# Copyright 2018 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Convenience macro for skydoc tests. Each target represents two targets: # 1. A sh_test target which verifies that skydoc, when run on an input file, # creates output matching the contents of a golden file. # 2. A genrule target which will generate a new golden file given an input file # and the current version of skydoc. This target should be used to regenerate # the golden file if changes are made to skydoc. """Convenience macro for skydoc tests.""" def skydoc_test(name, input_file, golden_file, skydoc, deps = [], whitelisted_symbols = []): """Creates a test target and golden-file regeneration target for skydoc testing. The test target is named "{name}_e2e_test". The golden-file regeneration target is named "regenerate_{name}_golden". Args: name: A unique name to qualify the created targets. input_file: The label string of the skylark input file for which documentation is generated in this test. golden_file: The label string of the golden file containing the documentation when skydoc is run on the input file. skydoc: The label string of the skydoc binary. deps: A list of label strings of skylark file dependencies of the input_file. whitelisted_symbols: A list of strings representing top-level symbols in the input file to generate documentation for. If empty, documentation for all top-level symbols will be generated. """ output_golden_file = "%s_output.txt" % name # Skydoc requires an absolute input file label to both load the target file and # track what its target is for the purpose of resolving relative labels. abs_input_file_label = str(Label("//%s" % native.package_name()).relative(input_file)) native.sh_test( name = "%s_e2e_test" % name, srcs = ["skydoc_e2e_test_runner.sh"], args = [ "$(location %s)" % skydoc, abs_input_file_label, "$(location %s)" % golden_file, ] + whitelisted_symbols, data = [ input_file, golden_file, skydoc, ] + deps, ) native.genrule( name = "regenerate_%s_golden" % name, srcs = [ input_file, ] + deps, outs = [output_golden_file], heuristic_label_expansion = 0, cmd = "$(location %s) " % skydoc + "%s $(location %s) " % (abs_input_file_label, output_golden_file) + " ".join(whitelisted_symbols), tools = [skydoc], )