#!/bin/bash # # Copyright 2018 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Load the test setup defined in the parent directory CURRENT_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" source "${CURRENT_DIR}/../integration_test_setup.sh" \ || { echo "integration_test_setup.sh not found!" >&2; exit 1; } test_result_recorded() { mkdir result_recorded && cd result_recorded rm -rf fetchrepo mkdir fetchrepo cd fetchrepo cat > rule.bzl <<'EOF' def _rule_impl(ctx): ctx.symlink(ctx.attr.build_file, "BUILD") return {"build_file": ctx.attr.build_file, "extra_arg": "foobar"} trivial_rule = repository_rule( implementation = _rule_impl, attrs = { "build_file" : attr.label() }, ) EOF cat > ext.BUILD <<'EOF' genrule( name = "foo", outs = ["foo.txt"], cmd = "echo bar > $@", ) EOF touch BUILD cat > WORKSPACE <<'EOF' load("//:rule.bzl", "trivial_rule") trivial_rule( name = "ext", build_file = "//:ext.BUILD", ) EOF bazel clean --expunge bazel build --experimental_repository_resolved_file=../repo.bzl @ext//... \ || fail "Expected success" # some of the file systems on our test machines are really slow to # notice the creation of a file---even after the call to sync(1). bazel shutdown; sync; sleep 10 # Verify that bazel can read the generated repo.bzl file and that it contains # the expected information cd .. echo; cat repo.bzl; echo; echo mkdir analysisrepo mv repo.bzl analysisrepo cd analysisrepo touch WORKSPACE cat > BUILD <<'EOF' load("//:repo.bzl", "resolved") [ genrule( name = "out", outs = ["out.txt"], cmd = "echo %s > $@" % entry["repositories"][0]["attributes"]["extra_arg"], ) for entry in resolved if entry["original_rule_class"] == "//:rule.bzl%trivial_rule" ] [ genrule( name = "origcount", outs = ["origcount.txt"], cmd = "echo %s > $@" % len(entry["original_attributes"]) ) for entry in resolved if entry["original_rule_class"] == "//:rule.bzl%trivial_rule" ] EOF bazel build :out :origcount || fail "Expected success" grep "foobar" `bazel info bazel-genfiles`/out.txt \ || fail "Did not find the expected value" [ $(cat `bazel info bazel-genfiles`/origcount.txt) -eq 2 ] \ || fail "Not the correct number of original attributes" } test_git_return_value() { EXTREPODIR=`pwd` export GIT_CONFIG_NOSYSTEM=YES mkdir extgit (cd extgit && git init \ && git config user.email 'me@example.com' \ && git config user.name 'E X Ample' ) echo Hello World > extgit/hello.txt (cd extgit git add . git commit --author="A U Thor " -m 'initial commit' git tag mytag) # Check out the external git repository at the given tag, and record # the return value of the git rule. mkdir tagcheckout cd tagcheckout cat > WORKSPACE < extgit/hello.txt (cd extgit git add . git commit --author="A U Thor " -m 'change hello.txt' git tag -f mytag) # Verify that the recorded resolved information is what we expect. In # particular, verify that we don't get the new upstream commit. mkdir analysisrepo cd analysisrepo cp ../repo.bzl . cat > workspace.bzl <<'EOF' load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:git.bzl", "new_git_repository") load("//:repo.bzl", "resolved") def repo(): for entry in resolved: if entry["original_attributes"]["name"] == "ext": new_git_repository(**(entry["repositories"][0]["attributes"])) EOF cat > WORKSPACE <<'EOF' load("//:workspace.bzl", "repo") repo() EOF cat > BUILD <<'EOF' genrule( name = "out", outs = ["out.txt"], srcs = ["@ext//:hello.txt"], cmd = "cp $< $@", ) EOF bazel build //:out grep "Hello World" `bazel info bazel-genfiles`/out.txt \ || fail "ext not taken at the right commit" grep "CHANGED" `bazel info bazel-genfiles`/out.txt \ && fail "not taking the frozen commit" || : } test_git_follow_branch() { EXTREPODIR=`pwd` export GIT_CONFIG_NOSYSTEM=YES mkdir extgit (cd extgit && git init \ && git config user.email 'me@example.com' \ && git config user.name 'E X Ample' ) echo Hello World > extgit/hello.txt (cd extgit git add . git commit --author="A U Thor " -m 'initial commit') # Check out the external git repository at the given branch, and record # the return value of the git rule. mkdir branchcheckout cd branchcheckout cat > WORKSPACE < extgit/hello.txt (cd extgit git add . git commit --author="A U Thor " -m 'change hello.txt') # Verify that the recorded resolved information is what we expect. In # particular, verify that we don't get the new upstream commit. mkdir analysisrepo cd analysisrepo cp ../repo.bzl . cat > workspace.bzl <<'EOF' load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:git.bzl", "new_git_repository") load("//:repo.bzl", "resolved") def repo(): for entry in resolved: if entry["original_attributes"]["name"] == "ext": new_git_repository(**(entry["repositories"][0]["attributes"])) EOF cat > WORKSPACE <<'EOF' load("//:workspace.bzl", "repo") repo() EOF cat > BUILD <<'EOF' genrule( name = "out", outs = ["out.txt"], srcs = ["@ext//:hello.txt"], cmd = "cp $< $@", ) EOF bazel build //:out grep "Hello World" `bazel info bazel-genfiles`/out.txt \ || fail "ext not taken at the right commit" grep "CHANGED" `bazel info bazel-genfiles`/out.txt \ && fail "not taking the frozen commit" || : } test_sync_calls_all() { mkdir sync_calls_all && cd sync_calls_all rm -rf fetchrepo mkdir fetchrepo rm -f repo.bzl cd fetchrepo cat > rule.bzl <<'EOF' def _rule_impl(ctx): ctx.file("foo.bzl", """ it = "foo" other = "bar" """) ctx.file("BUILD", "") return {"comment" : ctx.attr.comment } trivial_rule = repository_rule( implementation = _rule_impl, attrs = { "comment" : attr.string() }, ) EOF touch BUILD cat > WORKSPACE <<'EOF' load("//:rule.bzl", "trivial_rule") trivial_rule(name = "a", comment = "bootstrap") load("@a//:foo.bzl", "it") trivial_rule(name = "b", comment = it) trivial_rule(name = "c", comment = it) load("@c//:foo.bzl", "other") trivial_rule(name = "d", comment = other) EOF bazel clean --expunge bazel sync --experimental_repository_resolved_file=../repo.bzl # some of the file systems on our test machines are really slow to # notice the creation of a file---even after the call to sync(1). bazel shutdown; sync; sleep 10 cd .. echo; cat repo.bzl; echo touch WORKSPACE cat > BUILD <<'EOF' load("//:repo.bzl", "resolved") names = [entry["original_attributes"]["name"] for entry in resolved] [ genrule( name = name, outs = [ "%s.txt" % (name,) ], cmd = "echo %s > $@" % (name,), ) for name in names ] EOF bazel build :a :b :c :d || fail "Expected all 4 repositories to be present" } test_sync_call_invalidates() { mkdir sync_call_invalidates && cd sync_call_invalidates rm -rf fetchrepo mkdir fetchrepo rm -f repo.bzl touch BUILD cat > rule.bzl <<'EOF' def _rule_impl(ctx): ctx.file("BUILD", """ genrule( name = "it", outs = ["it.txt"], cmd = "echo hello world > $@", ) """) ctx.file("WORKSPACE", "") trivial_rule = repository_rule( implementation = _rule_impl, attrs = {}, ) EOF cat > WORKSPACE <<'EOF' load("//:rule.bzl", "trivial_rule") trivial_rule(name = "a") trivial_rule(name = "b") EOF bazel build @a//... @b//... echo; echo sync run; echo bazel sync --experimental_repository_resolved_file=../repo.bzl # some of the file systems on our test machines are really slow to # notice the creation of a file---even after the call to sync(1). bazel shutdown; sync; sleep 10 cd .. echo; cat repo.bzl; echo touch WORKSPACE cat > BUILD <<'EOF' load("//:repo.bzl", "resolved") names = [entry["original_attributes"]["name"] for entry in resolved] [ genrule( name = name, outs = [ "%s.txt" % (name,) ], cmd = "echo %s > $@" % (name,), ) for name in names ] EOF bazel build :a :b || fail "Expected both repositories to be present" } test_sync_load_errors_reported() { rm -rf fetchrepo mkdir fetchrepo cd fetchrepo cat > WORKSPACE <<'EOF' load("//does/not:exist.bzl", "randomfunction") radomfunction(name="foo") EOF bazel sync > "${TEST_log}" 2>&1 && fail "Expected failure" || : expect_log '//does/not:exist.bzl' } test_sync_debug_and_errors_printed() { rm -rf fetchrepo mkdir fetchrepo cd fetchrepo cat > rule.bzl <<'EOF' def _broken_rule_impl(ctx): print("DEBUG-message") fail("Failure-message") broken_rule = repository_rule( implementation = _broken_rule_impl, attrs = {}, ) EOF touch BUILD cat > WORKSPACE <<'EOF' load("//:rule.bzl", "broken_rule") broken_rule(name = "broken") EOF bazel sync > "${TEST_log}" 2>&1 && fail "expected failure" || : expect_log "DEBUG-message" expect_log "Failure-message" } test_indirect_call() { rm -rf fetchrepo mkdir fetchrepo cd fetchrepo touch BUILD cat > rule.bzl <<'EOF' def _trivial_rule_impl(ctx): ctx.file("BUILD","genrule(name='hello', outs=['hello.txt'], cmd=' echo hello world > $@')") trivial_rule = repository_rule( implementation = _trivial_rule_impl, attrs = {}, ) EOF cat > indirect.bzl <<'EOF' def call(fn_name, **args): fn_name(**args) EOF cat > WORKSPACE <<'EOF' load("//:rule.bzl", "trivial_rule") load("//:indirect.bzl", "call") call(trivial_rule, name="foo") EOF bazel sync --experimental_repository_resolved_file=../repo.bzl bazel shutdown; sync; sleep 10 cd .. echo; cat repo.bzl; echo touch WORKSPACE cat > BUILD <<'EOF' load("//:repo.bzl", "resolved") ruleclass = "".join([entry["original_rule_class"] for entry in resolved if entry["original_attributes"]["name"]=="foo"]) genrule( name = "ruleclass", outs = ["ruleclass.txt"], cmd = "echo %s > $@" % (ruleclass,) ) EOF bazel build //:ruleclass cat `bazel info bazel-genfiles`/ruleclass.txt > ${TEST_log} expect_log '//:rule.bzl%trivial_rule' expect_not_log 'fn_name' } create_sample_repository() { # Create, in the current direcotry, a repository that creates an external # repository `foo` containing # - file with fixed data, generated by ctx.file, # - a BUILD file linked from the main repository # - a symlink to ., and # - danling absolute and reproducible symlink. touch BUILD cat > rule.bzl <<'EOF' def _trivial_rule_impl(ctx): ctx.symlink(ctx.attr.build_file, "BUILD") ctx.file("data.txt", "some data") ctx.execute(["ln", "-s", ".", "self_link"]) ctx.execute(["ln", "-s", "/does/not/exist", "dangling"]) trivial_rule = repository_rule( implementation = _trivial_rule_impl, attrs = { "build_file" : attr.label() }, ) EOF echo '# fixed contents' > BUILD.remote cat > WORKSPACE <<'EOF' load("//:rule.bzl", "trivial_rule") trivial_rule(name="foo", build_file="@//:BUILD.remote") EOF } test_hash_included_and_reproducible() { # Verify that a hash of the output directory is included, that # the hash is invariant under # - change of the working directory, and # - and current time. rm -rf fetchrepoA mkdir fetchrepoA cd fetchrepoA create_sample_repository bazel sync --experimental_repository_resolved_file=../repo.bzl bazel shutdown; sync; sleep 10 cd .. echo; cat repo.bzl; echo touch WORKSPACE cat > BUILD <<'EOF' load("//:repo.bzl", "resolved") hashes = [entry["repositories"][0]["output_tree_hash"] for entry in resolved if entry["original_attributes"]["name"]=="foo"] [genrule( name="hash", outs=["hash.txt"], cmd="echo '%s' > $@" % (hash,), ) for hash in hashes] EOF bazel build //:hash cp `bazel info bazel-genfiles`/hash.txt hashA.txt cat hashA.txt > "${TEST_log}" [ `cat hashA.txt | wc -c` -gt 2 ] \ || fail "A hash of reasonable length expected" bazel clean --expunge rm repo.bzl rm -rf fetchrepoB mkdir fetchrepoB cd fetchrepoB create_sample_repository bazel sync --experimental_repository_resolved_file=../repo.bzl bazel shutdown; sync; sleep 10 cd .. echo; cat repo.bzl; echo bazel build //:hash cp `bazel info bazel-genfiles`/hash.txt hashB.txt cat hashB.txt > "${TEST_log}" diff hashA.txt hashB.txt || fail "Expected hash to be reproducible" } test_non_reproducibility_detected() { # Verify that a non-reproducible rule is detected by hash verification mkdir repo cd repo touch BUILD cat > rule.bzl <<'EOF' def _time_rule_impl(ctx): ctx.execute(["bash", "-c", "date +%s > timestamp"]) time_rule = repository_rule( implementation = _time_rule_impl, attrs = {}, ) EOF cat > WORKSPACE <<'EOF' load("//:rule.bzl", "time_rule") time_rule(name="timestamprepo") EOF bazel sync --experimental_repository_resolved_file=resolved.bzl sync; sleep 10 bazel sync --experimental_repository_hash_file=`pwd`/resolved.bzl \ --experimental_verify_repository_rules='//:rule.bzl%time_rule' \ > "${TEST_log}" 2>&1 && fail "expected failure" || : expect_log "timestamprepo.*hash" } run_suite "workspace_resolved_test tests"