kill -ABRT $$' &> $TEST_log || code=$? assert_equals 134 "$code" # SIGNAL_BASE + SIGABRT = 128 + 6 } function test_signal_catcher() { local code=0 $process_wrapper --timeout=1 --kill_delay=10 --stdout=$OUT --stderr=$ERR /bin/sh -c \ 'trap "echo later; exit 0" INT TERM ALRM; sleep 10' &> $TEST_log || code=$? assert_equals "${EXIT_STATUS_SIGALRM}" "$code" assert_stdout "later" } function test_basic_timeout() { $process_wrapper --timeout=1 --kill_delay=2 --stdout=$OUT --stderr=$ERR /bin/sh -c \ "echo before; sleep 10; echo after" &> $TEST_log && fail assert_stdout "before" } # Tests that process_wrapper sends a SIGTERM to a process on timeout, but gives # it a grace period of 10 seconds before killing it with SIGKILL. # In this variant we expect the trap (that runs on SIGTERM) to exit within the # grace period, thus printing "beforeafter". function test_timeout_grace() { local code=0 $process_wrapper --timeout=1 --kill_delay=10 --stdout=$OUT --stderr=$ERR /bin/sh -c \ 'trap "echo before; sleep 1; echo after; exit 0" INT TERM ALRM; sleep 10' \ &> $TEST_log || code=$? assert_equals "${EXIT_STATUS_SIGALRM}" "$code" assert_stdout 'before after' } # Tests that process_wrapper sends a SIGTERM to a process on timeout, but gives # it a grace period of 2 seconds before killing it with SIGKILL. # In this variant, we expect the process to be killed with SIGKILL, because the # trap takes longer than the grace period, thus only printing "before". function test_timeout_kill() { local code=0 $process_wrapper --timeout=1 --kill_delay=2 --stdout=$OUT --stderr=$ERR /bin/sh -c \ 'trap "echo before; sleep 10; echo after; exit 0" INT TERM ALRM; sleep 10' \ &> $TEST_log || code=$? assert_equals "${EXIT_STATUS_SIGALRM}" "$code" assert_stdout "before" } function test_execvp_error_message() { local code=0 $process_wrapper --stdout=$OUT --stderr=$ERR /bin/notexisting &> $TEST_log || code=$? assert_equals 1 "$code" assert_contains "\"execvp(/bin/notexisting, ...)\": No such file or directory" "$ERR" } function assert_process_wrapper_exec_time() { local user_time_low="$1"; shift local user_time_high="$1"; shift local sys_time_low="$1"; shift local sys_time_high="$1"; shift local local_tmp="$(mktemp -d "${OUT_DIR}/assert_process_wrapper_timeXXXXXX")" local stdout_path="${local_tmp}/stdout" local stderr_path="${local_tmp}/stderr" local stats_out_path="${local_tmp}/statsfile" local stats_out_decoded_path="${local_tmp}/statsfile.decoded" # Wrapped process will be terminated after 100 seconds if not self terminated. local code=0 "${process_wrapper}" \ --timeout=100 \ --kill_delay=2 \ --stdout="${stdout_path}" \ --stderr="${stderr_path}" \ --stats="${stats_out_path}" \ "${CPU_TIME_SPENDER}" "${user_time_low}" "${sys_time_low}" \ &> "${TEST_log}" || code="$?" assert_equals 0 "${code}" assert_execution_time_in_range \ "${user_time_low}" \ "${user_time_high}" \ "${sys_time_low}" \ "${sys_time_high}" \ "${stats_out_path}" } function test_stats_high_user_time() { assert_process_wrapper_exec_time 10 12 0 2 } function test_stats_high_system_time() { assert_process_wrapper_exec_time 0 2 10 12 } function test_stats_high_user_time_and_high_system_time() { assert_process_wrapper_exec_time 10 12 10 12 } run_suite "process-wrapper"