// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.devtools.build.lib.util; import static com.google.common.truth.Truth.assertThat; import com.google.common.base.Function; import com.google.common.base.Strings; import com.google.common.collect.Lists; import com.google.common.collect.Maps; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.testutil.TestUtils; import java.util.List; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.JUnit4; /** * Test for the StringIndexer classes. */ public abstract class StringIndexerTest { private static final int ATTEMPTS = 1000; private SortedMap mappings; protected StringIndexer indexer; private final Object lock = new Object(); @Before public final void createIndexer() throws Exception { indexer = newIndexer(); mappings = Maps.newTreeMap(); } protected abstract StringIndexer newIndexer(); protected void assertSize(int expected) { assertThat(indexer.size()).isEqualTo(expected); } protected void assertNoIndex(String s) { int size = indexer.size(); assertThat(indexer.getIndex(s)).isEqualTo(-1); assertThat(indexer.size()).isEqualTo(size); } protected void assertIndex(int expected, String s) { // System.out.println("Adding " + s + ", expecting " + expected); int index = indexer.getOrCreateIndex(s); // System.out.println(csi); assertThat(index).isEqualTo(expected); mappings.put(expected, s); } protected void assertContent() { for (int i = 0; i < indexer.size(); i++) { assertThat(mappings.get(i)).isNotNull(); assertThat(mappings).containsEntry(i, indexer.getStringForIndex(i)); } } private void assertConcurrentUpdates(Function keyGenerator) throws Exception { final AtomicInteger safeIndex = new AtomicInteger(-1); List keys = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(ATTEMPTS); ThreadPoolExecutor executor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(3, 3, 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS, new ArrayBlockingQueue(ATTEMPTS)); synchronized(lock) { for (int i = 0; i < ATTEMPTS; i++) { final String key = keyGenerator.apply(i); keys.add(key); executor.execute( () -> { int index = indexer.getOrCreateIndex(key); if (safeIndex.get() < index) { safeIndex.set(index); } indexer.addString(key); }); } } try { while(!executor.getQueue().isEmpty()) { // Validate that we can execute concurrent queries too. if (safeIndex.get() >= 0) { int index = safeIndex.get(); // Retrieve string using random existing index and validate reverse mapping. String key = indexer.getStringForIndex(index); assertThat(key).isNotNull(); assertThat(indexer.getIndex(key)).isEqualTo(index); } } } finally { executor.shutdown(); executor.awaitTermination(TestUtils.WAIT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } for (String key : keys) { // Validate mapping between keys and indices. assertThat(indexer.getStringForIndex(indexer.getIndex(key))).isEqualTo(key); } } @Test public void concurrentAddChildNode() throws Exception { assertConcurrentUpdates(from -> Strings.repeat("a", from + 1)); } @Test public void concurrentSplitNodeSuffix() throws Exception { assertConcurrentUpdates(from -> Strings.repeat("b", ATTEMPTS - from)); } @Test public void concurrentAddBranch() throws Exception { assertConcurrentUpdates(from -> String.format("%08o", from)); } @RunWith(JUnit4.class) public static class CompactStringIndexerTest extends StringIndexerTest { @Override protected StringIndexer newIndexer() { return new CompactStringIndexer(1); } @Test public void basicOperations() { assertSize(0); assertNoIndex("abcdef"); assertIndex(0, "abcdef"); // root node creation assertIndex(0, "abcdef"); // root node match assertSize(1); assertIndex(2, "abddef"); // node branching, index 1 went to "ab" node. assertSize(3); assertIndex(1, "ab"); assertSize(3); assertIndex(3, "abcdefghik"); // new leaf creation assertSize(4); assertIndex(4, "abcdefgh"); // node split assertSize(5); assertNoIndex("a"); assertNoIndex("abc"); assertNoIndex("abcdefg"); assertNoIndex("abcdefghil"); assertNoIndex("abcdefghikl"); assertContent(); indexer.clear(); assertSize(0); assertThat(indexer.getStringForIndex(0)).isNull(); assertThat(indexer.getStringForIndex(1000)).isNull(); } @Test public void parentIndexUpdate() { assertSize(0); assertIndex(0, "abcdefghik"); // Create 3 nodes with single common parent "abcdefgh". assertIndex(2, "abcdefghlm"); // Index 1 went to "abcdefgh". assertIndex(3, "abcdefghxyz"); assertSize(4); assertIndex(5, "abcdpqr"); // Split parent. Index 4 went to "abcd". assertSize(6); assertIndex(1, "abcdefgh"); // Check branch node indices. assertIndex(4, "abcd"); assertSize(6); assertContent(); } @Test public void emptyRootNode() { assertSize(0); assertIndex(0, "abc"); assertNoIndex(""); assertIndex(2, "def"); // root node key is now empty string and has index 1. assertSize(3); assertIndex(1, ""); assertSize(3); assertContent(); } protected void setupTestContent() { assertSize(0); assertIndex(0, "abcdefghi"); // Create leafs assertIndex(2, "abcdefjkl"); assertIndex(3, "abcdefmno"); assertIndex(4, "abcdefjklpr"); assertIndex(6, "abcdstr"); assertIndex(8, "012345"); assertSize(9); assertIndex(1, "abcdef"); // Validate inner nodes assertIndex(5, "abcd"); assertIndex(7, ""); assertSize(9); assertContent(); } @Test public void dumpContent() { indexer = newIndexer(); indexer.addString("abc"); String content = indexer.toString(); assertThat(content).contains("size = 1"); assertThat(content).contains("contentSize = 5"); indexer = newIndexer(); setupTestContent(); content = indexer.toString(); assertThat(content).contains("size = 9"); assertThat(content).contains("contentSize = 60"); System.out.println(indexer); } @Test public void addStringResult() { assertSize(0); assertThat(indexer.addString("abcdef")).isTrue(); assertThat(indexer.addString("abcdgh")).isTrue(); assertThat(indexer.addString("abcd")).isFalse(); assertThat(indexer.addString("ab")).isTrue(); } } @RunWith(JUnit4.class) public static class CanonicalStringIndexerTest extends StringIndexerTest{ @Override protected StringIndexer newIndexer() { return new CanonicalStringIndexer(new ConcurrentHashMap(), new ConcurrentHashMap()); } @Test public void basicOperations() { assertSize(0); assertNoIndex("abcdef"); assertIndex(0, "abcdef"); assertIndex(0, "abcdef"); assertSize(1); assertIndex(1, "abddef"); assertSize(2); assertIndex(2, "ab"); assertSize(3); assertIndex(3, "abcdefghik"); assertSize(4); assertIndex(4, "abcdefgh"); assertSize(5); assertNoIndex("a"); assertNoIndex("abc"); assertNoIndex("abcdefg"); assertNoIndex("abcdefghil"); assertNoIndex("abcdefghikl"); assertContent(); indexer.clear(); assertSize(0); assertThat(indexer.getStringForIndex(0)).isNull(); assertThat(indexer.getStringForIndex(1000)).isNull(); } @Test public void addStringResult() { assertSize(0); assertThat(indexer.addString("abcdef")).isTrue(); assertThat(indexer.addString("abcdgh")).isTrue(); assertThat(indexer.addString("abcd")).isTrue(); assertThat(indexer.addString("ab")).isTrue(); assertThat(indexer.addString("ab")).isFalse(); } protected void setupTestContent() { assertSize(0); assertIndex(0, "abcdefghi"); assertIndex(1, "abcdefjkl"); assertIndex(2, "abcdefmno"); assertIndex(3, "abcdefjklpr"); assertIndex(4, "abcdstr"); assertIndex(5, "012345"); assertSize(6); assertIndex(6, "abcdef"); assertIndex(7, "abcd"); assertIndex(8, ""); assertIndex(2, "abcdefmno"); assertSize(9); assertContent(); } } }